
## twitter API has multiple methods of handling paging issues, not to mention the search API
## has a completely different interface.  Trying to manage all of these below using one unified
## approach to actually sending the data back & receiving response and then providing multiple
## mechanisms to page
tw_from_response = function(response) {
  ## Will provide some basic error checking, as well as suppress
  ## warnings that always seem to come out of fromJSON, even
  ## in good cases.
  out <- try(suppressWarnings(fromJSON(content(response, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"))), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
    stop("Error: Malformed response from server, was not JSON.\n",
         "The most likely cause of this error is Twitter returning a character which\n",
         "can't be properly parsed by R. Generally the only remedy is to wait long\n",
         "enough for the offending character to disappear from searches (e.g. if\n",
         "using searchTwitter()).")


doAPICall = function(cmd, params=NULL, method="GET", retryCount=5,
                     retryOnRateLimit=0, debug=FALSE, ...) {
  if (debug) {

  if (!is.numeric(retryOnRateLimit)) {
    stop("retryOnRateLimit must be a number")

  if (!is.numeric(retryCount)) {
    stop("retryCount must be a number")

  recall_func = function(retryCount, rateLimitCount) {
    return(doAPICall(cmd, params=params, method=method, retryCount=retryCount,
                     retryOnRateLimit=rateLimitCount, ...))
  url = getAPIStr(cmd)
  if (method == "POST") {
    out = try(POST(url, config(token=get_oauth_sig()), body=params), silent=TRUE)
  } else {
    if (is.null(params)) {
      query = NULL
    } else {
      query = lapply(params, function(x) URLencode(as.character(x)))
    out = GET(url, query=query, config(token=get_oauth_sig()))

  httr_status = out$status
  http_message = http_status(out)$message

  if (httr_status %in% c(500, 502)) {
    print(paste("This error is likely transient, retrying up to", retryCount, "more times ..."))
    ## These are typically fail whales or similar such things
    return(recall_func(retryCount - 1, rateLimitCount=retryOnRateLimit))
  } else if (httr_status == 429) {
    if (retryOnRateLimit > 0) {
      ## We're rate limited. Wait a while and try again
      newRateLimit = retryOnRateLimit - 1
      print(paste("Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to", newRateLimit, "times ..."))
      return(recall_func(retryCount, newRateLimit))
    } else {
      ## FIXME: very experimental - the idea is that if we're rate limited,
      ## just give a warning and return. This should result in rate limited
      ## operations returning the partial result
      warning("Rate limit encountered & retry limit reached - returning partial results")
  } else if (httr_status == 401) {
    stop("OAuth authentication error:\nThis most likely means that you have incorrectly called setup_twitter_oauth()'")
  } else {
    ## Generic catch-all for any other errors

  json = tw_from_response(out, ...)

  if (length(json[["errors"]]) > 0) {

  out = json

            fields = list(
              maxResults = 'integer'
            methods = list(
              initialize=function(...) {
                maxResults <<- 100L
              tw_from_response = tw_from_response,
              doAPICall = doAPICall

tint <- getRefClass('twAPIInterface')
twInterfaceObj <- tint$new()

doPagedAPICall = function(cmd, num, params=NULL, method='GET', ...) {
  if (num <= 0)
    stop('num must be positive')
    num <- as.integer(num)

  maxResults <- twInterfaceObj$getMaxResults()
  page <- 1
  total <- num
  count <- ifelse(num < maxResults, num, maxResults)
  jsonList <- list()
  params[['count']] <- count
  while (total > 0) {
    params[['page']] <- page
    results = twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, method, ...)
    if (is.null(results)) {

    jsonList <- c(jsonList, results)

    total <- total - count
    page <- page + 1
  jLen <- length(jsonList)
  if ((jLen > 0) && (jLen > num))
    jsonList <- jsonList[1:num]

doCursorAPICall = function(cmd, type, num=NULL, params=NULL, method='GET', ...) {
  cursor <- -1
  if (!is.null(num)) {
    if (num <= 0)
      stop("num must be positive")
      num <- as.integer(num)
  vals <- character()
  while(cursor != 0) {
    params[['cursor']] <- cursor
    curResults <- twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, method, ...)
    if (is.null(curResults)) {
    vals <- c(vals, curResults[[type]])
    if ((!is.null(num)) && (length(vals) >= num))
    cursor <- curResults[['next_cursor_str']]
  if ((!is.null(num)) && (length(vals) > num))
    vals <- vals[1:num]

doRppAPICall = function(cmd, num, params, ...) {
  if (! 'q' %in% names(params))
    stop("parameter 'q' must be supplied")
  maxResults <- twInterfaceObj$getMaxResults()
  params[['count']] <- ifelse(num < maxResults, num, maxResults)

  curDiff <- num
  jsonList <- list()
  ids = list()
  while (curDiff > 0) {
    fromJSON <- twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, 'GET', ...)
    if (is.null(fromJSON)) {
    newList <- fromJSON$statuses

    curIds = sapply(newList, function(x) x[["id"]])
    dups = which(ids %in% ids)
    if (length(dups) > 0) {
      curIds = curIds[-dups]
      newList = newList[-dups]

    if (length(curIds) == 0) {

    jsonList <- c(jsonList, newList)
    curDiff <- num - length(jsonList)
    if ((curDiff > 0)) { #&& (length(newList) == params[["count"]])) {
      params[["max_id"]] = as.character(as.integer64(min(curIds)) - 1)
    } else {

  if (length(jsonList) > num) {
    jsonList = jsonList[seq_len(num)]

  if (length(jsonList) < num) {
    warning(num, " tweets were requested but the API can only return ", length(jsonList))


twitterDateToPOSIX <- function(dateStr) {
  ## In typical twitter fashion, there are multiple ways that they
  ## spit dates back at us.  First, let's take a look at unix
  ## epoch time, and then try a few data string formats
  dateInt <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dateStr))

  ## Locale must be set to something american-y in order to properly
  ## parse the Twitter dates. Get the current LC_TIME, reset it on
  ## exit and then change the locale
  curLocale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
  on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", curLocale), add=TRUE)
  Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")

  if (!is.na(dateInt)) {
    posDate <- as.POSIXct(dateInt, tz='UTC', origin='1970-01-01')
  } else {
    posDate <- as.POSIXct(dateStr, tz='UTC',
                          format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y")
    ## try again if necessary
    if (is.na(posDate))
      posDate <- as.POSIXct(dateStr, tz='UTC',
                            format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
  ## might still be NA, but we tried

Try the twitteR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

twitteR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:46 a.m.