
## color_def_1.R | unikn
## spds | uni.kn |  2023 07 28
## ---------------------------

## Define colors and color palettes (1 of 2).

# Color palettes: ------

# (A) Basic color palettes: -----

#   (1) unikn default (web/sRGB) palette: ---- 

# Definition: 

pal_unikn_web <- data.frame(                             #  Element: 
  "seeblau1" = rgb(204, 238, 249, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. seeblau1 (non-transparent)
  "seeblau2" = rgb(166, 225, 244, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. seeblau2 (non-transparent)
  "seeblau3" = rgb( 89, 199, 235, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. seeblau3 (non-transparent) == preferred color: "Seeblau"
  "seeblau4" = rgb(  0, 169, 224, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. seeblau4 (= OLD seeblau base color)
  "black"    = rgb(  0,   0,   0, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. black
  "seegrau4" = rgb(102, 102, 102, maxColorValue = 255),  #  6. grey40 (non-transparent)
  "seegrau3" = rgb(153, 153, 153, maxColorValue = 255),  #  7. grey60 (non-transparent)
  "seegrau2" = rgb(204, 204, 204, maxColorValue = 255),  #  8. grey80 (non-transparent)
  "seegrau1" = rgb(229, 229, 229, maxColorValue = 255),  #  9. grey90 (non-transparent)
  "white"    = rgb(255, 255, 255, maxColorValue = 255),  # 10. white
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Note: Web (sRGB) colors appear to be more vibrant than pal_unikn_ppt variant (below). 

# Documentation:

#' uni.kn default color palette (web version) 
#' \code{pal_unikn_web} provides the default uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 10 colors.
#' This is the primary (web/sRGB) scale. 
#' Note that \code{\link{pal_unikn}} provides a divergent color palette (of 11 colors).
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' pal_unikn_web
#' dim(pal_unikn_web)  # 1 10
#' # Access by position:
#' pal_unikn_web[2]    # 2nd named color "seeblau3" (as df)
#' pal_unikn_web[[2]]  # 2nd color value "#59C7EB"
#' # Access by name: 
#' pal_unikn_web["seeblau3"]    # color "seeblau3" (as df)
#' pal_unikn_web[["seeblau3"]]  # color value "#59C7EB"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_unikn_web)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_ppt}} for an alternative (ppt) version; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

# Sensibly sorted version (position):
pal_unikn_web <- pal_unikn_web[c(4:1, 10:5)] # seeblau (2 as default) > white (5) > grey > black (10)

## Check:
# pal_unikn_web
# =>
#   seeblau4 seeblau3 seeblau2 seeblau1   white seegrau1 seegrau2 seegrau3 seegrau4   black
# 1  #00A9E0  #59C7EB  #A6E1F4  #CCEEF9 #FFFFFF  #E5E5E5  #CCCCCC  #999999  #666666 #000000
# names(pal_unikn_web)

#   (2) unikn alternative (ppt) palette: ---- 

# Definition:

pal_unikn_ppt <- data.frame(                             #  Element:
  "seeblau1" = rgb(200, 229, 239, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. seeblau1 (non-transparent)
  "seeblau2" = rgb(160, 211, 230, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. seeblau2 (non-transparent)
  "seeblau3" = rgb( 89, 182, 220, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. seeblau3 (non-transparent) == preferred color: "Seeblau"
  "seeblau4" = rgb(  0, 154, 209, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. seeblau4 (= OLD: seeblau base color)
  "black"    = rgb(  0,   0,   0, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. black
  "seegrau4" = rgb(102, 102, 102, maxColorValue = 255),  #  6. grey40 (non-transparent)
  "seegrau3" = rgb(153, 153, 153, maxColorValue = 255),  #  7. grey60 (non-transparent)
  "seegrau2" = rgb(204, 204, 204, maxColorValue = 255),  #  8. grey80 (non-transparent)
  "seegrau1" = rgb(229, 229, 229, maxColorValue = 255),  #  9. grey90 (non-transparent)
  "white"    = rgb(255, 255, 255, maxColorValue = 255),  # 10. white
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Note: PowerPoint colors appear to be more muted, less vibrant than pal_unikn.

