#'@title Adaptive LASSO for Semiparametric Transformation Models.
#'@description Select the important variables in semiparametric transformation
#' models for right censored data using adaptive lasso.
#' @return a list containing
#' \tabular{lccl}{
#' \code{beta_res} \tab\tab\tab the estimated \eqn{\beta} with the selected tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda} \cr
#' \code{GCV_res} \tab\tab\tab the value of GCV with the selected tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda} \cr
#' \code{lamb_res} \tab\tab\tab the selected tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda} \cr
#' \code{beta_all} \tab\tab\tab estimated \eqn{\beta} with all tuning parameters \cr
#' \code{CSV_all} \tab\tab\tab value of GCV with all tuning parameters \cr
#' \code{skip_para} \tab\tab\tab a list containing the \eqn{\lambda} and the number of adaptive lasso iteration when adaptive lasso doesn't work. \cr
#' }
#'@details The initial value of the coefficient \eqn{\beta} used as the adapting
#' weights is EM estimator, which is computed by the function \code{EM_est}.
#' The tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda} is data-dependent and we select it using
#' generalized crossvalidation. There may be some errors for small
#' \eqn{\lambda}, in which case the \eqn{\lambda} and the number of adaptive
#' lasso iteration are recorded in the \code{skip_para}.
#' if(!requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE))
#' {stop("package MASS needed for this example. Please install it.")}
#' gen_lasdat = function(n,r,rho,beta_true,a,b,seed=66,std = FALSE)
#' {
#' set.seed(seed)
#' beta_len = length(beta_true)
#' beta_len = beta_len
#' sigm = matrix(0, nrow = beta_len, ncol = beta_len)
#' for(i in 1:(beta_len-1))
#' {
#' diag(sigm[1:(beta_len+1-i),i:beta_len]) = rho^(i-1)
#' }
#' sigm[1,beta_len] = rho^(beta_len-1)
#' sigm[lower.tri(sigm)] = t(sigm)[lower.tri(sigm)]
#' Z = MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, beta_len), Sigma = sigm)
#' beta_Z.true = c(Z %*% beta_true)
#' U = runif(n)
#' if(r>0)
#' {
#' t = ((U^(-r)-1)/(a*r*exp(beta_Z.true)))^(1/b)
#' }else if(r == 0)
#' {
#' t = (-log(U)/(a*exp(beta_Z.true)))^(1/b)
#' #t = (exp(-log(U)/(0.5 * exp(beta_Z.true))) - 1)
#' }
#' C = runif(n,0,8)
#' Y = pmin(C,t)
#' delta_i = ifelse( C >= t, 1, 0)
#' if(std)
#' {
#' Z = apply(Z,2,normalize)
#' }
#' return(list(Z = Z, Y = Y, delta_i = delta_i,censor = mean(1-delta_i)))
#' }
#' now_rep=1
#' dat = gen_lasdat(100,1,0.5,c(0.3,0.5,0.7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),2,5,seed= 6+60*now_rep,std = FALSE)
#' Z = dat$Z
#' Y = dat$Y
#' delta_i = dat$delta_i
#' tra_ala = trans_alasso(Z,Y,delta_i,lamb_vec = c(5,7),r=1)
#' tra_ala$GCV_res
#' tra_ala$beta_res
#' tra_ala$lamb_res
#'@references Xiaoxi, L. , & Donglin, Z. . (2013). Variable selection in
#' semiparametric transformation models for right-censored data. Biometrika(4),
#' 859-876.
#'@param Z the baseline covariates
#'@param Y observed event times
#'@param delta_i censoring indicator. If \eqn{Y} is censored, \code{delta_i}=0. If not, \code{delta_i}=1.
#'@param r parameter in transformation function
#'@param lamb_vec the grad of the tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda}
#'@param solu determines whether the solution path will be plotted. The default is TRUE.
