
## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, error = FALSE, fig.retina = 1, dpi = 80)

## ----packages, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
library(voluModel) # Because of course
library(dplyr) # For occurrence data filtration
library(ggplot2) # For fancy plotting
library(terra) # Now being transitioned in
library(sf) # Now being transitioned in
library(viridisLite) # For high-contrast plotting palettes

## ----occurrence data, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------
occs <- read.csv(system.file("extdata/Steindachneria_argentea.csv", 

## ----clean occurrence data, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------
occsClean <- occs %>% 
  dplyr::select(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, depth) %>%
  dplyr::distinct() %>% 
  filter(dplyr::between(depth, 1, 2000))

ggplot(occsClean, aes(x = 1, y=depth)) +
  geom_violin(fill="yellow", ) +
  theme_classic(base_size = 15) +
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        text = element_text(family = "Arial"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = rel(1.1))) +
  ggtitle("Depth") +

## ----environmental data loading, eval=T, asis=T, message=FALSE----------------
# Temperature
td <- tempdir()
                  package = "voluModel"),
      exdir = paste0(td, "/temperature"), junkpaths = T)
temperature <- vect(paste0(td, "/temperature/woa18_decav_t00mn01_cropped.shp"))

# Creating a SpatRaster vector
template <- centerPointRasterTemplate(temperature)
tempTerVal <- rasterize(x = temperature, y = template, field = names(temperature))

# Get names of depths
envtNames <- gsub("[d,M]", "", names(temperature))
envtNames[[1]] <- "0"
names(tempTerVal) <- envtNames
temperature <- tempTerVal

## ----environmental data loading oxygen, eval=T, asis=T, warning=FALSE---------
oxygenSmooth <- rast(system.file("extdata/oxygenSmooth.tif", 

# Change names to match temperature
names(oxygenSmooth) <- names(temperature)

## ----downsample to voxel, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------
# Gets the layer index for each occurrence by matching to depth
layerNames <- as.numeric(names(temperature))
occsClean$index <- unlist(lapply(occsClean$depth, FUN = function(x) which.min(abs(layerNames - x))))
indices <- unique(occsClean$index)

# Downsamples occsClean in each depth layer
downsampledOccs <- data.frame()
for(i in indices){
  tempPoints <- occsClean[occsClean$index==i,]
  tempPoints <- downsample(tempPoints, temperature[[1]], 
                           verbose = FALSE)
  tempPoints$depth <- rep(layerNames[[i]], times = nrow(tempPoints))
  downsampledOccs <- rbind(downsampledOccs, tempPoints)

occsClean <- downsampledOccs

print(paste0("Original number of points: ", nrow(occs), "; number of downsampled occs: ", nrow(occsClean)))
land <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "small", returnclass = "sf")[1]
pointCompMap(occs1 = occs, occs2 = occsClean, 
             occs1Name = "Original", occs2Name = "Cleaned", 
             spName = "Steindachneria argentea", 
             land = land, verbose = FALSE)

## ----environmental background sampling, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE-----------
#  backgroundSamplingRegions <- marineBackground(occsClean, buff = 1000000)
#  crs(backgroundSamplingRegions) <- crs(land)
#  plot(backgroundSamplingRegions, border = F, col = "gray",
#       main = "Points and Background Sampling",
#       axes = T)
#  plot(land, col = "black", add = T)
#  points(occsClean[,c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude")],
#         pch = 20, col = "red", cex = 1.5)

## ----environmental background sampling hidden, warning=FALSE, echo=FALSE------
backgroundSamplingRegions <- vect(system.file("extdata/backgroundSamplingRegions.shp",

## ----plot study region plot, echo=FALSE, out.width = '100%', out.height= '100%'----

## ----presence sampling--------------------------------------------------------
# Presences
oxyVals <- xyzSample(occs = occsClean, oxygenSmooth)
tempVals <- xyzSample(occs = occsClean, temperature)
vals <- cbind(occsClean, oxyVals, tempVals)
colnames(vals) <- c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude", "depth", "AOU", "Temperature")
vals <- vals[complete.cases(vals),]
row.names(vals) <- NULL
occsWdata <- vals

# Add response as a column
occsWdata$response <- rep(1, times = nrow(occsWdata))

## ----background sampling------------------------------------------------------
# Background
backgroundVals <- mSampling3D(occs = occsClean, 
                              envBrick = temperature, 
                              mShp = backgroundSamplingRegions, 
                              depthLimit = c(5, 800))
oxyVals <- xyzSample(occs = backgroundVals, oxygenSmooth)
tempVals <- xyzSample(occs = backgroundVals, temperature)
vals <- cbind(backgroundVals, oxyVals, tempVals)
colnames(vals) <- c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude", "depth", "AOU", "Temperature")
vals <- vals[complete.cases(vals),]
row.names(vals) <- NULL
backgroundWdata <- vals