# Documentation:

#' uni.kn secondary color palette (ppt version) 
#' \code{pal_unikn_ppt} provides an alternative uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 10 colors. 
#' This is a secondary (ppt) variant with more muted colors.
#' See \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the primary/default (web/sRGB) scale 
#' and \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' pal_unikn_ppt
#' dim(pal_unikn_ppt)  # 1 10
#' # Access by position:
#' pal_unikn_ppt[2]    # 2nd named color "seeblau3" (as df)
#' pal_unikn_ppt[[2]]  # 2nd color value "#59B6DC"
#' # Access by name: 
#' pal_unikn_ppt["seeblau3"]    # color "seeblau3" (as df)
#' pal_unikn_ppt[["seeblau3"]]  # color value "#59B6DC"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_unikn_ppt)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

# Sensibly sorted version: 
pal_unikn_ppt <- pal_unikn_ppt[c(4:1, 10:5)] # seeblau (1) > white (5) > grey > black (10)

## Check:
# pal_unikn_ppt
# => 
#   seeblau4 seeblau3 seeblau2 seeblau1   white seegrau1 seegrau2 seegrau3 seegrau4   black
# 1  #009AD1  #59B6DC  #A0D3E6  #C8E5EF #FFFFFF  #E5E5E5  #CCCCCC  #999999  #666666 #000000

# length(pal_unikn)
# names(pal_unikn_ppt)

# (B) Additional unikn color palettes: -----

## Source: MS Excel file at
## https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/colours-for-complex-graphics/ 

#  (1) seeblau: ----- 

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ---- 

#    HEX:	   RGB:	         CMYK:		                      Comment:
# 1. CCEEF9	 204 238 249	 20% von C82 | M3  | Y0 | K0		Seeblau  20% Corporate Design
# 2. A6E1F4	 166 225 244	 35% von C82 | M3  | Y0 | K0		Seeblau  35% Corporate Design
# 3. 59C7EB	  89 199 235	 65% von C82 | M3  | Y0 | K0		Seeblau  65% Corporate Design: preferred color: "seeblau"
# 4. 00A9E0	   0 169 224	         C82 | M3  | Y0 | K0		Seeblau 100% Corporate Design
# 5. 008ECE	   0 142 206	         C82 | M23 | Y0 | K0		Seeblau Dunkel *neu*

#   (b) Documentation: ---- 

#' uni.kn color palette seeblau 
#' \code{pal_seeblau} provides an additional uni.kn color palette 
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Seeblau}}).  
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' pal_seeblau
#' dim(pal_seeblau)  # 1 5
#' # Preferred color:
#' pal_seeblau[3]    # preferred (named) color "seeblau3" (as df)
#' pal_seeblau[[3]]  # preferred color value "#59C7EB"
#' # Access by position:
#' pal_seeblau[3]    # named color "seeblau3" (as df)
#' pal_seeblau[[3]]  # color value "#59C7EB"
#' # Access by name: 
#' pal_unikn["seeblau3"]    # color "seeblau3" (as df) 
#' pal_unikn[["seeblau3"]]  # color value "#59C7EB"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_seeblau)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_karpfenblau}} for an alternative blue uni.kn color palette;  
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_seeblau <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "seeblau1" = rgb(204, 238, 249, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. seeblau1 (non-transparent):  20%
  "seeblau2" = rgb(166, 225, 244, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. seeblau2 (non-transparent):  35%
  "seeblau3" = rgb( 89, 199, 235, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. seeblau3 (non-transparent):  65%: preferred color: "seeblau"
  "seeblau4" = rgb(  0, 169, 224, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. seeblau4 (non-transparent): 100%
  "seeblau5" = rgb(  0, 142, 206, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. seeblau5 (non-transparent): neu
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_seeblau

#   (d) Named color seeblau (as df): ---- 

##|  uni.kn color seeblau (as df) 
##|  \code{seeblau} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}
##|  (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as
##|  \code{\link{pal_seeblau}[3]}.
##|  See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##|  @examples
##|  # seeblau  # "seeblau3" with value "#59C7EB" (as df)
##|  # all.equal(seeblau, pal_seeblau[3])  # TRUE (both df)
##|  @family named colors (as df)
##|  @seealso
##|  \code{\link{pal_seeblau}} for the corresponding color palette;
##|  \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors;
##|  \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette;
##|  \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
##|  \code{\link{pal_n}} to get \code{n} dedicated colors of a known color palette.

