#' Calculates the rate of accumulation of phylogenetic B-diversity (CpB) over time slices
#' @description
#' This function estimates the rates of accumulation of phylogenetic B-diversity (CpB) over time for inputted assemblages.
#' @usage CpB(tree, n, mat, adj, comp, method, criterion, pBO, ncor)
#' @param tree phylo. An ultrametric phylogenetic tree in the "phylo" format.
#' @param n numeric. A numeric value indicating the number of temporal slices (method = 1) or the time interval in million years (or phylogenetic diversity) among the tree slices (method = 2). Default is 1.
#' @param mat matrix. A presence/absence matrix containing all studied species and sites.
#' @param adj matrix. A square adjacency matrix containing the presence/absence information of all sites and their spatially adjacent ones.
#' @param comp character string. The component of the phylogenetic beta-diversity to obtain the rates of accumulation. It can be either "sorensen", "turnover", or "nestedness". Default is "sorensen".
#' @param method character string. The method for calculating the phylogenetic beta-diversity. It can be either obtained through a "pairwise" or "multisite" approach. Default is "multisite".
#' @param criterion character string. The method for cutting the tree. It can be either "my" (million years) or "PD" (accumulated phylogenetic diversity). Default is "my".
#' @param pBO numeric. A value indicating the numeric proportion to define the temporal origin at which the phylogenetic B-diversity (PB) started to accumulate in a given assemblage. Default is 5%.
#' @param ncor numeric. A value indicating the number of cores the user wants to parallelize. Default is 0.
#' @return The function returns a data frame containing the assemblages' rates of cumulative phylogenetic B-diversity (CpB), their total phylogenetic B-diversity (PB), and their PB origin (pBO).
#' @details
#' \bold{Parallelization}
#' Users are advised to check the number of available cores within their machines before running parallel programming.
#' @seealso Other cumulative phylogenetic index analysis: [CpD()], [CpE()], [CpB_RW()]
#' @author Matheus Lima de Araujo <>
#' @references
#' See the tutorial on how to use this function on our [website](
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random tree
#' tree <- ape::rcoal(20)
#' # Create a presence-absence matrix
#' mat <- matrix(sample(c(1,0), 20*10, replace = TRUE), ncol = 20, nrow = 10)
#' colnames(mat) <- tree$tip.label
#' # Create a random adjacency matrix
#' adj <- matrix(sample(c(1,0), 10*10, replace = TRUE), ncol = 10, nrow = 10)
#' # Fill the diagonals with 1
#' diag(adj) <- 1
#' # Calculate their CpB (sorensen) for 100 tree slices
#' CpB(tree, n = 100, mat = mat, adj = adj, comp = "sorensen", method = "multisite")
#' @export
CpB <- function(tree, n, mat, adj, comp = "sorensen",
method = "multisite", criterion = "my", pBO = 5, ncor = 0){
# Creating a list containing the focal and adjacent sites
asb <- lapply(1:nrow(adj), function(x){
# The matrix has only one site?
if(nrow(adj) <= 1 & nrow(mat) <= 1){
return(stop("At least one additional site must be provided to conduct B-diversity analysis."))
# If it has more, list them
} else if(all(which(adj[x,] == 1) %in% 1:nrow(mat)) == FALSE) {
return(stop("Not all adjacent sites are included in the adjacency matrix."))
# If everything is OK:
} else {
return(mat[which(adj[x,] == 1), , drop = FALSE])
# Capturing the tree configs and
# Cutting the phylogenetic tree into equal width slices
branch_pieces <- phylo_pieces(tree, n, criterion = criterion,
timeSteps = TRUE, returnTree = TRUE)
# Separating the time steps from the phylogenetic pieces
age <- branch_pieces[[2]][length(branch_pieces[[2]]):1]
tree <- branch_pieces[[3]]
branch_pieces <- branch_pieces[[1]]
