
Defines functions depth error_lineage

Documented in depth error_lineage

#' Throw error if the string is not a lineage
#' @inheritParams is_lineage
#' @keywords internal
error_lineage <- function(string){

  if(!all(is_lineage(string))) {
    stop(paste0("Your string is not a lineage. Maybe you have ",
                "specified the wrong separator or used special caracters."))

#' Common depth
#' Throw an error if depth is not the same across lineages.
#' @inheritParams is_rank
#' @importFrom stringr str_count
#' @keywords internal
depth <- function(lineage) {
  N <- str_count(lineage, "__")
  if (!all(N == N[1])) {
    stop("Lineages don't have the same depth.")

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yatah documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:11 a.m.