# seeblau <- pal_seeblau[3]  # == seeblau.3 of pal_seeblau OR pal_unikn 

## Check:
# seeblau

#   (e) Preferred color Seeblau (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Seeblau 
#' \code{Seeblau} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_seeblau}[[3]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Seeblau  # HEX character "#59C7EB" (as value)
#' all.equal(Seeblau, pal_seeblau[[3]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Seeblau)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_seeblau}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

Seeblau <- pal_seeblau[[3]]  # HEX color value of seeblau.3 of pal_seeblau OR pal_unikn 

names(Seeblau) <- "Seeblau"

## Check:
# Seeblau # "#59C7EB"
# names(Seeblau)

#  (2) peach: -----

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ---- 

#    HEX:	   RGB:	         CMYK:		              Comment:
# 1. FEE2DD	 254 226 221	 C0 | M16 | Y11 | K0		
# 2. FECFC7	 254 207 199	 C0 | M26 | Y18 | K0		
# 3. FFB8AC	 255 184 172	 C0 | M38 | Y27 | K0		
# 4. FEA090	 254 160 144	 C0 | M49 | Y38 | K0		preferred color: "peach" (aus "Erleben", für Akzente)
# 5. FF8E7B	 255 142 123	 C0 | M56 | Y46 | K0		

#   (b) Documentation: ----  

#' uni.kn color palette peach 
#' \code{pal_peach} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Peach}}). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' pal_peach
#' dim(pal_peach)  # 1 5
#' pal_peach[4]    # preferred (named) color "peach4" 
#' pal_peach[[4]]  # preferred color "peach4" OR "#FEA090"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_peach)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_pinky}} and \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}} for alternative redish uni.kn color palettes;  
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ----  

pal_peach <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "peach1" = rgb(254, 226, 221, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. 
  "peach2" = rgb(254, 207, 199, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. 
  "peach3" = rgb(255, 184, 172, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. 
  "peach4" = rgb(254, 160, 144, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. preferred color: "peach" 
  "peach5" = rgb(255, 142, 123, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. 
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_peach

#   (d) Named color peach (as df): ---- 

##| uni.kn color peach (as df) 
##| \code{peach} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_peach}}
##| (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as
##| \code{\link{pal_peach}[4]}.
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # peach  # name "peach4" with color value "#FEA090" (as df)
##| # all.equal(peach, pal_peach[4])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df)
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_peach}} for the corresponding color palette;
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors;
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette;
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 

# peach <- pal_peach[4]  # == peach.4 of pal_peach 

## Check:
# peach

#   (e) Preferred color Peach (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Peach 
#' \code{Peach} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_peach}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_peach}[[4]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Peach  # HEX character "#FEA090" (as value)
#' all.equal(Peach, pal_peach[[4]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Peach)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{pal_peach}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.  
#' @export

Peach <- pal_peach[[4]]  # HEX color value of peach.4 of pal_peach 

names(Peach) <- "Peach"

## Check:
# Peach  # "#FEA090"
# names(Peach)

#  (3) grau: ----- 

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ----  

#    HEX:	   RGB:	          CMYK:		             Comment:
# 1. E1E2E5	 225 226 229	  C0 | M0 | Y0 | K10
# 2. B8BCC1	 184 188 193	  C0 | M0 | Y0 | K20
# 3. 9AA0A7	 154 160 167	  C0 | M0 | Y0 | K40   preferred color: "grau" 
# 4. 73787E	 115 120 126	  C0 | M0 | Y0 | K60
# 5. 4D5054	  77  80  84	  C0 | M0 | Y0 | K80

#   (b) Documentation: ---- 

#' uni.kn color palette grau 
#' \code{pal_grau} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Grau}} or grey). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' pal_grau
#' dim(pal_grau)  # 1 5
#' pal_grau[3]    # preferred (named) color "grau3"
#' pal_grau[[3]]  # preferred color "grau3" OR "#9AA0A7"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_grau)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.  
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_grau <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "grau1" = rgb(225, 226, 229, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. grau1 (non-transparent)
  "grau2" = rgb(184, 188, 193, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. grau2 (non-transparent)
  "grau3" = rgb(154, 160, 167, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. grau3 (non-transparent): preferred color: "grau"
  "grau4" = rgb(115, 120, 126, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. grau4 (non-transparent)
  "grau5" = rgb( 77,  80,  84, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. grau5 (non-transparent)
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_grau

#   (d) Named color grau (as df): ---- 

##| uni.kn color grau (as df) 
##| \code{grau} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_grau}}
##| (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as
##| \code{\link{pal_grau}[3]}.
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # grau  # name "grau3" and color value "#9AA0A7" (as df)
##| # all.equal(grau, pal_grau[3])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df)
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_grau}} for the corresponding color palette;
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors;
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette;
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 