commu <- NULL
# The user wants to use more CPU cores?
if(ncor > 0){
# Register the number of desired clusters
# Calculating the CpB rate through the CpBrate algorithm
CpBrate <- foreach::foreach(commu = asb, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
if(nrow(commu) >= 2 & ncol(commu) >= 2 &
all(commu == 1) == FALSE & all(commu == 0) == FALSE){ # Minimum 2 neig and 2 spp
# Combining the paired assemblages into a new species presence-absence matrix
comb_commus <- t(apply(utils::combn(nrow(commu), 2), 2, function(x) colSums(commu[x,]) > 0))
## Find the species in each community
species <- colnames(commu)
## Defining the nodes contained in each observed and paired matrix
commus_nodes <- apply(commu, 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# if there is a single spp
if(length(spps) == 1){
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums($node_matrix[,spps])) > 0)))
} else {
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
p_commus_nodes <- lapply(1:nrow(comb_commus), function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[comb_commus[x,] > 0] # present_obs <- species[comb_commus[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# if there is a single spp
if(length(spps) == 1){
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums($node_matrix[,spps])) > 0)))
} else {
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[, spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
## Calculating the PD contained on each community, but for the complete phylogenetic tree (CpBnest denominator)
# For each commu
pd_assemblages <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(x){
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pw_pd_assemblages <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(x){
#### SORENSEN ####
# If the component desired is the SORENSEN
if(comp == "sorensen"){
if(method == "pairwise"){
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, sum) # minimun (b,c)
# capturing "a"
a <- pw_pd_assemblages - bc_sum
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Species nodes for all species within all assemblages (TOTAL)
t_commus_nodes <- apply(t(as.matrix(colSums(commu) > 0)), 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
# Calculating the total PD for the complete tree
t_pd_assemblages <- sum(tree$edge.length[t_commus_nodes])
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- sum(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2))) # minimun (b,c)
a <- sum(sum(pd_assemblages) - t_pd_assemblages) # t_pd_assemblages/5 if no one branch lenght were shared among assemblages, it is the value expected. In that case, a will equal 0.
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# If the component desired is the SORENSEN, calculate the relative PBD
# stored in each phylogenetic slice following the imputed method
if(comp == "sorensen"){
## Calculating the PROPORTION of NESTEDNESS accumulation over time
CpB <- sapply(branch_pieces, function(x){
## PDs for each phylogenetic tree slice
# For each commu
pd_piece <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(y){ # x <- branch_pieces[[1]]
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pd_pw_piece <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(y){
if(method == "pairwise"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, sum)
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- sum(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)))
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Capturing the proportion of turnover in stored in this slice (r_pbd/pbd)
##### TURNOVER #####
# If the component desired is the TURNOVER, calculate the minimum
# following the inputed method
if(comp == "turnover"){
if(method == "pairwise"){
## Capturing the community parameters min (b, c) - (CpB denominator)
# Now the minimum within the community
min_bc <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min)
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, sum) # minimun (b,c)
# capturing "a"
a <- pw_pd_assemblages - bc_sum
# Turnover (Simpson)
g_turn <- mean(min_bc/(a + min_bc))
# Turnover (Simpson)
turn <- mean(min_bc)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Species nodes for all species within all assemblages (TOTAL)
t_commus_nodes <- apply(t(as.matrix(colSums(commu) > 0)), 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
# Calculating the total PD for the complete tree
t_pd_assemblages <- sum(tree$edge.length[t_commus_nodes])
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- sum(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2))) # minimun (b,c)
a <- sum(sum(pd_assemblages) - t_pd_assemblages) # t_pd_assemblages/5 if no one branch lenght were shared among assemblages, it is the value expected. In that case, a will equal 0.
