
Defines functions weightedLikelihood

Documented in weightedLikelihood

#' @name weightedLikelihood
#' @aliases weightedLikelihood
#' @aliases estTWL
#' @title Truncated Weighted Likelihood Estimation
#' @description Maximum likelihood estimation of a (possibly truncated) probability density function is completed with weights on the likelihood.
#' @param fatDist Vector of fatality distances from the turbine.
#' @param fatW Vector of weights, to weight the likelihood for estimatation. This must be the same length as fatDist and is assumed to be in the same order as fatDist.
#' @param distribution Character indicating the distribution for \code{weightedLikelihood} or vector for \code{estTWL}.
#' @param plotBounds Vector of length 1 or 2. If the length is 2 (or greater) the max value is used as the upper truncation bound and the min value is used as the lower truncation bound. If the length is 1 this value is taken as the upper truncation bound and zero is set as the lower truncation bound. The default is NULL, in which case the bounds are zero and positive infinity.
## #' @param varCov Logical, default is FALSE, if TRUE the estimated variances and covariance for the parameter estimates are also calculated.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{optim}}.
#' @details  The truncated likelihood for a single observation is
#' \deqn{L^*(\theta|x_i) = \frac{f(x_i|\theta)}{\int_{a}^{b}f(y|\theta)dy}}
#' Where \eqn{x_i} is \code{fatDist}, \eqn{\theta} is the vector of parameters to be estimated, \code{a} and \code{b} correspond to the \code{plotBounds} and \code{f()} is the \code{distribution} chosen.
#' The truncated weighted likelihood is
#' \deqn{TWL(\theta|\underbar{x}) = \prod_{i=1}^{n}L^*(\theta|x_i)^{w_i}}
#' Where \code{n=length(fatDist)} and \eqn{w_i} is \code{fatW}.
#' The truncated weighted likelihood is then estimated using standard maximum likelihood techniques.
#' See \code{\link{estTWL}} for examples.
#' @return Data frame of the parameter estimates for the distribution with fit statistics.
#' @export weightedLikelihood
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcAC}}
#' @examples
#' ## load the data
#' data(carcassDistance)
#' data(proportionAreaSearched)
#' ## add proportion of area searched to each carcass
#' carcDist <- merge(carcassDistance,proportionAreaSearched,
#' by=c('plotType','distanceFromTurbine'),all.x=TRUE)
#' ## create the weight for each carcass
#' carcDist$w <- with(carcDist,1/(proportionAreaSearched*probabilityDetection))
#' twlOutput <- with(carcDist,estTWL(fatDist=distanceFromTurbine,fatW=w,plotBounds=c(0,100),
#' distribution=c('norm','weibull','gamma')))

## ## for testing
## fatDist=carcDist$distanceFromTurbine
## fatW=carcDist$w
## plotBounds=c(0,100)
## distribution=c('weibull')

weightedLikelihood <- function(fatDist,fatW,distribution, plotBounds=NULL,...){

    ## argument checking
        stop('argument distribution must be a single character string')
    }#end if

        stop('argument plotBounds need to be numeric')
    } #end if

        stop('argument fatDist need to be numeric')
    } #end if

        stop('argument fatW need to be numeric')
    } #end if

        fatW <- rep(1,length(fatDist))
        warning('The length of fatW is not same as the length of fatDist and will be ignored in calculating the weighted likelihood parameter estimates.')
    }# end if

    (distn <- tolower(distribution))

        maxDist <- Inf
        minDist <- 0
        maxDist <- max(plotBounds)
        minDist <- min(plotBounds)
            minDist <- 0
        }# end if
            warning('The smallest value and largest value of plotBounds will be used as the bounds of the truncation.')
        }# end if
    } # end if else


    ## The weighed likelihood
    wLogLik <- function(parm,xx,w,distn,low=-Inf,up=Inf,...){

        ## If nlminb passes NaN values to the function
        }#end if

        loglik <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=paste0('dtrunc(x=xx,distribution=distn,tbound=c(low,up),',paste0(parm,collapse=','),',log=TRUE)'))))

        wLL <- sum(w*loglik)