# grau <- pal_grau[3]  # == grau.3 of pal_grau: "grau3" OR "#9AA0A7"

## Check:
# grau

#   (e) Preferred color Grau (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Grau 
#' \code{Grau} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_grau}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_grau}[[3]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Grau  # HEX character "#9AA0A7" (as value)
#' all.equal(Grau, pal_grau[[3]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Grau)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_grau}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

Grau <- pal_grau[[3]]  # HEX color value of grau.3 of pal_grau 

names(Grau) <- "Grau"

## Check:
# Grau  # "#9AA0A7"

#  (4) petrol: -----

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ----  

#    HEX:	   RGB:	          CMYK:		               Comment:
# 1. 9CC6CF	 156 198 207	  C44 | M10 | Y18 | K0		
# 2. 6AAAB7	 106 170 183	  C61 | M17 | Y26 | K2		
# 3. 398D9F	  57 141 159	  C75 | M27 | Y31 | K7		
# 4. 077187	   7 113 135	  C85 | M36 | Y34 | K17	 preferred color: "petrol"
# 5. 035F72	   3  95 114	  C89 | M44 | Y38 | K26	

#   (b) Documentation: ----  

#' uni.kn color palette petrol 
#' \code{pal_petrol} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Petrol}} or grue). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details, and 
#' \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_riddle_of_induction} 
#' for the portmanteau "grue".
#' @examples
#' pal_petrol
#' dim(pal_petrol)  # 1 5
#' pal_petrol[4]    # preferred (named) color "petrol4"
#' pal_petrol[[4]]  # preferred color "petrol4" OR "#077187"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_petrol)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_seegruen}} for an alternative green/grue uni.kn color palette;  
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_petrol <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "petrol1" = rgb(156, 198, 207, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. petrol1 (non-transparent)
  "petrol2" = rgb(106, 170, 183, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. petrol2 (non-transparent)
  "petrol3" = rgb( 57, 141, 159, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. petrol3 (non-transparent)
  "petrol4" = rgb(  7, 113, 135, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. petrol4 (non-transparent): preferred color: "petrol"
  "petrol5" = rgb(  3,  95, 114, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. petrol5 (non-transparent)
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_petrol

#   (d) Named color petrol (as df): ---- 

##| uni.kn color petrol (as df) 
##| \code{petrol} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_petrol}} 
##| (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as 
##| \code{\link{pal_petrol}[4]}. 
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # petrol  # name "petrol" and color value "#077187" (as df)
##| # all.equal(petrol, pal_petrol[4])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df) 
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_petrol}} for the corresponding color palette; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette; 
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.  

# petrol <- pal_petrol[4]  # == petrol.4 of pal_petrol: "petrol4" OR "#077187"

## Check:
# petrol

#   (e) Preferred color Petrol (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Petrol 
#' \code{Petrol} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_petrol}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_petrol}[[4]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Petrol  # HEX character "#077187" (as value)
#' all.equal(Petrol, pal_petrol[[4]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Petrol)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_petrol}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

Petrol <- pal_petrol[[4]]  # HEX color value of petrol.4 of pal_petrol 

names(Petrol) <- "Petrol"

## Check:
# Petrol  #  "#077187"

#  (5) seegruen: -----

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ----  

#    HEX:	   RGB:	         CMYK:		              Comment:
# 1. 85D1CC	 113 209 204	 C50 | M0  | Y25 | K0		
# 2. 54BFB7	  84 191 183	 C64 | M0  | Y34 | K0		
# 3. 0AA398	  10 163 152	 C78 | M10 | Y47 | K0		
# 4. 0A9086	  10 144 134	 C81 | M20 | Y51 | K4		 preferred color: "seegruen"
# 5. 067E79	   6 126 121	 C84 | M27 | Y52 | K13		

#   (b) Documentation: ----  

#' uni.kn color palette seegruen 
#' \code{pal_seegruen} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Seegruen}}). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' pal_seegruen
#' dim(pal_seegruen)  # 1 5
#' pal_seegruen[4]    # preferred (named) color "seegruen4"
#' pal_seegruen[[4]]  # preferred color "seegruen4" OR "#0A9086"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_seegruen)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_petrol}} for an alternative green uni.kn color palette;  
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_seegruen <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "seegruen1" = rgb(113, 209, 204, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. seegruen1 (non-transparent)
  "seegruen2" = rgb( 84, 191, 183, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. seegruen2 (non-transparent)
  "seegruen3" = rgb( 10, 163, 152, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. seegruen3 (non-transparent)
  "seegruen4" = rgb( 10, 144, 134, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. seegruen4 (non-transparent): preferred color: "seegruen"
  "seegruen5" = rgb(  6, 126, 121, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. seegruen5 (non-transparent)
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_seegruen

