
Defines functions readMortTable calcMortFactors projectDBRP projectDBRU projectDBSU projectABRP projectABRU projectABSU projectIBRP projectIBRU projectIBSU projectMBRP projectMBRU projectMBSU projectWBRP projectWBRU projectWBSU projectDBAB projectDBIB projectDBMB projectDBWB valuateOnePolicy ageOnePolicy valuatePortfolio agePortfolio

Documented in ageOnePolicy agePortfolio calcMortFactors valuateOnePolicy valuatePortfolio

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----- Step4_MonteCarloValuation.R --------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom utils read.csv
readMortTable <- function(dirFileName, header = T){
    # reads mortality table from .csv file specified by dirFileName
    # colname indicates whether column names are included in the file
    # By default, the first column is age x, the second and third columns are
    # mortality rates qx for male & female
    # Inputs:
    # -- dirFileName: string of directory and filename
    # -- colname: binary indicator for whether column name is given in the file
    # Output:
    # -- mortTable: a dataframe with three columns, x and qx for male & female
    # -- ALSO need to overwrite existing default mortTable in the workspace

    mortTable <- read.csv(file = dirFileName, header = header, sep = ",")
    colnames(mortTable) <- c("age", "F", "M")

    # mortTable is a dataframe with three columns, x and qx for male & female

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Calculate Mortality Factors
#' @description Calculates the mortality factors (t - 1)px q(x + t - 1) and tpx required to
#' valuate the inPolicy. Extract gender, age (birth date & current date),
#' valuation date (current date), and maturity date from inPolicy, mortality
#' rates from mortTable.
#' @param inPolicy A vector containing 45 attributes of a VA policy,
#'   usually a row of a VA portfolio dataframe.
#' @param mortTable A dataframe with three columns of doubles representing the
#'   mortality table.
#' @param dT A double of stepsize in years; dT = 1 / 12 would be monthly.
#' @return Outputs a two-column data frame of doubles of mortFactors (t - 1)px
#'   q(x + t - 1) and tpx.
#' @examples
#' exPolicy <- VAPort[1, ]
#' calcMortFactors(exPolicy, mortTable, dT = 1 / 12)
#' @export
calcMortFactors <- function(inPolicy, mortTable, dT = 1 / 12){

    birDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "birthDate"])
    curDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    matDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "matDate"])
    if (curDate < birDate) stop("Current date is prior to birth date.")
    if (matDate < birDate) stop("Maturity date is prior to birth date.")
    if (matDate < curDate) stop("Maturity date is prior to current date.")

    # no. of months sine birth to current date,
    # all dates are first of the month
    monBirCur <- 12 * (curDate$year - birDate$year) +
      (curDate$mon - birDate$mon)
    # no. of months sine birth to maturity date,
    # all dates are first of the month
    monMatCur <- 12 * (matDate$year - birDate$year) +
      (matDate$mon - birDate$mon)
    ageCur <- monBirCur / 12              # age at current date
    x0 <- floor(ageCur)                 # integer age at current date
    t0 <- ageCur - x0              # fractional age at current date
    xT <- floor(monMatCur / 12)     # integer age after numStep periods

    gender <- ifelse(inPolicy[1, "gender"] == "F", "female", "male")

    # annual mortality rates from current age to maturity age
    maxRng <- c(x0:mortTable$age[length(mortTable$age)])
    ageRngLen <- xT - x0 + 1
    annualQ <- mortTable[mortTable$age %in% maxRng, gender]
    # append some 1's if xMat > max age in mortality table
    annualQ <- c(annualQ, rep(1, as.numeric(ageRngLen > length(maxRng)) *
                                (ageRngLen - length(annualQ))))

    p <- rep(1)     # placeholder for the p factors, default 1 for 0px
    pq <- rep(1)    # placeholder for the pq factors

