Man pages for wrapr
Wrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric Programming

add_name_columnAdd list name as a column to a list of data.frames.
apply_leftS3 dispatch on class of pipe_left_arg.
apply_left_defaultS3 dispatch on class of pipe_left_arg.
apply_left.defaultS3 dispatch on class of pipe_left_arg.
apply_rightS3 dispatch on class of pipe_right_argument.
apply_right.defaultDefault apply_right implementation.
apply_right_S4S4 dispatch method for apply_right.
as_named_listCapture named objects as a named list.
bcBlank Concatenate. Parse argument as a vector of values...
bquote_callTreat call argument as bquoted-values.
bquote_call_argsTreat ... argument as bquoted-values.
bquote_functionAdapt a function to use bquote on its arguments.
build_frameBuild a data.frame from the user's description.
buildNameCallbackBuild a custom writeback function that writes state into a...
checkColsFormUniqueKeysCheck that a set of columns form unique keys.
check_equiv_framesCheck two data.frames are equivalent after sorting columns...
clean_fit_glmFit a stats::glm without carying back large structures.
clean_fit_lmFit a stats::lm without carying back large structures.
coalesceCoalesce values (NULL/NA on left replaced by values on the...
DebugFnCapture arguments of exception throwing function call for...
DebugFnECapture arguments and environment of exception throwing...
DebugFnWWrap a function for debugging.
DebugFnWEWrap function to capture arguments and environment of...
DebugPrintFnCapture arguments of exception throwing function call for...
DebugPrintFnECapture arguments and environment of exception throwing...
defineLambdaDefine lambda function building function.
dot_arrowPipe operator ("dot arrow", "dot pipe" or "dot arrow pipe").
draw_frameRender a simple data.frame in build_frame format.
draw_framecRender a simple data.frame in qchar_frame format.
evalbNear 'eval(bquote(expr))' shortcut.
execute_parallelExecute f in parallel partitioned by partition_column.
f.Build an anonymous function of dot.
grab_assignments_from_dotsRe-write captured '...' arguments as assignments.
grapes-in_block-grapesInline let-block notation.
grapes-less-than-s-grapesDot substitution string interpolation.
grapes-s-greater-than-grapesDot substitution string interpolation.
grepdfGrep for column names from a 'data.frame'
grepvReturn a vector of matches.
has_no_dup_rowsCheck for duplicate rows.
inline_concatInline list/array concatenate.
inline_dotInline dot product.
inline_paste0Inline character paste0.
inline_qcInline quoting list/array concatenate.
invert_permInvert a permutation.
lambdaBuild an anonymous function.
lapplymMemoizing wrapper for lapply.
letExecute expr with name substitutions specified in alias.
makeFunction_seBuild an anonymous function.
mapsymsMap symbol names to referenced values if those values are...
map_to_charformat a map.
map_upperMap up-cased symbol names to referenced values if those...
match_orderMatch one order to another.
mk_formulaConstruct a formula.
mk_tmp_name_sourceProduce a temp name generator with a given prefix.
named_map_builderNamed map builder.
ordervOrder by a list of vectors.
packPack values into a named list.
parLapplyLBmMemoizing wrapper for parLapplyLB
partition_tablesPartition as set of tables into a list.
pipe_implPipe dispatch implementation.
psaggPseudo aggregator.
qaeQuote assignment expressions (name = expr, name := expr, name...
qcQuoting version of c() array concatenate.
qchar_frameBuild a quoted data.frame.
qeQuote expressions.
qsQuote argument as a string.
reduceexpandUse function to reduce or expand arguments.
restrictToNameAssignmentsRestrict an alias mapping list to things that look like name...
returnCaptureReturn an error to a file, environment (no names) or callback
seqiIncreasing whole-number sequence.
siDot substitution string interpolation.
sinterpDot substitution string interpolation.
sortvSort a data.frame.
split_at_brace_pairsSplit strings at -pairs.
stop_if_dot_argsStop with message if dot_args is a non-trivial list.
strsplit_captureSplit a string, keeping separator regions
subset-.UnpackerUnpack or bind values into the calling environment.
sub-.UnpackerPrepare for unpack or bind values into the calling...
sxString eXplode. Parse argument as a vector of string allowing...
toUnpack or bind values by names into the calling environment,...
uniquesStrict version of unique (without ...).
unpackUnpack or bind values by names into the calling environment.
UnpackerFCreate a value unpacking object (function version).
UnpackerPCreate a value unpacking object (eager pipe version).
vapplymMemoizing wrapper for vapply.
VectorizeMMemoizing wrapper to base::Vectorize()
viewInvoke a spreadsheet like viewer when appropriate.
wrapr-packagewrapr: Wrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric Programming
wrapr documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 1:08 a.m.