
# Portfolio test functions

get_ald_scen <- function(portfolio_type) {
  if (portfolio_type == "Equity") {
    ald <- read_rds(file.path(analysis_inputs_path, "equity_ald_scenario.rda"))
    ald <- ald %>%
      filter(equity_market %in% equity_market_list)

    if (data_check(ald) == FALSE) {
      stop(" equity market list filtered out all ald_eq")
  if (portfolio_type == "Bonds") {
    ald <- read_rds(file.path(analysis_inputs_path, "bonds_ald_scenario.rda"))

  ald <- ald %>%
      scenario_source %in% scenario_sources_list,
      scenario_geography %in% scenario_geographies_list,
      ald_sector %in% sector_list
    ) %>%
    mutate(mapped_ald = 1)


get_ald_raw <- function(portfolio_type, supervisor_workflow = FALSE) {
  if (supervisor_workflow == TRUE) {
    filename_eq_raw <- "equity_ald_scenario_map.rda"
    filename_cb_raw <- "bonds_ald_scenario_map.rda"
  } else {
    filename_eq_raw <- "masterdata_ownership_datastore.rda"
    filename_cb_raw <- "masterdata_debt_datastore.rda"

  if (portfolio_type == "Equity") {
    ald_raw <- read_rds(file.path(analysis_inputs_path, filename_eq_raw))

  if (portfolio_type == "Bonds") {
    ald_raw <- read_rds(file.path(analysis_inputs_path, filename_cb_raw))

  ald_raw <- ald_raw %>%
    filter(year %in% seq(start_year, start_year + time_horizon)) %>%
    filter(ald_sector %in% sector_list) %>%
      ald_sector = if_else(technology == "Coal", "Coal", ald_sector),
      ald_sector = if_else(technology %in% c("Oil", "Gas"), "Oil&Gas", ald_sector),
      ald_production = if_else(technology == "Gas" & grepl("GJ", ald_production_unit), ald_production * (1 / 0.0372), ald_production),
      ald_production = if_else(technology == "Oil" & grepl("GJ", ald_production_unit), ald_production * (1 / 6.12), ald_production),
      ald_production_unit = if_else(technology == "Gas" & grepl("GJ", ald_production_unit), "m3 per day", ald_production_unit),
      ald_production_unit = if_else(technology == "Oil" & grepl("GJ", ald_production_unit), "boe per day", ald_production_unit)


aggregate_holdings <- function(portfolio) {
  portfolio <- portfolio %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # group_by(vars(all_of(grouping_variables))) %>%
    # group_by(holding_id, id, financial_sector, add = T) %>%
    group_by(!!!rlang::syms(grouping_variables), company_name, id, financial_sector, current_shares_outstanding_all_classes, has_ald_in_fin_sector) %>%
      number_holdings = n_distinct(holding_id),
      value_usd = sum(value_usd, na.rm = T),
      number_of_shares = sum(number_of_shares, na.rm = T),
      port_weight = sum(port_weight, na.rm = TRUE),
      .groups = "drop_last"


calculate_ownership_weight <- function(portfolio) {
  portfolio <- portfolio %>%
    mutate(ownership_weight = number_of_shares / current_shares_outstanding_all_classes)


calculate_port_weight <- function(portfolio, grouping_variables) {

  portfolio <- portfolio %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(!!!rlang::syms(grouping_variables)) %>%
      port_total_aum = sum(value_usd, na.rm = T),
      port_weight = value_usd / port_total_aum


calculate_with_weights <- function(df, weight_col_name, weight_method_name) {
  df[, "plan_br_dist_alloc_wt"] <- df[, weight_col_name] * df$plan_br_wt_factor
  df[, "plan_carsten"] <- df[, weight_col_name] * df$plan_br_wt_techshare
  df[, "scen_br_dist_alloc_wt"] <- df[, weight_col_name] * df$scen_br_wt_factor
  df[, "scen_carsten"] <- df[, weight_col_name] * df$scen_br_wt_techshare

