# "I like ambitious goals. I
# TODO Fix up umxUnexplainedCausalNexus()
# Thresholded normal Figure released under CCBy at
# This file living at
# Used Derivation of expected twin covariances. In chapter 03, BG Methods, 2ed.
# See also p44 in previous edition.
#' Graphical display of genotypic effects.
#' @description
#' `tmx_genotypic_effect` allows you to explore the concept of genotypic effect at a locus. With it,
#' you can interactively explore the effects of allele frequency, additive variance, and
#' [dominance](
#' This function lets you explore the simplest two–allele system (`B` and `b`), with three possible
#' genotypes, `BB`, `Bb`, and `bb`.
#' The point between the two homozygotes is `m` -- the mean effect of the homozygous genotypes.
#' Parameter `a` is half the measured phenotypic difference between the homozygotes `BB` and `bb`.
#' It corresponds to the additive effect of each additional `B` allele, relative to the `bb` phenotype.
#' Parameter `d` is the deviation of the heterozygote `Bb` phenotype from the homozygote mid-point `m`.
#' It corresponds to the non-additive (dominance) effect of the `B` allele. The heterozygote phenotype
#' may lie on either side of `m` and the sign of `d` will vary accordingly.
#' **Old system** from book ed 2:
#' Adapted from Mather and Jinks, 1977, p. 32). See book issue old-style nomenclature
#' `u` = Frequency of the dominant allele (now = `p`).
#' `v` = Frequency of the recessive allele (now = `q`).
#' `m` = midpoint between the two homozygotes
#' `d` = half the difference between the two homozygote (now `a`)
#' `h` = deviation of the heterozygote from `m` (now = `d`)
#' New system:
#' `u` and `v` -> `p` and `q`
#' `d` and `h` -> `a` and `d`
#' See BGBook issue 23
#' @param p The frequency of the B allele (Default .5)
#' @param q The frequency of the b allele (Default 1-p)
#' @param a Half the difference between the two homozygote phenotypes (Default .5)
#' @param m The value of the midpoint between the homozygotes (Default 0)
#' @param d The deviation of the heterozygote from m (Default 0)
#' @param show Whether to draw the plot or just return it (Default = TRUE)
#' @return - optional plot
#' @family Teaching and testing Functions
#' @export
#' @references - Neale, M. C. (2005). Quantitative Genetics. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
#' [pdf](
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(umx);
#' \donttest{
#' # =========================
#' # = Pure additivity: d= 0 =
#' # =========================
#' tmx_genotypic_effect(p = .5, a = 1, d = 0, m = 0, show = TRUE);
#' # =============================
#' # = Complete dominance: a=d=1 =
#' # =============================
#' tmx_genotypic_effect(p = .5, q =.5, a = 1, d = 1, m = 0, show = TRUE);
#' # ===========================
#' # = Over dominance: a< d =1 =
#' # ===========================
#' tmx_genotypic_effect(p = .5, q =.5, a =.5, d = 1, m = 0)
#' p = tmx_genotypic_effect(p = .5, q = .5, a = 1, d = .5, m = 0, show = TRUE);
#' # p = p + ggplot2::geom_point()
#' # p + ggplot2::geom_text(hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.05, label= "x")
#' # ggsave(paste0(base, "c03_genotypic_effect_by_gene_dose.pdf"), width = 4.6, height = 4.6)
#' }
tmx_genotypic_effect <- function(p = .75, q = (1-p), a = .5, d = 0, m = 0, show = TRUE){
