#' Bland-Altman Change plot
#' @param data The data frame; if it only has two columns, the first of
#' which is the pre-change column, `cols` can be left empty.
#' @param cols The names of the columns with the data; the first is the
#' column with the pre-change data, the second the column after the change.
#' @param reliability The reliability estimate, for example as obtained with
#' the `ICC()` function in the `psych()` package; can be omitted, in which
#' case the intraclass correlation is computed.
#' @param pointSize The size of the points in the plot.
#' @param deterioratedColor,unchangedColor,improvedColor The colors to use for
#' cases who deteriorate, stay the same, and improve, respectively.
#' @param zeroLineColor,ciLineColor The colors for the line at 0 (no change)
#' and at the confidence interval bounds (i.e. the point at which a difference
#' becomes indicative of change given the reliability), respectively.
#' @param zeroLineType,ciLineType The line types for the line at 0 (no change)
#' and at the confidence interval bounds (i.e. the point at which a difference
#' becomes indicative of change given the reliability), respectively.
#' @param conf.level The confidence level of the confidence interval.
#' @param theme The ggplot2 theme to use.
#' @param iccFromPsych Whether to compute ICC using the [psych::ICC()] function
#' or not.
#' @param iccFromPsychArgs If using the [psych::ICC()] function, the arguments
#' to pass.
#' @param ignoreBias Whether to ignore bias (i.e. allow the measurements at
#' the second time to shift upwards or downwards). If `FALSE`, the variance
#' associated with such a shift is considered error variance (i.e.
#' 'unreliability').
#' @return A ggplot2 plot.
#' @export
#' @examples ### Create smaller dataset for example
#' dat <-
#' ufs::testRetestSimData[
#' 1:25,
#' c('t0_item1', 't1_item1')
#' ];
#' ufs::BAC_plot(dat, reliability = .5);
#' ufs::BAC_plot(dat, reliability = .8);
#' ufs::BAC_plot(dat, reliability = .9);
BAC_plot <- function(data,
cols = names(data),
reliability = NULL,
pointSize = 2,
#scales::show_col(viridis::viridis(3, begin=.1, end=.8, alpha=.9))
deterioratedColor = "#482576E6",
unchangedColor = "#25848E80",
#unchangedColor = "#25848EE6", #lower alpha of .5
improvedColor = "#7AD151E6",
zeroLineColor = "black",
zeroLineType = "dashed",
ciLineColor = "red",
ciLineType = "solid",
conf.level = .95,
theme = ggplot2::theme_minimal(),
ignoreBias = FALSE,
iccFromPsych = FALSE,
iccFromPsychArgs = NULL) {
if (length(cols) == 1) {
stop("Pass exactly two column names!");
} else if (length(cols) > 2) {
warning("More than two columns passed - only using the first two!");
cols <- cols[1:2];
if (is.null(reliability)) {
if (iccFromPsych) {
iccFromPsychArgs <-
c(list(x = data[, cols]),
iccObject <-
} else {
iccObject <- icc_from_psych(data[, cols]);
if (ignoreBias) {
### ICC c1
### relative, corrects for difference between means (conceptually
### can be considered to first 'standardize' within administration
### moment):
### participant_variance / (error)
icc <- iccObject$results[3, 'ICC'];