trans_alasso = function(Z,Y,delta_i,r,lamb_vec,solu = TRUE)
fun_E = function(Y, Z, delta, beta_ini, lamb_ini, r, Q = 60)
gq = statmod::gauss.quad(Q, kind="laguerre")
nodes = gq$nodes
whts = gq$weights
dgamma_Q = stats::dgamma(nodes, shape = 1/r, scale = r)
n = length(Y)
Y_mat_nn = matrix(rep(Y,n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
Lamb_ini = colSums( lamb_ini * (Y <= Y_mat_nn) )
beta_Z_ini = c(Z %*% beta_ini)
exp_beZ = exp(beta_Z_ini)
lam_expbeZ_m = matrix( rep(lamb_ini* exp_beZ, Q ), nrow = Q, byrow = TRUE )
Lam_expbeZ_m = matrix( rep(Lamb_ini* exp_beZ, Q ), nrow = Q, byrow = TRUE )
E_de_m = whts * t( t(nodes * lam_expbeZ_m)^delta ) *
exp( -nodes * Lam_expbeZ_m + matrix(rep(log(dgamma_Q)+nodes,n), nrow = Q) )
E_nu_m = nodes * E_de_m #there's no whts, because it's included in E_de_m
E = colSums(E_nu_m) / colSums(E_de_m)
G = function(x,r)
else if(r==0)
dG = function(x,r)
else if(r==0)
ddG = function(x,r)
else if(r==0)
fun_c = function(Y, Z, delta, beta_ini, lamb_ini, r)
n = length(Y)
Y_j.m = matrix(rep(Y,n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
Y_i.m = matrix(rep(Y,n), nrow = n, byrow = FALSE)
Y_jleqi = Y_j.m <= Y_i.m
#Y_jgeqi = Y_j.m >= Y_i.m
beta_Z_ini = c(Z %*% beta_ini)
temp1 = Y_jleqi %*% (exp(beta_Z_ini) * lamb_ini)
til.c = c( (delta == 0) * dG(temp1,r) +
(delta == 1) * (-ddG(temp1,r)/dG(temp1,r) + dG(temp1,r)) )
loglik = function(n,delta,z,beta,Y,E)
Y_m = matrix(rep(Y,n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
Ie = (t(Y_m)<=Y_m)*matrix(rep( E*exp(Z%*%beta),n ),nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
return( sum( delta*(Z%*%beta - log(rowSums(Ie))) ) )
normalize = function(x)
y = (x-mean(x))/stats::sd(x)
n = length(Y)
beta_len = ncol(Z)
#------record skipped for loop------
skip_iter = rep(0,beta_len)#each row contains all lamb of each of iteration
skip_para = matrix(0,nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
colnames(skip_para) = c("lamb","the number of iteration of adaptive lasso")
#------initual value-----
possibleError_ini <- tryCatch(
res_EM = EM_est(Y, Z, delta_i, alpha = r)
beta_ini = c(res_EM$beta_new)
lamb_ini = c(res_EM$lamb_Y)
if(inherits(possibleError_ini, "error"))
cat("\n","wrong EM","\n")
return(list(beta_res = NA,
GCV_res = NA,
lamb_res = NA,
beta_all = NA,
CSV_all = NA,
lamb_all = NA,
skip_iter = NA,
skip_para = NA))
#------beta,GCV,loglik for each lamb------
beta_all = matrix(0, nrow = length(lamb_vec), ncol = beta_len)
GCV = c()
loglik_vec = c()
#------begin for loop: lamb------
for (lamb_ind in 1:length(lamb_vec))
lamb = lamb_vec[lamb_ind]
beta_latmp = beta_ini
skip_loop = FALSE
#------start adalasso
for (ada_rep in 1:200)
possibleError <- tryCatch(
til_c = fun_E(Y = Y, Z = Z, beta_ini = beta_latmp, delta = delta_i, lamb_ini = lamb_ini ,r = r )
#til_c = fun_c(Y = Y, Z = Z, beta_ini = beta_latmp, delta = delta_i, lamb_ini = lamb_ini ,r = r )
Exp_betaZ_tmp = c(exp(Z%*%beta_latmp))*til_c
mat_Y = matrix(rep(Y,n), nrow = n, byrow =FALSE)#each row are the same
Del_m = (Exp_betaZ_tmp*( mat_Y >= t(mat_Y)))
Del = (t(Z) - ((t(Z) %*% (Del_m))/matrix(rep(colSums(Del_m),beta_len), nrow = beta_len, byrow = TRUE) )) %*% (-delta_i)
Del2 = ddloglik_transmdl(n,delta_i[order(Y)],Z[order(Y),],beta_latmp,til_c[order(Y)])
X = chol(Del2)
W = solve(t(X))%*%(Del2%*%beta_latmp-Del)
ada_new = shoot(X = X, y = W, beta_ini_s = beta_ini, lamb_s = lamb)
if(inherits(possibleError, "error"))
skip_loop = TRUE
cat("set skip to be TRUE")
#record the parameters in the end of iteration
skip_para = rbind(skip_para,c(lamb,ada_rep))
skip_iter[lamb_ind] = 1
#stop loop
if(max(abs(ada_new-beta_latmp)) < 10^(-5)){break}
beta_latmp = ada_new
#if the loop is skipped, GCV will be set to 100000, which ensures that the corresponding GGV can not be chosen.
beta_all[lamb_ind,] = beta_latmp
GCV[lamb_ind] = 10^(5)
beta_all[lamb_ind,] = beta_latmp
A = diag(1/abs(beta_latmp*beta_ini))
diag(A)[which(beta_latmp == 0)] = 0
diag(A)[which(beta_ini == 0)] = 0
p =sum(diag( solve(Del2 + lamb*A) %*% Del2 ) )
GCV[lamb_ind] = (-loglik(n,delta_i,Z,beta_latmp,Y,til_c)) / (n*(1-p/n)^2)
#loglik_vec[lamb_ind] = -loglik(n,delta_i,Z,beta_latmp,Y,til_c)
#------solution path------
#save.image("trans gcv n=100 r=0.5 rep=200.RData")
solutionpath = t(beta_all)
col_c = c(2:beta_len)
plot(x = lamb_vec, y = solutionpath[1,], type = "l", col = col_c[1],
xlim = c(0,max(lamb_vec)+20), ylim = c(min(solutionpath), max(solutionpath)+0.2))
for (i in 2:beta_len)
graphics::lines(x = lamb_vec, y = solutionpath[i,], col = col_c[i])
legend=paste("beta",c(1:beta_len), sep = ""),
graphics::abline(v=lamb_vec[which(GCV == min(GCV))],lwd=1,col="black")
return(list(beta_res = beta_all[which(GCV == min(GCV))[1],],
GCV_res = GCV[which(GCV == min(GCV))[1]],
lamb_res = lamb_vec[which(GCV == min(GCV))[1]],
beta_all = beta_all,
GCV_all = GCV,
skip_para = skip_para))
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