# TODO Print this, with marginal sum? put tables and plot on one page in browser?
# high blood pressure will be defined as >=130/80 millimeters of mercury (previous guideline = 140/90)
stop("p+q must = 1.0 Yours sum to ", p + q)
residual_with_line <- function(thePlot, lab, x, y, b, d, m, xoffset = .1) {
# 1. plot the residual descender/ascender line
segs <- data.frame(
x1 = x,
y1 = (x - 1) * b + .5 * d + m,
y2 = y
# thePlot + geom_segment(aes(x = x1, y = y1, xend = x1, yend = y2), arrow = arrow(length=unit(0.30,"cm")), data = segs)
thePlot = thePlot + ggplot2::geom_segment(aes(x = x1, y = y1, xend = x1, yend = y2), data = segs)
# 2. plot the point
thePlot = thePlot + ggplot2::geom_point(aes(x = x1, y = y2), color = "black", data = segs)
# 3. label the point
thePlot = thePlot + cowplot::draw_label(lab, x = (x + xoffset), y = y, fontfamily = "Times", fontface = "italic")
# Genotypes BB Bb bb Frequency p2 2pq q2
df = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
Genotypes = c("Frequency", "fraction"),
BB = c("p\u00B2", round(p^2, 2)),
Bb = c("2pq" , round(2 * p * q, 2)),
bb = c("q\u00B2", round(q^2, 2))
message("Genotype frequencies at Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (p= ", p," q = ", q, ")")
# ===============================================================
# = Genotypic Values (G) form (in terms of the regression line) =
# ===============================================================
# p = .5; q = .5; a = 1; d = .5; m = 0
# genotypic values section of pink book
# G_BB_A = additive component of Genotypic value of BB
G_bb_A = (-2 * p) * (a + (d * (q - p)));
G_Bb_A = ( q - p) * (a + (d * (q - p)));
G_BB_A = ( 2 * q) * (a + (d * (q - p)));
G_bb_D = 2 * p^2 * d;
G_Bb_D = 2 * p*q * d;
G_BB_D = 2 * q^2 * d;
G_bb = (G_bb_A - G_bb_D);
G_Bb = (G_Bb_A + G_Bb_D);
G_BB = (G_BB_A - G_BB_D);
G_bb_f = q^2
G_Bb_f = 2 * p * q
G_BB_f = p^2
# mu = 2 * p^2 + 2 * p * q
# meanDose = 2 * p^2 + 2 * p * q # eq 3.14
# df$effect * df$freq; sum(df$effect * df$freq) # sums to zero
# TODO add examples on page 57
df = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
dose = c(0 , 1 , 2 ),
genotype = c("bb" , "Bb" , "BB" ),
value = c(G_bb , G_Bb , G_BB ),
freq = factor(c(G_bb_f, G_Bb_f, G_BB_f)),
Frequency = c(G_bb_f, G_Bb_f, G_BB_f)
# umx_msg(df$freq)
# Plot regression line, and points (sized to frequency).
# Slope for the genotypic value plot.
b = a + (q - p) * d
thePlot = ggplot2::qplot(x = dose, y = value, geom = "point", size = Frequency, xlab = "Gene Dose", ylab = "Genotypic VALUE", data = df)
thePlot = qplot(x = dose, y = ((dose - 1) * b) + (.5 * d) + m, geom = "line", xlab = "Gene Dose", ylab = "Genotypic Effect", data = df)
thePlot = qplot(x = dose, y = value, geom = "point", size = Frequency, xlab = "Gene Dose", ylab = "Genotypic VALUE", data = df)
thePlot = thePlot + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, 1, 2)) # Just label the legal values: 0, 1, 2
# ================================================
# = Genotypic EFFECT model (the regression line) =
# ================================================
# p55, pink book, fig 3.2
df = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
dose = c(0 , 1 , 2 ),
genotype = c("bb" , "Bb" , "BB" ),
effect = c(-a , d , a ),
freq = c(G_bb_f, G_Bb_f, G_BB_f)
message("Genotypic Effects")
