
Defines functions processMovedata

Documented in processMovedata

##' process Move data
##' Transforms a movebank object into an (optionally) daily averaged simplified data frame that is a "movetrack" class object.
##' @param movedata movement data - can be a \code{Move} object (or stack) from movebank
##' @param idcolumn name of the id column - depends on properties of the movebank data.  The default "individual_id" is often good.  Other options are "deployment_id" or maybe "individual_id" ... this is confusing!
##' @param proj4 the projection (as a crs string) for input data.  If it is left empty and \code{movedata} is a \code{Move} object, it will carry over the projection from the original data.  If \code{movedata} is a data frame, it will use the "WGS84" projection, using the midpoint of the longitudes and latitudes in the data, i.e. (min(long,lat) + max(long,lat))/2.
##' @param utm whether to convert to UTM coordinates - using the central longitude to select the zone.  This is best for data of relatively small extent. 
##' @param projTo a crs string for (re)projecting input data (if \code{utm} is FALSE).
##' @param dailymean whether or not to compute the daily mean - useful for long term  migration analysis. Note - you can't "keep columns" with the automated daily mean, the output is a simplified data frame with id, x, y, lon, lat, day, day.date
##' @param keepCols vector of column names to retain in output (e.g., c('deployment_id', 'sex')).  Or - if "all" - keep all columns. 
##' @param keepCols scd: to see available info to retain see the reference data for the study using getMovebank("tag"), getMovebank("individual"), getMovebank("deployment"), or IMO better to get all of it as a single table excluding unused attributes by downloading from Movebank (Download > Download Reference Data).
##' @param dailymean whether or not to compute the daily mean - useful for the migration analysis.
##' @return Returns a data frame with columns:
##'  \itemize{
##'  \item id
##'  \item time - POSIXct
##'  \item lon, lat
##'  \item x, y 
##'  \item time
##'  \item  any columns named in keepCols argument
##'  } 
##'  TO DO - add tags: 
##'  If \code{getVT = TRUE}, also returns:
##'  \itemize{ 
##'  \item z, z.start, z.end - complex numbers indicating locations of steps
##'  \item stepLength
##'  \item phi, theta - absolute and relative turning angles, respectively
##'  \item t.start, t.end, t.mid - numeric time, 
##'  \item dT - difference in time over step, 
##'  \item v - velocity, default meters / hour
##'  \item t.mid.POSIX - time mid point in POSIX
##'  }
##'  If \code{dailymean = TRUE}, \itemize{
##'  \item day - day since Jan 1 of first year
##'  \item day.time.}
##'  If \code{returnOutliers = TRUE} and \code{returnSPDF = FALSE}, a list of two elements containing the valid locations ($valid or list[[1]]) or outliers ($flaggedOutliers or list[[2]]).
##' scd: For "time", note possible issues with timezones changing when moveStacks are created: https://gitlab.com/bartk/move/issues/6
##' @details Regarding the \code{idcolumn} issues, SCD has the following insights (2017-06): 
##' \emph{Even more than confusing, this is a possible cause of error. There is a current bug in move whereby when data are accessed using \code{\link{getMovebankData}}, the tracks will be separated by deployment rather than individual. In cases that an individual has been tracked over multiple deployments, each deployment will be incorrectly understood to be and analyzed as a separate animal. See \url{https://gitlab.com/bartk/move/issues/2}
##' \code{deployment_id} is in general not an appropriate idcolumn to use, for the same reason described above. Many of our studies include individuals with multiple deployments.
##' \code{idcolumn} should ideally show \code{animalName} or \code{individual_local_identifier}, i.e. the "animal id" in Movebank. sometimes move uses the internal database ids, e.g. \code{individual_id} which is difficult to link back to the animal in Movebank.
##' Currently in some cases \code{coords.x1} and \code{coords.x2} are used instead of \code{location.long}, \code{location.lat}. See \url{https://gitlab.com/bartk/move/issues/5} and \url{https://gitlab.com/bartk/move/issues/3}}
##' @example ./examples/example1.r
##' @seealso \link{map.track}, \link{plot.track}, \link{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, \link{pointDistance}
##' @export