    # loop over for numStep with stepsize dT
    xCur <- x0
    tCur <- t0
    dP <- 1
    step <- 1
    while (dP > 0.00001) {
        baseQ <- annualQ[xCur - x0 + 1]   # base qx in current loop
        # prob. of death within next dT at age xCur+tCur
        dtQxt <- (dT * baseQ) / (1 - tCur * baseQ)
        # prob. of surviving the current dT
        p[step + 1] <- p[step] * (1 - dtQxt)
        dP <- p[step + 1]
        pq[step] <- p[step] * dtQxt # prob. of death in the current dT

        # update age for next period
        # age at current date
        ageCur <- ageCur + dT
        # integer age at current date
        xCur <- floor(ageCur + 1e-10)
        # fractional age at current date
        tCur <- ifelse(abs(ageCur - xCur) < 1e-10, 0, ageCur - xCur)
        step <- step + 1

    return(mortFactors = data.frame(pq = pq, p = p[-1]))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remarks:
# 1. projectDBRP is 1 of the 19 cash flow projection functions
# 2. Each cash flow projection function follows calculations in
# Appendix A of the paper
# 3. User-defined VA policies should have an associated projectXXXX function
# Project a DBRP policy whose attributes are specified in inPolicy based on
# one fund scenario oneFundScen and steplength dT.
projectDBRP <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
      (length(p) >= numStep) &&
      (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] -
        dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectDBRU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)
    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] -
        dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary: annual roll-up
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] *
        (1 + inPolicy[1, "rollUpRate"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectDBSU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon){
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectABRP <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # renewal
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      if (inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] < dAV[step]) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- dAV[step]
      else {
        LA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
        numFund <- length(inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))])
        if (dAV[step] > 0.00001) {
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
            inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
            inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / dAV[step]
        }else {
            inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
              inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / numFund
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) -
                                    as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"]))
    inPolicy[1, "issueDate"] <- inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]
    inPolicy[1, "matDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectABRU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary: annual roll-up
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] *
        (1 + inPolicy[1, "rollUpRate"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # renewal
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      if (inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] < dAV[step]) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- dAV[step]
      else {
        LA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
        numFund <- length(inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))])
        if (dAV[step] > 0.00001) {
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
            inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
            inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / dAV[step]
        }else {
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
            inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / numFund
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) -
                                    as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"]))
    inPolicy[1, "issueDate"] <- inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]
    inPolicy[1, "matDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectABSU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon){
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # renewal
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]){
      if (inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] < dAV[step]) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- dAV[step]
      else {
        LA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
        numFund <- length(inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))])
        if (dAV[step] > 0.00001){
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
            inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
            inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / dAV[step]
        }else {
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
            inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / numFund
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) -
                                    as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"]))
    inPolicy[1, "issueDate"] <- inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]
    inPolicy[1, "matDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectIBRP <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # calculate guarateed price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # with r = 5%
  ag <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  r <- 0.05
  while (dP > 0.00001) {
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    ag <- ag + dP * exp(-r * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # calculate market price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # beginning at time T
  aT <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  while (dP > 0.00001) {
    dFR <- 0
    if (nY * 12 < numStep) dFR <- df[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dFR <- df[numStep - 1]
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    aT <- aT + dP * exp(-dFR * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon){
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * aT / ag - dAV[step], 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation

  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectIBRU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # calculate guarateed price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # with r = 5%
  ag <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  r <- 0.05
  while (dP > 0.00001) {
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    ag <- ag + dP * exp(-r * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # calculate market price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # beginning at time T
  aT <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  while (dP > 0.00001){
    dFR <- 0
    if (nY * 12 < numStep) dFR <- df[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dFR <- df[numStep - 1]
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    aT <- aT + dP * exp(-dFR * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary: annual roll-up
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] *
        (1 + inPolicy[1, "rollUpRate"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * aT / ag - dAV[step], 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation

