#' Add tips to the tree based on taxonomy.
#' @description Add tips not on existing tree to the tree via an MRCA node,
#' if they have congeners. This function will look to see if any tips on the
#' tree have the same genus as the tip to be added. If there are multiple
#' members of the genus, the tip will be added subtending the MRCA of all
#' present congeners. If there is member of the genus, the tip will be added
#' subtending the parent node of the congener.
#' @param tree Starting tree; object of type phylo
#' @param absent_list Vector of taxa in the total dataset that are not on the tree
#' @param echo_subtrees Boolean; Print newick subtree with missing taxa added to screen. Default FALSE.
#' @param echo_revbayes Boolean; Print clade constraints with missing taxa added to screen, formatted for RevBayes fossilized birth-death analysis. Default FALSE.
#' @return tree. Phylo object containing the starting tree,
#' and all tips that were added.
#' @importFrom phytools bind.tip
#' @importFrom phytools findMRCA
#' @examples
#' genera_tree <- present_tippr(tree, absent_list)
#' @export
present_tippr <- function(tree, absent_list, echo_subtrees = NULL,
echo_revbayes = NULL){
#Check tree is of object phylo
if (!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
#Get all the taxa that are not on the tree, but have congeners on the tree
found_df <- get_found(absent_list, tree)
tree_df <- make_treedf(tree)
message("Tree tip names formatted correctly")
if (is.null(echo_subtrees)){
} else{
message("Echoing Subtrees to Screen")
if (is.null(echo_revbayes)){
} else{
message("Echoing RevBayes-formatted Subtrees to Screen")
for (row in seq_len(nrow(found_df))) {
gen <- found_df[row, "genera"]
full <- as.character(found_df[[row, "full_name"]])
#Locate MRCA on tree for each set of congeners.
mrca_list <- list()
mrca_list <- tree_df$fullnames[tree_df$genera == gen]
if (length(mrca_list) > 1) {
loc <- phytools::findMRCA(tree, mrca_list)
message(sprintf("Adding tip %s", full, " to MRCA at node %s", loc))
#Place tip subtending MRCA of congeners.
tree <- suppressWarnings(phytools::bind.tip(tree, full, where = loc))
if (!is.null(echo_subtrees)){
e_t <- echo_subtree(tree, mrca_list, full)
cat("Subtree: ", e_t)
if (!is.null(echo_revbayes)){
q_final <- echo_rb(tree, mrca_list, full)
cat("clade(", q_final, ")")
} else if (length(mrca_list) <= 1) {
#If one congener, new tip will subtend parent node of congener.
loc <- which(tree$tip.label %in% mrca_list[1])
message(sprintf("Adding tip %s", full ))
message(sprintf(" as sister to %s", mrca_list[1]))
tree <- suppressWarnings(phytools::bind.tip(tree, full, where = loc))
found_df <- get_found(absent_list, tree)
tree_df <- make_treedf(tree)
if (!is.null(echo_revbayes)){
q_final <- echo_rb(tree, mrca_list, full)
cat("clade(", q_final, ")")
if (!is.null(echo_subtrees)){
e_t <- echo_subtree(tree, mrca_list, full)
cat("Subtree: ", e_t)
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