
Defines functions smooth.knn.dist naive.fuzzy.simplicial.set naive.optimize.embedding naive.simplicial.set.embedding umap.naive.predict umap.naive

# package umap
# a from-scratch implementation of the UMAP algorithm
# This implementation is called naive because it is a rather direct translation
# of the original implementation by Leland McInnes. This implementation does,
# however, have some slight modifications.
# The original implementation is available at https://github.com/lmcinnes/umap.
# The original implementation was published under a BSD license.

#' Create a umap embedding
#' This implementation is called naive because it is a rather straightforward
#' translation of the original python code.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param d data object
#' @param config list with settings
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return list, one element of which is matrix with embedding coordinates
umap.naive <- function(d, config) {
  verbose <- config$verbose

  # prep parameters
  message.w.date("starting umap", verbose)
  if (is.na(config$a) | is.na(config$b)) {
    config[c("a", "b")] <- find.ab.params(config$spread, config$min_dist)
  if (is(d, "Matrix")) {
    d <- Matrix::as.matrix(d)
  # perhaps extract knn from input
  knn <- NULL
  if ("knn" %in% names(config)) {
    if (is(config$knn, "umap.knn")) {
      message.w.date("using supplied nearest neighbors", verbose)
      knn <- config$knn
  if (is.null(knn)) {
    message.w.date("creating graph of nearest neighbors", verbose)
    knn <- knn.info(d, config)
  # create a graph representation
  graph <- naive.fuzzy.simplicial.set(knn, config)
  message.w.date("creating initial embedding", verbose)
  embedding <- make.initial.embedding(graph$n.elements, config, graph)
  message.w.date("optimizing embedding", verbose)
  embedding <- naive.simplicial.set.embedding(graph, embedding, config)
  embedding <- center.embedding(embedding)
  message.w.date("done", verbose)
  list(layout=embedding, data=d, knn=knn, config=config)

#' predict embedding of new data given an existing umap object
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param umap object of class umap
#' @param data matrix with new data
#' @return matrix with embedding coordinates
umap.naive.predict <- function(umap, data) {

  # check that data and knn are available
  missing <- setdiff(c("knn", "data", "config"), names(umap))
  if (length(missing)>0) {
    umap.error("missing components: ", paste(missing, collapse=", "))
  if (is(data, "Matrix")) {
    data <- Matrix::as.matrix(data)

  # create a configuration for the prediction
  config <- umap$config
  config$n_epochs <- floor(config$n_epochs/3)
  V <- nrow(umap$layout)
  verbose <- umap$config$verbose
  # obtain nearest neighbors
  message.w.date("creating graph of nearest neighbors", verbose)
  spectator.knn <- spectator.knn.info(data, umap$data, config)
  knn <- umap.knn(rbind(umap$knn$indexes, spectator.knn$indexes),
                  rbind(umap$knn$distances, spectator.knn$distances))

  # create graph representation of primary and spectator data together
  graph <- naive.fuzzy.simplicial.set(knn, config)
  message.w.date("creating initial embedding", verbose)
  embedding <- make.initial.spectator.embedding(umap$layout,
  embedding <- rbind(umap$layout, embedding)
  message.w.date("optimizing embedding", verbose)
  embedding <- naive.simplicial.set.embedding(graph, embedding, config,
  # extract coordinates for just the spectator data
  embedding <- embedding[V + seq_len(nrow(data)), , drop=FALSE]
  message.w.date("done", verbose)

# ############################################################################
# Details of the implementation specific to umap.naive

#' create an embedding of graph into a low-dimensional space
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param g matrix, graph connectivity as coo
#' @param embedding matrix, coordinates for an initial graph embedding
#' @param config list with settings
#' @param fix.observations integer, number of points to avoid moving during
#' optimization
#' @return matrix with embedding,
#' nrows is from g, ncols determined from config
naive.simplicial.set.embedding <- function(g, embedding, config,
                                           fix.observations=NULL) {
  if (config$n_epochs == 0) {
  # create a new matrix with an optimized embedding
  # (here work in transpose mode)
  result <- t(embedding)
  # simplify graph a little bit
  gmax <- max(g$coo[, "value"])
  g$coo[g$coo[, "value"] < gmax/config$n_epochs, "value"] <- 0
  g <- reduce.coo(g)
  # create an epochs-per-sample. Track it together with the graph coo
  eps <- cbind(g$coo,
               eps=make.epochs.per.sample(g$coo[, "value"], config$n_epochs))

  # adjust the initial embedding guess
  if (is.null(fix.observations)) {
    # this branch occurs during an initial embedding
    result <- naive.optimize.embedding(result, config, eps)
  } else {
    # this branch occurs during prediction
    # (many fixed observations, a few to predict/optimize)
    eps <- eps[eps[, "from"]>fix.observations, , drop=FALSE]
    # define the indeces that need optimizing (skips the fixed observations)
    indeces <- seq(fix.observations+1, ncol(result))
    seeds <- column.seeds(result[, indeces, drop=FALSE],
    # construct temporary embeddings that hold fix.observations plus one
    # "temp" item. The "temp" items will be optimized on its own
    temp.index <- fix.observations + 1
    temp.embedding <- result[, seq_len(fix.observations+1), drop=FALSE]
    temp.eps <- split.data.frame(eps, eps[, "from"])
    for (i in seq_along(indeces)) {
      temp.embedding[, temp.index] <- result[, indeces[i]]
      i.eps <- temp.eps[[as.character(indeces[i])]]
      if (!is.null(i.eps)) {
        i.eps[, "from"] <- temp.index
        temp.result <- naive.optimize.embedding(temp.embedding, config, i.eps)
      result[, indeces[i]] <- temp.result[, temp.index]
  colnames(result) <- g$names

