
Defines functions get_missing_wnba_games build_wnba_db update_wnba_db load_wnba_games load_wnba_schedule load_wnba_player_box load_wnba_team_box load_wnba_pbp

Documented in load_wnba_pbp load_wnba_player_box load_wnba_schedule load_wnba_team_box update_wnba_db

#' **Load wehoop WNBA play-by-play**
#' @name load_wnba_pbp
#' @title 
#' **Load cleaned WNBA play-by-play from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_wnba_pbp
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given WNBA seasons. (Min: 2002)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_wnba_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the play by play data table within the database
#' @return A dataframe with 42 columns
#' \describe{
#' \item{shooting_play}{Logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the play was a shooting play}
#' \item{sequence_number}{Sequence number is supposed to represent a shot-possession, examine the last two numbers to see if there are multiple events that occur within the same shot-possession. A shot-possession is basically any sequence of plays until there is a shot, change in possession, and probably things like technical fouls and the like. So as soon as a shot goes up, a new sequence starts regardless, even if the shooting team retains possession via offensive or deadball rebound. The first portion of the number is usually time related (i.e. the numeric representation of when the sequence started, from a seconds remaining in the period perspective or so)}
#' \item{period_display_value}{Long form of period (1st quarter, 2nd Quarter, OT, etc.)}
#' \item{period_number}{The numeric period of play in the game }
#' \item{home_score}{Home score at the time of the play}
#' \item{coordinate_x}{The entire scale is a rectangle of size 25x47, intended as a half-court representation of the basketball court (i.e. on the side of the offense), with each coordinate unit representing a foot. It appears that the basket is roughly represented as the (25, 0) point. This is a nonsensical definition when considering that the basket overhangs the court, with the backboard aligned 48 inches from the baseline, then the center of the hoop being roughly 11 inches from there. This is an idiosyncracy of either sensor placement or software and data entry. Use your best judgement in making your charts, I think you will find that making some translations will be helpful. }
#' \item{coordinate_y}{}
#' \item{scoring_play}{Logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the play was a play on which the offense scored}
#' \item{clock_display_value}{Time left within the period}
#' \item{team_id}{Unique team identification number for the offensive team}
#' \item{type_id}{Unique play type identifcation number}
#' \item{type_text}{Play type text description}
#' \item{away_score}{Away score at the time of the play}
#' \item{id}{Unique play identifcation number}
#' \item{text}{Text description of the play}
#' \item{score_value}{The points value of the shot taken}
#' \item{participants_0_athlete_id}{Unique player identification number }
#' \item{participants_1_athlete_id}{Unique player identification number }
#' \item{participants_2_athlete_id}{Unique player identification number }
#' \item{type_abbreviation}{Play type abbreviation}
#' \item{season}{Season of the game}
#' \item{season_type}{Season type of the game, 1 is pre-season, 2 is regular season, 3 is post-season, 4 is off-season}
#' \item{away_team_id}{Unique away team identification number}
#' \item{away_team_name}{Away team name}
#' \item{away_team_mascot}{Away team mascot}
#' \item{away_team_abbrev}{Text abbreviation for the away team}
#' \item{away_team_name_alt}{Alternate versions of the away team abbreviation}
#' \item{home_team_id}{Unique home team identification number}
#' \item{home_team_name}{home team name}
#' \item{home_team_mascot}{home team mascot}
#' \item{home_team_abbrev}{Text abbreviation for the home team}
#' \item{home_team_name_alt}{Alternate versions of the home team abbreviation}
#' \item{home_team_spread}{The game spread with respect to the home team}
#' \item{game_spread}{Game spread in (-X Team) format. There are almost none, I would recommend not trusting any of these three columns}
#' \item{home_favorite}{Logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the home team is favored}
#' \item{clock_minutes}{Clock minutes split from seconds for developer convenience}
#' \item{clock_seconds}{Clock seconds split from minutes for developer convenience}
#' \item{half}{Half of the game}
#' \item{lag_half}{A lag column on the half}
#' \item{lead_half}{A lead column on the half}
#' \item{game_play_number}{Game play number}
#' \item{game_id}{Unique identifier for the game event}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_wnba_pbp())
#' }
load_wnba_pbp <- function(seasons = most_recent_wnba_season(), ...,
                         dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2002:most_recent_wnba_season()
            seasons >= 2002,
            seasons <= most_recent_wnba_season())
  urls <- paste0("https://github.com/sportsdataverse/sportsdataverse-data/releases/download/espn_wnba_pbp/play_by_play_", seasons, ".rds")
  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)
  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- data.table::rbindlist(out, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  if (in_db) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(dbConnection, tablename, out, append = TRUE)
    out <- NULL
  } else {
    class(out) <- c("wehoop_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")
#' **Load wehoop WNBA team box scores**
#' @name load_wnba_team_box
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned WNBA team box scores from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_wnba_team_box
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given WNBA seasons. (Min: 2003)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_wnba_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the team box data table within the database
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_wnba_team_box())
#' }
load_wnba_team_box <- function(seasons = most_recent_wnba_season(), ...,
                              dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2003:most_recent_wnba_season()
            seasons >= 2003,
            seasons <= most_recent_wnba_season())
  urls <- paste0("https://github.com/sportsdataverse/sportsdataverse-data/releases/download/espn_wnba_team_boxscores/team_box_", seasons, ".rds")
  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)
  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- data.table::rbindlist(out, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  class(out) <- c("wehoop_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")

