
#' Multiple Latent Components Clustering - Subspace clustering with automatic 
#' estimation of number of clusters and their dimension
#' This function is an implementation of Multiple Latent Components Clustering 
#' (MLCC) algorithm which clusteres quantitative variables into a number, chosen
#' using mBIC, of groups. For each considered number of clusters in 
#' \emph{numb.clusters} \code{\link{mlcc.reps}} function is called. It invokes 
#' K-means based algorithm (\code{\link{mlcc.kmeans}}) finding local minimum of 
#' mBIC, which is run a given number of times (\emph{numb.runs}) with different 
#' initializations. The best partition is choosen with mBIC (see 
#' \code{\link{mlcc.reps}} function).
#' @param X A data frame or a matrix with only continuous variables.
#' @param numb.clusters A vector, numbers of clusters to be checked.
#' @param numb.runs An integer, number of runs (initializations) of 
#'   \code{\link{mlcc.kmeans}}.
#' @param stop.criterion An integer, if an iteration of 
#'   \code{\link{mlcc.kmeans}} algorithm makes less changes in partitions than 
#'   \code{stop.criterion}, \code{\link{mlcc.kmeans}} stops.
#' @param max.iter An integer, maximum number of iterations of the loop in 
#'   \code{\link{mlcc.kmeans}} algorithm.
#' @param max.dim An integer, if estimate.dimensions is FALSE then max.dim is 
#'   dimension of each subspace. If estimate.dimensions is TRUE then subspaces 
#'   dimensions are estimated from the range [1, max.dim].
#' @param scale A boolean, if TRUE (value set by default) then variables in 
#'   dataset are scaled to zero mean and unit variance.
#' @param numb.cores An integer, number of cores to be used, by default all 
#'   cores are used.
#' @param greedy A boolean, if TRUE (value set by default) the clusters are 
#'   estimated in a greedy way - first local minimum of mBIC is chosen.
#' @param estimate.dimensions A boolean, if TRUE (value set by default) 
#'   subspaces dimensions are estimated.
#' @param verbose A boolean, if TRUE plot with mBIC values for different numbers
#'   of clusters is produced and values of mBIC, computed for every number of 
#'   clusters and subspaces dimensions, are printed (value set by default is 
#'   FALSE).
#' @param flat.prior A boolean, if TRUE then, instead of an informative prior 
#'   that takes into account number of models for a given number of clusters, 
#'   flat prior is used.
#' @param show.warnings A boolean, if set to TRUE all warnings are displayed, 
#'   default value is FALSE.
#' @export
#' @return An object of class mlcc.fit consisting of \item{segmentation}{a 
#'   vector containing the partition of the variables} \item{BIC}{numeric, value
#'   of mBIC} \item{subspacesDimensions}{a list containing dimensions of the 
#'   subspaces} \item{nClusters}{an integer, estimated number of clusters} 
#'   \item{factors}{a list of matrices, basis for each subspace} 
#'   \item{all.fit}{a list of segmentation, mBIC, subspaces dimension for all 
#'   numbers of clusters considered for an estimated subspace dimensions} 
#'   \item{all.fit.dims}{a list of lists of segmentation, mBIC, subspaces 
#'   dimension for all numbers of clusters and subspaces dimensions considered}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' sim.data <- data.simulation(n = 50, SNR = 1, K = 3, numb.vars = 50, max.dim = 3)
#' mlcc.res <- mlcc.bic(sim.data$X, numb.clusters = 1:5, numb.runs = 20, numb.cores = 1, verbose=TRUE)
#' show.clusters(sim.data$X, mlcc.res$segmentation)
#' }
mlcc.bic <- function(X, numb.clusters = 1:10, numb.runs = 30, stop.criterion = 1, 
  max.iter = 30, max.dim = 4, scale = TRUE, numb.cores = NULL, greedy = TRUE, estimate.dimensions = TRUE, 
  verbose = FALSE, flat.prior = FALSE, show.warnings = FALSE) {
  if (is.data.frame(X)) {
    warning("X is not a matrix. Casting to matrix.")
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  if (any(is.na(X))) {
    warning("Missing values are imputed by the mean of the variable")
    X[is.na(X)] = matrix(apply(X, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE), ncol = ncol(X), nrow = nrow(X), 
      byrow = TRUE)[is.na(X)]
  if (any(!sapply(X, is.numeric))) {
    auxi <- NULL
    for (j in 1:ncol(X)) if (!is.numeric(X[, j])) {
      auxi <- c(auxi, j)
    stop(paste("\nThe following variables are not quantitative: ", auxi))
  if (scale) {
    X <- scale(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)
  greedy.stop <- max(numb.clusters)
  results <- list()
  if (verbose) 
    cat("Number of clusters \t BIC \n")
  for (i in 1:length(numb.clusters)) {
    number.clusters <- numb.clusters[i]
    MLCC.fit <- mlcc.reps(X = X, numb.clusters = number.clusters, numb.runs = numb.runs, 
      max.dim = max.dim, scale = FALSE, numb.cores = numb.cores, estimate.dimensions = estimate.dimensions, 
      flat.prior = flat.prior, show.warnings = show.warnings)
    results[[i]] <- list(segmentation = MLCC.fit$segmentation, BIC = MLCC.fit$BIC, 
      subspacesDimensions = lapply(MLCC.fit$basis, ncol), nClusters = number.clusters, 
      factors = MLCC.fit$basis)
    if (greedy & (i > 2)) {
      if ((results[[i]]$BIC < results[[i - 1]]$BIC) & (results[[i - 2]]$BIC < 
        results[[i - 1]]$BIC)) {
        greedy.stop <- i
        if (verbose) {
          cat(paste("       ", number.clusters, "        ", formatC(results[[i]]$BIC, 
          digits = ceiling(log(abs(results[[i]]$BIC), 10))), "\n"))
    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("       ", number.clusters, "        ", formatC(results[[i]]$BIC, 
        digits = ceiling(log(abs(results[[i]]$BIC), 10))), "\n"))
  BICs <- lapply(results, function(res) res$BIC)
  if (verbose) {
    plot(numb.clusters[1:greedy.stop], BICs, type = "b", xaxt = "n", ylab = "BIC", 
      xlab = "Number of clusters")
    axis(side = 1, labels = numb.clusters[1:greedy.stop], at = numb.clusters[1:greedy.stop])
  result <- results[[which.max(BICs)]]
  result$factors <- lapply(1:result$nClusters, function(i) {
    d <- ncol(result$factors[[i]])
    colnames(result$factors[[i]]) <- paste(i, 1:d)
  result$all.fit <- results
  class(result) <- "mlcc.fit"

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varclust documentation built on June 27, 2019, 5:08 p.m.