
Defines functions read_juice

Documented in read_juice

#' @name write_juice
#' @title Exporting tables for Juice
#' @description
#' This function produce txt files as inport formats for **Juice**
#' (\url{https://www.sci.muni.cz/botany/juice/}).
#' This function produces two output files to be imported into a **Juice**
#' file: A vegetation table produced by [crosstable()] and a header table.
#' Both tables share the file name plus a suffix (`table` for the
#' vegetation table and `header` for the header).
#' For the import in **Juice**, you go to the menu
#' `File -> Import -> Table -> from Spreadsheet File (e.g. EXCEL Table)` and
#' then follow the wizard.
#' Do not forget to select the proper settings in the wizard: 1) 'Character
#' delimiting columns: Comma' (for default argument values). 2) 'Use the second
#' column as layer information: Unchecked'. 3) 'Cover values: Percentage
#' Values'.
#' To further import the header table you need to go to the menu
#' `File -> Import -> Header Data -> From Comma Delimited File`.
#' In the `header` (see **Value**), the first column (`Table number`)
#' corresponds to the plot number assigned by **Juice** at import, while
#' the column (`Releve number`) is the number originally assigned to the plot
#' (e.g. **Turboveg** ID).
#' @param data An object of class [vegtable-class].
#' @param file Character value indicating the name of output files (without
#'     file extension).
#' @param db_name Name for data set displayed in inport wizard.
#' @param formula A formula passed to [crosstable()].
#' @param FUN Funtion passed to [crosstable()].
#' @param header Variables of header to be exported.
#' @param coords Names of coordinate variables in header of `data`.
#' @param sep A symbol used to separate columns in the output object.
#' @param ... Further arguments. While `write_juice()` passes them to the
#'     function [crosstable()], `read_juice()` passes those arguments to
#'     [readLines()].
#' @return
#' For `read_juice()`, a list with two elements: A data frame of species by
#' plot (`cross_table`), and a data frame with header data (`header`).
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu78@@gmail.com}
#' @example examples/write_juice.R
#' @rdname write_juice
#' @exportMethod write_juice
setGeneric("write_juice", function(data, file, formula, ...) {

#' @rdname write_juice
#' @aliases write_juice,vegtable,character,formula-method
  "write_juice", signature(
    data = "vegtable", file = "character",
    formula = "formula"
  function(data, file, formula, FUN, db_name = "Plot Observations",
           header, coords, sep = ",", ...) {
    # some attributes
    nr.plots <- nrow(data@header)
    # header
    header.in <- header
    if (attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")[1] != "ReleveID") {
      stop("'ReleveID' is mandatory as first term of formula")
    if (!missing(coords)) {
      if (length(coords) != 2) {
        stop("Argument 'coords' have to be of length 2.")
      header <- c(header, coords)
      header.in <- c(header.in, c("deg_lon", "deg_lat"))
    header <- c("ReleveID", header)
    if (!all(header %in% colnames(data@header))) {
      stop("some requested headers are not included in 'data'")
    header <- data@header[, header]
    rownames(header) <- NULL
    # Convert header to character
    header <- cbind(1:nrow(header), header)
    for (i in colnames(header)) {
      header[, i] <- paste(header[, i])
      header[header[, i] == "NA", i] <- ""
    colnames(header)[1:2] <- c("Table number", "Releve number")
    # Write header lines
    Lines_h <- character(nrow(header))
    message("Processing header data...")
    for (i in 1:nrow(header)) {
      Lines_h[i] <- paste(header[i, ], collapse = sep)
    Lines_h <- c(paste(colnames(header), collapse = sep), Lines_h)
    # Convert data table
    data <- crosstable(formula, data, FUN, ...)
    for (i in colnames(data)) {
      data[, i] <- paste(data[, i])
      data[data[, i] == "NA", i] <- ""
    )) - 1)] <- ""
    # Write table lines
    nr_spp <- nrow(data)
    Lines_t <- character(nr_spp)
    message("Processing vegetation table...")
    for (i in 1:nr_spp) {
      Lines_t[i] <- paste(data[i, ], collapse = sep)
    Lines_t <- c(paste(colnames(data), collapse = sep), Lines_t)
    Lines_t <- c(db_name, paste("Number of releves:", nr.plots,
      collapse = " "
    ), "", Lines_t)
    # Write table file
    con <- file(paste(file, "table.txt", sep = "_"), "wb")
    writeBin(charToRaw(paste0(Lines_t, collapse = "\r\n")), con,
      endian = "little"
    # Write header file
    con <- file(paste(file, "header.txt", sep = "_"), "wb")
    writeBin(charToRaw(paste0(Lines_h, collapse = "\r\n")), con,
      endian = "little"
      "DONE!\n\nData set name: ", db_name,
      "\nNumber of observations: ", nr.plots,
      "\nRecorded species: ", nr_spp

#' @rdname write_juice
#' @aliases read_juice
#' @param encoding Argument passed to \code{\link{readLines}}.
#' @param sep Separator used to split rows into columns.
#' @param na Character used as not available values.
#' @examples
#' ## Installed 'Juice' version of 'Wetlands_veg'
#' Veg <- file.path(path.package("vegtable"), "juice", "Wetlands_juice.txt")
#' Veg <- read_juice(Veg)
#' summary(Veg)
#' @export
read_juice <- function(file, encoding = "LATIN-1", sep = ";", na = "", ...) {
  file <- readLines(file, encoding = encoding, ...)
  # First prepare the header
  if ("Table head:" %in% file) {
    header <- file[(which(file == "Table head:") + 2):length(file)]
    header <- strsplit(header, sep)
    # Trick for ending NAs
    N <- sapply(header, length)
    if (any(N < max(N))) {
      for (i in 1:length(N)) {
        if (N[i] < max(N)) {
          header[[i]] <- c(
            rep(NA, max(N) - N[i])
    header <- do.call(rbind, header)
    colnames(header) <- header[1, ]
    header <- as.data.frame(header[-1, ], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(header)[1:2] <- c("juice_nr", "db_nr")
    file <- file[2:(which(file == "Table head:") - 1)]
  } else {
    header <- NULL
    file <- file[-1]
  # Now the cross table
  file <- file[nchar(file) != 0]
  file <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(file, sep))
  colnames(file) <- file[1, ]
  N <- integer()
  if (colnames(file)[1] == "") {
    colnames(file)[1] <- "species"
    N <- 2
  if (colnames(file)[2] == "") {
    colnames(file)[2] <- "layer"
    N <- 3
  file <- as.data.frame(file[-1, ], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  for (i in N:ncol(file)) {
    file[file[, i] == na, i] <- NA
    file[, i] <- as.numeric(file[, i])
  return(list(cross_table = file, header = header))

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vegtable documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:33 p.m.