
Defines functions agg parents

#' Search taxonomic reference lists including concept synonomy and taxonomic hierarchy.
#' @description Search all (accepted) children of a taxon down to gen generations
#' @name child
#' @export
#' @param x Species number, lettercode or species name(s)
#' @param refl Taxonomic reference list
#' @param gen Number of child generations to return
#' @param syn Should synonyms be included in results
#' @param include.parent Should the parent taxon be included in results
#' @param quiet Hide screen messages
#' @param \dots additional paarmeters for function tax
#' @usage child(x, refl, gen = 3, syn = FALSE, include.parent = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, ...)
#' @inherit tax return details
#' @references
#'   Jansen, F. and Dengler, J. (2008) GermanSL - eine universelle taxonomische Referenzliste für Vegetationsdatenbanken. Tuexenia, 28, 239-253.
#' @author Florian Jansen \email{florian.jansen@uni-rostock.de}
child <- function (x, refl, gen=3, syn = FALSE, include.parent = FALSE, quiet=FALSE, ...) {
  if(syn) stop('Integrating synonyms not yet implemented!')
  if(gen < 1) stop()
  if(missing(refl)) refl <- tv.refl()
  species <- if(is.character(refl)) tax("all", detailed = TRUE, refl = refl, syn = TRUE, quiet =TRUE) else species <- refl
  if(any(!c('IsChildTaxonOfID', 'TaxonUsageID', 'TaxonName') %in% names(species))) stop('IsChildTaxonOfID, TaxonUsageID, and TaxonName need to be presetn in reflist') else refl
  if(length(x) > 1) { warning('More than one species selected, using only the first.');  x <- x[1]}
  ## function
  chfun <- function(df, species, t=1, include.parent = FALSE, syn = FALSE, ...) {
    y <- df$TaxonUsageID[!df$SYNONYM & !is.na(df$SYNONYM)]
    ch <- species[species$IsChildTaxonOfID %in% y, ]
    if(nrow(ch) > 0) {
      ch$Generation <- t
      if(include.parent) {
        df$Generation = t-1
        rbind(df, ch)
      } else ch
    } else df[0, ]

  ## taxon
  if(is.factor(x)) x <- as.character(x)
  if(is.numeric(x) | is.integer(x))  ## Tax numbers
    s <- species[match(x, species$TaxonUsageID),]
  if(is.character(x)) ## Selecting by string
    if(all(sapply(x, function(x) nchar(x) == 36))) {
      stop('taxon id seems to be 36 character Taxon UUID . Not implemented.')
    } else    																				## Taxnames
      s <- species[match(x, species$TaxonName, nomatch=0),]
  if(nrow(s) == 0) warning('Could not find any matching taxon.') else {
  x <- species[match(s$TaxonConceptID, species$TaxonUsageID),'TaxonConceptID']
  df <- species[match(x, species$TaxonUsageID),]
  df$Generation <- 0

  G <- df
  # t = 1
  for(t in 1:gen) {
    Gl <- split(G[G$Generation == t-1, ], seq(sum(G$Generation == t-1)))
    for(i in 1:length(Gl))
      if(nrow(Gl[[i]]) > 0)
        if(Gl[[i]]$Generation == t-1)  Gl[[i]] <- chfun(Gl[[i]], species, t, include.parent = include.parent)
        G = rbind(G, do.call("rbind", Gl))
  if(!include.parent) G <- G[G$TaxonUsageID != x, ]
  G <- G[!duplicated(G), ]
  if(!quiet) {
    cat('Children of ', df$TaxonName, ' (', df$TaxonUsageID, ')', if(x != df$TaxonUsageID) {paste(" = Synonym of ", x, ' (', x, ')', sep='')},':\n', sep='')
    print(G[, names(G)[names(G) %in% c('TaxonUsageID','TaxonName','NameAuthor','TaxonRank','IsChildTaxonOfID','GENERATION','SYNONYM','EDITSTATUS', 'Generation')]], row.names=FALSE)