#   (d) Named color seegruen (as df): ---- 

##| uni.kn color seegruen (as df) 
##| \code{seegruen} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_seegruen}} 
##| (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as 
##| \code{\link{pal_seegruen}[4]}. 
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # seegruen  # name "seegruen4" and color value "#0A9086" (as df)
##| # all.equal(seegruen, pal_seegruen[4])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df) 
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_seegruen}} for the corresponding color palette; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette; 
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 

# seegruen <- pal_seegruen[4]  # == seegruen.4 of pal_seegruen: "seegruen4" OR "#0A9086"

## Check: 
# seegruen

#   (e) Preferred color Seegruen (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Seegruen 
#' \code{Seegruen} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_seegruen}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_seegruen}[[4]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Seegruen  # HEX character "#0A9086" (as value)
#' all.equal(Seegruen, pal_seegruen[[4]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Seegruen)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_seegruen}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.  
#' @export

Seegruen <- pal_seegruen[[4]]  # HEX color value of seegruen.4 of pal_seegruen 

names(Seegruen) <- "Seegruen"

## Check:
# Seegruen  #  "#0A9086"

#  (6) karpfenblau: -----

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ----  

#    HEX:	   RGB:	          CMYK:		               Comment:
# 1. B4BCD6	 180 188 214	  C34 | M23 | Y8  | K0		
# 2. 8290BB	 130 144 187	  C56 |  41 | Y11 | K0		
# 3. 586BA4	  88 107 164	  C73 | M57 | Y11 | K1		
# 4. 3E5496	  62  84 150	  C86 | M69 | Y10 | K1	 preferred color: "karpfenblau"
# 5. 324376	  50  67 118	  C92 |  77 | Y26 | K11		

#   (b) Documentation: ----  

#' uni.kn color palette karpfenblau 
#' \code{pal_karpfenblau} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Karpfenblau}} or blue carp). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details. 
#' @examples
#' pal_karpfenblau
#' dim(pal_karpfenblau)  # 1 5
#' pal_karpfenblau[4]    # preferred (named) color "karpfenblau4"
#' pal_karpfenblau[[4]]  # preferred color "karpfenblau4" OR "#3E5496"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_karpfenblau)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_seeblau}} for the default seeblau uni.kn color palette;  
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_karpfenblau <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "karpfenblau1" = rgb(180, 188, 214, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. karpfenblau1 (non-transparent)
  "karpfenblau2" = rgb(130, 144, 187, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. karpfenblau2 (non-transparent)
  "karpfenblau3" = rgb( 88, 107, 164, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. karpfenblau3 (non-transparent)
  "karpfenblau4" = rgb( 62,  84, 150, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. karpfenblau4 (non-transparent): preferred color: "karpfenblau"
  "karpfenblau5" = rgb( 50,  67, 118, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. karpfenblau5 (non-transparent)
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_karpfenblau

#   (d) Named color karpfenblau (as df): ---- 

##| uni.kn color karpfenblau (as df) 
##| \code{karpfenblau} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_karpfenblau}} 
##| (as an atomic data) frame and is defined as 
##| \code{\link{pal_karpfenblau}[4]}. 
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # karpfenblau  # name "karpfenblau4" and color value "#3E5496" (as df)
##| # all.equal(karpfenblau, pal_karpfenblau[4])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df) 
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_karpfenblau}} for the corresponding color palette; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette; 
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.  

# karpfenblau <- pal_karpfenblau[4]  # == karpfenblau4 of pal_karpfenblau: "karpfenblau4" OR "#3E5496"

## Check:
# karpfenblau

#   (e) Preferred color Karpfenblau (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Karpfenblau 
#' \code{Karpfenblau} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_karpfenblau}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_karpfenblau}[[4]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Karpfenblau  # HEX character "#3E5496" (as value)
#' all.equal(Karpfenblau, pal_karpfenblau[[4]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Karpfenblau)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_karpfenblau}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.   
#' @export

Karpfenblau <- pal_karpfenblau[[4]]  # HEX color value of karpfenblau.4 of pal_karpfenblau 

names(Karpfenblau) <- "Karpfenblau"