# ==================
# = 1. Create plot =
# ==================
# 1. Compute slope (b) of genotypic-effect regression line.
# thePlot = qplot(x = dose, y = ((dose - 1) * b) + (.5 * d) + m, geom = "line", xlab = "Gene Dose", ylab = "Genotypic Effect", data = df)
b = a
thePlot = qplot(x = dose, y = ((dose - 1) * b) + (.5 * d) + m, geom = "line", xlab = "Gene Dose", ylab = "Genotypic Effect", data = df)
thePlot = thePlot + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times", size= 14)) # face = "bold"
thePlot = thePlot + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, 1, 2))
# =====================================
# = Plot regression line, and points. =
# =====================================
# 2. Plot genotypic-effect regression line.
# thePlot = thePlot + geom_abline(intercept = (.5 * d) + m, slope = b)
# 2. Add labels to plot, in the data coordinates.
# thePlot = thePlot + geom_point(aes(x = 1, y=m), color="red") + cowplot::draw_label("m", x = 1+.1, y = m, fontfamily = "Times")
# set the y axis
# Leave numbers on y axis, add text labels beside these.
# cowplot::draw_label
innerLoc = -.2
thePlot = thePlot + draw_label("-a", x = innerLoc, y = -a, fontfamily = "Times", fontface = "italic")
thePlot = thePlot + draw_label( "a", x = innerLoc, y = a, fontfamily = "Times", fontface = "italic")
if(d == m){
# thePlot = thePlot + scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(-a, m, a), labels = c("-a", "d = m", "+a"))
thePlot = thePlot + draw_label( "d=m", x = innerLoc, y = m, fontfamily = "Times", fontface = "italic")
} else {
# thePlot = thePlot + scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(-a, m, d, a), labels = c("-a", "m", "d", "+a"))
thePlot = thePlot + draw_label( "m", x = innerLoc, y = m, fontfamily = "Times", fontface = "italic")
thePlot = thePlot + draw_label( "d", x = innerLoc, y = d, fontfamily = "Times", fontface = "italic")
# 2. Plot bb, Bb, and BB points, with text labels, and vertical line segment showing residual from regression
thePlot = residual_with_line(thePlot, lab = "bb", x = 0, y = -a, b = b, d = d, m = m)
thePlot = residual_with_line(thePlot, lab = "Bb", x = 1, y = d, b = b, d = d, m = m)
thePlot = residual_with_line(thePlot, lab = "BB", x = 2, y = a, b = b, d = d, m = m)
thePlot = thePlot + expand_limits(y = c(-a, a), x = c(-.2, 2.2))
#' Test if a factor model is identified
#' @description
#' Test if a factor model is identified by establishing if the number of variables is equal too or grater than
#' the number of model parameters. See also [mxCheckIdentification()] for checking actual models.
#' @param nVariables the number of variables measured.
#' @param nFactors the number of factors posited.
#' @return - Binary
#' @export
#' @family Teaching and testing Functions
#' @seealso - [mxCheckIdentification()]
#' @references - <>, <>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' tmx_is.identified(nVariables = 2, nFactors = 1) # FALSE
#' tmx_is.identified(nVariables = 3, nFactors = 1) # TRUE
#' tmx_is.identified(nVariables = 4, nFactors = 2) # FALSE
#' tmx_is.identified(nVariables = 5, nFactors = 2) # TRUE
tmx_is.identified <- function(nVariables, nFactors){
as.logical(1 + sign((nVariables * (nVariables - 1)/2) - nVariables * nFactors + nFactors * (nFactors - 1) / 2) )
# Define generic tmx_show ...
#' Show matrices of models in a easy-to-learn-from format.
#' @param x an object e.g. [umxRAM()] [umxMatrix()] from which to show parameters.
#' @param what legal options are "values" (default), "free", or "labels").
#' @param show filter on what to show c("all", "free", "fixed").
#' @param matrices to show (default is c("S", "A")). "thresholds" in beta.
#' @param digits precision to report. Default = round to 2 decimal places.
#' @param na.print How to display NAs (default = "")
#' @param zero.print How to display 0 values (default = ".")
#' @param report How to report the results. "html" = open in browser.
