
g.options   <- list( stoponerror = TRUE                                  #   must be logical
#   put fn() between timestamp and the msg    
layout_mine <- structure(
    function(level, msg, namespace="zonohedra",
                                    .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame())
        # cat( "obj_addr()=", obj_addr( .topcall[[1L]] ), '\n' )
        # cat( "deparse1 =", deparse1( .topcall[[1L]] ), '\n' )
        fn  = deparse1( .topcall[[1L]] )
        paste0( attr(level, 'level'), ' [', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), '] ', namespace, "::", fn, '(). ', msg )
    generator = quote(layout_mine())

appender_mine <- structure(
        cat(lines, file = stderr(), sep = '\n' )
        #   test for STOP
        if( any( grepl("^(ERR|FATAL)",lines ) )  )
            stop( "Stopping, because level is ERROR or FATAL.", call.=FALSE )
    generator = quote(appender_mine())

######          deadwood below      #####################

if( FALSE )
formatter_mine <- structure(
    function(fmt, ..., .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame())
        out = eval(sprintf(fmt, ...), envir = .topenv)
        print( str( .topcall ) )       
        # paste0( sprintf("%s(). ", , eval(sprintf(fmt, ...), envir = .topenv), sep='' )
    generator = quote(formatter_mine())

formatter_mine <-     function(fmt, ..., .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame() )
    out = eval(sprintf(fmt, ...), envir = .topenv) ; cat(out,'\n')
    #cat( deparse1( .topcall[[1L]] ), '\n' )    #  Inf recursion
    #cat( deparse1( .logcall[[1L]] ), '\n' )    #  Inf recursion too
    cat( "obj_addr()=", obj_addr( .topcall[[1L]] ), '\n' )

    sp =    sys.parents()
    for( k in sp )
        cat( "k=", k, "  obj_addr()=", obj_addr( sys.call(k) ), '\n' )

    # paste0( sprintf("%s(). ", , eval(sprintf(fmt, ...), envir = .topenv), sep='' )
make_formatter_mine <-  function()
    out <- function(fmt, ..., .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame())
        out = eval(sprintf(fmt, ...), envir = .topenv)   ;  cat(out,'\n')
        cat( deparse( .topcall[[1]] ), '\n' )       
        # paste0( sprintf("%s(). ", , eval(sprintf(fmt, ...), envir = .topenv), sep='' )
    return( out )

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zonohedra documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:20 p.m.