
Defines functions stability_plot combine_plots draw_panels create_plot_dfs create_model_estimates create_felm_formulas create_grid

Documented in combine_plots create_felm_formulas create_grid create_model_estimates create_plot_dfs draw_panels stability_plot

#' Create control grid for \code{starbility} estimation.
#' \code{create_grid} is the first step of a \code{starbility} plot. It is generally called
#' directly by \code{stability_plot}, but the user can also call it manually. This is generally
#' done when creating custom formulas that work with packages other than those automatically
#' supported by \\code{starbility} (currently, \code{starbility} supports only \code{felm}).
#' @param lhs A string indicating the name of the outcome variable in \code{data}.
#' @param rhs A string indicating the name of the explanatory variable for which coefficient estimates
#' will be plotted.
#' @param perm A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param base Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should always be included in the model in all specifications and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param perm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of fixed effects
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot. Functionally, these operate
#' identically to \code{perm}; the difference is that \code{starbility} uses \code{lfe} to sweep
#' them out of the normal equations, resulting in a performance boost over including them in
#' \code{perm}.
#' @param nonperm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to fixed effects that should be
#' iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names of these
#' sets of fixed effects that should be displayed in the plot. These fixed effects are included
#' sequentially in the plot, one at a time -- i.e. combinations of \code{nonperm_fe} are not included.
#' @param iv Optional. A string indicating the variables which should be used to instrument \code{rhs}.
#' If left unspecified, OLS coefficients are plotted.
#' @param fe_always Optional. A logical scalar. If one or more sets of fixed effects are
#' specified in \code{nonperm_fe}, should the plot include only estimates from models with
#' non-permuted fixed effects (rather than also including a set of estimates from models without
#' any non-permuted fixed effects)? Defaults to \code{F}.
#' @return A data.frame containing all possible permutations of controls.
#' @export
create_grid = function(perm, lhs, rhs, ...) {
  l = list(...)
  if (is.null(l$base)) base = c()
  if (is.null(l$perm_fe)) perm_fe = c()
  if (is.null(l$nonperm_fe)) nonperm_fe = c()
  l$temp = ''
  if (length(l)>0) {
    for(i in 1:length(l)) {
      assign(x = names(l)[i], value = l[[i]])
  if (is.null(l$fe_always) | length(nonperm_fe)==0) fe_always=F

  # Begin by creating grid of perm
  grid = expand.grid(rep(list(c(0,1)), length(perm)+length(perm_fe)))
  names(grid) = c(names(perm), names(perm_fe))

  # Add in base arguments
  base_matrix=data.frame(matrix(1L, nrow = nrow(grid), ncol = length(base)))
  names(base_matrix) = names(base)
  grid = cbind(base_matrix, grid)

  # Now we add in the FEs
  if (!fe_always) {
    nonperm_fe = c(c('None'=''), nonperm_fe)
  copies = length(nonperm_fe)

  fes = rep(nonperm_fe, each=nrow(grid))
  grid = do.call("rbind", replicate(copies, grid, simplify = FALSE))
  grid$np_fe = fes


#' Add \code{felm} specifications to control grid for \code{starbility} estimation.
#' \code{create_felm_formulas} is the second step of a \code{starbility} plot, following
#' \code{create_grid}. It is generally called directly by \code{stability_plot}, but the user
#' can also call it manually.
#' @param grid A dataframe generated by \code{create_grid}, or a data frame of the same structure
#' as those created by \code{create_grid}.
#' @param lhs A string indicating the name of the outcome variable in \code{data}.
#' @param rhs A string indicating the name of the explanatory variable for which coefficient estimates
#' will be plotted.
#' @param perm A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param base Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should always be included in the model in all specifications and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param perm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of fixed effects
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot. Functionally, these operate
#' identically to \code{perm}; the difference is that \code{starbility} uses \code{lfe} to sweep
#' them out of the normal equations, resulting in a performance boost over including them in
#' \code{perm}.
#' @param nonperm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to fixed effects that should be
#' iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names of these
#' sets of fixed effects that should be displayed in the plot. These fixed effects are included
#' sequentially in the plot, one at a time -- i.e. combinations of \code{nonperm_fe} are not included.
#' @param fe_always Optional. A logical scalar. If one or more sets of fixed effects are
#' specified in \code{nonperm_fe}, should the plot include only estimates from models with
#' non-permuted fixed effects (rather than also including a set of estimates from models without
#' any non-permuted fixed effects)? Defaults to \code{F}.
#' @param iv Optional. A string indicating the variables which should be used to instrument \code{rhs}.
#' If left unspecified, OLS coefficients are plotted.
#' @param cluster Optional. A string indicating the name of the variable by which standard errors should be
#' clustered. Defaults to no clustering.
#' @return A data.frame containing all possible permutations of controls and a column with
#' \code{felm} expressions.
#' @export
create_felm_formulas = function(grid., perm., lhs., rhs., ...) {
  l = list(...)
  if (is.null(l$base)) base = c()
  if (is.null(l$perm_fe)) perm_fe = c()
  if (is.null(l$nonperm_fe)) nonperm_fe = c()
  if (is.null(l$cluster)) cluster = '0'