    }#end wLogLik

    ## starting values for the optimization
    (startValue <- getStartValue(x=fatDist,distribution=distn,w=fatW))

###### first try optim with hessian
    fitOptim <- tryCatch({
        ##print('optim with hessian')
        out <- stats::optim(par=startValue,fn=wLogLik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=fatW,low=minDist,up=maxDist, ...,hessian=TRUE)
        out$objective <- out$value ## match nlminb output
            stop('optimization did not converge')
        }#end if



##### second try optim without hessian
        fitOptim2 <- tryCatch({
##print('optim without hessian')
            out <- stats::optim(par=startValue,fn=wLogLik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=fatW,low=minDist,up=maxDist, ...,hessian=FALSE)
            out$objective <- out$value ## match nlminb output
                stop('optimization did not converge')
            }#end if


##### third try nlminb
            fitOptim3 <- tryCatch({
                out <- stats::nlminb(start=startValue,objective=wLogLik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=fatW,low=minDist,up=maxDist, ...)
                out$hessian <- NA # to match optim

              return(return(list(objective=NA,par=NA,convergence=1,message='Error in optim when optimizing')))

            }) ## end tryCatch 3


        }) ## end tryCatch 2


    }) ## end tryCatch 1

    SOptim <- tryCatch({
        Sout <- solve(fitOptim$hessian)
            stop('variance problem')
        }#end if

            #try the second Derivative
            Sout <- solve(secondDerivative(fitOptim$par,FUN=wLogLik,xx=fatDist,distn=distn,w=fatW,low=minDist,up=maxDist))
                stop('variance problem')
            }#end if
        })# end tryCatch
    }) ## end tryCatch

    fit <- fitOptim
    S <- SOptim

    ## estimated values,make of length 2, if not already
    (fitParm <- c(fit$par,NA)[1:2])

    ## make length 3, if not already
    (varVec <- c(S[lower.tri(S,diag=TRUE)],NA,NA)[1:3])

    ## The world is not ready for a Kolmogorov-Smirnov fit statistic

    ## ## weighted empirical cdf
    ## ecdf <- function(q,data,w){
    ##     ## q <- 35:40
    ##     ## data <- rnorm(20,mean=40)
    ##     ## w <- stats::runif(length(data))

    ##     ## out <- plyr::aaply(q,1,function(t,d,w){

    ##     ##           sum(w*(d<=t))/sum(w)

    ##     ##       },d=data,w=w)

    ##     out <- sapply(X=q,FUN=function(t,d,w){
    ##               sum(w*(d<=t))/sum(w)
    ##           },d=data,w=w)
    ##     return(out)
    ## }

    ## ## For the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
    ## ksStat <- function(q,parm,distn,data,w,...){
    ##     ## need to switch CDF for qtrunc
    ##     -abs(CDF(q=q,parm=parm,distribution=distn,...)-ecdf(q=q,data=data,w=w))
    ## }

    ## ksFit <- stats::nlminb(start=mean(fatDist),ksStat,parm=fitParm,distn=distn,data=fatDist,w=fatW,low=minDist,up=maxDist)
    ## (KS <- -ksFit$objective)

    likeValue <- fit$objective

    ## calculate the AIC value
    (k <- length(startValue))
    (n <- length(fatDist))
    (aic <- 2*(k+likeValue)) ## AIC value

    if(k+1>=n){ ## accounts for small sample size relative to k, ie not divide by zero
        aicc <- aic
        (aicc <- aic+2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)) ## corrected AIC value
    }#end else if
    ## I'm not sure this is the best way to compare between distributions

    (code <- fit$convergence)
    (message <- ifelse(is.null(fit$message),'',fit$message))

    out <- data.frame(distribution=distn,param1=fitParm[1],param2=fitParm[2],
                      var1 = varVec[1],
                      covar = varVec[2],
                      var2 = varVec[3],
                      llikelihood = -likeValue, aic=aic,aicc=aicc,


}  # end weighteLikelihood function

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windAC documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:30 p.m.