
# tests using naive method


# configuration for testing
conf.testing <- umap.defaults
conf.testing$n_neighbors <- 5
conf.testing <- umap.prep.config(conf.testing)

test_that("synthetic fuzzy simplicial set (from dist)", {
  conf <- conf.testing
  conf$input <- "dist"
  knn <- knn.info(syn0.dist, conf)
  graph <- naive.fuzzy.simplicial.set(knn, conf)
  # top-part of expected graph (computed by python implementation)
  expected.graph <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=3)
  expected.graph[1,] <- c(1,2, 1)
  expected.graph[2,] <- c(1,3, 0.958418847698)
  expected.graph[3,] <- c(1,4, 0.204675928724)
  colnames(expected.graph) <- c("from", "to", "value")
  #expected.graph <- matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=4)
  #expected.graph[1,] <- c(0,1,0.958418847698, 0.204675928724)
  #expected.graph[2,] <- c(1,0,1, 0.439842238909)
  #expected.graph[3,] <- c(0.958418847698, 1, 0, 0.508078540941)
  #expected.graph[4,] <- c(0.204675928724, 0.439842238909, 0.508078540941, 0)
  ## compoare top parts of graph
  expect_equal(expected.graph, graph$coo[1:3,], tolerance=1e-4)

test_that("synthetic fuzzy simplicial set (from data)", {
  conf <- conf.testing
  conf$input <- "data"
  knn <- knn.info(syn0, conf)
  graph <- naive.fuzzy.simplicial.set(knn, conf)
  # top-part of expected graph (computed by python implementation)
  expected.graph <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=3)
  expected.graph[1,] <- c(1,2, 1)
  expected.graph[2,] <- c(1,3, 0.958418847698)
  expected.graph[3,] <- c(1,4, 0.204675928724)
  colnames(expected.graph) <- c("from", "to", "value")
  # compoare top parts of graph
  expect_equal(expected.graph, graph$coo[1:3, ], tolerance=1e-4)

# ############################################################################
# small datasets down to 1 component 

test_that("embedding to one component", {
  # create full configuration object
  conf <- umap.defaults
  conf$n_neighbors <- 3
  conf$n_components <- 1
  ismall <- iris[1:5,1:4]
  # only basic checks (no errors, correct format)
  result <- umap(ismall, conf)
  expect_equal(dim(result$layout), c(5, 1))

test_that("prediction based on one component", {
  # create full configuration object
  conf <- umap.defaults
  conf$n_neighbors <- 3
  conf$n_components <- 1
  ismall <- iris[1:5,1:4]
  usmall <- umap(ismall, conf)
  # predict on a small dataset
  result <- predict(usmall, ismall)
  expect_equal(dim(result), c(5, 1))
  # predict on a single item
  result1 <- predict(usmall, ismall[1,])
  expect_equal(dim(result1), c(1, 1))

# ############################################################################
# sparse data

test_that("accept sparse data as dgCMatrix", {
  sm <- Matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=40)
  sm[, 1] <- seq(0, 1, length=40)
  sm <- as(sm, "CsparseMatrix")
  result <- umap(sm)
  expect_equal(dim(result$layout), c(40, 2))
  prediction <- predict(result, sm[1:4, ])
  expect_equal(dim(prediction), c(4, 2))

test_that("accept sparse data as dgTMatrix", {
  sm <- Matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=40)
  sm[, 1] <- seq(0, 1, length=40)
  sm <- as(sm, "TsparseMatrix")
  result <- umap(sm)
  expect_equal(dim(result$layout), c(40, 2))
  prediction <- predict(result, sm[1:4, ])
  expect_equal(dim(prediction), c(4, 2))

# ############################################################################
# seeds and randomness

test_that("umap naive without seeds can create different layouts each time", {
  fast.config <- umap.defaults
  fast.config$n_neighbors <- 5
  fast.config$n_epochs <- 10
  result_1 <- umap(i.train, config=fast.config, preserve.seed=FALSE)
  result_2 <- umap(i.train, config=fast.config, preserve.seed=FALSE)
  expect_false(identical(result_1$layout[,1], result_2$layout[,2]))

test_that("umap naive gives reproducible results with random_state", {
  result_1 <- umap(i.train, random_state=25)
  result_2 <- umap(i.train, random_state=25)
  expect_true(identical(result_1, result_2))

test_that("umap naive records random state in config", {
  result_1 <- umap(i.train)
  expect_true(result_1$config$random_state > 0)
  result_2 <- umap(i.train, random_state=result_1$config$random_state)
  expect_true(identical(result_1, result_2))

