
Defines functions fitness

Documented in fitness

#' @title Evaluate the Individual Fitness values
#' @name fitness
#' @description The fitness of all individuals in the current population
#'   is calculated after their energy output has been evaluated in
#'   \code{\link{calculate_energy}}. This function reduces the resulting energy
#'   outputs to a single fitness value for each individual.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams genetic_algorithm
#' @param selection A list containing all individuals of the current population.
#' @param Polygon The considered area as shapefile.
#' @param resol1 The resolution of the grid in meter.
#' @param rot The desired rotor radius in meter.
#' @param dirspeed The wind data as list.
#' @param srtm_crop A list of 3 raster, with 1) the elevation, 2) an orographic
#'   and 3) a terrain raster. Calculated in \code{\link{genetic_algorithm}}
#' @param cclRaster A Corine Land Cover raster, that has to be adapted
#'   previously by hand with the surface roughness length for every land cover
#'   type. Is only used, when the terrain effect model is activated.
#' @param weibull A raster representing the estimated wind speeds
#' @family Genetic Algorithm Functions
#' @return Returns a list with every individual, consisting of X & Y
#'   coordinates, rotor radii, the runs and the selected grid cell IDs, and the
#'   resulting energy outputs, efficiency rates and fitness values.
#' @examples \donttest{
#' ## Create a random rectangular shapefile
#' library(sf)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(4498482, 4498482, 4499991, 4499991, 4498482),
#'     c(2668272, 2669343, 2669343, 2668272, 2668272)))), 
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' ## Create a uniform and unidirectional wind data.frame and plots the
#' ## resulting wind rose
#' ## Uniform wind speed and single wind direction
#' wind <- data.frame(ws = 12, wd = 0)
#' # windrosePlot <- plot_windrose(data = wind, spd = wind$ws,
#' #                dir = wind$wd, dirres=10, spdmax=20)
#' ## Calculate a Grid and an indexed data.frame with coordinates and
#' ## grid cell IDs.
#' Grid1 <- grid_area(shape = Polygon1, size = 200, prop = 1);
#' Grid <- Grid1[[1]]
#' AmountGrids <- nrow(Grid)
#' wind <- list(wind, probab = 100)
#' startsel <- init_population(Grid,10,20);
#' fit <- fitness(selection = startsel, referenceHeight = 100, RotorHeight=100,
#'                SurfaceRoughness=0.3,Polygon = Polygon1, resol1 = 200,rot=20,
#'                dirspeed = wind, srtm_crop="", topograp=FALSE, cclRaster="",
#'                Parallel = FALSE)
#' }
fitness <- function(selection, referenceHeight, RotorHeight,
                    SurfaceRoughness, Polygon, resol1,
                    rot, dirspeed, srtm_crop, topograp, cclRaster,
                    weibull, Parallel, numCluster) {
  ## Missing Arguments? #############
  if (missing(srtm_crop)) {
    srtm_crop <- NULL
  if (missing(cclRaster)) {
    cclRaster <- NULL
  if (missing(Parallel)) {
    Parallel <- FALSE
  if (missing(weibull)) {
    weibull <- FALSE
  ## Wind Data ###########
  probability_direction <- dirspeed[[2]]
  dirspeed <- dirspeed[[1]]

  ## Get maximum angle and maximum distance ###########
  wnkl_max <- getOption("windfarmGA.max_angle")
  dist_max <- getOption("windfarmGA.max_distance")
  ## Calculate Energy Output ###########
  # For every selection i and every angle j - in Parallel
  if (Parallel == TRUE) {
    e <- foreach::foreach(k = 1:length(selection)) %dopar% {
        sel = selection[[k]], referenceHeight = referenceHeight,
        RotorHeight = RotorHeight, SurfaceRoughness = SurfaceRoughness,
        wnkl = wnkl_max, distanz = dist_max,
        polygon1 = Polygon, RotorR = rot, dirSpeed = dirspeed,
        srtm_crop = srtm_crop, topograp = topograp, cclRaster = cclRaster,
        weibull = weibull)

  euniqu <- vector("list", length(selection))
  for (i in 1:length(selection)) {
    if (!Parallel) {
      # For every selection i and every angle j - not in Parallel
      e <- calculate_energy(
        sel = selection[[i]], referenceHeight = referenceHeight,
        RotorHeight = RotorHeight, SurfaceRoughness = SurfaceRoughness,
        wnkl = wnkl_max, distanz = dist_max,
        polygon1 = Polygon, RotorR = rot, dirSpeed = dirspeed,
        srtm_crop = srtm_crop, topograp = topograp, cclRaster = cclRaster,
        weibull = weibull)

      ee  <- lapply(e, function(x) {
        subset.matrix(x, subset = !duplicated(x[, "Punkt_id"]))

