
Defines functions print.nemenyi summary.nemenyi nemenyi

Documented in nemenyi

#' Nonparametric multiple comparisons (Nemenyi test)
#' Perform nonparametric multiple comparisons, across columns, using the Friedman and the post-hoc Nemenyi tests.
#' @param data an array that includes values to be compared for several treatments (in columns) for several observations (rows), of size n x k. For example, if these are forecast errors, different methods should be in columns and errors for different time series or forecast origins in rows.
#' @param conf.level the confidence level used for the comparison. Default is 0.95.
#' @param sort if \code{TRUE}, then function sorts the outputted values of mean ranks. If plots are request, this is forced to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param plottype type of plot to produce:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{"none"}: no plot.
#'  \item \code{"mcb"}: \emph{Multiple Comparison with the Best} style plot.
#'  \item \code{"vmcb"}: vertical \emph{MCB} plot.
#'  \item \code{"line"}: summarised \emph{line} plot.
#'  \item \code{"vline"}: vertical \emph{line} plot.
#'  \item \code{"matrix"}: complete \emph{matrix} visualisation.
#'  }
#' @param select highlight selected treatment (column). Number 1 to k. Use NULL for no highlighting.
#' @param labels optional labels for models. If NULL column names of \code{data} will be used.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the \code{plot} function.
#' @return Return object of class \code{nemenyi} and contains:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{means}: mean rank of each treatment.
#' \item \code{intervals}: intervals within there is no evidence of significance difference according to the Nemenyi test at requested confidence level.
#' \item \code{fpavl}: Friedman test p-value.
#' \item \code{fH}: Friedman test hypothesis outcome.
#' \item \code{cd}: Nemenyi critical distance. Output \code{intervals} is calculate as \code{means} +/- \code{cd}.
#' \item \code{conf.level}: confidence level used for testing.
#' \item \code{k}: number of treatments (columns).
#' \item \code{n}: number of observations (rows).
#' }
#' @author Nikolaos Kourentzes, \email{nikolaos@kourentzes.com},
#' @author Ivan Svetunkov, \email{ivan@svetunkov.ru}.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item The tests are deailed by Hollander, M., Wolfe, D.A. and Chicken, E. (2014) Nonparametric Statistical Methods. 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
#' \item The \emph{line} plot is introduced \href{https://kourentzes.com/forecasting/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/ISF2012_Tests_Kourentzes.pdf}{here} and a first example of its use, along with a short description is provided by Kourentzes, N. (2013). \href{https://kourentzes.com/forecasting/2013/04/19/intermittent-demand-forecasts-with-neural-networks/}{Intermittent demand forecasts with neural networks}. International Journal of Production Economics, 143(1), 198-206.
#' \item The \emph{matrix} plot is introduced by Kourentzes, N., & Athanasopoulos, G. (2018). Cross-temporal coherent forecasts for Australian tourism (No. 24/18). Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics.
#' \item The \emph{MCB} plot is described by Koning, A. J., Franses, P. H., Hibon, M., & Stekler, H. O. (2005). The M3 competition: Statistical tests of the results. International Journal of Forecasting, 21(3), 397-409.
#' }
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix( rnorm(50*4,mean=0,sd=1), 50, 4)
#' x[,2] <- x[,2]+1
#' x[,3] <- x[,3]+0.7
#' x[,4] <- x[,4]+0.5
#' colnames(x) <- c("Method A","Method B","Method C - long name","Method D")
#' nemenyi(x,conf.level=0.95,plottype="vline")
#' @export nemenyi

nemenyi <- function(data, conf.level=0.95, sort=c(TRUE,FALSE),
                    select=NULL, labels=NULL, ...){

    # Default
    sort <- sort[1]
    plottype <- match.arg(plottype,c("vline","none","mcb","vmcb","line","matrix"))

    # Check data
    if (length(dim(data)) != 2){
        stop("Data must be organised as methods in columns and observations in rows.")
    data <- as.matrix(data)
    data <- na.exclude(data)
    rows.number <- nrow(data)
    cols.number <- ncol(data)

    # Check select argument
    if (!is.null(select) && (select > cols.number)){
        select <- NULL

    # If plot is asked, always sort the results
    if (plottype != "none"){
        sort <- TRUE

    # Checks for labels
    if (is.null(labels)){
        labels <- colnames(data)
        if (is.null(labels)){
            labels <- 1:cols.number
    } else {
        labels <- labels[1:cols.number]

    # First run Friedman test. If insignificant then ignore Nemenyi (Weaker)
    fried.pval <- stats::friedman.test(data)$p.value
    if (fried.pval <= 1-conf.level){
        fried.H <- "Ha: Different" # At least one method is different
    } else {
        fried.H <- "H0: Identical" # No evidence of differences between methods