#' **Load wehoop WNBA player box scores**
#' @name load_wnba_player_box
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned WNBA player box scores from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_wnba_player_box
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given WNBA seasons. (Min: 2002)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_wnba_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the player box data table within the database
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_wnba_player_box())
#' }
load_wnba_player_box <- function(seasons = most_recent_wnba_season(), ...,
                                dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2002:most_recent_wnba_season()
            seasons >= 2002,
            seasons <= most_recent_wnba_season())
  urls <- paste0("https://github.com/sportsdataverse/sportsdataverse-data/releases/download/espn_wnba_player_boxscores/player_box_", seasons, ".rds")
  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)
  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- data.table::rbindlist(out, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  if (in_db) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(dbConnection, tablename, out, append = TRUE)
    out <- NULL
  } else {
    class(out) <- c("wehoop_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")

#' **Load wehoop WNBA schedules**
#' @name load_wnba_schedule
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned WNBA schedules from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_wnba_schedule
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given WNBA seasons. (Min: 2002)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_wnba_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the schedule data table within the database
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_wnba_schedule())
#' }
load_wnba_schedule <- function(seasons = most_recent_wnba_season(), ...,
                              dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2002:most_recent_wnba_season()
            seasons >= 2002,
            seasons <= most_recent_wnba_season())
  urls <- paste0("https://github.com/sportsdataverse/sportsdataverse-data/releases/download/espn_wnba_schedules/wnba_schedule_", seasons, ".rds")
  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)
  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- data.table::rbindlist(out, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  if (in_db) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(dbConnection, tablename, out, append = TRUE)
    out <- NULL
  } else {
    class(out) <- c("wehoop_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")

# load games file
load_wnba_games <- function(){
  .url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sportsdataverse/wehoop-data/main/wnba/wnba_games_in_data_repo.csv"
  con <- url(.url)
  dat <- utils::read.csv(con)
  # close(con)

#' **Build/update wehoop WNBA play-by-play database**
#' @name update_wnba_db

#' @title 
#' **Update or create a wehoop WNBA play-by-play database**
#' @rdname update_wnba_db
#' @description update_wnba_db() updates or creates a database with `wehoop`
#' play by play data of all completed and available games since 2002.
#' @details This function creates and updates a data table with the name `tblname`
#' within a SQLite database (other drivers via `db_connection`) located in
#' `dbdir` and named `dbname`.
#' The data table combines all play by play data for every available game back
#' to the 2002 season and adds the most recent completed games as soon as they
#' are available for `wehoop`.
#' The argument `force_rebuild` is of hybrid type. It can rebuild the play
#' by play data table either for the whole wehoop era (with `force_rebuild = TRUE`)
#' or just for specified seasons (e.g. `force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)`).
#' Please note the following behavior:
#'  - `force_rebuild = TRUE`: The data table with the name `tblname`
#'   will be removed completely and rebuilt from scratch. This is helpful when
#'   new columns are added during the Off-Season.
#'  - `force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)`: The data table with the name `tblname`
#'  will be preserved and only rows from the 2019 and 2020 seasons will be
#'  deleted and re-added. This is intended to be used for ongoing seasons because
#'  ESPN's data provider can make changes to the underlying data during the week.
#' The parameter `db_connection` is intended for advanced users who want
#' to use other DBI drivers, such as MariaDB, Postgres or odbc. Please note that
#' the arguments `dbdir` and `dbname` are dropped in case a `db_connection`
#' is provided but the argument `tblname` will still be used to write the
#' data table into the database.
#' @param dbdir Directory in which the database is or shall be located
#' @param dbname File name of an existing or desired SQLite database within `dbdir`
#' @param tblname The name of the play by play data table within the database
#' @param force_rebuild Hybrid parameter (logical or numeric) to rebuild parts
#' of or the complete play by play data table within the database (please see details for further information)
#' @param db_connection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by
#' [DBI::dbConnect()] (please see details for further information)
#' @return Logical TRUE/FALSE
#' @export
update_wnba_db <- function(dbdir = ".",
                          dbname = "wehoop_db",
                          tblname = "wehoop_wnba_pbp",
                          force_rebuild = FALSE,
                          db_connection = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  # rule_header("Update wehoop Play-by-Play Database")
  if (!is_installed("DBI") | !is_installed("purrr") |
      (!is_installed("RSQLite") & is.null(db_connection))) {
    usethis::ui_stop("{my_time()} | Packages {usethis::ui_value('DBI')}, {usethis::ui_value('RSQLite')} and {usethis::ui_value('purrr')} required for database communication. Please install them.")
  if (any(force_rebuild == "NEW")) {
    usethis::ui_stop("{my_time()} | The argument {usethis::ui_value('force_rebuild = NEW')} is only for internal usage!")
  if (!(is.logical(force_rebuild) | is.numeric(force_rebuild))) {
    usethis::ui_stop("{my_time()} | The argument {usethis::ui_value('force_rebuild')} has to be either logical or numeric!")
  if (!dir.exists(dbdir) & is.null(db_connection)) {
    usethis::ui_oops("{my_time()} | Directory {usethis::ui_path(dbdir)} doesn't exist yet. Try creating...")
  if (is.null(db_connection)) {
    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), glue::glue("{dbdir}/{dbname}"))
  } else {
    connection <- db_connection
  # create db if it doesn't exist or user forces rebuild
  if (!DBI::dbExistsTable(connection, tblname)) {
    build_wnba_db(tblname, connection, rebuild = "NEW")
  } else if (DBI::dbExistsTable(connection, tblname) & all(force_rebuild != FALSE)) {
    build_wnba_db(tblname, connection, rebuild = force_rebuild)
  # get completed games
  user_message("Checking for missing completed games...", "todo")
  completed_games <- load_wnba_games() %>%
    # completed games since 2002, excluding the broken games
    dplyr::filter(.data$season >= 2002) %>%
  # function below
  missing <- get_missing_wnba_games(completed_games, connection, tblname)
  # rebuild db if number of missing games is too large
  if (length(missing) > 100) {
    build_wnba_db(tblname, connection, show_message = FALSE, rebuild = as.numeric(unique(stringr::str_sub(missing, 1, 4))))
    missing <- get_missing_wnba_games(completed_games, connection, tblname)
  # # if there's missing games, scrape and write to db
  # if (length(missing) > 0) {
  #   new_pbp <- build_wehoop_pbp(missing, rules = FALSE)
  #   if (nrow(new_pbp) == 0) {
  #     user_message("Raw data of new games are not yet ready. Please try again in about 10 minutes.", "oops")
  #   } else {
  #     user_message("Appending new data to database...", "todo")
  #     DBI::dbWriteTable(connection, tblname, new_pbp, append = TRUE)
  #   }
  # }
  message_completed("Database update completed", in_builder = TRUE)
  usethis::ui_info("{my_time()} | Path to your db: {usethis::ui_path(DBI::dbGetInfo(connection)$dbname)}")
  if (is.null(db_connection)) DBI::dbDisconnect(connection)
  # rule_footer("DONE")