#' #' Parents of a taxon
#' @name parent
#' @export
#' @param x Species number, lettercode or species name(s)
#' @param refl Taxonomic reference list
#' @param quiet Hide screen messages
#' @param rank taxonomic level of taxa to find
#' @param \dots additional attributes for function tax
#' @usage parent(x, refl = tv.refl(), rank, quiet = FALSE, ...)
#' @inherit tax return details
#' @references
#'   Jansen, F. and Dengler, J. (2008) GermanSL - eine universelle taxonomische Referenzliste für Vegetationsdatenbanken. Tuexenia, 28, 239-253.
#' @author Florian Jansen \email{florian.jansen@uni-rostock.de}

parent <- function (x, refl = tv.refl(), rank, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
  taxonlevels <- factor(taxlevels$level, levels= taxlevels$level, ordered = TRUE)
  species <- tax("all", detailed = TRUE, refl = refl, syn = TRUE, quiet =TRUE, ...)
  if(length(x)>1) {
  	warning('More than one match, using only first.')
  	x <- x[1]
  s <- tax(x, refl = refl, strict = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, ...)
  if(nrow(s) != 1) stop(x, ' can not be found in list.', s$TaxonUsageID)
  y <- species[match(s$TaxonConceptID, species$TaxonUsageID),]
  if(y$TaxonUsageID != s$TaxonUsageID) warning('Synonym, will use valid taxon "', y$TaxonName, '" instead.')
  # Fehler in if (y$TaxonUsageID != s$TaxonUsageID) warning("Synonym, will use valid taxon \"",  :
  #                                                           Argument hat Länge 0
  p <- species[match(unique(y$IsChildTaxonOfID),species$TaxonUsageID),]

  lo <- function(y, p) {
    if(nrow(p) == 0) { if(!quiet) cat(y$TaxonName, 'has no parents.\n') }
    else {
      p2 <- p
      t <- 1
        repeat {
          t <- t+1
          p2 <- species[match(p2$IsChildTaxonOfID,species$TaxonUsageID),]
  				if(is.na(p2$TaxonName)) break
          p2$GENERATION <- t
          p <- rbind(p, p2)
          if(p2$TaxonUsageID == 0 ) break

  if(!missing(rank)) {
    if(!rank %in% taxonlevels) stop(c('Rank must be one of', taxonlevels))
    if(taxonlevels[match(rank, taxonlevels)] <= taxonlevels[match(y$TaxonRank, taxonlevels)]) {
      warning('Species is of equal or higher rank than the specified parent level.')
      p <- c(TaxonName='')
    } else {
      P <- lo(y, p)
      P <- P[which(P$TaxonRank == rank), ]
      if(!quiet)  cat('Parent level', rank, ' of', y$TaxonName, '(', y$TaxonUsageID, '):\n')
      if(nrow(P) == 0) cat('"Incertae sedis" = uncertain placement within this level.\n')
  }  else P <- lo(y, p)
  if(!quiet) {
    cat('Parents of ', s$TaxonName, ' (', y$TaxonUsageID, ')', if(y$TaxonUsageID != s$TaxonUsageID) {paste(" = Synonym of", y$TaxonName, '(', y$TaxonConceptID, ')')}, ':\n', sep='')
    print(P[, names(P)[names(P) %in% c('TaxonUsageID','TaxonName','TaxonRank','IsChildTaxonOfID','GENERATION')]], row.names=FALSE)

parents <- function(...) parent(...)

#' Search synonyms of a taxon
#' @name syn
#' @export
#' @param x Species number, lettercode or species name(s)
#' @param refl Taxonomic reference list
#' @param quiet Hide screen messages
#' @param \dots additional attributes for function tax
#' @usage syn(x, refl = tv.refl(), quiet = FALSE, ...)
#' @inherit tax return details
#' @references
#'   Jansen, F. and Dengler, J. (2008) GermanSL - eine universelle taxonomische Referenzliste für Vegetationsdatenbanken. Tuexenia, 28, 239-253.
#' @author Florian Jansen \email{florian.jansen@uni-rostock.de}

syn <- function (x, refl = tv.refl(), quiet = FALSE, ...) {
  species <- tax('all', detailed = TRUE, refl = refl, syn = TRUE, strict = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
	x <- tax(x, refl=refl, strict=TRUE, quiet = TRUE)$TaxonUsageID
	if(length(x) == 0) {
	  warning('Taxon (id) Unknown.')
	  s <- species[0, ]
	} else {
	  if(length(x) > 1) {
      warning('More than one match, using only first.')
      x <- x[1]
	v <- species[match(x, species$TaxonUsageID), 'TaxonConceptID']
  s <- species[which(species$TaxonConceptID == v),]
  if(!quiet) {
    cat('Name swarm of', s$TaxonName[s$TaxonUsageID == x],':\n')
    if('EDITSTATUS' %in% names(s))
      print(s[, c('TaxonUsageID','TaxonName','SYNONYM','EDITSTATUS')])  else
        print(s[, c('TaxonUsageID','TaxonName','SYNONYM')], row.names=FALSE)

agg <- function(x, refl = 'GermanSL 1.2', species, ...) {
  message('Deprecated function. Use child(x, gen=1, ...) instead.')

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