## Check:
# Karpfenblau  #  "#3E5496"

#  (7) pinky: -----

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ----  

#    HEX:	    RGB:	        CMYK:		                Comment:
# 1. F3BFCB	  243 191 203	  C2  | M33 | Y11 | K0		
# 2. ECA0B2	  236 160 178	  C4  | M48 | Y16 | K0		
# 3. E68098	  230 128 152	  C6  | M62 | Y22 | K0		
# 4. E0607E	  224 96 126	  C7  | M74 | Y31 | K0		preferred color: "pinky"
# 5. CA4A68	  202 74 104	  C16 | M81 | Y40 | K5		

#   (b) Documentation: ----  

#' uni.kn color palette pinky 
#' \code{pal_pinky} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Pinky}} or pink). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details. 
#' @examples
#' pal_pinky
#' dim(pal_pinky)  # 1 5
#' pal_pinky[4]    # preferred (named) color "pinky4"
#' pal_pinky[[4]]  # preferred color "pinky4" OR "#E0607E"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_pinky)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_peach}} and \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}} for alternative redish uni.kn color palettes; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_pinky <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "pinky1" = rgb(243, 191, 203, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. pinky1 (non-transparent)
  "pinky2" = rgb(236, 160, 178, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. pinky2 (non-transparent)
  "pinky3" = rgb(230, 128, 152, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. pinky3 (non-transparent)
  "pinky4" = rgb(224,  96, 126, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. pinky4 (non-transparent): preferred color: "pinky"
  "pinky5" = rgb(202,  74, 104, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. pinky5 (non-transparent)
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_pinky

#   (d) Named color pinky (as df): ---- 

##| uni.kn color pinky (as df) 
##| \code{pinky} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_pinky}} 
##| (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as 
##| \code{\link{pal_pinky}[4]}. 
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # pinky  # name "pinky4" and color value "#E0607E" (as df)
##| # all.equal(pinky, pal_pinky[4])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df) 
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_pinky}} for the corresponding color palette; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette; 
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 

# pinky <- pal_pinky[4]  # == pinky4 of pal_pinky: "pinky4" OR "#E0607E"

## Check:
# pinky

#   (e) Preferred color Pinky (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Pinky 
#' \code{Pinky} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_pinky}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_pinky}[[4]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Pinky  # HEX character "#E0607E" (as value)
#' all.equal(Pinky, pal_pinky[[4]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Pinky)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{pal_pinky}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.  
#' @export

Pinky <- pal_pinky[[4]]  # HEX color value of pinky.4 of pal_pinky 

names(Pinky) <- "Pinky"

## Check:
Pinky  #  "#E0607E"

#  (8) bordeaux: -----

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ----  

#    HEX:	   RGB:	          CMYK:		               Comment:
# 1. D2A6B4	 210 166 180	  C18 | M40 | Y19 | K1		
# 2. BC7A8F	 188 122 143	  C26 | M58 | Y27 | K6		
# 3. A54D69	 165  77 105	  C29 | M77 | Y35 | K17		
# 4. 8E2043	 142  32  67	  C29 | M95 | Y47 | K32		preferred color: "Bordeaux"
# 5. 771434	 119  20  52	  C32 | M99 | Y52 | K45		

#   (b) Documentation: ----  

#' uni.kn color palette bordeaux 
#' \code{pal_bordeaux} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 5 colors (shades of 
#' \code{\link{Bordeaux}}). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details. 
#' @examples
#' pal_bordeaux
#' dim(pal_bordeaux)  # 1 5
#' pal_bordeaux[4]    # preferred (named) color "bordeaux4"
#' pal_bordeaux[[4]]  # preferred color "bordeaux4" OR "#8E2043"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_bordeaux)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_peach}} and \code{\link{pal_pinky}} for alternative redish uni.kn color palettes;  
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_bordeaux <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "bordeaux1" = rgb(210, 166, 180, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. bordeaux1 (non-transparent)
  "bordeaux2" = rgb(188, 122, 143, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. bordeaux2 (non-transparent)
  "bordeaux3" = rgb(165,  77, 105, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. bordeaux3 (non-transparent)
  "bordeaux4" = rgb(142,  32,  67, maxColorValue = 255),  #  4. bordeaux4 (non-transparent): preferred color: "bordeaux"
  "bordeaux5" = rgb(119,  20,  52, maxColorValue = 255),  #  5. bordeaux5 (non-transparent)
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_bordeaux