# Capturing the multisite community minimum (CpB denominator)
turn <- sum(apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min))
# Turnover (Simpson)
g_turn <- turn/(a + turn)
# If the component desired is the TURNOVER, calculate the relative minimum
# stored in each phylogenetic slice following the imputed method
if(comp == "turnover"){
## Calculating the PROPORTION of TURNOVER stored accumulation over time
CpB <- sapply(branch_pieces, function(x){
## PDs for each phylogenetic tree slice
# For each commu
piece <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(y){ # x <- branch_pieces[[1]]
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pw_piece <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(y){
if(method == "pairwise"){
r_turn <- mean(apply(pw_piece - t(utils::combn(piece, 2)), 1, min))/turn
if(method == "multisite"){
r_turn <- sum(apply(pw_piece - t(utils::combn(piece, 2)), 1, min))/turn
# Capturing the proportion of turnover in stored in this slice
#### NESTEDNESS ####
# If the component desired is the NESTEDNESS, decompose its other components
# to obtain the nestedness values following the imputed method
if(comp == "nestedness"){
if(method == "pairwise"){
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, sum) # minimun (b,c)
# capturing "a"
a <- pw_pd_assemblages - bc_sum
# Now the minimum within the community
min_bc <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min)
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Turnover (Simpson)
turn <- min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Nestedness
nest <- mean(pbd - turn)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Species nodes for all species within all assemblages (TOTAL)
t_commus_nodes <- apply(t(as.matrix(colSums(commu) > 0)), 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
# Calculating the total PD for the complete tree
t_pd_assemblages <- sum(tree$edge.length[t_commus_nodes])
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- sum(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2))) # minimun (b,c)
a <- sum(sum(pd_assemblages) - t_pd_assemblages) # t_pd_assemblages/5 if no one branch lenght were shared among assemblages, it is the value expected. In that case, a will equal 0.
# Now the minimum within the community
min_bc <- sum(apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min))
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Turnover (Simpson)
turn <- min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Nestedness
nest <- pbd - turn
# If the component desired is the NESTEDNESS, calculate the relative nest
# stored in each phylogenetic slice following the imputed method
if(comp == "nestedness"){
## Calculating the PROPORTION of NESTEDNESS accumulation over time
CpB <- sapply(branch_pieces, function(x){
## PDs for each phylogenetic tree slice
# For each commu
pd_piece <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(y){ # x <- branch_pieces[[1]]
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pd_pw_piece <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(y){
if(method == "pairwise"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, sum)
# Calculating the minimum within the slices (relative min(b,c) on slice) -> numerator simpson
r_min_bc <- apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, min)
## Mean relative value
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Relative Turnover (Simpson)
r_turn <- r_min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Relative Nestedness
r_nest <- mean(r_pbd - r_turn)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- sum(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)))
# Calculating the minimum within the slices (relative min(b,c) on slice) -> numerator simpson
r_min_bc <- sum(apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, min))
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Relative Turnover (Simpson)
r_turn <- r_min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Relative Nestedness
r_nest <- r_pbd - r_turn
# Capturing the proportion of turnover in stored in this slice (r_nest/nest)
##### CpB rate #####
# Fitting the non-linear model to obtain the CpB-rate:
if([1]) == FALSE){ # Checking if there is any NA emerging due 0/0 fraction
nonlinear_cum <- stats::nls(cumsum(CpB) ~ exp(-r*age),
start = list(r = 0.2),
control = stats::nls.control(maxiter = 1000)) # plot(cumsum(CpB) ~ age)
if(comp == "sorensen"){
return(c(stats::coef(nonlinear_cum), pbd, ((-1)*(log(pBO/100)/stats::coef(nonlinear_cum)))))
if(comp == "turnover"){
return(c(stats::coef(nonlinear_cum), g_turn, ((-1)*(log(pBO/100)/stats::coef(nonlinear_cum)))))
if(comp == "nestedness"){
return(c(stats::coef(nonlinear_cum), nest, ((-1)*(log(pBO/100)/stats::coef(nonlinear_cum)))))
} else {
return(c(NA, NA, NA))
} else {
return(c(NA, NA, NA))
# stop the clusters after running the algorithm
# The user do not set clusters for being used
if(ncor == 0){
# Calculating the CpB rate through the CpBrate algorithm
CpBrate <- foreach::foreach(commu = asb, .combine = rbind) %do% {
if(nrow(commu) >= 2 & ncol(commu) >= 2 &
all(commu == 1) == FALSE & all(commu == 0) == FALSE){ # Minimum 2 neig and 2 spp
# Combining the paired assemblages into a new species presence-absence matrix
comb_commus <- t(apply(utils::combn(nrow(commu), 2), 2, function(x) colSums(commu[x,]) > 0))
## Find the species in each community
species <- colnames(commu)
## Defining the nodes contained in each observed and paired matrix
commus_nodes <- apply(commu, 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# if there is a single spp
if(length(spps) == 1){
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums($node_matrix[,spps])) > 0)))
} else {
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
p_commus_nodes <- lapply(1:nrow(comb_commus), function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[comb_commus[x,] > 0] # present_obs <- species[comb_commus[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# if there is a single spp
if(length(spps) == 1){
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums($node_matrix[,spps])) > 0)))
} else {
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[, spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
## Calculating the PD contained on each community, but for the complete phylogenetic tree (CpBnest denominator)
# For each commu
pd_assemblages <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(x){
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pw_pd_assemblages <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(x){
#### SORENSEN ####
# If the component desired is the SORENSEN
if(comp == "sorensen"){
if(method == "pairwise"){
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, sum) # minimun (b,c)
# capturing "a"
a <- pw_pd_assemblages - bc_sum
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Species nodes for all species within all assemblages (TOTAL)
t_commus_nodes <- apply(t(as.matrix(colSums(commu) > 0)), 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
# Calculating the total PD for the complete tree
t_pd_assemblages <- sum(tree$edge.length[t_commus_nodes])
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- sum(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2))) # minimun (b,c)
a <- sum(sum(pd_assemblages) - t_pd_assemblages) # t_pd_assemblages/5 if no one branch lenght were shared among assemblages, it is the value expected. In that case, a will equal 0.