# this is a helper function to build wehoop database from Scratch
build_wnba_db <- function(tblname = "wehoop_wnba_pbp", db_conn, rebuild = FALSE, show_message = TRUE) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  valid_seasons <- load_wnba_games() %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$season >= 2002) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$season) %>%
    dplyr::summarise() %>%
  if (all(rebuild == TRUE)) {
    usethis::ui_todo("{my_time()} | Purging the complete data table {usethis::ui_value(tblname)} in your connected database...")
    DBI::dbRemoveTable(db_conn, tblname)
    seasons <- valid_seasons %>% dplyr::pull("season")
    usethis::ui_todo("{my_time()} | Starting download of {length(seasons)} seasons between {min(seasons)} and {max(seasons)}...")
  } else if (is.numeric(rebuild) & all(rebuild %in% valid_seasons$season)) {
    string <- paste0(rebuild, collapse = ", ")
    if (show_message) {usethis::ui_todo("{my_time()} | Purging {string} season(s) from the data table {usethis::ui_value(tblname)} in your connected database...")}
    DBI::dbExecute(db_conn, glue::glue_sql("DELETE FROM {`tblname`} WHERE season IN ({vals*})", vals = rebuild, .con = db_conn))
    seasons <- valid_seasons %>% dplyr::filter(.data$season %in% rebuild) %>% dplyr::pull("season")
    usethis::ui_todo("{my_time()} | Starting download of the {string} season(s)...")
  } else if (all(rebuild == "NEW")) {
    usethis::ui_info("{my_time()} | Can't find the data table {usethis::ui_value(tblname)} in your database. Will load the play by play data from scratch.")
    seasons <- valid_seasons %>% dplyr::pull("season")
    usethis::ui_todo("{my_time()} | Starting download of {length(seasons)} seasons between {min(seasons)} and {max(seasons)}...")
  } else {
    seasons <- NULL
    usethis::ui_oops("{my_time()} | At least one invalid value passed to argument {usethis::ui_code('force_rebuild')}. Please try again with valid input.")
  if (!is.null(seasons)) {
    # this function lives in R/utils.R
    load_wnba_pbp(seasons, dbConnection = db_conn, tablename = tblname)

# this is a helper function to check a list of completed games
# against the games that exist in a database connection
get_missing_wnba_games <- function(completed_games, dbConnection, tablename) {
  db_ids <- dplyr::tbl(dbConnection, tablename) %>%
    dplyr::select("game_id") %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::collect() %>%
  need_scrape <- completed_games[!completed_games %in% db_ids]
  usethis::ui_info("{my_time()} | You have {length(db_ids)} games and are missing {length(need_scrape)}.")

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wehoop documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 1:08 a.m.