    } else {
      ## Get a list from unique Grid_ID elements for every park
      ## configuration respective to every winddirection considered.
      ## Since caluclateEn was run over all selections already
      ## we just need to process the result stored in the list e.
      ee  <- lapply(e[[i]], function(x) {
        subset.matrix(x, subset = !duplicated(x[, "Punkt_id"]))

    ## TODO - can column selection happen later?
    ## Select only relevant information from list
    ee  <- lapply(ee, function(x){
      subset.matrix(x, select = c("Bx", "By", "Windrichtung", "RotorR",
                                  "TotAbschProz", "V_New", "Rect_ID",

    ## get Energy Output and Efficiency rate for every wind direction
    res_energy <- lapply(ee, function(x){
      subset.matrix(x, subset = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(ee[[1]][, 1]) - 1)))
    res_energy <- do.call("rbind", res_energy)
    res_energy <- res_energy[, c("Windrichtung",
                                 "Parkwirkungsgrad"), drop = FALSE]
    # Add the Probability of every direction
    # Calculate the relative Energy outputs respective to the
    # probability of the wind direction
    res_energy <- cbind(res_energy, 
                            "probability_direction" = probability_direction)
    res_energy <- cbind(res_energy, 
                            "Eneralldire" = res_energy[, "Energy_Output_Red"] *
                              (res_energy[, "probability_direction"] / 100))

    # Calculate the sum of the relative Energy outputs
    res_energy <- cbind(res_energy, 
                            "EnergyOverall" = sum(res_energy[, "Eneralldire"]))

    # Calculate the sum of the relative Efficiency rates respective to
    # the probability of the wind direction
    res_energy <- cbind(res_energy, 
                        "Efficalldire" = sum(
                          res_energy[, "Parkwirkungsgrad"] *
                            (res_energy[, "probability_direction"] / 100)))
    # Get the total Wake Effect of every Turbine for all Wind directions
    total_wake <- lapply(ee, function(x) {
      x[, "TotAbschProz"]
    total_wake <- do.call("cbind", total_wake)
    total_wake <- rowSums(total_wake)

    # Get the original X / Y - Coordinates of the selected individual
    xy_individuals <- selection[[i]][, 2:3]

    # Add the Efficieny and the Energy Output of all wind directions and
    # add the total Wake Effect of every Point Location
    # Include the Run of the genertion to the data frame
    xy_individuals <- cbind(xy_individuals,
                       "EfficAllDir" = res_energy[1, "Efficalldire"],
                       "EnergyOverall" = res_energy[1, "EnergyOverall"],
                       "AbschGesamt" = total_wake,
                       "Run" = i)

    ## Get the Rotor Radius and the Rect_IDs of the park configuration
    dt <- subset.matrix(ee[[1]], select = c("RotorR", "Rect_ID"))
    ## Bind the Efficiency,Energy,WakeEffect,Run to the Radius and Rect_IDs
    dt <- cbind(xy_individuals, dt)

    ## Add this information to the the i-th element of the list
    euniqu[[i]] <- dt

  ## Split one from every run and select only Energy information
  maxparkeff <- do.call(rbind, lapply(euniqu, function(x) {
    x[1, "EnergyOverall"]

  ## TODO - Get a better Fitness Function!!!!!
  ## Save as Fitness (Its just a copy of overall Energy Output right now).
  colnames(maxparkeff) <- "Parkfitness"

  ## Assign every park constellation the Parkfitness Value
  euniqu <- lapply(1:length(euniqu), function(i) {
      cbind(euniqu[[i]], "Parkfitness" = maxparkeff[i, ])

  names(euniqu) <- unlist(lapply(euniqu, function(i) {
    paste0(i[, "Rect_ID"], collapse = ",")


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windfarmGA documentation built on May 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.