  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectIBSU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # calculate guarateed price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # with r = 5%
  ag <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  r <- 0.05
  while (dP > 0.00001) {
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    ag <- ag + dP * exp(-r * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # calculate market price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # beginning at time T
  aT <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  while (dP > 0.00001) {
    dFR <- 0
    if (nY * 12 < numStep) dFR <- df[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dFR <- df[numStep - 1]
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    aT <- aT + dP * exp(-dFR * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * aT / ag - dAV[step], 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation

  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectMBRP <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon){
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV, 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectMBRU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary: annual roll-up
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] *
        (1 + inPolicy[1, "rollUpRate"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV, 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectMBSU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon){
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]){
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV, 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectWBRP <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")
  numFund <- dim(oneFundScen)[2]

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon){
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

      #update annual withdrawal
      dWAG <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * inPolicy[1, "wbWithdrawalRate"]
      dWA <- min(dWAG, inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"])
      inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] <- inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] - dWA
      inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] <- inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] + dWA

      if (inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] < 0.0001) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- 0

      dAV[step] <- max(0, dAV[step] - dWA)
      if (dAV[step] > 0.00001) {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
          (dAV[step] / (dAV[step] + dWA))
      } else {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- rep(0, numFund)
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- max(0, dWA - dAV[step])
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectWBRU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")
  numFund <- dim(oneFundScen)[2]

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary: annual roll-up
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] *
        (1 + inPolicy[1, "rollUpRate"])
      #update annual withdrawal
      dWAG <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * inPolicy[1, "wbWithdrawalRate"]
      dWA <- min(dWAG, inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"])
      inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] <- inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] - dWA
      inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] <- inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] + dWA

      if (inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] < 0.0001) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- 0

      dAV[step] <- max(0, dAV[step] - dWA)
      if (dAV[step] > 0.00001) {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
          (dAV[step] / (dAV[step] + dWA))
      } else {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- rep(0, numFund)
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- max(0, dWA - dAV[step])
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectWBSU <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")
  numFund <- dim(oneFundScen)[2]

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
      #update annual withdrawal
      dWAG <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * inPolicy[1, "wbWithdrawalRate"]
      dWA <- min(dWAG, inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"])
      inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] <- inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] - dWA
      inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] <- inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] + dWA

      if (inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] < 0.0001) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- 0

      dAV[step] <- max(0, dAV[step] - dWA)
      if (dAV[step] > 0.00001) {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
          (dAV[step] / (dAV[step] + dWA))
      } else {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- rep(0, numFund)
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- 0
    LA[step] <- max(0, dWA - dAV[step])
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectDBAB <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV

    DA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # renewal
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      if (inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] < dAV[step]) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- dAV[step]
      else {
        LA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
        numFund <- length(inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))])
        if (dAV[step] > 0.00001) {
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
            inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
            inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / dAV[step]
        } else {
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
            inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] / numFund
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) -
                                    as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"]))
    inPolicy[1, "issueDate"] <- inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]
    inPolicy[1, "matDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectDBIB <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # calculate guarateed price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # with r = 5%
  ag <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  r <- 0.05
  while (dP > 0.00001) {
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    ag <- ag + dP * exp(-r * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # calculate market price of an annuity with payments of $1 per annum
  # beginning at time T
  aT <- 0
  dP <- 1
  nY <- 0
  while (dP > 0.00001) {
    dFR <- 0
    if (nY * 12 < numStep) dFR <- df[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dFR <- df[numStep - 1]
    # fetch p at j+1th step
    if (nY * 12 < length(p)) dP <- p[nY * 12 + 1]
    else dP <- 0
    aT <- aT + dP * exp(-dFR * nY)
    nY <- nY + 1
  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon){
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
    } else{
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * aT / ag - dAV[step], 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation

  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectDBMB <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
    LA[step] <- 0
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    # at maturity date
    if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] == inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
      LA[step] <- max(inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV, 0)
    # update currentDate
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
projectDBWB <- function(inPolicy, oneFundScen, dT = 1 / 12, pq, p, df){
  # projection will always start from the current date for numStep periods
  numStep <- dim(oneFundScen)[1]
  if (((length(pq) >= numStep) &&
       (length(p) >= numStep) &&
       (length(df) >= numStep)) == FALSE) {
    stop("df, pq, and p must have length > numStep from oneFundScen")
  numFund <- dim(oneFundScen)[2]

  # Initialize DA, LA, RC
  DA <- rep(0, numStep)
  LA <- rep(0, numStep)
  RC <- rep(0, numStep)

  # These two variables are defined within the function only
  dAV <- rep(0, numStep)
  dFee <- rep(0, numStep)

  # The main for loop to do the calculations, hard to parallelize
  for (step in 1:numStep) {
    # one suggestion for partial account evolution to avoid fund_helper
    dPartialAV <- inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
      oneFundScen[step, ] *
      (1 - inPolicy[1, grep("fundFee", colnames(inPolicy))] * dT)

    if (as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])$mon ==
        as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "issueDate"])$mon) {
      raw <- sum(dPartialAV)
      dFee[step] <- sum(raw * inPolicy[1, "riderFee"])

      #update individual fund value
      dPartialAV <- dPartialAV - dPartialAV *
        inPolicy[1, "riderFee"] - dPartialAV * inPolicy[1, "baseFee"]
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
      # anniversary
      inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- max(dAV[step], inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"])
      #update annual withdrawal
      dWAG <- inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] * inPolicy[1, "wbWithdrawalRate"]
      dWA <- min(dWAG, inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"])
      inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] <- inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] - dWA
      inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] <- inPolicy[1, "withdrawal"] + dWA

      if (inPolicy[1, "gmwbBalance"] < 0.0001) inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] <- 0

      dAV[step] <- max(0, dAV[step] - dWA)
      if (dAV[step] > 0.00001) {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <-
          inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] *
          (dAV[step] / (dAV[step] + dWA))
      } else {
        inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- rep(0, numFund)
    } else {
      dAV[step] <- sum(dPartialAV)
      inPolicy[1, grep("fundValue", colnames(inPolicy))] <- dPartialAV
    # update policy info
    DA[step] <- max(0, inPolicy[1, "gbAmt"] - dAV[step])
    LA[step] <- max(0, dWA - dAV[step])
    RC[step] <- dFee[step]
    newDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
    newDate$mon <- newDate$mon + 1
    inPolicy[1, "currentDate"] <- as.Date(newDate)

  # return death benefit, living benefit, and risk charge
  # outPolicy is used in aging, but not in valuation
  pq <- pq[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  p <- p[1:numStep] * df[1:numStep]
  return(list(DA = pq %*% DA, LA = p %*% LA, RC = p %*% RC,
              outPolicy = inPolicy))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Valuate One Policy
#' @description Valuate a VA policy specified in inPolicy based on the simulated fund
#' scenarios fundScen. The time step length is specified in dT and the
#' discount rate for each period is specified in df.
#' @param inPolicy A vector containing 45 attributes of a VA policy,
#'   usually a row of a VA portfolio dataframe.
#' @param mortTable A dataframe with three columns of doubles representing the
#'   mortality table.
#' @param fundScen A numScen-by-numStep-by-numFund array of doubles of
#'   return factors (i.e., exp(mu_t dt)) in each period.
#' @param dT A double of stepsize in years; dT = 1 / 12 would be monthly.
#' @param df A vector of doubles of risk-free discount rates of different tenor
#'   (not forward rates), should have length being numStep.
#' @return Outputs a list of doubles of policyValue, the average discounted
#'   payoff of the VA, and riskCharge, the average discounted risk charges.
#' @examples
#' fundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, indexScen)[1, , ]
#' exPolicy <- VAPort[1, ]
#' valuateOnePolicy(exPolicy, mortTable, fundScen, 1 / 12, cForwardCurve)
#' @export
valuateOnePolicy <- function(inPolicy, mortTable, fundScen, dT = 1 / 12, df){
  if (inPolicy[1, "matDate"] <= inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
    return(policyValue = 0)

