#' Summarise Models
#' A function to collate and report differential methylation results
#' @param contractid Character. The name of the contract or other value
#' @param contrastm Matrix. A matrix of contrasts
#' @param contrasts List. A named list with contrasts to apply
#' @param bdata Data Frame. Cleaned, quality controlled B-values
#' @param sampledata Data Frame. The project samplesheet.Generate manually or in arraydm::readdata().
#' @param workdir Character. Where to save the plots. (Default: working directory)
#' @return Annotated data frames of DM results, heatmaps and volcano plots
#' @export
arraysumm <- function(contractid, bdata, sampledata, workdir=NULL, contrastm) {
for (package in c("RColorBrewer", "grDevices", "limma", "gplots", "viridis")) {
if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) {
stop(paste0("The ", package, " package is needed for this function to work. Please install it."),
call. = FALSE)
message("error: contrastm is missing…")
message("error: contractid is missing…")
message("error: bdata is missing…")
message("error: sampledata is missing…")
## Set outdir
outprefix=paste0(workdir,"/secondary_analysis/Results/comparisons/", contractid)
## Set inputs
lrt_list <- readRDS(paste0(workdir, "/secondary_analysis/", "lrt_list.RDS"))
## Annotate results
# print("Annotating genes......")
# genes <- strsplit(.ann450k$UCSC_RefGene_Name[1:50], ";", fixed=TRUE)
# geneLabels <- sapply(genes, "[", 1)
# genelabels <- matrix(geneLabels)
# row.names(genelabels)<-rownames(.ann450k)
# genelabels[which(is.na(genelabels)), 1] <- "NA"
comparisons <- colnames(contrastm)
for (comparison in comparisons) {
print(paste0("Summarising comparison: ", comparison, "......"))
# Get names of samples used in comparison
comparison.groups <- names(which(contrastm[,comparison] != 0))
samples <- sampledata[sampledata$Sample_Group %in% comparison.groups, "Sample_Name"]
# get comparison data for all probes
#resall <- limma::topTable(fit2, adjust="BH", num=Inf, coef=comparison)
resall <- lrt_list[[i]]
# annotate top 50 probes
.ann450k_tmp50 <- .ann450k[row.names(resall)[1:50],]
resannot_50 <- merge(resall[1:50,], .ann450k_tmp50, by="row.names", all.x=TRUE)
topgenes <- .ann450k_tmp50$UCSC_RefGene_Name
tmp <- sapply(strsplit(topgenes,split=";") , head, 1)
genelab <- sapply(tmp, paste, collapse = ";")
genelab[which(genelab=="")] <- "NA"
# annotate all probes
.ann450k_tmpall <- .ann450k[row.names(resall),]
resannot_all <- merge(resall, .ann450k_tmpall, by="row.names", all.x=TRUE)
# write files
write.table(resannot_50, paste(outprefix,"_", comparison, "_DM_table_top50.csv", sep=""), sep=",", quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F)
write.table(resannot_all, paste(outprefix,"_", comparison, "_DM_table_all.csv", sep=""), sep=",", quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F)
## Set palette for MDS plots
ngroups=ifelse(length(unique(sampledata$Sample_Group)) < 3, 3, length(unique(sampledata$Sample_Group)))
pal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdBu")
col <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(pal)
col.group <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(ngroups,"Set2")[as.factor(sampledata$Sample_Group)]
## Plot heatmaps
png(paste(outprefix, "_", comparison, "_DM_heatmap_top50.png", sep=""), res=150, height=1000, width=1000); par(cex=0.4)
gplots::heatmap.2(bdata[row.names(resall)[1:50], ], col=rev(col(50)), trace="none",
main=paste("Top 50 most differentially methylated\ngenes between ", comparison, sep=""),
legend("topright",legend=levels(factor(sampledata$Sample_Group)), text.col=unique(col.group), cex=0.6)
png(paste(outprefix, "_", comparison, "_DM_heatmap_top50_anno.png", sep=""), res=150, height=1000, width=1000); par(cex=0.4)
gplots::heatmap.2(bdata[row.names(resall)[1:50], ], col=rev(col(50)), trace="none",
main=paste("Top 50 most differentially methylated\ngenes between ", comparison, sep=""),
ColSideColors=col.group,scale="row", labRow=genelab)
legend("topright",legend=levels(factor(sampledata$Sample_Group)), text.col=unique(col.group), cex=0.6)
## Pheatmap
png(paste(outprefix, "_", comparison, "_DM_Pheatmap_top50.png", sep=""), res=150, height=1000, width=1000); par(cex=0.6)
pheatmap::pheatmap(bdata[row.names(resall)[1:50],], color = viridis::viridis(100), trace="none",
main=paste("Top 50 most differentially methylated\ngenes between ", comparison, sep=""), ColSideColors=col.group,
scale="row", annotation_names_row=T, labels_row=genelab, fontsize_row=6)
## Plot volcano
.plotVolc(contractid, sampledata, workdir, contrastm)
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