#' @param style The style for the table (Defaults to "paper". Other options are "material_dark", "classic", "classic_2", "minimal", "material")
#' @param bootstrap_options border etc. Defaults to c("hover", "bordered", "condensed", "responsive")
#' @param lightable_options Default is "striped"
#' @param html_font Default is null. Set (e.g. "Optima") to override the style's default font.
#' @return None
#' @md
#' @export
#' @family Reporting functions
tmx_show <- function(x, what = c("values", "free", "labels", "nonzero_or_free"), show = c("free", "fixed", "all"), matrices = c("S", "A", "M"), digits = 2, report = c("html", "markdown"), na.print = "", zero.print = ".", html_font = NULL, style = c("paper","material_dark", "classic", "classic_2", "minimal", "material"), bootstrap_options=c("hover", "bordered", "condensed", "responsive"), lightable_options = "striped") UseMethod("tmx_show", x)
# Define generic RMSEA...
#' Show matrices of models in a easy-to-learn-from format.
#' @param x an object e.g. [umxRAM()] [umxMatrix()] from which to show parameters.
#' @param what legal options are "values" (default), "free", or "labels").
#' @param show filter on what to show c("all", "free", "fixed").
#' @param matrices to show (default is c("S", "A")). "thresholds" in beta.
#' @param digits precision to report. Default = round to 2 decimal places.
#' @param na.print How to display NAs (default = "")
#' @param zero.print How to display 0 values (default = ".")
#' @param report How to report the results. "html" = open in browser.
#' @param style The style for the table (Defaults to "paper". Other options are "material_dark", "classic", "classic_2", "minimal", "material")
#' @param bootstrap_options border etc. Defaults to c("hover", "bordered", "condensed", "responsive")
#' @param lightable_options Default is "striped"
#' @param html_font Default is null. Set (e.g. "Optima") to override the style's default font.
#' @return None
#' @md
#' @export
#' @family Reporting functions
tmx_show.MxMatrix <- function(x, what = c("values", "free", "labels", "nonzero_or_free"), show = c("free", "fixed", "all"), matrices = c("S", "A", "M"), digits = 2, report = c("html", "markdown"), na.print = "", zero.print = ".", html_font = NULL, style = c("paper","material_dark", "classic", "classic_2", "minimal", "material"), bootstrap_options=c("hover", "bordered", "condensed", "responsive"), lightable_options = "striped"){
what = match.arg(what)
show = match.arg(show)
report = match.arg(report)
style = match.arg(style)
oldTableFormat = umx_set_table_format(report) # side effect
theMatrix = x # just to be clear what object we are processing
if(report == "html"){
file = paste0(what, theMatrix$name, ".html")
# generate the free + value + popover label using kableExtra
values = umx_round(theMatrix$values, digits)
free = theMatrix$free
labels = theMatrix$labels
class = class(theMatrix)[[1]]
values[!free & values ==0] = zero.print
tb = kbl(values, caption = paste0(theMatrix$name, " matrix (", class, ")"), format = report)
# , paths fixed@0 left blank
tb = footnote(kable_input= tb, general = paste0("Fixed cells in gray, free in black, mouse-over to see labels, paths fixed@0 are shown as ", omxQuotes(zero.print)))
tb = xmu_style_kable(tb, style = style, html_font = html_font, bootstrap_options= bootstrap_options, lightable_options = lightable_options, full_width = FALSE)
matCols = dim(values)[[2]]
tabCols = kableExtra::magic_mirror(tb)$ncol
offset = (tabCols - matCols)
for (thisCol in (1 + offset):tabCols){
tb = column_spec(tb, thisCol,
# #666666 red= #D7261E green= #26D71E
color = ifelse(theMatrix$free[, (thisCol-offset)], "black", "#AAAAAA"),
