xts 0.14.0 (2024-06-05)

xts 0.13.2 (2024-01-21)

xts 0.13.1 (2023-04-16)

It also thinks time.frequency() is a S3 method because time() is a generic. The function isn't exported, so renaming won't break any external code. Thanks to Kurt Hornik for the report. (#398)

There are 4 spaces between the index and the 'close' column, 2 between 'close' and 'volume', 4 between 'volume' and 'ma', and 2 between 'ma' and 'bsi'. There should be a consistent number of spaces between the columns. Most other classes of objects print with 1 space between the columns.

The top rows have 3 decimals and the bottom rows have 4. These should also be the same. (#321)

Use format.POSIXct() for "months" because it checks for a 'tzone' attribute before converting to POSIXlt and calling format.POSIXlt(). The conversion to POSIXlt is important because it checks and uses the 'tzone' attribute before considering the 'tz' argument. So it effectively ignores the tz = "GMT" setting in as.yearmon(). This is also the reason for calling as.POSIXlt() before calling as.yearqtr(). (#392)

xts 0.13.0 (2023-02-21)

New Features

For example: x["/T1800"] # between the start of the day and 5pm x["T0500/"] # between 5am and the end of the day

Thanks to Chris Katsulis for the suggestion! (#243)



xts 0.12.2 (2022-10-16)

Changes to plotting functionality

xts 0.12.1 (2020-09-09)

xts 0.12-0 (2020-01-19)

xts 0.11-2 (2018-11-05)

xts 0.11-1 (2018-09-12)

xts 0.11-0 (2018-07-16)

xts 0.10-2 (2018-03-15)

xts 0.10-1 (2017-12-20)

xts 0.10-0 (2017-07-07)

Major changes include: A new plot.xts() that is incompatible with earlier versions of plot.xts(). Moved development from R-Forge to GitHub. * New xts FAQ.

Other, less disruptive changes include:

xts 0.9-7 (2014-01-02)

xts 0.9-5 (2013-06-24)

xts 0.9-4 (2013-06-09)

xts 0.9-3 (2013-01-20)

xts 0.9-2 (2013-01-18)

xts 0.9-1 (2012-12-29)

xts 0.8-8 (2012-11-06)

xts 0.8-6 (2012-03-25)

xts 0.8-5 (2012-03-24)

xts 0.8-2 (2011-08-09)

xts 0.8-0 (2011-02-22)

xts 0.7-5 (2010-08-21)

xts 0.7-4 (2010-08-04)

xts 0.7-1 (2010-05-08)

xts 0.7-0 (2010-01-26)

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xts documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:56 a.m.