    # Nemenyi critical distance and bounds of intervals
    # Nikos: Use the formulas for mean ranks, not sums
    r.stat <- stats::qtukey(conf.level,cols.number,Inf)*sqrt((cols.number*(cols.number+1))/(12*rows.number)) # Means
    # r.stat <- qtukey(conf.level,cols.number,Inf)*sqrt((rows.number*cols.number*(cols.number+1))/(12)) # Sums
    # NSM3::cWNMT(0.95, cols.number, rows.number, method="Asymptotic") # This is the sums result according to Hollander, Wolfe & Chicken, 2014, p. 332 (7.27)

    # Rank methods for each time series
    ranks.matrix <- t(apply(data,1,function(x){rank(x,na.last="keep",ties.method="average")}))

    # Calculate mean rank values
    ranks.means <- colMeans(ranks.matrix)
    # ranks.sum <- colSums(ranks.matrix)

    # Calculate intervals for each of the methods
    # The comparison is abs(diff(ranks)) < r.stat, otherwise different groups
    ranks.intervals <- rbind(ranks.means - r.stat,ranks.means + r.stat)

    # Sort interval matrix and means
        order.idx <- order(ranks.means)
    } else {
        order.idx <- 1:cols.number
    ranks.means <- ranks.means[order.idx]
    ranks.intervals <- ranks.intervals[,order.idx]
    labels <- labels[order.idx]
    if (!is.null(select)){
        select <- which(order.idx == select)

    # Produce plots
    # For all plots
    if (plottype != "none"){
        args <- list(...)
        args.nms <- names(args)

        # Create title for plots
        if (!("main" %in% args.nms)){
            args$main <- paste0("Friedman: ", format(round(fried.pval,3),nsmall=3), " (", fried.H, ") \n Critical distance: ", format(round(r.stat,3),nsmall=3), sep = "")

        # Remaining defaults
        if (!("xaxs" %in% names(args))){
            args$xaxs <- "i"
        if (!("yaxs" %in% names(args))){
            args$yaxs <- "i"

        # Size of labels
        nc <- max(nchar(labels))
        nc <- nc/1.75 + 1
        nr <- nchar(sprintf("%1.2f",round(max(ranks.means),2)))/1.75

        # Get margins
        parmar.def <- parmar <- graphics::par()$mar


    # MCB style plots
    if ((plottype == "mcb")|(plottype == "vmcb")){

        # Set colours
        cmp <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,"Set1")[1:2]
        if (fried.pval > 1-conf.level){pcol <- "gray"} else {pcol <- cmp[2]}

        # Find min max
        mnmx <- range(ranks.means) + c(-0.5,0.5)*r.stat
        mnmx <- mnmx + diff(mnmx)*0.04*c(-1,1)

        # Set plot - horizontal or vertical
        if (plottype == "mcb"){ # Horizontal
            if (!("xlab" %in% names(args))){
                args$xlab <- ""
            if (!("ylab" %in% names(args))){
                args$ylab <- "Mean ranks"
                args$xlim <- c(0,cols.number+1)
                args$ylim <- mnmx
        } else { # Vertical
            if (!("ylab" %in% names(args))){
                args$ylab <- ""
            if (!("xlab" %in% names(args))){
                args$xlab <- "Mean ranks"
                args$ylim <- c(0,cols.number+1)
                args$xlim <- mnmx

        # Remaining defaults
        args$x <- args$y <- NA
        args$axes <- FALSE

        # Change plot size to fit labels
        if ((plottype == "mcb") && (parmar[1] < (nc+nr))){
            parmar[1] <- nc + nr
        if ((plottype == "vmcb") && (parmar[2] < (nc+nr))){
            parmar[2] <- nc + nr

        if (is.null(select)){
            select <- 1

        # Use do.call to use manipulated ellipsis (...)
        # Plot rest
        if (plottype == "mcb"){
            # Intervals for best method
            # Ranks
            axis(1,at=c(1:cols.number),labels=paste0(labels," - ",sprintf("%1.2f",round(ranks.means,2))),las=2)
            # Intervals for all methods
            for (i in 1:cols.number){
                lines(rep(i,times=2),ranks.means[i]+c(-1,1)*0.5*r.stat, type="o", lwd=1, col=pcol,pch=20)
            # Highlight identical
            idx <- abs(ranks.means[select] - ranks.means) < r.stat
        } else { # vmcb
            # Intervals for best method
            # Ranks
            axis(2,at=c(1:cols.number),labels=paste0(labels," - ",sprintf("%1.2f",round(ranks.means,2))),las=2)
            # Intervals for all methods
            for (i in 1:cols.number){
                lines(ranks.means[i]+c(-1,1)*0.5*r.stat, rep(i,times=2), type="o", lwd=1, col=pcol,pch=20)
            # Highlight identical
            idx <- abs(ranks.means[select] - ranks.means) < r.stat
        box(which="plot", col="black")