# Add response as a column
backgroundWdata$response <- rep(0, times = nrow(backgroundWdata))

## ----glm data prep part 2-----------------------------------------------------
# Sample background points weighted by distance from centroid of occurrence environments
suitableCentroid <- apply(occsWdata[,c("Temperature", "AOU")], 
                          MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)
backgroundWdata$distance <- apply(backgroundWdata[,c("Temperature", "AOU")], MARGIN = 1, 
                                  FUN = function(x) dist(rbind(suitableCentroid, x)))
backgroundWdata$sampleWeight <- (backgroundWdata$distance - 
sampleForAbsence <- sample(x = rownames(backgroundWdata), 
                           size = nrow(occsWdata) * 100, 
                           prob = backgroundWdata$sampleWeight)
backgroundWdata <- backgroundWdata[match(sampleForAbsence, 

## ----uniting datasets---------------------------------------------------------
# Unite datasets
datForMod <- rbind(occsWdata, backgroundWdata[,colnames(occsWdata)])
rm(suitableCentroid, sampleForAbsence, backgroundWdata, occsWdata)

## ----generate glm niche model-------------------------------------------------
glmModel <- glm(formula = response ~ Temperature *  AOU, 
                  family = binomial(link = "logit"),  data = datForMod)

## ----project glm niche model--------------------------------------------------
layerNames <- as.numeric(names(temperature))
index <- seq(from = match(min(datForMod$depth), layerNames), 
             to = match(max(datForMod$depth), layerNames), by = 1)
depthPred <- NULL
for(j in index){
  depthPreds <- c(temperature[[j]], oxygenSmooth[[j]])
  crs(depthPreds) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
  names(depthPreds) <- c("Temperature", "AOU")
  depthPred[[j]] <- mask(predict(depthPreds, glmModel), backgroundSamplingRegions)
  depthPred[[j]] <- crop(depthPred[[j]], backgroundSamplingRegions)
  names(depthPred[[j]]) <- layerNames[[j]]
glmPred <- rast(depthPred[!unlist(lapply(depthPred, FUN = function(x) is.null(x)))])

## ----glm niche threshold------------------------------------------------------
glmThreshold <- quantile(xyzSample(datForMod[datForMod$response == 1,
                                             c("depth", "decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude")], 
                                   glmPred), .1, na.rm = T)[[1]] # MS90
glmThresholded <- glmPred > glmThreshold
rclMatrix <- matrix(c(NA, NA, 0), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
glmThresholded <- classify(glmThresholded, rclMatrix, include.lowest = T)

## ----thresholded glm niche model plotted--------------------------------------
          land = land, landCol = "black",
          title = "Areas of suitable habitat for \n Luminous Hake, 5m to 800m")

## ----calculate MESS, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------------
# Prepare environmental data
layerNames <- as.numeric(names(temperature))
datForMod$index <- unlist(lapply(datForMod$depth, FUN = function(x) which.min(abs(layerNames - x))))
indices <- unique(datForMod$index)

projList <- list("AOU" = oxygenSmooth[[min(indices):max(indices)]], 
                 "Temperature" = temperature[[min(indices):max(indices)]])

# Calculate MESS
messBrick <- MESS3D(calibration = datForMod, projection = projList)

## ----reclassify and plot extrapolation----------------------------------------
# Reclassify MESS 
extrapolation <- 0 >= messBrick

# Plot Extrapolation
plotLayers(extrapolation, land = land, landCol = "black", 
           title = "Areas of extrapolation according to MESS,\n 5m to 800m")

## ----reclassify MESS and plot GLM with no extrapolation, warning=FALSE--------
# Reclassify MESS 
noExtrapolation <- messBrick > 0

glmThreshNoExtrapolation <- NULL
for(i in 1:nlyr(noExtrapolation)){
  extrapCut <- crop(noExtrapolation[[i]], y = glmThresholded[[i]])
  croppedLayer <- glmThresholded[[i]] * extrapCut
  glmThreshNoExtrapolation[[i]] <- croppedLayer

glmThreshNoExtrapolation <- rast(glmThreshNoExtrapolation)

# Plot MESS
plotLayers(glmThreshNoExtrapolation, land = land, 
           landCol = "black", 
           title = "Areas of suitable habitat with no model extrapolation,\n 5m to 800m")

## ----cleanup temporary directory----------------------------------------------
unlink(td, recursive = T)

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voluModel documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:04 p.m.