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# If the component desired is the SORENSEN, calculate the relative PBD
# stored in each phylogenetic slice following the imputed method
if(comp == "sorensen"){
## Calculating the PROPORTION of NESTEDNESS accumulation over time
CpB <- sapply(branch_pieces, function(x){
## PDs for each phylogenetic tree slice
# For each commu
pd_piece <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(y){ # x <- branch_pieces[[1]]
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pd_pw_piece <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(y){
if(method == "pairwise"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, sum)
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- sum(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)))
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Capturing the proportion of turnover in stored in this slice (r_pbd/pbd)
##### TURNOVER #####
# If the component desired is the TURNOVER, calculate the minimum
# following the inputed method
if(comp == "turnover"){
if(method == "pairwise"){
## Capturing the community parameters min (b, c) - (CpB denominator)
# Now the minimum within the community
min_bc <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min)
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, sum) # minimun (b,c)
# capturing "a"
a <- pw_pd_assemblages - bc_sum
# Turnover (Simpson)
g_turn <- mean(min_bc/(a + min_bc))
# Turnover (Simpson)
turn <- mean(min_bc)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Species nodes for all species within all assemblages (TOTAL)
t_commus_nodes <- apply(t(as.matrix(colSums(commu) > 0)), 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
# Calculating the total PD for the complete tree
t_pd_assemblages <- sum(tree$edge.length[t_commus_nodes])
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- sum(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2))) # minimun (b,c)
a <- sum(sum(pd_assemblages) - t_pd_assemblages) # t_pd_assemblages/5 if no one branch lenght were shared among assemblages, it is the value expected. In that case, a will equal 0.
# Capturing the multisite community minimum (CpB denominator)
turn <- sum(apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min))
# Turnover (Simpson)
g_turn <- turn/(a + turn)
# If the component desired is the TURNOVER, calculate the relative minimum
# stored in each phylogenetic slice following the imputed method
if(comp == "turnover"){
## Calculating the PROPORTION of TURNOVER stored accumulation over time
CpB <- sapply(branch_pieces, function(x){
## PDs for each phylogenetic tree slice
# For each commu
piece <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(y){ # x <- branch_pieces[[1]]
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pw_piece <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(y){
if(method == "pairwise"){
r_turn <- mean(apply(pw_piece - t(utils::combn(piece, 2)), 1, min))/turn
if(method == "multisite"){
r_turn <- sum(apply(pw_piece - t(utils::combn(piece, 2)), 1, min))/turn
# Capturing the proportion of turnover in stored in this slice
#### NESTEDNESS ####
# If the component desired is the NESTEDNESS, decompose its other components
# to obtain the nestedness values following the imputed method
if(comp == "nestedness"){
if(method == "pairwise"){
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, sum) # minimun (b,c)
# capturing "a"
a <- pw_pd_assemblages - bc_sum
# Now the minimum within the community
min_bc <- apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min)
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Turnover (Simpson)
turn <- min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Nestedness
nest <- mean(pbd - turn)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Species nodes for all species within all assemblages (TOTAL)
t_commus_nodes <- apply(t(as.matrix(colSums(commu) > 0)), 1, function(x) { # x <- 1
# Which species are present in my assemblage
present_obs <- species[x > 0] # present_obs <- species[commu[1,] > 0]
# Which is the species position in my node matrix
spps <- which(colnames(tree$node_matrix) %in% present_obs)
# Which nodes give origin to my species
nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(rowSums(tree$node_matrix[,spps]) > 0)))
# Lines from the edge.length to preserve
lines_prs <- which(tree$edge[, 1] %in% nodes & # Which nodes are in my spliting side from matrix
tree$edge[, 2] %in% c(spps, nodes)) # Which nodes and tips are in my splitted side from matrix
# Calculating the total PD for the complete tree
t_pd_assemblages <- sum(tree$edge.length[t_commus_nodes])
## Capturing the community parameters a, b, c (CpB denominator)
bc_sum <- sum(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2))) # minimun (b,c)
a <- sum(sum(pd_assemblages) - t_pd_assemblages) # t_pd_assemblages/5 if no one branch lenght were shared among assemblages, it is the value expected. In that case, a will equal 0.