# ############################################################################
# predictions (this uses data from train_test.R)

test_that("predict checks knn, data components are available", {
  usmall <- i.train.u
  usmall$knn <- NULL
  expect_error(predict(usmall, i.test), "knn")
  usmall$data <- NULL
  expect_error(predict(usmall, i.test), "data")

test_that("predict returns an embedding", {
  result <- predict(i.train.u, i.test)
  expect_equal(dim(result), c(nrow(i.test), 2))
  expect_equal(rownames(result), rownames(i.test))

test_that("predicted layout is reasonable", {  
  result <- predict(i.train.u, i.test)
  # Both training and test data are in batches of 3 from iris species
  # Each batch in the test set should be "predicted" close to the corresponding
  # training batch, i.e. setosa together, viginica together, etc.
  # Due to randomness and some OR/architecture-dependent details,
  # the predictions for the versicolor and virginica tend to overlap, and items
  # get assigned close to the other groups. 
  # 1. Estimate the centers of two well-separated clusters
  setsize <- nrow(i.train.u$layout)/3
  primary <- i.train.u$layout
  cluster.centers <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=2)
  cluster.centers[1,] <- colMeans(primary[seq_len(setsize),])
  cluster.centers[2,] <- colMeans(primary[(setsize+1):nrow(primary),])
  rownames(cluster.centers) <- paste0("medoid", 1:2)
  # 2. Look at distances from predicted points to the cluster centers
  distances <- as.matrix(dist(rbind(result, cluster.centers)))
  distances.to.medoids <- distances[seq_len(nrow(result)),
  nearest.medoid <- apply(distances.to.medoids, 1, which.min)
  expected <- setNames(rep(c(1,2), c(nrow(result)/3, 2*nrow(result)/3)),
  # 3. all the setosa test points should be close to the setosa cluster centre
  # the other test points should be closer to the alternative cluster centre
  # expect_equal(sum(abs(nearest.medoid-expected)), 0)
  # The above test might still fail. So try a different test
  # Instead, check if predictions are within a reasonable range
  # of original data
  xr <- range(i.train.u$layout[,1])
  xw <- xr[2] - xr[1]
  yr <- range(i.train.u$layout[,2])
  yw <- yr[2] - yr[1]
  expect_true(all(result[,1] > xr[1]-xw & result[,1] < xr[2]+xw))
  expect_true(all(result[,2] > yr[1]-yw & result[,2] < yr[2]+yw))

test_that("predicted layout changes with epochs", {
  # predict with no optimization
  u0 <- i.train.u
  u0$config$n_epochs <- 0
  result0 <- predict(u0, i.test)
  # predict with optimization
  u1 <- i.train.u
  result1 <- predict(u1, i.test)
  # the two results should be different
  expect_gt(sum(abs(result1-result0)), 0)

test_that("predict is reproducible when seed is set", {
  conf <- umap.defaults
  conf$random_state <- 102030405
  conf$n_neighbors <- 6
  conf$transform_state <- 982771
  conf$n_epochs <- 60
  i.seeded <- umap(i.train, conf)
  # start rng in this environment
  r1 <- runif(1)

  # restart rng in this environment
  result.a <- predict(i.seeded, i.test)
  result.b <- predict(i.seeded, i.test)
  # even though umap uses random numbers,
  # seed in parent should remain unchanged
  r2 <- runif(1)
  expect_equal(result.a, result.b, tolerance=1e-4)
  expect_equal(r1, r2, tolerance=1e-4)

test_that("predict gives slightly different result based on seed", {
  # a configuration with a fixed seed
  conf1 <- umap.defaults
  conf1$random_state <- 102030405
  conf1$n_neighbors <- 6
  conf1$transform_state <- 982771
  conf1$n_epochs <- 60
  # a second configuration with a different seed
  conf2 <- conf1
  conf2$transform_state <- 987654
  u1 <- umap(i.train, conf1)
  u2 <- umap(i.train, conf2)
  # initial layouts should be the same (random_state is the same)
  expect_equal(u1$layout, u2$layout)

  # predictions should be different
  p1 <- predict(u1, i.test)
  p2 <- predict(u2, i.test)
  expect_gt(sum(abs(p1-p2)), 0)

# ###########################################################################
# stability of predictions (this uses data from train_test.R)

test_that("predict return same layout individually and in batch", {
  conf <- umap.defaults
  conf$random_state <- 102030405
  conf$n_neighbors <- 4
  conf$transform_state <- 982771
  conf$n_epochs <- 50
  i.seeded <- umap(i.train, conf)
  result.batch <- predict(i.seeded, i.test)
  result.individual <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=nrow(i.test))
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(i.test))) {
    result.individual[i,] <- predict(i.seeded, i.test[i,,drop=FALSE])
  rownames(result.individual) <- rownames(i.test)
  # sanity check - two output objects should match in structure
  expect_equal(dim(result.individual), dim(result.batch))
  # all the coordinates should match
  expect_equal(result.batch[,1], result.individual[,1])
  expect_equal(result.batch[,2], result.individual[,2])

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umap documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:12 p.m.