  if (length(l)>0) {
    for(i in 1:length(l)) {
      assign(x = names(l)[i], value = l[[i]])

  if (is.null(l$fe_always) | length(nonperm_fe)==0) fe_always=F

  if (is.null(l$iv)) {
  } else {
    iv=paste0('(', rhs., '~', l$iv, ')')

  # Combined dictionary
  base_perm = c(base, perm.)

  if (!fe_always) {
    nonperm_fe = c(c('None'=''), nonperm_fe)
  grid.$expr = apply(grid.[,1:length(base_perm)], 1, function(x) paste(base_perm[names(base_perm)[which(x==1)]], collapse='+'))
  if(length(perm_fe)>0) {
    grid.$expr2 = apply(grid.[,(length(base_perm)+1):ncol(grid.)], 1, function(x) paste(perm_fe[names(perm_fe)[which(x==1)]], collapse='+'))
  } else {
    grid.$expr2 = ''

  grid.$expr2 = ifelse((grid.$expr2=='' & grid.$np_fe==''), '0', grid.$expr2)
  grid.$expr2 = ifelse((grid.$expr2!='0' & grid.$np_fe!=''), paste0(grid.$expr2, '+'), grid.$expr2)
  grid. = grid. %>% dplyr::mutate(expr = paste(expr, '|', expr2, np_fe, '|', iv, '|', cluster, sep=''))
  grid. = grid.[,c(names(base_perm), names(perm_fe), 'np_fe', 'expr')]
  grid.$np_fe[grid.$np_fe==''] = '0'
  grid.$np_fe = factor(grid.$np_fe, levels=unique(grid.$np_fe))

  # If IV is not zero, the RHS should appear in the second part of the formula:
  if (iv=='0') {
    indices_to_append = which(substring(grid.$expr, 1, 1)!='|')
    grid.$expr[indices_to_append] = paste0('+', grid.$expr[indices_to_append])
    grid.$expr = paste(lhs., '~', rhs., grid.$expr, sep='')
  } else { # Otherwise it should appear in the third part of the formula.
    # However, if the second part of the formula is blank, we need to
    # add a 0.
    indices_to_append = which(substring(grid.$expr, 1, 1)=='|')
    grid.$expr[indices_to_append] = paste0('0', grid.$expr[indices_to_append])
    grid.$expr = paste(lhs., '~', grid.$expr, sep='')

  # Sanitize formulas
  grid.$expr = gsub(' ', '', grid.$expr, fixed=T)
  grid.$expr = gsub('+|', '|', grid.$expr, fixed=T)
  grid.$expr = gsub('|+', '|', grid.$expr, fixed=T)

#' Estimate control grid models.
#' \code{create_model_estimates} is the third step of a \code{starbility} plot, following
#' \code{create_felm_formulas}. It is generally called directly by \code{stability_plot},
#' but the user can also call it manually.
#' @param grid A dataframe generated by \code{create_felm_formulas}, or a data frame of the same structure
#' as those created by \code{create_felm_formulas}.
#' @param data A dataframe containing the variables included in the model.
#' @param lhs A string indicating the name of the outcome variable in \code{data}.
#' @param rhs A string indicating the name of the explanatory variable for which coefficient estimates
#' will be plotted.
#' @param perm A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param model Optional. A function that takes at least three arguments: `spec` (a string
#' containing the model specification), `data` (the data frame containing the variables in
#' the model), and `rhs` (the name of the coefficient of interest). Arbitrary additional
#' arguments are permitted. The function should then output a vector containing, in order, the
#' coefficient estimate, the p-value, the bottom value of the error region, and the top value of
#' the error region. If left unspecified, uses default implementation of `felm` (from `lfe`).
#' @param ... Optional. Additional parameters to be passed to \code{model}.
#' @return A data.frame containing model estimates.
#' @export
create_model_estimates = function(grid., data., lhs., rhs., perm., ...) {
  l = list(...)