  # If the policy is inforce, select the risk project function to calculate
  # the death benefits, living benefits, and risk charges for each period
  Type <- inPolicy[1, "productType"]

  # projectFun is projectXXXX where XXXX is the product type of the policy
  projectFun <- get(paste0("project", Type))

  # In valuation, project from current date to maturity date
  startDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
  endDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "matDate"])
  numStep <- 12 * (endDate$year - startDate$year) +
    (endDate$mon - startDate$mon)

  scenDim <- dim(fundScen)
  # Check if only one scenario is provided
  if (length(scenDim) == 2){
    numScen <- 1
  } else {
    numScen <- scenDim[1]

  # Calculate actuarial discount factors
  mortFactors <- calcMortFactors(inPolicy, mortTable, dT)
  pq <- matrix(mortFactors[, "pq"], nrow = 1)  # enforced row vector
  p <- matrix(mortFactors[, "p"], nrow = 1)  # enforced row vector

  # Placeholders for results
  DA <- c()
  LA <- c()
  RC <- c()

  # this for loop is parallelizable
  for (scen in 1:numScen) {
    if (numScen == 1) {
      curScen <- matrix(fundScen[1:numStep, ], nrow = numStep)
      VABenefits <- projectFun(inPolicy, curScen, dT, pq, p, df)
      DA[scen] <- VABenefits$DA
      LA[scen] <- VABenefits$LA
      RC[scen] <- VABenefits$RC
    } else {
    # curScen is numStep-by-numFund
      curScen <- matrix(fundScen[scen, 1:numStep, ], nrow = numStep)
      VABenefits <- projectFun(inPolicy, curScen, dT, pq, p, df)
      DA[scen] <- VABenefits$DA
      LA[scen] <- VABenefits$LA
      RC[scen] <- VABenefits$RC

  # Calculate discounted payoffs for all scenarios (1-by-numScen vectors)
  DAs <- sum(DA)
  LAs <- sum(LA)
  RCs <- sum(RC)