tooltip = labels[, (thisCol-offset)]
} else {
if(what == "values"){
tmp = data.frame(theMatrix$values)
message("\n", "Values of ", omxQuotes(theMatrix), " matrix (0 shown as .):", appendLF = FALSE)
}else if(what == "free"){
tmp = data.frame(theMatrix$free)
message("\n", "Free cells in ", theMatrix$name, " matrix (FALSE shown as .):", appendLF = FALSE)
}else if(what == "labels"){
tmp = theMatrix$labels
if(show == "free"){
tmp[theMatrix$free != TRUE] = ""
} else if (show == "fixed") {
tmp[theMatrix$free == TRUE] = ""
message("\n", show, " labels for ", theMatrix$name, " matrix:", appendLF = FALSE)
}else if(what == "nonzero_or_free"){
message("99 means parameter is fixed at a non-zero value")
values = theMatrix$values
Free = theMatrix$free
values[!Free & values !=0] = 99
tmp = data.frame(values)
message("\n", what, " for ", theMatrix$name, " matrix (0 shown as '.', 99=fixed non-zero value):", appendLF = FALSE)
umx_print(tmp, zero.print = zero.print, na.print = na.print, digits = digits, file= NA, report = report)
} # for each matrix
umx_set_table_format(oldTableFormat) # side effect
#' Show matrices of RAM models in a easy-to-learn-from format.
#' A great way to learn about models is to look at the matrix contents. `tmx_show` is designed to
#' do this in a way that makes it easy to process for users: The matrix contents are formatted as
#' tables, and can even be displayed as tables in a web browser.
#' The user can select which matrices to view, whether to show values, free, and/or labels, and the precision of rounding.
#' @param x an object e.g. [umxRAM()] [umxMatrix()] from which to show parameters.
#' @param what legal options are "values" (default), "free", or "labels").
#' @param show filter on what to show c("all", "free", "fixed").
#' @param matrices to show (default is c("S", "A")). "thresholds" in beta.
#' @param digits precision to report. Default = round to 2 decimal places.
#' @param na.print How to display NAs (default = "")
#' @param zero.print How to display 0 values (default = ".")
#' @param report How to report the results. "html" = open in browser.
#' @param style The style for the table (Defaults to "paper". Other options are "material_dark", "classic", "classic_2", "minimal", "material")
#' @param bootstrap_options border etc. Defaults to c("hover", "bordered", "condensed", "responsive")
#' @param lightable_options Default is "striped"
#' @param html_font Default is null. Set (e.g. "Optima") to override the style's default font.
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @family Teaching and Testing functions
#' @references - <>
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(umx)
#' data(demoOneFactor)
#' manifests = names(demoOneFactor)
#' m1 = umxRAM("tmx_sh", data = demoOneFactor, type = "cov",
#' umxPath("G", to = manifests),
#' umxPath(var = manifests),
#' umxPath(var = "G", fixedAt = 1)
#' )
#' # =============================================
#' # = Show smart table on the web (the default) =
#' # =============================================
#' tmx_show(m1, report = "html")
#' tmx_show(m1, what = "free", matrices = "thresholds")
#' tmx_show(m1, zero.print = "-")
#' tmx_show(m1, report = "markdown")
#' tmx_show(m1, digits = 3, report = "markdown")
#' tmx_show(m1, matrices = "S", report = "markdown")
#' tmx_show(m1, what = "free" , report = "markdown")
#' tmx_show(m1, what = "labels", report = "markdown")
#' tmx_show(m1, what = "free", matrices = "A", report= "markdown")
#' }
