
context("Imputation of values")

# Test loss functions --------------------------------

x <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,0,0), ncol = 2)
y <- matrix(c(0.9,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.1,0.6), ncol = 2)
yna <- y
yna[3] <- NA

# Manually calculation of the AUC
tab <- table(x,y)
truepos <- rev(cumsum(rev(tab[2,])))
falsepos <- rev(cumsum(rev(tab[1,])))
sens = c(truepos / sum(tab[2,]), 0)
omspec = c(falsepos / sum(tab[1,]), 0)
height = (sens[-1]+sens[-length(sens)]) / 2
width = -diff(omspec)
auc <- sum(height*width)

test_that("loss functions give correct result",{
  expect_equal(mean((y - x)^2), loss_mse(x,y))
  expect_equal(loss_auc(x,y), 1 - auc)
  expect_equal(loss_mse(x,yna), NA_real_)
  expect_equal(mean((yna - x)^2, na.rm = TRUE),
               loss_mse(x,yna, na.rm = TRUE))


# Heterogeneous models ------------------------------------------

dfile <- system.file("testdata","testdata.rda", package = "xnet")

lambdas <- c(0.01,0.015)
napos <- c(3,5,10,16)
Yna <- Y
Yna[napos] <- NA

impY <- impute_tskrr(Yna,K,G,niter = 1000, lambda = lambdas)

mod <- tskrr(response(impY),K,G,lambda = lambdas)

test_that("impute constructs the correct heterogeneous objects",{
  expect_equal(mod, as_tskrr(impY))
  expect_equal(fitted(mod), fitted(impY))
  expect_equal(impY@tol,  sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  expect_equal(117, impY@niter) # This should be 85 based on previous tests
  expect_identical(is_imputed(impY), is.na(Yna))

test_that("verbose settings and warnings work",{
                 "didn't contain missing values")
  expect_message(impute_tskrr(Yna,K,G,niter = 50,verbose = TRUE),
                 "Nr. of iterations: 50 - Deviation")
  expect_message(impute_tskrr(Yna,K,G,niter = 50,verbose = 2),
                 "iteration: 10 - Deviation",
                 all = FALSE)


# Homogeneous models --------------------------------------------

dfile <- system.file("testdata","testdataH.rda", package = "xnet")

lambdas <- c(0.01)
Yhna <- Yh
Yhna[cbind(c(1,3,2,5),c(3,1,5,2))] <- NA

naposh <- which(is.na(Yhna))

impYh <- impute_tskrr(Yhna,Kh,niter = 1000, lambda = lambdas)

# Create test model
modh <- tskrr(response(impYh),Kh,lambda = lambdas,
              symmetry = "symmetric")
# Needs this, as in this case the response matrix is not
# exactly symmetric. test_symmetry needs a less stringent tolerance
# in this particular case, but it's good there's a warning for that.

test_that("impute constructs the correct homogeneous objects",{
  expect_equal(modh, as_tskrr(impYh))
  expect_equal(fitted(modh), fitted(impYh))
  expect_equal(impYh@tol,  sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  expect_equal(83, impYh@niter) # This should be 72 based on previous tests
  expect_identical(is_imputed(impYh), is.na(Yhna))

# Test labels heterogeneous -----------------------------------------------

rlabels <- letters[1:4]
clabels <- letters[1:5]

Yl <- Yna
Kl <- K
Gl <- G
rownames(Yl) <- rownames(Kl) <- colnames(Kl) <- rlabels
colnames(Yl) <- rownames(Gl) <- colnames(Gl) <- clabels

set.seed(5432) # Due to small size of matrices, there might be
# significant deviation bcs of differences in the
# decompositions. See eg with seed = 5434 (R3.5.3)

idk <- sample(1:4)
idg <- sample(1:5)
Yl2 <- Yl[sample(1:4), sample(1:5)]
Kl2 <- Kl[idk, idk]
Gl2 <- Gl[idg,idg]

mod1 <- impute_tskrr(Yl,Kl,Gl)
mod2 <- impute_tskrr(Yl2,Kl2,Gl2)

test_that("Labels are correctly processed in heterogeneous impute",{


# Test labels homogeneous -----------------------------------------------

hlabels <- letters[1:5]

Ylh <- Yhna
Klh <- Kh

rownames(Ylh) <- colnames(Ylh) <- hlabels

rownames(Klh) <- colnames(Klh) <- hlabels

idk <- sample(1:5)
idy <- sample(1:5)
Ylh2 <- Ylh[idy, idk]
Klh2 <- Klh[idk, idk]

test_that("Labels are correctly processed in homogeneous impute",{
  mod1 <- impute_tskrr(Ylh, Klh)
  mod2 <- impute_tskrr(Ylh2, Klh2)


# Error testing ---------------------------------
Yhwrong <- Yhna
Yhwrong[4,5] <- 1

test_that("Asymmetry in Y is detected",{
  expect_error(impute_tskrr(Yhwrong, Kh),
               "The Y matrix is not symmetric")
eigK <- eigen(K)
eigG <- eigen(G)
Hk <- eigen2hat(eigK$vectors, eigK$values, lambda = 0.01)
Hg <- eigen2hat(eigG$vectors, eigG$values, lambda = 0.015)

preds <- impute_tskrr.fit(
  Yna, Hk, Hg, niter = 1000,
  tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
  start = mean(Yna, na.rm = TRUE),
  verbose = FALSE

test_that("NA values are detected by impute_tskrr.fit",{
  expect_equal(preds, response(impY))

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