  return(list(policyValue = (DAs + LAs) / numScen,
              riskCharge = RCs / numScen))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Age One Policy
#' @description Age a VA policy specified in inPolicy from currentDate (specified in
#' inPolicy) to targetDate. The againg scenario is given in fundScen.
#' The time step length is specified in dT.
#' Here we input a rather irrelevant parameter df to "hack" for a more
#' flexible user-defined projection function.
#' @param inPolicy A vector containing 45 attributes of a VA policy,
#'   usually a row of a VA portfolio dataframe.
#' @param mortTable A dataframe with three columns of doubles representing the
#'   mortality table.
#' @param fundScen A numScen-by-numStep-by-numFund array of doubles of
#'   return factors (i.e., exp(mu_t dt)) in each period.
#' @param scenDates A vector containing strings in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD"
#'   of dates corresponding to each period in fundScen.
#' @param dT A double of stepsize in years; dT = 1 / 12 would be monthly.
#' @param targetDate A string in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD" of valuation date
#'   of the portfolio.
#' @param df A vector of doubles of risk-free discount rates of different tenor
#'   (not forward rates), should have length being numStep.
#' @return Outputs a vector containing 45 attributes of a VA policy, where
#'   currentDate, gbAmt, GMWBbalance, withdrawal, & fundValue could be updated
#'   as a result of aging. Usually a row of a VA portfolio dataframe.
#' @examples
#' exPolicy <- VAPort[1, ]
#' targetDate <- "2016-01-01"
#' histFundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, histIdxScen)
#' ageOnePolicy(exPolicy, mortTable, histFundScen, histDates, dT = 1 / 12,
#' targetDate, cForwardCurve)
#' \dontrun{
#' targetDate <- "2001-01-01"
#' histFundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, histIdxScen)
#' ageOnePolicy(exPolicy, mortTable, histFundScen, histDates, dT = 1 / 12,
#' targetDate, cForwardCurve)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' exPolicy <- VAPort[1, ]
#' exPolicy[1, c("currentDate", "issueDate")] <- c("2001-01-01", "2001-01-01")
#' histFundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, histIdxScen)
#' ageOnePolicy(exPolicy, mortTable, histFundScen, histDates, dT = 1 / 12,
#' targetDate, cForwardCurve)
#' }
#' @section Note:
#' Target date MUST be PRIOR to the last date of historical scenario date,
#' Current date MUST be LATER than the first date of historical scenario date.
#' @export
ageOnePolicy <- function(inPolicy, mortTable, fundScen, scenDates,
                         dT = 1 / 12, targetDate, df){
  scenStartDate <- as.POSIXlt(scenDates[1])
  targetDate <- as.Date(targetDate)
  if (targetDate <= inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
    warning("No aging required. Original policy returned.")
  if (targetDate > max(scenDates)) {
    msg <- "No aging performed. Target date beyond the last date of
historical scenario date 2016-02-01"
    msg <- gsub("[\r\n]", " ", msg)
  if (min(scenDates) > inPolicy[1, "currentDate"]) {
    msg <- "No aging performed. Current date before the first date of
historical scenario date 2001-08-01"
    msg <- gsub("[\r\n]", " ", msg)
  rollEndDate <- as.POSIXlt(targetDate)
  rollEndDate$mon <- rollEndDate$mon - 1
  # If the policy is inforce, select the risk project function to calculate
  # the death benefits, living benefits, and risk charges for each period
  type <- inPolicy[1, "productType"]

  # projectFun is projectXXXX where XXXX is the product type of the policy
  projectFun <- get(paste0("project", type))

  # In valuation, project from current date to maturity date
  startDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "currentDate"])
  endDate <- as.POSIXlt(inPolicy[1, "matDate"])
  numStep <- 12 * (endDate$year - startDate$year) +
    (endDate$mon - startDate$mon)

  agingStartIndx <- 12 * (startDate$year - scenStartDate$year) +
    (startDate$mon - scenStartDate$mon)
  agingEndIndx <- 12 * (rollEndDate$year - scenStartDate$year) +
    (rollEndDate$mon - scenStartDate$mon)
  rngScenIndx <- c(agingStartIndx:agingEndIndx)
  curScen <- fundScen[rngScenIndx, ]

  # Calculate actuarial discount factors
  mortFactors <- calcMortFactors(inPolicy, mortTable, dT)
  actFactors <- mortFactors * df[1:numStep]
  pq <- matrix(actFactors[, "pq"], nrow = 1)  # enforced row vector
  p <- matrix(actFactors[, "p"], nrow = 1)  # enforced row vector
  VABenefits <- projectFun(inPolicy, curScen, dT, pq, p, df)