tmx_show.MxModel <- function(x, what = c("values", "free", "labels", "nonzero_or_free"), show = c("free", "fixed", "all"), matrices = c("S", "A", "M"), digits = 2, report = c("html", "markdown"), na.print = "", zero.print = ".", html_font = NULL, style = c("paper","material_dark", "classic", "classic_2", "minimal", "material"), bootstrap_options=c("hover", "bordered", "condensed", "responsive"), lightable_options = "striped") {
stop("Sorry, currently, tmx_show only knows how to display umxRAM models: You gave me a ", class(model)[[1]])
model = x
what = match.arg(what)
show = match.arg(show)
report = match.arg(report)
style = match.arg(style)
# filter out non-empty matrices
requestedMatrices = matrices
matrices = c()
for (w in requestedMatrices) {
matrices = c(matrices, w)
oldTableFormat = umx_set_table_format(report) # side effect
if("thresholds" %in% matrices){
dev = TRUE
x = model$deviations_for_thresh
} else {
dev = FALSE
x = model$threshMat
if(what == "values"){
v = model$lowerOnes_for_thresh$values %*% x$values
} else {
v = x$values
if(show == "free"){
v[x$free == FALSE] = NA
} else if (show == "fixed") {
v[x$free == TRUE] = NA
umx_print(v, zero.print = zero.print, na.print = na.print, digits = digits)
}else if(what == "free"){
umx_print(data.frame(x$free) , zero.print = zero.print, na.print = na.print, digits = digits)
}else if(what == "labels"){
l = x$labels
if(show == "free"){
l[x$free == FALSE] = ""
} else if (show=="fixed") {
l[x$free == TRUE] = ""
umx_print(l, zero.print = ".", na.print = na.print, digits = digits)
} else {
for (w in matrices) {
if(report == "html"){
file = paste0(what, w, ".html")
# generate the free + value + popover label using kableExtra
values = umx_round(model$matrices[[w]]$values, digits)
free = model$matrices[[w]]$free
labels = model$matrices[[w]]$labels
class = class(model$matrices[[w]])[[1]]
values[!free & values ==0] = zero.print
tb = kbl(values, caption = paste0(w, " matrix (", class, ")"), format = report)
# , paths fixed@0 left blank
tb = footnote(kable_input= tb, general = paste0("Fixed cells in gray, free in black, mouse-over to see labels, paths fixed@0 are shown as ", omxQuotes(zero.print)))
tb = xmu_style_kable(tb, style = style, html_font = html_font, bootstrap_options= bootstrap_options, lightable_options = lightable_options, full_width = FALSE)
matCols = dim(values)[[2]]
tabCols = kableExtra::magic_mirror(tb)$ncol
offset = (tabCols-matCols)
for (thisCol in (1+offset):tabCols) {
tb = column_spec(tb, thisCol,
# #666666 red= #D7261E green= #26D71E
color = ifelse(model$matrices[[w]]$free[, (thisCol-offset)], "black", "#AAAAAA"),
tooltip = labels[, (thisCol-offset)]
} else {
if(what == "values"){
tmp = data.frame(model$matrices[[w]]$values)
message("\n", "Values of ", omxQuotes(w), " matrix (0 shown as .):", appendLF = FALSE)
}else if(what == "free"){
tmp = data.frame(model$matrices[[w]]$free)
message("\n", "Free cells in ", w, " matrix (FALSE shown as .):", appendLF = FALSE)
}else if(what == "labels"){
tmp = model$matrices[[w]]$labels
if(show == "free"){
tmp[model$matrices[[w]]$free != TRUE] = ""
} else if (show == "fixed") {
tmp[model$matrices[[w]]$free == TRUE] = ""
message("\n", show, " labels for ", w, " matrix:", appendLF = FALSE)
}else if(what == "nonzero_or_free"){
message("99 means parameter is fixed at a non-zero value")
values = model$matrices[[w]]$values
Free = model$matrices[[w]]$free
values[!Free & values !=0] = 99
tmp = data.frame(values)
message("\n", what, " for ", w, " matrix (0 shown as '.', 99=fixed non-zero value):", appendLF = FALSE)
umx_print(tmp, zero.print = zero.print, na.print = na.print, digits = digits, file= NA, report = report)
} # for each matrix
umx_set_table_format(oldTableFormat) # side effect
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