#   (d) Named color bordeaux (as df): ---- 

##| uni.kn color bordeaux (as df) 
##| \code{bordeaux} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}} 
##| (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as 
##| \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}[4]}. 
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # bordeaux  # name "bordeaux4" and color value "#8E2043" (as df)
##| # all.equal(bordeaux, pal_bordeaux[4])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df) 
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}} for the corresponding color palette; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette; 
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 

# bordeaux <- pal_bordeaux[4]  # == bordeaux4 of pal_bordeaux: "bordeaux4" OR "#8E2043"

## Check:
# bordeaux # (as df)

#   (e) Preferred color Bordeaux (as HEX character value): ---- 

#' uni.kn color Bordeaux 
#' \code{Bordeaux} provides the preferred color of \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}[[4]]}. 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Bordeaux  # HEX character "#8E2043" (as value)
#' all.equal(Bordeaux, pal_bordeaux[[4]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Bordeaux)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{pal_bordeaux}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

Bordeaux <- pal_bordeaux[[4]]  # HEX color value of bordeaux.4 of pal_bordeaux 

names(Bordeaux) <- "Bordeaux"

## Check:
# Bordeaux  #  "#8E2043"

#  (9) Ampeltöne: pal_signal -----

#   (a) Table (from Excel file): ----  

#    HEX:	   RGB:	         CMYK:		              Comment:
# 1. 7CCA89	 124 202 137	 C55 | M0  | Y58 | K0		Sehr gut
# 2. EFDC60	 239 220  96	 C10 | M8  | Y72 | K0		Stagnierend
# 3. D01556	 208  21  86	 C11 | M99 | Y44 | K3		Sehr schlecht

#   (b) Documentation: ----  

#' uni.kn color palette signal (Ampel colors) 
#' \code{pal_signal} provides an additional uni.kn color palette  
#' as a data frame containing 3 colors (Ampel or traffic signal colors). 
#' The colors are arranged as in a traffic light ("Ampel"): 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item top: red or "bad"
#' \item mid: yellow or "alert"
#' \item bot: green or "good"
#' }
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details. 
#' @examples
#' pal_signal
#' dim(pal_signal)  # 1 3
#' pal_signal[2]    # (named) color "signal2"
#' pal_signal[[2]]  # color "signal2" OR "#EFDC60"
#' # Plotting palette:
#' seecol(pal_signal)
#' @family color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 
#' @export

#   (c) Definition: ---- 

pal_signal <- data.frame(                               #  Element: 
  "signal1" = rgb(208,  21,  86, maxColorValue = 255),  #  3. signal1: top = bad   (non-transparent)
  "signal2" = rgb(239, 220,  96, maxColorValue = 255),  #  2. signal2: mid = alert (non-transparent)
  "signal3" = rgb(124, 202, 137, maxColorValue = 255),  #  1. signal3: bot = good  (non-transparent)
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check:
# pal_signal

#   (d) NO Named color signal (as df): ---- 

# Note: As the Ampel palette specification does NOT identify a preferred color,  
#       using "signal" as a dedicated color is NOT part of the official definition. 

##| uni.kn color alert signal (as df)  
##| \code{signal} provides the alert color of \code{\link{pal_signal}} 
##| (as an atomic data frame) and is defined as 
##| \code{\link{pal_signal}[2]}. 
##| The official specification of \code{\link{pal_signal}} 
##| does not identify a preferred color. 
##| We provide \code{\link{pal_signal}[2]} as a dedicated color 
##| as it is suited for creating color gradients 
##| (see \code{\link{usecol}}). 
##| See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
##| @examples
##| # signal  # name "signal2" and color value "#EFDC60" (as df)
##| # all.equal(signal, pal_signal[2])  # TRUE (both df)
##| @family named colors (as df) 
##| @seealso
##| \code{\link{pal_signal}} for the corresponding color palette; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
##| \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the default uni.kn color palette; 
##| \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
##| \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes. 

# signal <- pal_signal[2]  # == signal2 of pal_signal: "signal2" OR "#EFDC60"

## Check:
# signal

#   (e) NO Preferred color Signal (as HEX character value): ---- 

# Note: As the Ampel palette specification does NOT identify a preferred color,  
#       using "signal" as a dedicated color is NOT part of the official definition. 