    # New complete Nemenyi visualisation
    if (plottype == "matrix"){

        # Construct group matrix
        rline <- array(NA, c(cols.number,2))
        nem.mat <- array(0,c(cols.number,cols.number))
        for (i in 1:cols.number){
            rline[i,] <- c(which(ranks.means > ranks.intervals[1,i])[1], # Start model
                           tail(which(ranks.means < ranks.intervals[2,i]),1)) # End model
            nem.mat[i,rline[i,1]:rline[i,2]] <- 1
        diag(nem.mat) <- 2

        # Set margins to fit labels
        if (parmar[1] < nc){
            parmar[1] <- nc
        nr <- nchar(sprintf("%1.2f",round(max(ranks.means),2)))/1.75
        if (parmar[2] < (nc + nr)){
            parmar[2] <- nc + nr

        # Start plotting
        # Get defaults
        if (!("xlab" %in% names(args))){
            args$xlab <- ""
        if (!("ylab" %in% names(args))){
            args$ylab <- ""
        args$x <- 1:cols.number
        args$y <- 1:cols.number
        args$z <- nem.mat[order(order.idx),cols.number:1]
        args$axes <- FALSE
        # Colours
        cmp <- c("white",RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,"Set1")[2],"black")
        if (fried.pval > 1-conf.level){
            cmp[3] <- "gray60"
            cmp[2] <- "gray70"
        args$col <- cmp

        # Do plot
        for (i in 1:cols.number){
        axis(2,at=1:cols.number,labels=paste0(rev(labels)," - ",sprintf("%1.2f",round(rev(ranks.means),2))),las=2)
        if (!is.null(select)){


    # Line style plot (as in ISF reference)
    if ((plottype == "line")|(plottype == "vline")){

        # Find groups
        rline <- matrix(NA, nrow=cols.number, ncol=2)
        for (i in 1:cols.number){
            tloc <- which((abs(ranks.means-ranks.means[i])<r.stat) == TRUE)
            rline[i,] <- c(min(tloc),max(tloc))
        # Remove duplicates and single member groups
        rline <- unique(rline)
        rline <- rline[apply(rline,1,min) != apply(rline,1,max),]
        # Reshape to matrix if necessary and find number of remaining groups
        if (length(rline)==2){
            rline <- as.matrix(rline)
            rline <- t(rline)
        k <- nrow(rline)
        # Choose colour depending on Friedman test result
        cmp <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12,"Paired"))(k)
        if (fried.pval > 1-conf.level){cmp <- rep("gray",times=k)}
        # Prepare method labels and add mean rank to them
        lbl <- paste0(labels," - ",sprintf("%1.2f",round(ranks.means,2)))

        # Produce plot
        if (!("ylab" %in% names(args))){
            args$ylab <- ""
        if (!("xlab" %in% names(args))){
            args$xlab <- ""
        args$x <- args$y <- NA
        args$axes <- FALSE

        if (plottype == "line"){
                args$xlim <- c(1,cols.number)
                args$ylim <- c(0,k+1)
        } else { # vline
                args$xlim <- c(0,k+1)
                args$ylim <- c(1,cols.number)

        # Change plot size to fit labels
        if ((plottype == "line") && (parmar[1] < (nc+nr))){
            parmar[1] <- nc + nr
        if ((plottype == "vline") && (parmar[2] < (nc+nr))){
            parmar[2] <- nc + nr


        if (plottype == "line"){
            if (k>0){
                for (i in 1:k){
                    lines(rline[i,],c(i,i), col=cmp[i], lwd = 4)
                    lines(rep(rline[i,1],times=2),c(0,i), col="gray", lty = 2)
                    lines(rep(rline[i,2],times=2),c(0,i), col="gray", lty = 2)
            if (!is.null(select)){
        } else { # vline
            if (k>0){
                for (i in 1:k){
                    lines(c(i,i), rline[i,], col=cmp[i], lwd = 4)
                    lines(c(0,i), rep(rline[i,1],times=2), col="gray", lty = 2)
                    lines(c(0,i), rep(rline[i,2],times=2), col="gray", lty = 2)
            if (!is.null(select)){


    if (plottype != "none"){



#' @export
#' @method summary nemenyi
summary.nemenyi <- function(object,...){

#' @export
#' @method print nemenyi
print.nemenyi <- function(x,...){

    writeLines("Friedman and Nemenyi Tests")
    writeLines(paste0("The confidence level is ", (1-x$conf.level)*100, "%"))
    writeLines(paste0("Number of observations is ", x$n, " and number of methods is ", x$k))
    writeLines(paste0("Friedman test p-value: ", format(round(x$fpval,4),nsmall=4) , " - ", x$fH))
    writeLines(paste0("Critical distance: ", format(round(x$cd,4),nsmall=4)))


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