processMovedata <- function(movedata, xyNames = c('location_long', 'location_lat'), 
                            idcolumn = "individual_id", proj4 = NULL, projTo = NULL, 
                            utm = FALSE, 
                            keepCols = NULL, dailymean = FALSE) {
  # Define for later class instantiation
  dateDownloaded <- as.POSIXct(NA)
  mb_study <- as.character(NA)
  mb_citation <- as.character(NA)
  mb_license <- as.character(NA)
  if(inherits(movedata, "Move") | inherits(movedata, "MoveStack")){
    # MOVE: depends on @study, @citation, @license...these are included
    # as attributes later.
    # Also, used to pull projection information from @proj4string
    dateDownloaded <- movedata@dateCreation
    if (length(movedata@study) > 0) 
      mb_study <- movedata@study
    if (length(movedata@citation) > 0) 
      mb_citation <- movedata@citation
    if (length(movedata@license) > 0) 
      mb_license <- movedata@license
    if(is.null(proj4)) proj4 <- as.character(movedata@proj4string)
    movedata <- as(movedata, "data.frame")
  } else if(is.null(proj4)) {
    lon.center <- round(mean(range(movedata[, xyNames[1]])))
    lat.center <- round(mean(range(movedata[, xyNames[2]])))
    proj4 <- paste0("+proj=lcc +lat_1=",lat.center," +lat_2=",lat.center," +lon_0=",lon.center," +ellps=WGS84")
  # MOVE: juggling of various id naming schemes,
  # if a variable call 'id' exists rename it to 'id_movebank'
  # so that we call the appropriate 'id' variable later
  if (any(names(movedata) == 'id') & idcolumn != 'id') {              
    movedata <- dplyr::rename(movedata, id_movebank = id)    
    names(movedata)[names(movedata) == idcolumn] <- "id"
  } else names(movedata)[names(movedata) == idcolumn] <- "id"
    xy <- project(as.matrix(movedata[, xyNames]), projTo)
    movedata$x <- xy[,1]
    movedata$y <- xy[,2]
  } else {
      xy <- quickUTM(movedata$location_long, movedata$location_lat, singlezone = TRUE)
      projTo <- attr(xy, 'projection')
    } else {    
      # Transform to Canada Lambert Conformal Conic
      warning('Transforming LonLat into Canadian Lambert Conformal Conic for units in meters.')
      projTo <- '+proj=lcc +lat_1=50 +lat_2=70 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs'
      #projTo <- '+inits=epsg:102002'
      xy <- SpatialPoints(as.matrix(movedata[, xyNames]), proj4string = CRS(proj4))
      xy <- spTransform(xy, CRSobj = CRS(projTo))@coords
  movedata$x <- xy[,1]
  movedata$y <- xy[,2]
  movedata.setup <- (mutate(movedata, id = factor(id), time = ymd_hms(timestamp)) %>% 
                       ddply("id", function(df){
                         day1 <- ymd(paste(year(df$time[1]), 1, 1))
                         mutate(df, day = as.numeric(floor(difftime(df$time, day1))),
                                day.date = ymd_hms(paste(year(df$time[1]),1,1,12,0,0)) + ddays(day),
                                lon = df[, xyNames[1]], 
                                lat = df[, xyNames[2]])
  if(is.null(keepCols)) keepCols <- c() else if("all" %in% keepCols) {
    keepCols <- names(movedata.setup)
    keepCols <- keepCols[which(!(keepCols %in% c("id", "day.date", "time", "x","y","lon","lat","day") ))]
  # Summarizing by day
    md.processed <- ddply(movedata.setup, c("id", "day", "day.date"), summarize, 
                          time = mean(time),
                          lon = mean(lon), 
                          lat = mean(lat), 
                          x = mean(x), y = mean(y)) else 
    md.processed <- movedata.setup[,c("id", "time", "lon", "lat", "x", "y", keepCols)]
  # Building output
  p4s <- ifelse(is.null(projTo), proj4, projTo)
  #out <- cbind(movebank_study = mb_study, md.processed)
  out <- md.processed
  #attr(out, 'projection') <- p4s 
  #attr(out, 'dateDownloaded') <- dateDownloaded
  # making the attributes a single "metadata" list
  metadata <- list(study = mb_study,
                   projection = p4s, 
                   dateDownloaded = as.character(dateDownloaded),
                   citation = mb_citation,
                   license = mb_license,
                   dailymean = dailymean)
  attr(out, 'metadata') <- metadata
  class(out) <- c('movetrack', 'data.frame')
ABoVE-AotM/above documentation built on May 28, 2020, 6:08 a.m.