
Defines functions weightedDistribution

Documented in weightedDistribution

#' @name weightedDistribution
#' @aliases estWD
#' @aliases weightedDistribution
#' @title Weighted Distribution Estimation
#' @description Maximum likelihood estimatation of a weighted probability density function is completed. is done on a weighted distribution.
#' The weighted distribution is a typical probability density distribution multiplied by a weight function. The weight function can be used to truncate the distribution by returning zero beyond some threshold value.
#' @param fatDist Vector of fatality distanes from the turbine.
#' @param weightFun R function that is multipled by the probability distribution, see details.
#' @param distribution Character indicating the distribution for \code{weightedDistribution} or vector for \code{estWD}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{weightFun} or \code{\link[stats]{optim}}.
#' @details The function \code{estWD} is a convient wrapper function to \code{weightedDistribution}, for fitting multiple distributions.
#' The weight function should return a (relative) probability of detection at every distance.
#' Typically this is the proportion of area searched.
#' The function \code{\link{weightFun}} is set up to take a table of proportion of area searched and return values in a function format.
#' Let \eqn{h(x)} be the weight function (\code{weightFun}), \eqn{f(x|\theta)} be a probability density function (specified by \code{distribution}, \eqn{x} be the vector of carcass distances from the turbine (\code{fatDist}), and \eqn{\theta} be the parameter vector to be estimated.
#' The weighted distribution is
#' \deqn{f_{d}(x|\theta) = \frac{h(x)f(x|\theta)}{\int h(y)f(y|\theta)dy}}
#' The likelihood that is maximized is
#' \deqn{L_{d}(\theta|\underbar{x}) = \prod_{i=1}^{n}\frac{h(x_i)f(x_i|\theta)}{\int h(y)f(y|\theta)dy}}
#' @return Data frame of the parameter estimates with fit statistics.
#' @export weightedDistribution
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcAC}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{weightFun}}
#' @examples
#' ## load the data
#' data(carcassDistance)
#' data(proportionAreaSearched)
#' ###############################################
#' ## fit for fall carcasses found on road and pad (RP)
#' distanceFallRP <- subset(carcassDistance,plotType=='RP'&season=='fall',
#' select=distanceFromTurbine,drop=TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' fallRPFit <- estWD(fatDist=distanceFallRP,weightFun=weightFun,
#' distribution=c('norm','gamma','weibull'),propTable=proportionAreaSearched,type='RP',
#' typeCol='plotType',distanceCol='distanceFromTurbine',propCol='proportionAreaSearched',
#' maxDistance=100)
#' }
#' ###############################################
#' ## fit for fall carcasses found on full plots
#' distanceFallFP <- subset(carcassDistance,plotType=='FULL'&season=='fall',
#' select=distanceFromTurbine,drop=TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' fallFPFit <- estWD(fatDist=distanceFallFP,weightFun=weightFun,
#' distribution=c('norm','gamma','weibull'),propTable=proportionAreaSearched,type='FULL',
#' typeCol='plotType',distanceCol='distanceFromTurbine',propCol='proportionAreaSearched',
#' maxDistance=100)
#' }

weightedDistribution <- function(fatDist,weightFun,distribution,...){

    distn <- tolower(distribution)
    ## allowedDist <- c('rayleigh','gamma','weibull','llog','norm','gompertz')
    ## if(!distn%in%allowedDist){
    ##     stop(paste0('distribution must be one of the following: ',paste(allowedDist,collapse=', ')))
    ## }

    ## for debugging
    ## print(distn)

    ##wFat <- weightFun(fatDist,propTable=proportionAreaSearched,type='RP',typeCol='plotType',distanceCol='distanceFromTurbine',propCol='proportionAreaSearched',maxDistance=100)

    wFat <- weightFun(fatDist,...)