  df[, "plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod"] <- df[, weight_col_name] * df$plan_tech_prod
  df[, "scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod"] <- df[, weight_col_name] * df$scen_tech_prod

  df[, "allocation"] <- weight_method_name
  df[, "allocation_weight"] <- df[, weight_col_name]

aggregate_company <- function(df) {

  ### actually data is already at the company level
  ### all we are doing here is getting sector totals
  if (data_check(df)) {
    df <- df %>%
      ungroup() %>%
        all_of(grouping_variables), scenario_source, scenario, allocation,
        id, company_name, financial_sector, port_weight,
        allocation_weight, plan_br_dist_alloc_wt, scen_br_dist_alloc_wt,
        equity_market, scenario_geography, year,
        ald_sector, technology,
        plan_tech_prod, plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, plan_carsten, plan_emission_factor,
        scen_tech_prod, scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod, scen_carsten, scen_emission_factor
      ) %>%
        !!!rlang::syms(grouping_variables), scenario_source, scenario, allocation,
        id, company_name, financial_sector,
        allocation_weight, plan_br_dist_alloc_wt, scen_br_dist_alloc_wt,
        equity_market, scenario_geography, year,
      ) %>%
        plan_sec_prod = sum(plan_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_alloc_wt_sec_prod = sum(plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_sec_carsten = sum(plan_carsten, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_sec_emissions_factor = weighted.mean(plan_emission_factor, plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_sec_prod = sum(scen_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_alloc_wt_sec_prod = sum(scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_sec_carsten = ifelse(all(is.na(scen_carsten)), NA, sum(scen_carsten, na.rm = TRUE)), ### this is a random case where if all SCen.carsten are NA, it will total to zero, when I want it to be NA
        scen_sec_emissions_factor = weighted.mean(scen_emission_factor, scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE)
      ) %>%
  } else {
    # TODO: check that this is a necessary solution, else just return df
    df <- data.frame()


aggregate_portfolio <- function(df) {

  ### Note: in the code below I have to add the "AllComp" ending for the variables I used in the weighted mean calc
  ### due to a quirk in the way that dplyr and weighted.meann work together.
  ### when I sum, I have to create a different output column name then the input column I am summing,
  ### or else weighted.mean will get confused if I try to  use that input column name as my weighting
  ### variable.  Hence... plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod_all_comp=sum(plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm=TRUE)
  ### I jsut temporarily rename these to do the agregation and then change the names back.
  if (data_check(df)) {
    df <- df %>%
        all_of(grouping_variables), scenario_source, scenario, allocation,
        equity_market, scenario_geography, year,
        ald_sector, technology,
        plan_tech_prod, plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, plan_carsten, plan_emission_factor,
        scen_tech_prod, scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod, scen_carsten, scen_emission_factor
      ) %>%
      mutate(plan_emission_factor = ifelse(is.na(plan_emission_factor), 0, plan_emission_factor),
             scen_emission_factor = ifelse(is.na(scen_emission_factor), 0, scen_emission_factor)) %>%
        !!!rlang::syms(grouping_variables), scenario_source, scenario, allocation,
        equity_market, scenario_geography, year,
        ald_sector, technology
      ) %>%
        plan_tech_prod = sum(plan_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod_all_comp = sum(plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_carsten = sum(plan_carsten, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_emission_factor_all_comp = weighted.mean(plan_emission_factor, plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_tech_prod = sum(scen_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod_all_comp = sum(scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_carsten = sum(scen_carsten, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_emission_factor_all_comp = weighted.mean(scen_emission_factor, scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        .groups = "drop_last"
      ) %>%
      mutate( # get sector totals
        plan_sec_prod = sum(plan_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_alloc_wt_sec_prod = sum(plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod_all_comp, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_sec_carsten = sum(plan_carsten, na.rm = TRUE),
        plan_sec_emissions_factor = weighted.mean(plan_emission_factor_all_comp, plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod_all_comp, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_sec_prod = sum(scen_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_alloc_wt_sec_prod = sum(scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod_all_comp, na.rm = TRUE),
        scen_sec_carsten = ifelse(all(is.na(scen_carsten)), NA, sum(scen_carsten, na.rm = TRUE)), ### this is a random case where if all SCen.carsten are NA, it will total to zero, when I want it to be NA
        scen_sec_emissions_factor = weighted.mean(scen_emission_factor_all_comp, scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod_all_comp, na.rm = TRUE)
      ) %>%

