
Defines functions readRange getRanges createRange

Documented in createRange getRanges readRange

# Functions to deal with ranges.
# createRange
# getRanges
# readRange

# Set an area of a sheet to a contiguous range
#' Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges.
#' These functions are provided for convenience only.  Use directly the Java
#' API to access additional functionality.
#' @param wb a workbook object as returned by \code{createWorksheet} or
#' \code{loadWorksheet}.
#' @param range a range object as returned by \code{getRanges}.
#' @param sheet a sheet object as returned by \code{getSheets}.
#' @param rangeName a character specifying the name of the name to create.
#' @param colClasses the type of the columns supported.  Only \code{numeric}
#' and \code{character} are supported.  See \code{\link{read.xlsx2}} for more
#' details.
#' @param firstCell a cell object corresponding to the top left cell in the
#' range.
#' @param lastCell a cell object corresponding to the bottom right cell in the
#' range.
#' @return \code{getRanges} returns the existing ranges as a list.
#' \code{readRange} reads the range into a data.frame.
#' \code{createRange} returns the created range object.
#' @author Adrian Dragulescu
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("tests", "test_import.xlsx", package = "xlsx")
#' wb <- loadWorkbook(file)
#' sheet <- getSheets(wb)[["deletedFields"]]
#' ranges <- getRanges(wb)
#' # the call below fails on cran tests for MacOS.  You should see the
#' # FAQ: https://code.google.com/p/rexcel/wiki/FAQ
#' #res  <- readRange(ranges[[1]], sheet, colClasses="numeric") # read it
#' ranges[[1]]$getNameName()  # get its name
#' # see all the available java methods that you can call
#' rJava::.jmethods(ranges[[1]])
#' # create a new named range
#' firstCell <- sheet$getRow(14L)$getCell(4L)
#' lastCell  <- sheet$getRow(20L)$getCell(7L)
#' rangeName <- "Test2"
#' # same issue on MacOS
#' #createRange(rangeName, firstCell, lastCell)
#' @export
#' @name NamedRanges
createRange <- function(rangeName, firstCell, lastCell)
  sheet <- firstCell$getSheet()
  sheetName <- sheet$getSheetName()
  firstCellRef <- .jnew("org/apache/poi/ss/util/CellReference",
    as.integer(firstCell$getRowIndex()), as.integer(firstCell$getColumnIndex()))
  lastCellRef <- .jnew("org/apache/poi/ss/util/CellReference",
    as.integer(lastCell$getRowIndex()), as.integer(lastCell$getColumnIndex()))

  nameFormula <- paste(sheetName, "!", firstCellRef$formatAsString(), ":",
    lastCellRef$formatAsString(), sep="")

  wb <- sheet$getWorkbook()
  range <- wb$createName()
  range$setRefersToFormula( nameFormula )


# get info about ranges in the spreadsheet, similar to getSheets
#' @export
#' @rdname NamedRanges
getRanges <- function(wb)
  noRanges <- .jcall(wb, "I", "getNumberOfNames")
  if (noRanges == 0){
    cat("Workbook has no ranges!\n")

  res <- list()
  for (i in 1:noRanges) {
    aRange <- .jcall(wb, "Lorg/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Name;", "getNameAt",
    if (.jcall(aRange, "Z", "isDeleted")) {
      aRangeRef <- "No cell reference"
    } else {
      aRangeRef <- tryCatch(.jcall(aRange, "S", "getRefersToFormula"),
        error = function(e) "Invalid reference")
#      one <- list(ref=aRange, name=aRange$getNameName())
      res[[i]] <- aRange
#      names(res)[i] <- aRangeRef


# Read one range.
#  range is a Java Object reference as returned by getRanges
#' @export
#' @rdname NamedRanges
readRange <- function(range, sheet, colClasses = "character")
  ## getRefersToFormula throws an error if external reference is broken
  aRangeRef <- tryCatch(.jcall(range, "S", "getRefersToFormula"),
    error = function(e) stop("Invalid range address", call. = FALSE))

  ## A broken reference starts with #REF!
  if (grepl("#REF!", aRangeRef, fixed=TRUE) > 0)
    stop(paste(range, aRangeRef, "is broken"), call. = FALSE)

  ## A linked range looks like '[path\path\file.xls]Sheet'!A1:B1
  if (grepl("[", aRangeRef, fixed=TRUE) > 0)
    stop(paste(range, aRangeRef, "linked range can't be read"), call. = FALSE)

  areaRef <- .jnew("org/apache/poi/ss/util/AreaReference", aRangeRef)
  if (!areaRef$isContiguous(aRangeRef))
    stop(paste(range, "is not contiguous.  Not supported yet!"), call. = FALSE)

  firstCell   <- areaRef$getFirstCell()
  startRow    <- firstCell$getRow()+1
  startColumn <- firstCell$getCol()+1

  lastCell  <- areaRef$getLastCell()
  endRow    <- lastCell$getRow()+1
  endColumn <- lastCell$getCol()+1

  noRows    <- endRow - startRow + 1
  noColumns <- endColumn - startColumn + 1

  if (length(colClasses) < noColumns)
    colClasses <- rep(colClasses, noColumns)

  Rintf <- .jnew("org/cran/rexcel/RInterface")  # create an interface object
  res <- vector("list", length=noColumns)
  for (i in seq_len(noColumns)){
    res[[i]] <- switch(colClasses[i],
      numeric = .jcall(Rintf, "[D", "readColDoubles",
        .jcast(sheet, "org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Sheet"),
        as.integer(startRow-1), as.integer(startRow-1+noRows-1),
      character = .jcall(Rintf, "[S", "readColStrings",
        .jcast(sheet, "org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Sheet"),
        as.integer(startRow-1), as.integer(startRow-1+noRows-1),

  names(res) <- paste("C", startColumn:endColumn, sep="")

  ## firstCellRef <- .jnew("org/apache/poi/hssf/util/CellReference", firstCell)
  ## endCellRef   <- .jnew("org/apache/poi/hssf/util/CellReference", endCell)
  ## areaRef <- .jnew("org/apache/poi/ss/util/AreaReference", firstCellRef, endCellRef)
  ## nameFormula <- areaRef$formatAsString()

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xlsx documentation built on Nov. 10, 2020, 3:52 p.m.