
Defines functions wmf

Documented in wmf

#' Computes the wavelet mean field from a matrix of spatiotemporal data. Also the
#' creator function for the \code{wmf} class.
#' Computes the wavelet mean field from a matrix of spatiotemporal data. Also the
#' creator function for the \code{wmf} class. The \code{wmf} class inherits from the 
#' \code{tts} class, which inherits from the \code{list} class.
#' @param dat A locations (rows) x time (columns) matrix
#' @param times A vector of time step values (e.g., years), spacing 1
#' @param scale.min The smallest scale of fluctuation that will be examined. At least 2.
#' @param scale.max.input The largest scale of fluctuation that will be examined. Note that if this is set too high relative to the length of the timeseries it will be truncated.
#' @param sigma The ratio of each time scale examined relative to the next timescale. Greater than 1.
#' @param f0 The ratio of the period of fluctuation to the width of the envelope
#' @return \code{wmf} returns an object of class \code{wmf}. Slots are:
#' \item{values}{A matrix of complex numbers containing the wavelet mean field, of dimensions \code{length(times)} 
#' by the number of timescales. Entries not considered reliable (longer timescales, near the edges of the time span) 
#' are set to NA.}
#' \item{times}{The time steps specified (e.g., years)}
#' \item{timescales}{The timescales (1/frequency) computed for the wavelet transforms}
#' \item{dat}{The data matrix (locations by time) from which the wmf was computed}
#' \item{wtopt}{The inputted wavelet transform options scale.min, scale.max.input, sigma, f0 in a list}
#' @author Jonathan Walter, \email{jaw3es@@virginia.edu}; Lawrence Sheppard, \email{lwsheppard@@ku.edu}; 
#' Daniel Reuman, \email{reuman@@ku.edu}
#' @references Sheppard, L.W., et al. (2016) Changes in large-scale climate alter spatial synchrony of aphid pests. 
#' Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2881
#' @seealso \code{\link{wmf_methods}}, \code{\link{tts}}, \code{\link{wpmf}}, \code{\link{plotmag}},
#' \code{browseVignettes("wsyn")}
#' @examples
#' times<-1:30 #generate time steps
#' #generate fake count data for 20 locations
#' dat<-matrix(rpois(20*length(times),20),nrow=20,ncol=length(times)) 
#' dat<-cleandat(dat=dat,times=times,clev=2)$cdat #detrend and demean
#' wmf<-wmf(dat,times)
#' @export

wmf<-function(dat, times, scale.min=2, scale.max.input=NULL, sigma=1.05, f0 = 1){
  #check suitability of data
  #for return
  #do all the transforms
  wavarray<-warray(dat, times, scale.min, scale.max.input, sigma, f0)
  #Get square modulus, then average over time and location and take square root to 
  #get denominator for normalization
  #Then normalize each timescale by the value of the normalization denomenator for 
  #that timescale

  #get the wmf by averaging across space
  wmf<-apply(wavarray, c(2,3), mean, na.rm=T)
  #prepare the result

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wsyn documentation built on June 19, 2021, 1:07 a.m.