
Defines functions legendHist

Documented in legendHist

#' Add histogram to existing plot
#' Add histogram at pleace of legend using colors from 'colorRamp'.
#' @param x (numeric) main input/component of plot
#' @param colRamp (character or integer) set of colors, default is rainbow-like
#' @param location (character) for location of histogram inside existing plot (may be 'br','bl','tl','tr','bottomright', 'bottomleft','topleft','topright')
#' @param legTit (character, length=1) optional title for histogram-insert
#' @param cex (numeric) expansion factor (see also \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param srt (numeric) angle for histogram text labels (90 will give vertical label) (see also \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param offS (\code{NULL} or numeric, length=5) fine-tuning of where histogram-insert will be placed and how elements therein are ditributed
#'  (default c(xOff=0.2,yOff=0.25,leftOffS=0.05, upperBarEnd=1.05,txtOff=0.02),
#'  1st and 2nd determine proportio of insert relative to entire plotting region, 3rd defines space left on bottom for text,
#'  4th if bars hit ceiling of insert or proportion to leave, 5th for shifting text towards top when turned other than 90 degrees )
#' @param border (logical) decide of draw gray rectangle or not around legend
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param callFrom (character) allow easier tracking of messages produced
#' @param debug (logical) display additional messages for debugging
#' @return This function produces a histogram on the current plottig device
#' @examples
#' dat <- rnorm(90); plot(dat)
#' legendHist(dat, col=1:5)
#' @export
legendHist <- function(x, colRamp=NULL, location="bottomright", legTit=NULL, cex=0.7, srt=67, offS=NULL, border=TRUE, silent=FALSE, debug=FALSE, callFrom=NULL){
  ## add histogram instead of legend using colors from 'colorRamp', so far as bottomright
  fxNa <- wrMisc::.composeCallName(callFrom, newNa="legendHist")
  if(!isTRUE(silent)) silent <- FALSE
  if(isTRUE(debug)) silent <- FALSE else debug <- FALSE
  if(length(x) <0 && !silent) message("'x' seems to be empty, nothing to do")

  if(length(x) >0) {
    if(is.null(colRamp)) {
      colRamp <- cbind(red=c(141,72,90,171, 220,253,244,255), green=c(129,153,194,221, 216,174,109,0), blue=c(194,203,185,164, 83,97,67,0))   # rainbow-like gradient
      colRamp <- grDevices::rgb(red=colRamp[,1], green=colRamp[,2], blue=colRamp[,3], maxColorValue=255)}
    cutInt <- wrMisc::cutToNgrp(x, colRamp, NAuse=FALSE)
    tmp <- graphics::par("usr")
    .sw <- function(location, x, offSet) {     # function for setting corner-coordinates according of 'x'
      ## uses only 1st & 2nd val of offSet
      if(length(location) !=1) location <- "bottomright"
      location <- tolower(as.character(location))
      if(any(c("bottomri","botri","bori","br") %in% location)) location <- "bottomright"
      if(any(c("bottomle","botle","bole","bl") %in% location)) location <- "bottomleft"
      if(any(c("topri","tori","tr") %in% location)) location <- "topright"
      if(any(c("toptle","tole","tl") %in% location)) location <- "topleft"
      ## make int %value of offSet absolute :
      offSet[1:2] <- offSet[1:2]*c(x[2] -x[1], x[4] -x[3])
        bottomright= c(xMin=x[2] -offSet[1], x[2:3], yMax=x[3] +offSet[2]),
        bottomleft= c(xMin=x[1], xMax=x[1] +offSet[1], x[3], yMax=x[3] +offSet[2]),
        topleft= c(xMin=x[1], xMax=x[1] +offSet[1], x[4] -offSet[2], yMax=x[4]),
        topright= c(xMin=x[2] -offSet[1], x[2], x[4] -offSet[2], yMax=x[4]))}
    if(length(offS) <5) offS <- c(xOff=0.2, yOff=0.25, leftOffS=0.05, upperBarEnd=if(length(legTit) >0) 1.15 else 1.05, txtOff=0.02)       # %of x-range, % of y-range
    legCor <- .sw(location, tmp, offS)
    legCor <- c(legCor, legCor[3] +offS[2]*(legCor[4] -legCor[3]))     # add 5th component: bottom y axis start for Hist (shifted by offS[2] %
    legWi <- abs(c(legCor[2] -legCor[1], legCor[4] -legCor[3]))        # width of insert on x and y
    br <- seq(legCor[1] +legWi[2]*offS[3], legCor[2] -legWi[2]*0, length.out=length(colRamp)+1)   # define breaks on x-axis, uses offS[3], so far nn offset to right
    chBr <- br > legCor[2]
    if(any(chBr)) br[length(br)] <- legCor[2]
    mids <- br[2] -br[1]                      # $breaks on x
    mids <- br[-length(br)] +mids/2           # midPoints on x
    tb <- table(cutInt$grouped)              #
    tb <- legCor[5]+ (legCor[4] -legCor[5])*tb/(max(tb,na.rm=TRUE)*offS[4])      # upper end of bars & factor offS[4] typically 1.05
    if(border) graphics::rect(legCor[1], legCor[3], legCor[2], legCor[4], col=grDevices::rgb(1,1,1,0.5), border=grDevices::grey(0.7))  # broder of 'legend'
    srtCo <- c((90 -srt)*(br[2] -br[1])/90, (legCor[4] -legCor[3])*offS[5] )     # supl offset for text-labels, uses factor offS[5]
    for(j in 1:length(colRamp)) {
      graphics::text(mids -srtCo[1], rep(srtCo[2] +legCor[3], length(mids)), paste(">",signif(cutInt$legTxt[,1],3)), adj=0, srt=srt, cex=cex)
      graphics::rect(br[j], legCor[5], br[j+1], tb[j], col=colRamp[j], border=border)                                               # main histogram
      if(length(legTit) >0) graphics::text(mean(legCor[1:2]), max(tb,na.rm=TRUE) +(legCor[2]-legCor[1])*0.025, legTit[1], cex=cex)  # histogram-insert title

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wrGraph documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:08 p.m.