  # Update different fields in the output policy
  outPolicy <- VABenefits$outPolicy


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Valuate a Portfolio
#' @description Valuate a portfolio VA policies specified in each curPolicy of inPortfolio
#' based on the simulated fund scenarios fundScen.
#' The time step length is specified in dT and the discount rate for each period
#' is specified in df.
#' @param inPortfolio A dataframe containing numPolicy rows and 45 attributes
#'   of each VA policy.
#' @param mortTable A dataframe with three columns of doubles representing the
#'   mortality table.
#' @param fundScen A numScen-by-numStep-by-numFund array of doubles of
#'   return factors (i.e., exp(mu_t dt)) in each period.
#' @param dT A double of stepsize in years; dT = 1 / 12 would be monthly.
#' @param df A vector of doubles of risk-free discount rates of different tenor
#'   (not forward rates), should have length being numStep.
#' @return Outputs a list of doubles of portVal, the sum of average discounted
#'   payoff of the VAs in inPortfolio, portRC, the sum of average discounted
#'   risk charges of the VAs in inPortfolio, and vectors of doubles of these
#'   average discounted values for each policy.
#' @examples
#' fundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, indexScen)[1, , ]
#' valuatePortfolio(VAPort[1:2, ], mortTable, fundScen, 1 / 12, cForwardCurve)
#' @export
valuatePortfolio <- function(inPortfolio, mortTable, fundScen, dT = 1 / 12, df){
  numPolicy <- nrow(inPortfolio)
  vecVal <- rep(0, numPolicy)
  vecRC <- rep(0, numPolicy)
  for (i in 1:numPolicy){
    curPolicy <- inPortfolio[i, ]
    outTemp <- valuateOnePolicy(curPolicy, mortTable, fundScen, dT, df)
    vecVal[i] <- outTemp$policyValue
    vecRC[i] <- outTemp$riskCharge
  return (list(portVal = sum(vecVal), portRC = sum(vecRC),
               vecVal = vecVal, vecRC = vecRC))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Age a Portfolio
#' @description Age a portfolio of VA policies specified in each inPolicy of inPortfolio from
#' currentDate (specified in inPolicy) to targetDate. The againg scenario is
#' given in fundScen. The time step length is specified in dT.
#' Here we input a rather irrelevant parameter df to "hack" for a more flexible
#' user-defined projection function.
#' @param inPortfolio A dataframe containing numPolicy rows and 45 attributes
#'   of each VA policy.
#' @param mortTable A dataframe with three columns of doubles representing the
#'   mortality table.
#' @param fundScen A numScen-by-numStep-by-numFund array of doubles of
#'   return factors (i.e., exp(mu_t dt)) in each period.
#' @param scenDates A vector containing strings in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD"
#'   of dates corresponding to each period in fundScen.
#' @param dT A double of stepsize in years; dT = 1 / 12 would be monthly.
#' @param targetDate A string in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD" of valuation date of
#'   the portfolio.
#' @param df A vector of doubles of risk-free discount rates of different tenor
#'   (not forward rates), should have length being numStep.
#' @return Outputs a dataframe containing numPolicy rows and 45 attributes of
#'   each VA policy, where currentDate, gbAmt, GMWBbalance, withdrawal,
#'   & fundValue of each policy could be updated as a result of aging.
#' @examples
#' targetDate <- "2016-01-01"
#' histFundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, histIdxScen)
#' agePortfolio(VAPort[1:2, ], mortTable, histFundScen, histDates, dT = 1 / 12,
#' targetDate, cForwardCurve)
#' \dontrun{
#' targetDate <- "2001-01-01"
#' histFundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, histIdxScen)
#' agePortfolio(VAPort, mortTable, histFundScen, histDates, dT = 1 / 12,
#' targetDate, cForwardCurve)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' VAPort[1, c("currentDate", "issueDate")] <- c("2001-01-01", "2001-01-01")
#' histFundScen <- genFundScen(fundMap, histIdxScen)
#' agePortfolio(VAPort, mortTable, histFundScen, histDates, dT = 1 / 12,
#' targetDate, cForwardCurve)
#' }
#' @section Note:
#' Target date MUST be PRIOR to the last date of historical scenario date,
#' Current date MUST be LATER than the first date of historical scenario date.
#' @export
agePortfolio <- function(inPortfolio, mortTable, fundScen, scenDates,
                         dT = 1 / 12, targetDate, df){
  numPolicy <- nrow(inPortfolio)
  for (i in 1:numPolicy){
    inPolicy <- inPortfolio[i, ]
    inPortfolio[i, ] <- ageOnePolicy(inPolicy, mortTable, fundScen, scenDates,
                                                 dT = 1 / 12, targetDate, df)
  return (outPortfolio = inPortfolio)

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vamc documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 5:08 p.m.