
Defines functions extract_http_version

#' @title The response of an HTTPInteraction
#' @description Custom vcr http response object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' vcr_configure(dir = tempdir())
#' # basic example of VcrResponse use
#' url <- "https://google.com"
#' (cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url))
#' (res <- cli$get("get", query = list(q = "stuff")))
#' (x <- VcrResponse$new(res$status_http(), res$response_headers,
#'    res$parse("UTF-8"), res$response_headers$status))
#' x$body
#' x$status
#' x$headers
#' x$http_version
#' x$to_hash()
#' x$from_hash(x$to_hash())
#' # update content length header
#' ## example 1
#' ### content-length header present, but no change
#' url <- "https://fishbase.ropensci.org"
#' cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url, headers = list(`Accept-Encoding` = '*'))
#' res <- cli$get("species/34")
#' x <- VcrResponse$new(res$status_http(), res$response_headers,
#'    res$parse("UTF-8"), res$response_headers$status)
#' x$headers$`content-length`
#' x$update_content_length_header()
#' x$headers$`content-length`
#' ## example 2
#' ### no content-length header b/c a transfer-encoding header is included
#' ### and no content-length header allowed if transfer-encoding header
#' ### used (via rfc7230)
#' url <- "https://google.com"
#' cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url)
#' res <- cli$get()
#' x <- VcrResponse$new(res$status_http(), res$response_headers,
#'    rawToChar(res$content), res$response_headers$status)
#' x$headers$`content-length` # = NULL
#' x$update_content_length_header() # no change, b/c header doesn't exist
#' x$headers$`content-length` # = NULL
#' ## example 3
#' ### content-length header present, and does change
#' body <- " Hello World "
#' x <- VcrResponse$new(200, list('content-length'=nchar(body)),
#'   body, "HTTP/2")
#' x$headers$`content-length` # = 13
#' x$body <- gsub("^\\s|\\s$", "", x$body)
#' x$headers$`content-length` # = 13
#' x$update_content_length_header()
#' x$headers$`content-length` # = 11
#' # check if body is compressed
#' url <- "https://fishbase.ropensci.org"
#' (cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url))
#' (res <- cli$get("species/3"))
#' res$response_headers
#' (x <- VcrResponse$new(res$status_http(), res$response_headers,
#'    res$parse("UTF-8"), res$response_headers$status))
#' x$content_encoding()
#' x$is_compressed()
#' # with disk
#' url <- "https://google.com"
#' (cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url))
#' f <- tempfile()
#' (res <- cli$get("get", query = list(q = "stuff"), disk = f))
#' (x <- VcrResponse$new(res$status_http(), res$response_headers,
#'    f, res$response_headers$status, disk = TRUE))
#' }
VcrResponse <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field status the status of the response
    status = NULL,
    #' @field headers the response headers
    headers = NULL,
    #' @field body the response body
    body = NULL,
    #' @field http_version the HTTP version
    http_version = NULL,
    #' @field opts a list
    opts = NULL,
    #' @field adapter_metadata Additional metadata used by a specific VCR adapter
    adapter_metadata = NULL,
    #' @field hash a list
    hash = NULL,
    #' @field disk a boolean
    disk = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new VcrResponse object
    #' @param status the status of the response
    #' @param headers the response headers
    #' @param body the response body
    #' @param http_version the HTTP version
    #' @param opts a list
    #' @param adapter_metadata Additional metadata used by a specific VCR adapter
    #' @param disk boolean, is body a file on disk
    #' @return A new `VcrResponse` object
    initialize = function(status, headers, body, http_version, opts,
      adapter_metadata = NULL, disk) {
      if (!missing(status)) self$status <- status
      if (!missing(headers)) self$headers <- headers
      if (!missing(body)) {
        if (inherits(body, "list")) {
          body <- paste(names(body), body, sep = "=", collapse = ",")
        # self$body <- if (is.character(body)) enc2utf8(body) else body
        self$body <- body
      if (!missing(http_version)) {
        self$http_version <- extract_http_version(http_version)
      if (!missing(opts)) self$opts <- opts
      if (!missing(adapter_metadata)) self$adapter_metadata <- adapter_metadata
      if (!missing(disk)) self$disk <- disk

    #' @description print method for the `VcrResponse` class
    #' @param x self
    #' @param ... ignored
    print = function(x, ...) cat("<VcrResponse> ", sep = "\n"),

    #' @description Create a hash
    #' @return a list
    to_hash = function() {
      self$hash <- list(
        status       = self$status,
        headers      = self$headers,
        body         =
            self$opts$preserve_exact_body_bytes %||% FALSE),
        http_version = self$http_version,
        disk = self$disk

    #' @description Get a hash back to an R list
    #' @param hash a list
    #' @return an `VcrResponse` object
    from_hash = function(hash) {
        # hash[["body"]],

    #' @description Updates the Content-Length response header so that
    #' it is accurate for the response body
    #' @return no return; modifies the content length header
    update_content_length_header = function() {
      if (!is.null(self$get_header("content-length"))) {
        len <- 0
        if (length(self$body) > 0 && nchar(self$body) > 0) {
          len <- as.character(nchar(self$body))
        self$edit_header("content-length", len)

    #' @description Get a header by name
    #' @param key (character) header name to get
    #' @return the header value (if it exists)
    get_header = function(key) {

    #' @description Edit a header
    #' @param key (character) header name to edit
    #' @param value (character) new value to assign
    #' @return no return; modifies the header in place
    edit_header = function(key, value = NULL) {
       self$headers[[key]] <- value

    #' @description Delete a header
    #' @param key (character) header name to delete
    #' @return no return; the header is deleted if it exists
    delete_header = function(key) {
       self$headers[key] <- NULL

    #' @description Get the content-encoding header value
    #' @return (character) the content-encoding value
    content_encoding = function() {

    #' @description Checks if the encoding is one of "gzip" or "deflate"
    #' @return logical
    is_compressed = function() {
       self$content_encoding() %in% c("gzip", "deflate")

extract_http_version <- function(x) {
  if (!is.character(x)) return(x)
  if (grepl("HTTP/[0-9]\\.?", x)) {
    strsplit(stract(x, "HTTP/[12]\\.?([0-9])?"), "/")[[1]][2] %||% ""
  } else {

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vcr documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:30 p.m.