
Defines functions str2rect

# Places text in rectangles
# Places text in rectangles
# @param grb rectGrob object defining the rectangle(s), where \code{grb$name} is the text to display
# @param fontcol vector defining the colors of the text
# @param fill vector defining the backgroud colors of the text
# @param bold logical defining whe the text is bold
# @param inflate.labels logical defining whether the textsize may exceed \code{cex=1}
str2rect <-
function(grb, fontcol, fill, fontface, fontfamily, inflate.labels, cex_index, align.labels, xmod.labels, ymod.labels, eval.labels) {
	# wrap text to 1-5 sentences
	if (eval.labels) {
	    txtWraps <- mapply(function(x,y)list(txt=x, lines=y), grb$name, 1, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	} else {
        txtWraps <- lapply(grb$name, FUN=function(txt) {
    		txtWrap <- list(txt)
    		txtWrap[2:5] <- sapply(2:5, FUN=function(x, txt) {
    			sq <- seq(1,5,by=2)
    			results <- lapply(sq, FUN=function(pos, x, txt) {
    			strwrap(txt, width = pos+(nchar(txt)/x))}, x, txt)
    			lengths <- sapply(seq_along(sq), FUN=function(x)length(results[[x]]))
    			results <- (results[lengths==x])[1]},txt)
    		txtWrap <- sapply(txtWrap, FUN=paste, collapse="\n")
    		strID <- which(txtWrap!="")
    		nLines <- (1:5)[strID]
    		txtWrap <- txtWrap[strID]
    		return(list(txt=txtWrap, lines=nLines))})
	# select succesfully wrapped text

	# get size of viewport
	inchesW <- convertWidth(grb$width, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE)
	inchesH <- convertHeight(grb$height, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE)

	# calculate heights and widths of text
	gp <- get.gpar()
	results <- mapply(txtWraps, inchesW, inchesH, FUN=function(wrap, inchesW, inchesH) {
		txtH <- convertHeight(unit(1,"lines"), "inches", valueOnly=TRUE) * (wrap$lines-0.25) * gp$lineheight
		txtW <- convertWidth(stringWidth(wrap$txt), "inches", valueOnly=TRUE)

		incrW <- (inchesW / txtW)
		incrH <- (inchesH / txtH)
		incr <- pmin.int(incrH, incrW)
		# determine best fit
		if (inflate.labels) {
			aspR <- pmax.int(incrH, incrW) / incr
			winningStr <- which.min(aspR)
		} else {
			incr[incr>1] <- 1
			winningStr <- which.max(incr)[1]
		return(list(txt=wrap$txt[winningStr], cex=incr[winningStr], lines=wrap$lines[winningStr]))
	txt <- unlist(results[1,])
    cex <- if (eval.labels) rep(cex_index, length(grb$name)) else unlist(results[2,]) * cex_index
	nlines <- unlist(results[3,])
	#fontface <- ifelse(bold, "bold", "plain")
	#txtGrb <- textGrob(txt, x=grb$x+0.5*grb$width, y=grb$y+0.5*grb$height, gp=gpar(cex=cex, fontface=fontface, col=fontcol))

	if (align.labels[1]%in%c("center", "centre")) {
        x <- grb$x + 0.5*grb$width
        xjust <- .5
	} else if(align.labels[1]=="left") {
	    x <- grb$x + unit(.25, "lines")
	    xjust <- 0
	} else if(align.labels[1]=="right") {
        x <- grb$x + grb$width -  unit(.25, "lines")
        xjust <- 1
	if (align.labels[2]%in%c("center", "centre")) {
	    y <- grb$y + 0.5*grb$height
	    yjust <- .5
	} else if(align.labels[2]=="top") {
	    y <- grb$y + grb$height - unit(.25, "lines")
	    yjust <- 1
	} else if(align.labels[2]=="bottom") {
	    y <- grb$y + unit(.25, "lines")
	    yjust <- 0
	if (is.null(names(xmod.labels))) {
	    xmod.labels <- rep(xmod.labels, length.out = length(x))
	} else {
	    tmp <- rep(0, length.out = length(x))
	    names(tmp) <- grb$name
	    sel <- which(names(xmod.labels) %in% names(tmp))
	    if (!length(sel)==0) tmp[names(xmod.labels)[sel]] <- xmod.labels[sel]
	    xmod.labels <- unname(tmp)
	if (is.null(names(ymod.labels))) {
	    ymod.labels <- rep(ymod.labels, length.out = length(y))
	} else {
	    tmp <- rep(0, length.out = length(y))
	    names(tmp) <- grb$name
	    sel <- which(names(ymod.labels) %in% names(tmp))
	    if (!length(sel)==0) tmp[names(ymod.labels)[sel]] <- ymod.labels[sel]
	    ymod.labels <- unname(tmp)
    x <- x + unit(xmod.labels, "inch")
	y <- y + unit(ymod.labels, "inch")
    ## parse compatible
    if (eval.labels) txt <- sapply(txt, function(tx) {
    txtGrb <- textGrob(txt, x=x, y=y, just=c(xjust, yjust), gp=gpar(cex=cex, fontface=fontface, fontfamily=fontfamily, col=fontcol))
	txtGrbW <- mapply(txt, cex, FUN=function(x,y, fontface){
		convertWidth(grobWidth(textGrob(x, gp=gpar(cex=y, fontface=fontface, fontfamily=fontfamily))),"inches", valueOnly=TRUE)}, fontface, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
	tooLarge <- (txtGrbW > inchesW)
	txtGrb$gp$cex[tooLarge] <- txtGrb$gp$cex[tooLarge] * (inchesW[tooLarge]/txtGrbW[tooLarge]) * 0.9

	# background rect, height slightly extended

	bckH <- mapply(txt, txtGrb$gp$cex, nlines, FUN=function(x,y,z, fontface){
		convertHeight(grobHeight(textGrob(x, gp=gpar(cex=y, fontface=fontface, fontfamily=fontfamily))),"npc", valueOnly=TRUE) * z/(z-0.25)}, fontface, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
	bckW <- mapply(txt, txtGrb$gp$cex, FUN=function(x,y, fontface){
		convertWidth(grobWidth(textGrob(x, gp=gpar(cex=y, fontface=fontface, fontfamily=fontfamily))),"npc", valueOnly=TRUE)}, fontface, USE.NAMES=FALSE)

	rectx <- txtGrb$x
	recty <- txtGrb$y
	if (align.labels[1]=="left") {
	    rectx <- rectx + unit(0.5*bckW, "npc")
	} else if(align.labels[1]=="right") {
	    rectx <- rectx - unit(0.5*bckW, "npc")
	if (align.labels[2]=="bottom") {
	    recty <- recty + unit(0.5*bckH, "npc")
	} else if(align.labels[2]=="top") {
	    recty <- recty - unit(0.5*bckH, "npc")
    bckGrb <- rectGrob(x=rectx, y=recty, width=bckW, height=bckH, gp=gpar(fill=fill, col=NA))

	return(list(txt=txtGrb, bg=bckGrb))

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treemap documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:01 p.m.