} else {
### ICC A1
### absolute, does not correct for difference between means, i.e.
### considers increase or decrease in all the scores part of the
### measurement error (i.e. if the average is higher or lower the
### second administration):
### participant_variance / (error + variance due to grand mean shift)
icc <- iccObject$results[2, 'ICC'];
reliability <- icc;
reliabilityWasEstimated <- TRUE;
} else {
reliabilityWasEstimated <- FALSE;
# longDat <-
# data.frame(
# id = c(1:nrow(data), 1:nrow(data)),
# variable = rep(cols, each=nrow(data)),
# value = c(data[, cols[1]], data[, cols[2]])
# );
vector1 <- data[, cols[1]];
vector2 <- data[, cols[2]];
### Compute vector with differences
diffs <- vector2 - vector1;
means <- (vector1 + vector2) / 2;
diffMean <- mean(diffs, na.rm=TRUE);
diffSD <- stats::sd(diffs, na.rm=TRUE);
mean1 <- mean(vector1, na.rm = TRUE);
mean2 <- mean(vector2, na.rm = TRUE);
sd1 <- stats::sd(vector1, na.rm = TRUE);
sd2 <- stats::sd(vector2, na.rm = TRUE);
### Compute SEM
#SEM <- diffSD * sqrt(icc * (1 - icc)); ### Equation 11; seems wrong
#SEM <- diffSD * sqrt(1 - icc); ### Equation 8; consistent with
### Crocker & Algina
#SEM <- diffSD * sqrt(1 - icc) * sqrt(2); ###
#ci_MoE <- abs(qnorm((1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=TRUE)) * SEM * sqrt(2);
ci_MoE <- abs(stats::qnorm((1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=TRUE)) *
sqrt(2 * (sd1 * sqrt(1 - reliability))^2);
semCI <- c(0 - ci_MoE,
0 + ci_MoE);
secondaryAxisBreaks <-
dat <-
means = means,
diffs = diffs,
classification = ifelse(
(diffs < min(semCI)),
(diffs > max(semCI)),
if (reliabilityWasEstimated) {
dat$classification <-
dat$classification <-
levels = c("Deteriorated", "Unchanged", "Improved"),
labels = c("Deteriorated", "Unchanged", "Improved"),
ordered = TRUE
plot <-
data = dat,
mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(x = 'means',
y = 'diffs',
color = 'classification')
) +
size = pointSize
) +
color = zeroLineColor,
linetype = zeroLineType
) +
color = ciLineColor,
linetype = ciLineType
) +
color = ciLineColor,
linetype = ciLineType
) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=diffMean) +
sec.axis = ggplot2::dup_axis(
breaks = round(secondaryAxisBreaks, 2),
name = NULL
) +
title = "Bland-Altman Change plot",
subtitle =
"% confidence intervals for reliable change with ",
ifelse(reliabilityWasEstimated, "(estimated)", "(specified)"),
" reliability = ",
round(reliability, 2)
x = "Mean of two scores",
y = "Difference between two scores"
) +
if (reliabilityWasEstimated) {
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = unchangedColor,
guide = NULL);
} else {
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c(deterioratedColor,
name = 'Classification');
icc_from_psych <- function (x, alpha = 0.05) {
cl <-
if (is.matrix(x))
x <- data.frame(x)
n.obs.original <- dim(x)[1]
x <- stats::na.omit(x);
n.obs <- dim(x)[1]
items <- colnames(x)
n.items <- NCOL(x)
nj <- dim(x)[2]
x.s <- utils::stack(x)
x.df <- data.frame(x.s, subs = rep(paste("S", 1:n.obs,
sep = ""), nj))
aov.x <- stats::aov(values ~ subs + ind, data = x.df)
s.aov <- summary(aov.x)
stats <- matrix(unlist(s.aov), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
