
#' @export
summary.boot <- function (object, CI.method = c("Percentile", "BC", "BCa"), gini=T, alpha.b = 0.05,prints=F, big.ci=F,    ...) {
    if (!inherits(object, "boot")) 
        stop("Not a legitimate boot object, need to run boot.strata() first")
    options(digits = 4)
    CI.method <- match.arg(CI.method)
    boot.est <- mean(object$boot.means)
    if (CI.method == "Percentile") {
        ci.boot[[1]] <- ci.boot.mean <- quantile(object$boot.means, probs = c(alpha.b/2, 
            (1 - alpha.b/2), 0.5))
       if(gini) ci.boot.gini <- quantile(object$gini, probs = c(alpha.b/2, 
            (1 - alpha.b/2), 0.5),na.rm=T)
       if(big.ci) return(quantile(object$boot.means, probs = seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01)))
    if (CI.method == "BC") {

        loc.bc <- sum(object$boot.means < boot.est)
        lim.bc <- sort(object$boot.means)[c(loc.bc, loc.bc + 
        z0 <- (loc.bc + ((boot.est - lim.bc[1])/(lim.bc[2] - 
        z0 <- qnorm(z0/length(object$boot.means))
        probs.z0 <- pnorm(qnorm(c(alpha.b/2, (1 - alpha.b/2), 
            0.5)) + 2 * z0)
        ci.boot[[1]] <- quantile(object$boot.means, probs = probs.z0)
       if(gini) ci.boot.gini <- quantile(object$gini, probs = c(alpha.b/2, 
            (1 - alpha.b/2), 0.5),na.rm=T)

    if (CI.method == "BCa") {
        if (is.na(object$accel)) 
            stop("One or more strata have 1 or less observations.\nNo acceleration estimate possibl\ne.")
        loc.bc <- sum(object$boot.means < boot.est)
        lim.bc <- sort(object$boot.means)[c(loc.bc, loc.bc + 
        z0 <- (loc.bc + ((boot.est - lim.bc[1])/(lim.bc[2] - 
        z0 <- qnorm(z0/length(object$boot.means))
        a1 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(alpha.b/2))/(1 - object$accel * 
            (z0 + qnorm(alpha.b/2))))
        a2 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(1 - alpha.b/2))/(1 - object$accel * 
            (z0 + qnorm(1 - alpha.b/2))))
        a3 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(0.5))/(1 - object$accel * 
            (z0 + qnorm(0.5))))
        ci.boot <- quantile(object$boot.means, probs = c(a1, 
            a2, a3))
   if(prints) {cat("\n", "Original Mean =", format(object$orig.mean), "\n", 
        "Original Variance =", format(object$orig.var), "\n", 
        "Number of bootstraps = ", length(object$boot.means), 
        "\n", "Bootstrap Mean=", format(boot.est), "\n", "Variance of Bootstrap Mean=", 
        format(var(object$boot.mean)), "\n", c(CI.method, "CI's for alpha="), 
        alpha.b, "are ", format(ci.boot.mean[1:2]), "\n", "Length =", 
        format(ci.boot.mean[2] - ci.boot.mean[1]), "\n", "Shape=", format(log((ci.boot.mean[2] - 
            ci.boot.mean[3])/(ci.boot.mean[3] - ci.boot.mean[1]))), "\n", "Method = ", 
        object$method, "\n")
   if(gini) ci.boot[[2]] = ci.boot.gini
AMCOOK/bio.survey documentation built on June 12, 2022, 4:59 a.m.