# Now the minimum within the community
min_bc <- sum(apply(pw_pd_assemblages - t(utils::combn(pd_assemblages, 2)), 1, min))
# Sorensen
pbd <- bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Turnover (Simpson)
turn <- min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Nestedness
nest <- pbd - turn
# If the component desired is the NESTEDNESS, calculate the relative nest
# stored in each phylogenetic slice following the imputed method
if(comp == "nestedness"){
## Calculating the PROPORTION of NESTEDNESS accumulation over time
CpB <- sapply(branch_pieces, function(x){
## PDs for each phylogenetic tree slice
# For each commu
pd_piece <- sapply(1:length(commus_nodes), function(y){ # x <- branch_pieces[[1]]
# For pairwised comparisions among assemblages
pd_pw_piece <- sapply(1:length(p_commus_nodes), function(y){
if(method == "pairwise"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, sum)
# Calculating the minimum within the slices (relative min(b,c) on slice) -> numerator simpson
r_min_bc <- apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, min)
## Mean relative value
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Relative Turnover (Simpson)
r_turn <- r_min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Relative Nestedness
r_nest <- mean(r_pbd - r_turn)
if(method == "multisite"){
# Calculating the bc sum within the slices (relatice (b + c) on slice) -> numerator sorensen
r_bc_sum <- sum(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)))
# Calculating the minimum within the slices (relative min(b,c) on slice) -> numerator simpson
r_min_bc <- sum(apply(pd_pw_piece - t(utils::combn(pd_piece, 2)), 1, min))
# Relative Sorensen
r_pbd <- r_bc_sum/((2*a) + bc_sum)
# Relative Turnover (Simpson)
r_turn <- r_min_bc/(a + min_bc)
# Relative Nestedness
r_nest <- r_pbd - r_turn
# Capturing the proportion of turnover in stored in this slice (r_nest/nest)
##### CpB rate #####
# Fitting the non-linear model to obtain the CpB-rate:
if([1]) == FALSE){ # Checking if there is any NA emerging due 0/0 fraction
nonlinear_cum <- stats::nls(cumsum(CpB) ~ exp(-r*age),
start = list(r = 0.2),
control = stats::nls.control(maxiter = 1000)) # plot(cumsum(CpB) ~ age)
if(comp == "sorensen"){
return(c(stats::coef(nonlinear_cum), pbd, ((-1)*(log(pBO/100)/stats::coef(nonlinear_cum)))))
if(comp == "turnover"){
return(c(stats::coef(nonlinear_cum), g_turn, ((-1)*(log(pBO/100)/stats::coef(nonlinear_cum)))))
if(comp == "nestedness"){
return(c(stats::coef(nonlinear_cum), nest, ((-1)*(log(pBO/100)/stats::coef(nonlinear_cum)))))
} else {
return(c(NA, NA, NA))
} else {
return(c(NA, NA, NA))
# Renaming the columns
# Renaming the columns and rows, and returning them as output
if(length(asb) > 1){
colnames(CpBrate) <- c("CpB", "PB", "pBO")
rownames(CpBrate) <- 1:length(asb)
} else {
names(CpBrate) <- c("CpB", "PB", "pBO")
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