MSB <- stats[3, 1]
MSW <- (stats[2, 2] + stats[2, 3])/(stats[1, 2] + stats[1,
MSJ <- stats[3, 2]
MSE <- stats[3, 3]
MS.df <- NULL
colnames(stats) <- c("subjects", "Judges", "Residual")
rownames(stats) <- c("df", "SumSq", "MS",
"F", "p")
ICC1 <- (MSB - MSW)/(MSB + (nj - 1) * MSW)
ICC2 <- (MSB - MSE)/(MSB + (nj - 1) * MSE + nj * (MSJ - MSE)/n.obs)
ICC3 <- (MSB - MSE)/(MSB + (nj - 1) * MSE)
ICC12 <- (MSB - MSW)/(MSB)
ICC22 <- (MSB - MSE)/(MSB + (MSJ - MSE)/n.obs)
ICC32 <- (MSB - MSE)/MSB
F11 <- MSB/MSW
df11n <- n.obs - 1
df11d <- n.obs * (nj - 1)
p11 <- -expm1(stats::pf(F11, df11n, df11d, log.p = TRUE))
F21 <- MSB/MSE
df21n <- n.obs - 1
df21d <- (n.obs - 1) * (nj - 1)
p21 <- -expm1(stats::pf(F21, df21n, df21d, log.p = TRUE))
F31 <- F21
results <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 8, nrow = 6))
colnames(results) <- c("type", "ICC", "F",
"df1", "df2", "p", "lower bound",
"upper bound")
rownames(results) <- c("Single_raters_absolute", "Single_random_raters",
"Single_fixed_raters", "Average_raters_absolute",
"Average_random_raters", "Average_fixed_raters")
results[1, 1] = "ICC1"
results[2, 1] = "ICC2"
results[3, 1] = "ICC3"
results[4, 1] = "ICC1k"
results[5, 1] = "ICC2k"
results[6, 1] = "ICC3k"
results[1, 2] = ICC1
results[2, 2] = ICC2
results[3, 2] = ICC3
results[4, 2] = ICC12
results[5, 2] = ICC22
results[6, 2] = ICC32
results[1, 3] <- results[4, 3] <- F11
results[2, 3] <- F21
results[3, 3] <- results[6, 3] <- results[5, 3] <- F31 <- F21
results[5, 3] <- F21
results[1, 4] <- results[4, 4] <- df11n
results[1, 5] <- results[4, 5] <- df11d
results[1, 6] <- results[4, 6] <- p11
results[2, 4] <- results[3, 4] <- results[5, 4] <- results[6,
4] <- df21n
results[2, 5] <- results[3, 5] <- results[5, 5] <- results[6,
5] <- df21d
results[2, 6] <- results[5, 6] <- results[3, 6] <- results[6,
6] <- p21
F1L <- F11/stats::qf(1 - alpha, df11n, df11d)
F1U <- F11 * stats::qf(1 - alpha, df11d, df11n)
L1 <- (F1L - 1)/(F1L + (nj - 1))
U1 <- (F1U - 1)/(F1U + nj - 1)
F3L <- F31/stats::qf(1 - alpha, df21n, df21d)
F3U <- F31 * stats::qf(1 - alpha, df21d, df21n)
results[1, 7] <- L1
results[1, 8] <- U1
results[3, 7] <- (F3L - 1)/(F3L + nj - 1)
results[3, 8] <- (F3U - 1)/(F3U + nj - 1)
results[4, 7] <- 1 - 1/F1L
results[4, 8] <- 1 - 1/F1U
results[6, 7] <- 1 - 1/F3L
results[6, 8] <- 1 - 1/F3U
vn <- (nj - 1) * (n.obs - 1) * ((nj * ICC2 * Fj + n.obs *
(1 + (nj - 1) * ICC2) - nj * ICC2))^2
vd <- (n.obs - 1) * nj^2 * ICC2^2 * Fj^2 + (n.obs * (1 +
(nj - 1) * ICC2) - nj * ICC2)^2
v <- vn/vd
F3U <- stats::qf(1 - alpha, n.obs - 1, v)
F3L <- stats::qf(1 - alpha, v, n.obs - 1)
L3 <- n.obs * (MSB - F3U * MSE)/(F3U * (nj * MSJ + (nj *
n.obs - nj - n.obs) * MSE) + n.obs * MSB)
results[2, 7] <- L3
U3 <- n.obs * (F3L * MSB - MSE)/(nj * MSJ + (nj * n.obs -
nj - n.obs) * MSE + n.obs * F3L * MSB)
results[2, 8] <- U3
L3k <- L3 * nj/(1 + L3 * (nj - 1))
U3k <- U3 * nj/(1 + U3 * (nj - 1))
results[5, 7] <- L3k
results[5, 8] <- U3k
results[, 2:8] <- results[, 2:8]
result <- list(results = results, summary = s.aov, stats = stats,
MSW = MSW, lme = MS.df, Call = cl, n.obs = n.obs, n.judge = nj)
class(result) <- c("psych", "ICC")
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