# Wallace EcoMod: a flexible platform for reproducible modeling of
# species niches and distributions.
# envs_ecoClimate.R
# File author: Wallace EcoMod Dev Team. 2023.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of the Wallace EcoMod application
# (hereafter “Wallace”).
# Wallace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# Wallace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Wallace. If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title envs_ecoClimate Obtain ecoClimate variables
#' @description download ecoClimate variables. See
#' @details This function is called by the module envs to download ecoClimate
#' variables from The variables to be downloaded are
#' selected by the user with bcSel and the resolution is fixed to 0.5 degrees.
#' This function currently gets variables from Dropbox and the process takes
#' significantly more time than for other datasets. It returns a rasterStack
#' of selected variables.
#' @param bcAOGCM Name of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Global Circulation Model.
#' Options are: "CCSM", "CNRM", "MIROC", "FGOALS", "GISS", "IPSL","MRI", "MPI"
#' @param bcScenario Select the temporal scenario that you want to download.
#' Options are: "LGM" (21,000 years ago), "Holo" (6,000 years ago),
#' "Present", "Future 2.6" (rcp 2.6), "Future 4.5" (rcp 4.5),
#' "Future 6" (rcp 6), "Future 8.5" (rcp 8.5)
#' @param ecoClimSel Numeric vector with list of variables to select.
#' @param logger Stores all notification messages to be displayed in the Log
#' Window of Wallace GUI. Insert the logger reactive list here for running in
#' shiny, otherwise leave the default NULL.
#' @examples
#' bcAOGCM <- "CCSM"
#' bcScenario <- "LGM"
#' ecoClimSel <- c(1,2,3)
#' \dontrun{
#' varsEcoClimate <- envs_ecoClimate(bcAOGCM, bcScenario, ecoClimSel)
#' }
#' @return A rasterStack of selected variables
#' @author Sara Varela <>
#' @author Jamie M. Kass <>
#' @author Gonzalo E. Pinilla-Buitrago <>
#' @export
envs_ecoClimate <- function(bcAOGCM, bcScenario, ecoClimSel, logger = NULL) {
smartProgress(logger, message = "Retrieving ecoClimate data...", {
ecoClimatelayers <- ecoClimate_getdata(AOGCM = bcAOGCM,
Baseline = "Modern",
Scenario = bcScenario,
if (is.null(ecoClimatelayers)) return()
ecoClimatelayers <- ecoClimate_select(ecoClimatelayers, Sels = ecoClimSel)
# Changing rasters names
names(ecoClimatelayers) <- gsub("\\.", "", names(ecoClimatelayers))
i <- grep('bio[0-9]$', names(ecoClimatelayers))
editNames <- paste('bio', sapply(strsplit(names(ecoClimatelayers)[i], 'bio'),
function(x) x[2]), sep = '0')
names(ecoClimatelayers)[i] <- editNames
# Define WGS84
raster::crs(ecoClimatelayers) <- raster::crs("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
logger %>% writeLog("Environmental predictors: ecoClimate bioclimatic variables ",
paste(names(ecoClimatelayers), collapse = ", "),
" at 0.5 degree resolution. Global Circulation Model = ",
bcAOGCM, ", Scenario = ", bcScenario, ". ")
###Auxiliary functions
#' @title ecoClimate_getdata
#' @description download ecoClimate layers. more info at
#' @usage ecoClimate_getdata(AOGCM, Baseline, Scenario, logger)
#' @param AOGCM Select the AOGCM.
#' Options are: "CCSM", "CNRM", "MIROC", "COSMOS", "FGOALS", "GISS", "IPSL",
#' "MRI", "MPI"
#' @param Baseline Select a baseline for the climatic layers.
#' Options are: "Pre-industrial" (piControl-1760), "Historical" (1900-1949),
#' "Modern" (1950-1999)
#' @param Scenario Select a temporal scenario.
