
Defines functions make.initial.spectator.embedding make.initial.embedding make.spectral.embedding spectral.eigenvectors make.random.embedding

# package umap
# functions related to creating an initial embedding

#' Make an initial embedding with random coordinates
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param d integer, number of diemsions (columns)
#' @param V integer, number of vertices (rows)
#' @param lims numeric vector with lower and upper bounds
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return matrix (V,d) with random numbers
make.random.embedding <- function(d, V, lims=c(-10, 10)) {
  matrix(runif(V*d, lims[1], lims[2]), nrow=V, ncol=d)

#' get a set of k eigenvectors for the laplacian of x
#' This implementation uses package RSpectra to compute eigenvectors.
#' Use of RSpectra as provider for sparse-matrix eigenvectors
#' credited to https://github.com/jlmelville/uwot
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @param k integer
#' @importFrom methods new as
#' @importFrom RSpectra eigs
#' @return list with
spectral.eigenvectors <- function(x, k) {
  x.laplacian <- laplacian.coo(x)
  x.sparse <- new("dgTMatrix",
                  i = as.integer(x.laplacian$coo[,"from"]-1),
                  j = as.integer(x.laplacian$coo[, "to"]-1),
                  Dim = as.integer(rep(x.laplacian$n.elements, 2)),
                  x = as.numeric(x.laplacian$coo[, "value"]))
  x.sparse <- as(x.sparse, "CsparseMatrix")
  result <- eigs(x.sparse, k, which="SM")$vectors
  rownames(result) <- x$names

#' Create a spectral embedding for a connectivity graph
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param d integer, number of dimensions
#' @param g coo object
#' @importFrom stats rnorm quantile
#' @return embedding matrix. Might fallback on random embedding if
#' spectral embedding fails
make.spectral.embedding <- function(d, g) {
  # identify connected components in graph
  gcomp <- concomp.coo(g)
  V <- g$n.elements
  # try to create spectral eigenvectors, abort quietly if not possible
  execute.spectral <- function(g2) {
    result <- NULL
      result <- spectral.eigenvectors(g2, d+1)[, seq_len(d), drop=FALSE]
    }, error=function(e) {}, warning=function(e) {} )
  # create one embedding, or use a random embedding if not possible
  one.embedding <- function(g2) {
    result <- execute.spectral(g2)
    if (is.null(result)) {
      warn.msg <- c("failed creating initial embedding;",
                    "using random embedding instead")
      warning(paste(warn.msg, collapse=" "), call.=FALSE)
      result <- make.random.embedding(d, g2$n.elements)
    # center and rescale so that most points are in range [-10, 10]
    result <- center.embedding(result)
    range1 <- quantile(result[,1], p=c(0.01, 0.99))
    expansion <- 10/(range1[2]-range1[1])
    expansion * result
  if (gcomp$n.components == 1) {
    result <- one.embedding(g)
  } else {
    compsizes <- sort(table(gcomp$components), decreasing=TRUE)
    # create a grid of offset vectors
    offset <- lapply(as.list(1:d), function(x) {
      seq(0, ceiling(sqrt(length(compsizes))))
    offset <- as.matrix(expand.grid(offset))
    offset <- offset[order(apply(offset, 1, sum), apply(offset, 1, max)), ,
    # create layout for each component in turn
    result <- matrix(0, ncol=d, nrow=V)
    for (i in seq_along(compsizes)) {
      iname <- names(compsizes)[i]
      ioffset <- offset[i,]
      ihits <- gcomp$components == iname
      ig <- subset.coo(g, (1:V)[ihits])
      result[ihits, ] <- one.embedding(ig) +
        20*matrix(rep(ioffset, each=ig$n.elements), ncol=d)
  # add some small noise
  result + matrix(rnorm(V*d, 0, 0.001), nrow=V, ncol=d)

#' Create an initial embedding for a graph
#' This either takes a set embedding from config, or sets a random state
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param V integer, number of vertices
#' @param config list with settings
#' @param g coo object with graph connectivity
#' @return matrix with an embedding
make.initial.embedding <- function(V, config, g=NULL) {

  numcomp <- config$n_components
  # make an ebedding, either using a pre-made matrix, or with random numbers
  if (is(config$init, "matrix")) {
    result <- config$init
  } else {
    result <- NULL
    if (config$init == "spectral") {
      result <- make.spectral.embedding(numcomp, g)
    } else if (config$init == "random") {
      result <- make.random.embedding(numcomp, V)
    if (is.null(result)) {
      warn.msg <- c("failed creating initial embedding;",
                    "using random embedding instead")
      warning(paste(warn.msg, collapse=" "), call.=FALSE)
      result <- make.random.embedding(numcomp, V)
  if (nrow(result) != V) {
    umap.error("initial embedding is incompatible")
  if (ncol(result) != numcomp) {
    umap.error("initial embedding is incompatible (dimension)")

#' Create an initial embedding for a set of spectators
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param embedding matrix with an existing (primary) embedding
#' @param knn.indexes matrix with indexes from spectators to components
#' primary embedding
#' @return matrix with an embedding for the spectator elements
make.initial.spectator.embedding <- function(embedding, knn.indexes) {
  # crete an empty embedding for the spectators
  result <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(knn.indexes), ncol=ncol(embedding))
  rownames(result) <- rownames(knn.indexes)

  # avoid the first column in indexes (references a self-index)
  knn.indexes <- knn.indexes[,2:ncol(knn.indexes), drop=FALSE]
  # fill in coordinates by simple averaging 
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(result))) {
    result[i,] <- colMeans(embedding[knn.indexes[i,], , drop=FALSE])

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umap documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:12 p.m.