
Defines functions print_xml_structure tree_structure.xml_node tree_structure.xml_nodeset tree_structure.xml_missing tree_structure html_structure xml_structure

Documented in html_structure xml_structure

#' Show the structure of an html/xml document.
#' Show the structure of an html/xml document without displaying any of
#' the values. This is useful if you want to get a high level view of the
#' way a document is organised. Compared to `xml_structure`,
#' `html_structure` prints the id and class attributes.
#' @param x HTML/XML document (or part there of)
#' @param indent Number of spaces to ident
#' @inheritParams base::cat
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xml_structure(read_xml("<a><b><c/><c/></b><d/></a>"))
#' rproj <- read_html(system.file("extdata", "r-project.html", package = "xml2"))
#' xml_structure(rproj)
#' xml_structure(xml_find_all(rproj, ".//p"))
#' h <- read_html("<body><p id = 'a'></p><p class = 'c d'></p></body>")
#' html_structure(h)
xml_structure <- function(x, indent = 2, file = "") {
  cat(file = file)
  tree_structure(x, indent = indent, html = FALSE, file = file)

#' @export
#' @rdname xml_structure
html_structure <- function(x, indent = 2, file = "") {
  cat(file = file)
  tree_structure(x, indent = indent, html = TRUE, file = file)

tree_structure <- function(x, indent = 2, html = FALSE, file = "") {

#' @export
tree_structure.xml_missing <- function(x, indent = 2, html = FALSE, file = "") {

#' @export
tree_structure.xml_nodeset <- function(x, indent = 2, html = FALSE, file = "") {
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    cat("[[", i, "]]\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
    print_xml_structure(x[[i]], indent = indent, html = html, file = file)
    cat("\n", file = file, append = TRUE)


#' @export
tree_structure.xml_node <- function(x, indent = 2, html = FALSE, file = "") {
  print_xml_structure(x, indent = indent, html = html, file = file)

print_xml_structure <- function(x, prefix = 0, indent = 2, html = FALSE, file = "") {
  padding <- paste(rep(" ", prefix), collapse = "")
  type <- xml_type(x)

  if (type == "element") {
    attr <- xml_attrs(x)
    if (html) {
      html_attrs <- list()
      if ("id" %in% names(attr)) {
        html_attrs$id <- paste0("#", attr[["id"]])
        attr <- attr[setdiff(names(attr), "id")]

      if ("class" %in% names(attr)) {
        html_attrs$class <- paste0(".", gsub(" ", ".", attr[["class"]]))
        attr <- attr[setdiff(names(attr), "class")]

      attr_str <- paste(unlist(html_attrs), collapse = " ")
    } else {
      attr_str <- ""

    if (length(attr) > 0) {
      attr_str <- paste0(attr_str, " [", paste0(names(attr), collapse = ", "), "]")

    node <- paste0("<", xml_name(x), attr_str, ">")

    cat(padding, node, "\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
      prefix = prefix + indent,
      indent = indent,
      html = html,
      file = file
  } else {
    cat(padding, "{", type, "}\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)

Try the xml2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

xml2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:28 a.m.