    names(df) <- gsub("\\_all_comp", "", names(df))

aggregate_map_data <- function(portfolio) {
  portfolio <- portfolio %>%
    ungroup() %>%
      !!!rlang::syms(grouping_variables), # allocation,
      ald_location, year,
      ald_sector, technology,
      financial_sector, allocation, allocation_weight, ald_production_unit
    ) %>%
    summarise(plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod = sum(plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod, na.rm = TRUE),
              .groups = "drop_last") %>%
    mutate(plan_alloc_wt_sec_prod = sum(plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod))

  if (data_check(portfolio)) {
    portfolio$equity_market <- "Global"
    portfolio$scenario <- NA # this is current plans only
    portfolio$scenario_geography <- NA


calculate_weights <- function(portfolio, portfolio_type, grouping_variables) {
  port_sub <- portfolio %>%
      all_of(grouping_variables), holding_id, id, id_name, company_name, value_usd, number_of_shares,
      current_shares_outstanding_all_classes, financial_sector, has_ald_in_fin_sector

  port_sub <- calculate_port_weight(port_sub, grouping_variables)

  port_sub <- aggregate_holdings(port_sub)

  if (portfolio_type == "Equity") {
    port_sub <- calculate_ownership_weight(port_sub)


merge_in_ald <- function(portfolio, ald_scen) {
  portfolio <- portfolio %>% left_join(ald_scen, by = "id")


port_weight_allocation <- function(port_ald) {
  port_ald_pw <- port_ald %>% filter(has_ald_in_fin_sector == TRUE, financial_sector == ald_sector)

  if (data_check(port_ald_pw)) {
    port_ald_pw <- calculate_with_weights(port_ald_pw, "port_weight", "portfolio_weight")


ownership_allocation <- function(portfolio) {

  # Only for equity portfolios

  port_ald_own <- calculate_with_weights(portfolio, "ownership_weight", "ownership_weight")

  port_ald_own <- port_ald_own %>% mutate(
    plan_carsten = NA,
    scen_carsten = NA


merge_in_geography <- function(portfolio, ald_raw) {

  # ald_raw <- ald_raw_eq
  company_all <- portfolio %>%
    distinct(!!!rlang::syms(grouping_variables), allocation, allocation_weight, id, financial_sector)

  company_all <- company_all %>% filter(financial_sector %in% sector_list)

  ### join with MASTER to get country production
  company_all_data <- left_join(company_all, ald_raw %>% distinct(
    id, country_of_domicile, ald_location, year,
    ald_sector, technology, ald_production, ald_production_unit
  by = c("id" = "id", "financial_sector" = "ald_sector")
  ) %>%
    mutate(ald_sector = financial_sector)

  ### complete rows of technology within a sector - we need to have a row for each tech to get a real tech share
  # dont' calculate tech share
  # specific_tech_list <- unique(company_all_data$technology)
  # specific_sector_list <- unique(company_all_data$ald_sector)
  # company_all_data <- company_all_data %>% ungroup() %>%
  #   group_by(investor_name, portfolio_name, allocation, id, financial_sector, allocation, allocation_weight, ald_location,
  #            year, ald_sector) %>%
  #   complete(ald_sector = specific_sector_list,
  #           technology = specific_tech_list,
  #            fill = list(ald_production = 0))
  # company_all_data <- removeInvalidSectorTechCombos(company_all_data)