#' Options are: "LGM" (21,000 years ago), "Holo" (6,000 years ago),
#' "Present", "Future 2.6" (rcp 2.6), "Future 4.5" (rcp 4.5), "Future 6" (rcp 6),
#' "Future 8.5" (rcp 8.5)
#' @param logger Stores all notification messages to be displayed in the Log
#' Window of Wallace GUI. Insert the logger reactive list here for running in shiny,
#' otherwise leave the default NULL
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' CCSM_mod_present <- ecoclimate_getdata("CCSM", "Modern", "Present")
#' plot(CCSM_mod_present)
#' }
ecoClimate_getdata <- function (AOGCM, Baseline, Scenario, logger = NULL) {
if (!(AOGCM %in% c("CCSM", "CNRM", "MIROC", "COSMOS", "FGOALS", "GISS",
"IPSL", "MRI", "MPI"))) {
stop(paste0("ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM=", AOGCM, ". Check the spelling."))
if (!(Baseline %in% c("Pre-industrial", "Historical","Modern"))) {
stop(paste0("ecoClimate has no data for Baseline=", Baseline,
". Check the spelling."))
if (!(Scenario %in% c("LGM", "Holo", "Present", "Future 2.6", "Future 4.5",
"Future 6", "Future 8.5"))) {
stop(paste0("ecoClimate has no data for Scenario=", Scenario, ". Check the spelling."))
if (AOGCM == "CCSM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "CNRM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MIROC" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "COSMOS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error',
"ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "FGOALS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "GISS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "IPSL" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MRI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MPI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Present") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
## LGM
if (AOGCM == "CCSM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "CNRM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MIROC" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "COSMOS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "FGOALS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "GISS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "IPSL" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MRI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MPI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "LGM") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
## Holocene
if (AOGCM == "CCSM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "CNRM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MIROC" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "COSMOS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "FGOALS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "GISS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "IPSL" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MRI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MPI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Holo") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
## FUTURE 8.5
if (AOGCM == "CCSM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "CNRM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MIROC" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "COSMOS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "FGOALS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "GISS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "IPSL" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MRI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MPI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 8.5") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
## FUTURE 2.6
if (AOGCM == "CCSM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "CNRM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "MIROC" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "COSMOS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "FGOALS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "GISS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "IPSL" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MRI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MPI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 2.6") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
## FUTURE 4.5
if (AOGCM == "CCSM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "CNRM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MIROC" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "COSMOS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "FGOALS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "GISS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "IPSL" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MRI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MPI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "CCSM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "CNRM" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "MIROC" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "COSMOS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 4.5") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "FGOALS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
if (AOGCM == "GISS" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "IPSL" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MRI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
FinURL <- paste0("")
if (AOGCM == "MPI" && Baseline == "Modern" && Scenario == "Future 6") {
logger %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "ecoClimate has no data for AOGCM = ", AOGCM, ", Baseline = ", Baseline, ", Scenario = ", Scenario)
# Download data
fn <- paste(tempfile(), '.txt', sep='')
fnDw <- utils::download.file(url = FinURL, destfile = fn, method = "auto",
quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb", cacheOK = TRUE)
if (file.exists(fn) & fnDw == 0) {
climate_data <- utils::read.table(fn, TRUE)
sp::gridded(climate_data) <- ~ long + lat
map_climate<- raster::stack(climate_data)[[-1]]
} else {
stop('Could not download the ecoClimate file')
#' ecoClimate_select
#' select which bioclimatic variables and set the extent you want (crop the raster stack to your study extent)
#' @usage ecoClimate_select(map_climate, Sels=c(1:19), extent=c(-180, 180, -90, 90))
#' @param map_climate raster stack with all the variables
#' @param Sels vector of integer numbers. 1 for bio1, 2 for bio2, etc. e.g. Sels= c(1,12,6) for selecting bio1, bio12 and bio6
#' @param extent vector. xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax. e.g. c()
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' CCSM_mod_present <- ecoclimate_getdata("CCSM", "Modern", "Present")
#' Europe_CCSM_m_p_bio1_12 <- ecoClimate_select(CCSM_mod_present, c(1, 12),
#' extent = c(-20, 80, 20, 80))
#' plot(Europe_CCSM_m_p_bio1_12)
#' }
ecoClimate_select <- function(map_climate, Sels = c(1:19), extent = c(-180, 180, -90, 90)) {
select_var <- map_climate[[Sels]]
crop_stack <- raster::crop(select_var, extent)
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