    ## starting values for the optimization
    (startValue <- getStartValue(fatDist,distn,w=1/wFat))

    toIntegrateFun <- function(x,parm,w,distn,...){

        ## This function is the weight function times the pdf
        ## This function is integrated in the likelihood for the constant
        out <- eval(parse(text=paste0('w(x,...)*dtrunc(x=x,distribution=distn,tbound=c(-Inf,Inf),',paste0(parm,collapse=','),',log=FALSE)')))

    } # end toIntegrateFun function

    ## for testing

    loglik <- function(parm,xx,distn,w,...){

        ## for debugging

        ## get the correct log of f
        logf <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=paste0('dtrunc(x=xx,distribution=distn,tbound=c(-Inf,Inf),',paste0(parm,collapse=','),',log=TRUE)'))))

            ## indicates bad parameter values
        }#end if

        ## all dist have a lower bound of zero except the normal distribution
        lowLim <- -Inf #ifelse(distn=='norm',-Inf,0)
        upLim <- Inf ## all distribution have an upper bound of infinity

        ## integral value
        c <- tryCatch({
            ##message('Error with integration in the weighted distribution function.')
            ##message('The distribution is ',distn,', with parameter values: ',paste(parm,collapse=','))

        },finally={}) #end tryCatch


        ## sum the liklihood
        loglik <- sum(logf-log(c)) + sum(log(w(xx,...)))

        ## return the negative because the optimizer is a minimizer
    } # end function loglik

    ## for testing

    lowLim <- ifelse(distn=='norm',c(-Inf,1e-10),c(1e-10,1e-10))

    ## for testing
    ##fit <- stats::nlminb(start=startValue,objective=loglik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=weightFun,propTable=proportionAreaSearched,type='RP',typeCol='plotType',distanceCol='distanceFromTurbine',propCol='proportionAreaSearched',maxDistance=100,lower=lowLim)


    ##fit <- stats::optim(par=startValue,fn=loglik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=weightFun,propTable=proportionAreaSearched,type='RP',typeCol='plotType',distanceCol='distanceFromTurbine',propCol='proportionAreaSearched',maxDistance=100,hessian=TRUE)

    fitOptim <- tryCatch({
            ## next try optim
            ##print('trying optim')
            out <- stats::optim(par=startValue,fn=loglik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=weightFun,...,hessian=TRUE)
            out$objective <- out$value

        return(list(objective=NA,par=NA,convergence=1,message='Error in optim when optimizing'))
    }) ## end tryCatch

    SOptim <- tryCatch({
        Sout <- solve(fitOptim$hessian)
            stop('variance problem')
        }#end if

        Sout <- tryCatch({
            Sout <- solve(secondDerivative(fitOptim$par,FUN=loglik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=weightFun,...))
                stop('variance problem')
            }#end if
        })# end tryCatch


    }) ## end tryCatch

    fit <- fitOptim
    S <- SOptim

    ## estimated values,make of length 2, if not already
    (fitParm <- c(fit$par,NA)[1:2])
    ## ensure there are three values
    (varVec <- c(S[lower.tri(S,diag=TRUE)],NA,NA)[1:3])

    likeValue <- fit$objective

    ## calculate the AIC value
    k <- length(startValue)
    n <- length(fatDist)
    (aic <- 2*(k+likeValue)) ## AIC value
    if(k+1>=n){ ## accounts for small sample size relative to k, ie not divide by zero
        aicc <- aic
        (aicc <- aic+2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)) ## corrected AIC value
    ## I'm not sure this is the best way to compare between distributions

    ## I would like to calculate the kolmogorov-smirnov test statistic
    ## I'm not sure how to calculate the emipirical CDF

    fitMessage <- fit$message
    fitMessage <- ifelse(is.null(fitMessage),'',fitMessage)

    out <- data.frame(distribution=distn,param1=fitParm[1],param2=fitParm[2],
                      var1 = varVec[1],
                      covar = varVec[2],
                      var2 = varVec[3],


} # end weightedDistribution function

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windAC documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:30 p.m.