  company_all_data$plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod <- company_all_data$ald_production * company_all_data$allocation_weight


calculate_scenario_alignment <- function(df) {
  browntechs <- c("Oil", "Gas", "Coal", "CoalCap", "GasCap", "OilCap", "ICE")

  df$trajectory_deviation <- (df$plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod - df$scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod) / df$scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod
  df$trajectory_deviation <- ifelse(df$scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod == 0, ifelse(df$plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod == 0, 0, -1), df$trajectory_deviation)

  df$trajectory_alignment <- ifelse(!df$technology %in% browntechs, 1 * df$trajectory_deviation, -1 * df$trajectory_deviation)


calculate_technology_share <- function(df) {
  df <- df %>%
    ungroup() %>%
      plan_tech_share = plan_alloc_wt_tech_prod / plan_alloc_wt_sec_prod,
      scen_tech_share = scen_alloc_wt_tech_prod / scen_alloc_wt_sec_prod

gather_and_save_project_results <- function(
                                            results_folder_path = results_path,
                                            aggregation_level = "portfolio",
                                            portfolios_per_file = 500,
                                            year_filter = NA,
                                            allocation_filter = NA) {
  all_investors <- list.dirs(results_folder_path)
  all_investors <- basename(all_investors)[-1]

  k <- 1
  j <- 1

  for (i in 1:length(all_investors)) {
    investor_name_select <- all_investors[i]

    results_path_investor <- paste0(results_path, "/", investor_name_select, "/")

    if (file.exists(paste0(results_path_investor, "/Equity_results_", aggregation_level, ".rda"))) {
      results_eq <- as.data.frame(read_rds(paste0(results_path_investor, "/Equity_results_", aggregation_level, ".rda")))

      if (typeof(year_filter) %in% c("integer", "double")) {
        results_eq <- results_eq %>% filter(year %in% year_filter)

      if (typeof(allocation_filter) %in% c("character")) {
        results_eq <- results_eq %>% filter(allocation %in% allocation_filter)

      if (nrow(results_eq) != 0) {
        if (exists("all_results_eq")) {
          all_results_eq <- rbind(all_results_eq, results_eq)
        } else {
          all_results_eq <- results_eq

    if (file.exists(paste0(results_path_investor, "Bonds_results_", aggregation_level, ".rda"))) {
      results_cb <- read_rds(paste0(results_path_investor, "Bonds_results_", aggregation_level, ".rda"))

      if (typeof(year_filter) %in% c("integer", "double")) {
        results_cb <- results_cb %>% filter(year %in% year_filter)

      if (typeof(allocation_filter) %in% c("character")) {
        results_cb <- results_cb %>% filter(allocation %in% allocation_filter)

      if (exists("all_results_cb")) {
        all_results_cb <- rbind(all_results_cb, results_cb)
      } else {
        all_results_cb <- results_cb

    if (j == portfolios_per_file) {
      if (exists("all_results_cb")) {
        saveRDS(all_results_cb, paste0(results_path, "/Bonds_results_", aggregation_level, "_", k, ".rda"))
      if (exists("all_results_eq")) {
        saveRDS(all_results_eq, paste0(results_path, "/Equity_results_", aggregation_level, "_", k, ".rda"))
      j <- 1
      k <- k + 1
    } else {
      j <- j + 1

  if (exists("all_results_cb")) {
    saveRDS(all_results_cb, paste0(results_path, "/Bonds_results_", aggregation_level, ".rda"))
    write_csv_file(all_results_cb, file = paste0(results_path, "/Bonds_results_", aggregation_level, ".csv"))
  if (exists("all_results_eq")) {
    saveRDS(all_results_eq, paste0(results_path, "/Equity_results_", aggregation_level, ".rda"))
    write_csv_file(all_results_eq, file = paste0(results_path, "/Equity_results_", aggregation_level, ".csv"))
2DegreesInvesting/PACTA_analysis documentation built on April 19, 2023, 6:42 p.m.