
Defines functions is.false.or.na SensitivenessTransformation NormalizeForSensitiveness ThesaurusFromList ThesaurusAmbiguity RemoveRepeatedNames AddToThesaurus NewThesaurus

Documented in AddToThesaurus NewThesaurus RemoveRepeatedNames ThesaurusAmbiguity

#' Thesaurus Management
#' Functions to modify and check thesauri.
#' @inheritParams ThesaurusReaderWriter
#' @param newName Character vector with new names to be added to the thesaurus.
#' @param category Character vector identifying the classes where the
#' new names should be included.
#' @return
#' \code{NewThesaurus} returns an empty thesaurus. This can then be
#' populated by \code{AddToThesaurus}.
#' \code{AddToThesaurus} returns the input thesaurus complemented with new
#' names in the categories identified. If any of the categories is not present
#' in the input thesaurus, new categories are added as required.
#' \code{RemoveRepeatedNames} returns the input thesaurus pruned of redundant
#' names in each category. The redundancy is evaluated in agreement with the
#' case and accent sensitivity of the thesaurus.
#' \code{ThesaurusAmbiguity} returns FALSE if no ambiguity is present. When any
#' ambiguity is found, it returns TRUE with an attribute \code{errmessage}
#' including the names present in more than one category and the
#' the involved categories. This is internally used by
#' \code{\link{ReadThesaurus}} and \code{\link{AddToThesaurus}} to generate an
#' error in case they attempt to read or generate an ambiguous thesaurus.
#' @examples
#' ## Load an example thesaurus:
#' thesaurus <- ReadThesaurus(system.file("extdata", "taxonThesaurus.csv",
#'                                        package="zoolog"))
#' ## with categories
#' names(thesaurus) #  "bos taurus"  "ovis aries"  "sus domesticus"
#' ## Add names to several categories:
#' thesaurusExtended <- AddToThesaurus(thesaurus,
#'                                     c("Kuh", "Schwein"),
#'                                     c("bos taurus","sus domesticus"))
#' ## This adds the name "Kuh" to the category "bos taurus" and
#' ## the name "Schwein" to the category "sus domesticus".
#' ## Generate a new thesaurus and populate it with two categories
#' ## ("red" and "blue"):
#' thesaurusNew <- NewThesaurus()
#' thesaurusNew <- AddToThesaurus(thesaurusNew,
#'                                c("scarlet", "vermilion", "ruby", "cherry",
#'                                  "carmine", "wine"),
#'                                "red")
#' thesaurusNew
#' thesaurusNew <- AddToThesaurus(thesaurusNew,
#'                                 c("sky blue", "azure", "sapphire", "cerulean",
#'                                  "navy", "lapis lazuli", "indigo", "cyan"),
#'                                "blue")
#' thesaurusNew
#' ## Attempt to generate an ambiguous thesaurus
#' try(AddToThesaurus(thesaurusNew, "scarlet", "blue"))
#' ## Remove repeated names in the same category:
#' thesaurusWithRepetitions <- AddToThesaurus(thesaurusNew,
#'                                            c("scarlet", "ruby"), "red")
#' thesaurusWithRepetitions
#' RemoveRepeatedNames(thesaurusWithRepetitions)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{zoologThesaurus}} for a description of the thesaurus and
#' thesaurus set structure,
#' \code{\link{ReadThesaurus}}, \code{\link{WriteThesaurus}},
#' \code{\link{StandardizeNomenclature}}

#' @name ThesaurusManagement

#' @rdname ThesaurusManagement
#' @export
NewThesaurus <- function(caseSensitive = FALSE, accentSensitive = FALSE,
                         punctuationSensitive = FALSE)
  thesaurus <- data.frame()
  attr(thesaurus, "caseSensitive") <- caseSensitive
  attr(thesaurus, "accentSensitive") <- accentSensitive
  attr(thesaurus, "punctuationSensitive") <- punctuationSensitive

#' @rdname ThesaurusManagement
#' @export
AddToThesaurus <- function(thesaurus, newName, category)
  if(length(chainName <- intersect(newName, category))>0)
    stop(paste0("Inconsistent \"newName\" and \"category\". ",
                "Repeated name: ", paste0(chainName, collapse = ", "), "."))

  standardName <- StandardizeNomenclature(category, thesaurus)
  newColumns <- setdiff(standardName, names(thesaurus))
  newName <- c(newColumns, newName)
  standardName <- c(newColumns, standardName)
  thesNew <- lapply(thesaurus, function(a) a[a!=""])
  for(i in 1:length(newName))
    case <- standardName[min(i,length(standardName))]
    thesNew[[case]] <- c(thesNew[[case]], newName[i])
  thesNew <- ThesaurusFromList(thesNew, attributes(thesaurus))
  if(ambiguity <- ThesaurusAmbiguity(thesNew))
    stop(paste0("The resulting thesaurus would be ambiguous.\n",
                attr(ambiguity, "errmessage")))

#' @rdname ThesaurusManagement
#' @export
RemoveRepeatedNames <- function(thesaurus)
  thesClean <- mapply(function(x,y) x[!duplicated(y) & y!=""],
  ThesaurusFromList(thesClean, attributes(thesaurus))

#' @rdname ThesaurusManagement
#' @export
ThesaurusAmbiguity <- function(thesaurus)
  if(length(thesaurus)<2) return(FALSE)
  thesaurus <- NormalizeForSensitiveness(thesaurus)
  thesaurus <- lapply(thesaurus, function(a) a[a!=""])
  pairs <- utils::combn(names(thesaurus), 2)
  ambiguities <- list()
  for(i in 1:ncol(pairs))
    pair.coincidence <- thesaurus[[pairs[1,i]]] %in% thesaurus[[pairs[2,i]]]
      ambiguities[[paste0("Ambiguity in pair (\"", pairs[1,i], "\", \"", pairs[2,i], "\")")]] <-
  res <- length(ambiguities)>0
  if(res) attr(res, "errmessage") <- paste0(names(ambiguities),
                                            ". Shared names: ", ambiguities,
                                            collapse = "\n")

# From here internal functions. Not exported.
ThesaurusFromList <- function(thesaurusList, attrib)
  n <- max(sapply(thesaurusList, length))
  thesaurus <- as.data.frame(lapply(thesaurusList,
                                    function(x) c(as.character(x),
                                                  rep("", n-length(x)))),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  attr(thesaurus, "caseSensitive") <- attrib$caseSensitive
  attr(thesaurus, "accentSensitive") <- attrib$accentSensitive
  attr(thesaurus, "punctuationSensitive") <- attrib$punctuationSensitive
  names(thesaurus) <- names(thesaurusList)

NormalizeForSensitiveness <- function(thesaurus, x = NULL)
  sensitivenessAttrNames <- c("caseSensitive",
  sensitivenessAttr <- unlist(sapply(sensitivenessAttrNames, attr,
                                     x = thesaurus))
  xprepared <- x
  thesaurus <- lapply(thesaurus, SensitivenessTransformation, sensitivenessAttr)
  xprepared <- SensitivenessTransformation(xprepared, sensitivenessAttr)
  if(is.null(x)) return(thesaurus) else
    return(list(thesaurus = thesaurus, x = xprepared))

SensitivenessTransformation <- function(x, sensitiveness)
  if(is.null(sensitiveness)) return(x)
    x <- stringi::stri_trans_general(x, "Any-lower")
    x <- stringi::stri_trans_general(x, "Latin-ASCII")
    x <- gsub("[[:punct:][:blank:]]+", "", x)

is.false.or.na <- function(x)
  is.na(x) || !x

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zoolog documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 5:08 p.m.