
up <- ping_service("bcpc")
test_that("examples in the article are unchanged as far as it can be reasonably expected", {
  skip_if_not(up, "BCPC pesticide compendium is down")

  utils::data("lc50", package = "webchem")
    aw_data <- aw_query(lc50$cas[1:3], from = "cas"),

  # After fixing issue #342, we need to select the second subactivity
  # from these examples, as this is the one that was captured
  # with the original code
  igroup <- sapply(aw_data, function(y) y$subactivity[2])

  expect_type(igroup, "character")
  expect_equal(names(igroup), c("50-29-3", "52-68-6", "55-38-9"))
  expect_equal(unname(igroup), c("organochlorine",
                                 "phenyl organothiophosphate"))

test_that("BCPC pesticide compendium, name", {
  skip_if_not(up, "BCPC pesticide compendium is down")

  comps <- c("Fluazinam", "S-Metolachlor", "balloon", NA)
  o1 <- bcpc_query(comps, from = "name")

  expect_type(o1, "list")
  expect_equal(length(o1), 4)
  expect_type(o1[[1]], "list")
  expect_type(o1[[2]], "list")
  expect_equal(o1[[3]], NA)
  expect_equal(o1[[4]], NA)
  expect_equal(o1[["Fluazinam"]]$cas, "79622-59-6")
  expect_equal(length(o1[["S-Metolachlor"]]$inchikey), 2)
  expect_equal(length(o1[["S-Metolachlor"]]$inchi), 2)
  expect_equal(length(o1[["Fluazinam"]]), 11)

test_that("BCPC pesticide compendium, invalid input", {
  skip_if_not(up, "BCPC pesticide compendium is down")

  comps <- c("balloon", NA)
  o1 <- bcpc_query(comps)
  expect_type(o1, "list")
  expect_equal(o1[[1]], NA)
  expect_equal(o1[[2]], NA)

test_that("BCPC pesticide compendium, build_index", {
  skip_if_not(up, "BCPC pesticide compendium is down")

  idx <- suppressWarnings(webchem:::build_bcpc_idx(force_build = TRUE))
  expect_s3_class(idx, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(ncol(idx), 4)
  expect_equal(names(idx), c("names", "links", "linknames", "source"))
  expect_equal(unique(idx$source), c("rn", "cn"))
  expect_equal(idx$names[1], "50-00-0")

test_that("BCPC pesticide compendium, activity", {
  skip_if_not(up, "BCPC pesticide compendium is down")

  comps <- c("atrazine", "2,4-D", "Copper hydroxide", "ziram")
  o1 <- bcpc_query(comps)
  expect_equal(o1[[1]]$activity, "herbicides")
  expect_equal(o1[[1]]$subactivity, "chlorotriazine")
  expect_equal(o1[[2]]$activity, "herbicides")
  expect_equal(o1[[2]]$subactivity, "phenoxyacetic")
  expect_equal(o1[[3]]$activity, c("bactericides", "fungicides"))
  expect_equal(o1[[3]]$subactivity, c(NA, "copper compound"))
  expect_equal(o1[[4]]$activity, c("bird repellents", "fungicides", "mammal repellents"))
  expect_equal(o1[[4]]$subactivity, c(NA, "dimethyldithiocarbamate; zinc compound", NA))

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webchem documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:30 p.m.