#' uni.kn color Signal or alert 
#' \code{Signal} provides the alert color of \code{\link{pal_signal}} 
#' (as an atomic HEX character value) and is defined as 
#' \code{\link{pal_signal}[2]}. 
#' The official specification of \code{\link{pal_signal}} 
#' does not identify a preferred color. 
#' We provide \code{Signal} as a dedicated color 
#' as it is suited for creating color gradients 
#' (see \code{\link{usecol}}). 
#' See \url{https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/} for details.
#' @examples
#' Signal  # HEX character "#EFDC60" (as value)
#' all.equal(Signal, pal_signal[[2]])  # TRUE (same HEX values)
#' seecol(Signal)  # view color and details
#' @family preferred colors 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{pal_signal}} for the corresponding color palette; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn}} for the unikn default color palette with all 5 colors of \code{\link{pal_seeblau}}; 
#' \code{\link{pal_unikn_pref}} for a uni.kn color palette with all preferred colors; 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes.  
#' @export

Signal <- pal_signal[[2]]  # == signal2 of pal_signal: "signal2" OR "#EFDC60"

names(Signal) <- "Signal"

## Check:
# Signal  # "#EFDC60"

# Lookup vectors of palette names: ------ 

# - Definition: ----

# all_pal_names1 <- ls()[grepl("pal_", ls())]  # utils::apropos("pal_")
# all_pal_names1 <- all_pal_names1[!all_pal_names1 %in% c("pal_signal", "pal_unikn_ppt")]  
# remove ppt and signal to avoid crashing on inconsistency in usecol (defined but not with color selection).
all_palkn_basic <- c("pal_unikn", "pal_unikn_web", "pal_unikn_ppt")
all_palkn_pair  <- c("pal_unikn_light", "pal_unikn_dark", "pal_unikn_pair")
all_palkn_grad  <- c("pal_seeblau", "pal_peach", "pal_grau", "pal_petrol", "pal_seegruen",
                     "pal_karpfenblau", "pal_pinky", "pal_bordeaux",
all_palkn_pref  <- c("pal_unikn_pref", all_palkn_grad)
all_palkn <- c(all_palkn_basic, all_palkn_pair, all_palkn_pref)

# - Additional/contributed palettes: ----

# add_pals <- c("caltech_pal_1", "caltech_pal_2", "caltech_pal_3",
#               "eth_pal_1", "eth_pal_2", "eth_pal_3",
#               "fu_pal_0", "fu_pal_1", "fu_pal_2", "fu_pal_3",
#               "hu_pal_1", "hu_pal_2",
#               "lmu_pal_1", "lmu_pal_2", "lmu_pal_3",
#               "mpg_pal",
#               "uni_bonn_1", "uni_bonn_2",
#               "uni_freiburg_0", "uni_freiburg_1", "uni_freiburg_2",
#               "uni_freiburg_br", "uni_freiburg_blue", "uni_freiburg_grey", "uni_freiburg_info",
#               "uni_goettingen_1", "uni_goettingen_2", "uni_goettingen_3",
#               "uni_hamburg_1", "uni_hamburg_2",
#               "uni_jena_1", "uni_jena_2", 
#               "uni_kiel_1", "uni_kiel_2",
#               "uni_koeln_1", "uni_koeln_2",
#               "uni_konstanz_1", "uni_konstanz_2",
#               "uni_mannheim_1", "uni_mannheim_2",
#               "uni_princeton_0", "uni_princeton_1", "uni_princeton_2",
#               "uni_regensburg_1", "uni_regensburg_2", "uni_regensburg_3",
#               "uni_ulm_1", "uni_ulm_2",
#               "rpi_pal_1", "rpi_pal_2", "rpi_pal_3",
#               "rptu_pal"
# )

# length(add_pals)  # 52 [2023-07-12]

add_pals <- NULL # migrated to R package unicol. 

# - All palettes / largest set (of unikn package): ----

all_pals <- c(all_palkn, add_pals)

# all_pals <- paste("unikn", all_pals, sep = "::")

# Sources: Links to unikn color definitions ------ 

# Defining CD elements according to specifications publicly provided at https://www.uni-konstanz.de. 
# Sources for color definitions: 
# https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/the-university-of-konstanzs-corporate-design/ 
# https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/create-online-and-print-media/corporate-design/colours-for-complex-graphics/ 

# Note: Compare colors ----- 

# - Seeblau seems like a muted variant of "deepskyblue"
# - Pinky seems like a muted variant of "deeppink"
# - Petrol is similar to "deepskyblue4"
# # Demo:
# comp_cols <- c(Seeblau, "deepskyblue", Pinky, "deeppink", Petrol, "deepskyblue4")
# seecol(comp_cols, col_brd = "white", lwd_brd = 5)

## eof. ----------

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unikn documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:41 a.m.