#' modify an existing embedding 
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param tembedding matrix, transpose of matrix with an initial embedding
#' @param config list with settings
#' @param eps matrix with connectivity coo graph and epochs per sample;
#' this must be a matrix with columns "from", "to", "value", and "eps"
#' @return matrix of same dimension as initial tembedding
naive.optimize.embedding <- function(tembedding, config, eps) {
  # define some vectors for book-keeping
  # integer matrix with pairs of data
  eps.pairs <- matrix(as.integer(eps[, c("from", "to")]), ncol=2) - 1
  eps.val <- eps[, "eps"]
  # epns is short for "epochs per negative sample"
  epns <- eps.val/config$negative_sample_rate
  # infer if some points should remain fixed
  fix.observations <- min(eps.pairs[,1]) > 1
  # extract some variables from config
  abg <- c(config$a, config$b, config$gamma, as.numeric(fix.observations))

  optimize_embedding(tembedding, eps.pairs,
                     eps.val, epns,
                     abg, config$alpha, as.integer(config$n_epochs)) 

#' create a simplicial set from a distance object
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param knn list with inform about nearest neighbors (output of knn.info)
#' @param config list with settings
#' @return matrix 
naive.fuzzy.simplicial.set <- function(knn, config) {
  # prepare constants
  V <- nrow(knn$indexes)
  mix.ratio <- config$set_op_mix_ratio
  bandwidth <- config$bandwidth
  nk <- config$n_neighbors
  connectivity <- config$local_connectivity

  # construct a smooth map to non-integer neighbors
  n.smooth <- smooth.knn.dist(knn$distance, nk,

  # construct a weighted connectivity matrix (manually)
  conn <- base::vector("list", V)
  for (i in seq_len(V)) {
    nearest.i <- n.smooth$nearest[i]
    smooth.i <- n.smooth$distances[i]
    coo.i <- cbind(from=i, to=knn$indexes[i,], value=0)
    for (j in seq_len(nk)) {
      distance.ij <- knn$distances[i, j]
      if (knn$indexes[i, j]==i) {
        val <- 0
      } else if (distance.ij-nearest.i<=0) {
        val <- 1
      } else {
        val <- exp(-(distance.ij-nearest.i)/(smooth.i*bandwidth))
      coo.i[j, "value"] <- val
    conn[[i]] <- coo.i
  conn <- do.call(rbind, conn)
  conn <- list(coo=conn, names=rownames(knn$indexes), n.elements=V)
  class(conn) <- "coo"
  connT <- t.coo(conn)
  # here product is indended as a element-by-element product
  connP <- multiply.coo(conn, connT)
  # formula with standard matrix objects:
  #result = mix.ratio*(conn+connT-connP) + (1-mix.ratio)*(connP)
  result <- add.coo(add.coo(conn, connT), connP, b=-1)
  result <- add.coo(result, connP, a=mix.ratio, b=(1-mix.ratio))

#' compute a "smooth" distance to the kth neighbor and first neighbor
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param k.dist matrix with distances to k neighbors
#' @param neighbors numeric, number of neighbors to approximate for
#' @param iterations integers, number of iterations
#' @param local.connectivity iteger
#' @param bandwidth numeric
#' @param tolerance numeric, for numeric precision
#' @param min.dist.scale numeric, minimum distance to nearest neighbor
#' (for display)
#' @return list with two vectors, distances to the kth neighbor,
#' and distance to the first nearest neighbor 
smooth.knn.dist <- function(k.dist, neighbors,
                            tolerance = 1e-5,
                            min.dist.scale=1e-3) {
  target <- log2(neighbors) * bandwidth
  result <- rho <- rep(0, nrow(k.dist))
  # for numeric interpolation
  local.int <- floor(local.connectivity)
  interpolation <- local.connectivity-local.int
  k.dist.mean <- mean(k.dist)

  for (i in seq_len(nrow(k.dist))) {
    # identify distances to ith point
    i.dist <- k.dist[i,]
    i.nonzero <- i.dist[i.dist!=0]
    i.num.nonzero <- length(i.nonzero)
    if (i.num.nonzero>local.connectivity) {
      if (local.int>0) {
        rho[i] <- i.nonzero[local.int] +
      } else {
        rho[i] <- interpolation*i.nonzero[1]
    } else if (i.num.nonzero>0 & i.num.nonzero<local.connectivity)  {
      rho[i] <- max(i.nonzero)

    lo <- 0
    hi <- Inf
    mid <- 1
    # iterate to get a normalization factor
    for (n in seq(2, iterations)) {
      val <- pmax(k.dist[i, 2:ncol(k.dist)]-rho[i], 0)
      val <- sum(exp(-val/mid))
      if (abs(val-target) < tolerance) {
      if (val > target) {
        hi <- mid
        mid <- (lo+hi)/2
      } else {
        lo <- mid
        if (!is.finite(hi)) {
          mid <- mid*2
        } else {
          mid <- (lo + hi)/2
    result[i] <- mid
    if (rho[i] > 0) {
      result[i] <- max(result[i], min.dist.scale*mean(i.dist))
    } else {
      result[i] <- max(result[i], min.dist.scale*k.dist.mean)
  list(distances=result, nearest=rho)

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umap documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:12 p.m.