  if (is.null(l$model)) { # Defaults to felm
    mod = function(x) starb_felm(spec=x, data=data., rhs=rhs.)
  } else if (is.character(l$model)) { # Add pre-defined models here
      mod = case_when(
        l$model == 'felm' ~ function(x) starb_felm(spec=x, data=data., rhs=rhs.)
        # Add new models here
  } else if (is.function(l$model)) { # Custom model
    input_mod = l$model
    mod = function(x) input_mod(spec=x, data=data., rhs=rhs., ...)

  grid = grid. %>%
      mutate(model = purrr::map(expr, mod),
             coef = purrr::map_dbl(model, function(x) x[1]),
             p = purrr::map_dbl(model, function(x) x[2]),
             error_high = purrr::map_dbl(model, function(x) x[3]),
             error_low = purrr::map_dbl(model, function(x) x[4])) %>%
    dplyr::select(-model) %>%
    mutate(p = case_when(
             p<0.01 ~ 'p<0.01',
             0.01<=p & p<0.05 ~ 'p<0.05',
             0.05<=p & p<0.1 ~ 'p<0.10',
             p>0.1 ~ 'p>0.10'

#' Create data frames for \code{stabilityplot} plotting.
#' \code{create_plot_dfs} is the fourth step of a \code{starbility} plot, following
#' \code{create_model_estimates}. It is generally called directly by \code{stability_plot},
#' but the user can also call it manually.
#' @param grid A dataframe generated by \code{create_model_estimates}, or a data frame of the same structure
#' as those created by \code{create_model_estimates}.
#' @param perm A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param base Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should always be included in the model in all specifications and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param perm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of fixed effects
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot. Functionally, these operate
#' identically to \code{perm}; the difference is that \code{starbility} uses \code{lfe} to sweep
#' them out of the normal equations, resulting in a performance boost over including them in
#' \code{perm}.
#' @param nonperm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to fixed effects that
#' should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names of these
#' sets of fixed effects that should be displayed in the plot. These fixed effects are included
#' sequentially in the plot, one at a time -- i.e. combinations of \code{nonperm_fe} are not
#' included.
#' @param sort A string specifying how models should be sorted by coefficient value. The default is
#' \code{none}, which preserves the order in which controls are permuted. Other options are
#' \code{asc} (sorted by ascending coefficient values), \code{desc} (sorted by descending
#' coefficient values), \code{asc-by-fe} (sorted by ascending coefficient values within non-permuted
#' fixed effects groups, but preserving the order of these groups), and \code{desc-by-fe}
#' (sorted by descending coefficient values within non-permuted fixed effects groups, but preserving the
#' order of these groups).
#' @return A list containing two data.frames: one corresponding to the coefficient panel and one
#' corresponding to the control panel.
#' @export
create_plot_dfs = function(grid, perm., ...) {
  l = list(...)

  if (is.null(l$base)) base = c()
  if (is.null(l$perm_fe)) perm_fe = c()
  if (is.null(l$nonperm_fe)) nonperm_fe = c()
  if (is.null(l$sort)) sort = 'none'

  if (length(l)>0) {
    for(i in 1:length(l)) {
      assign(x = names(l)[i], value = l[[i]])

  # Sort
  if (sort == 'none') {
    coef_grid = grid. %>% mutate(model=row_number())
  } else if (sort == 'asc') {
    coef_grid = grid. %>% dplyr::arrange(coef) %>% mutate(model = row_number())
  } else if (sort == 'desc') {
    coef_grid = grid. %>% dplyr::arrange(desc(coef)) %>% mutate(model = row_number())
  } else if (sort == 'asc-by-fe') {
    coef_grid = grid. %>% dplyr::arrange(np_fe, coef) %>% mutate(model = row_number())
  } else if (sort == 'desc-by-fe') {
    coef_grid = grid. %>% dplyr::arrange(np_fe, desc(coef)) %>% mutate(model = row_number())
  } else {
    stop('Invalid argument to sort.')

  # Expand non-permuted FEs to multiple columns
  if (length(nonperm_fe)>0) {
    if (length(unique(coef_grid$np_fe))>1) {
      fe_df = as.data.frame(model.matrix(~coef_grid$np_fe-1))
    } else {
      fe_df = as.data.frame(rep(1, nrow(coef_grid)))
    if ('coef_grid$np_fe0' %in% names(fe_df)) fe_df = fe_df %>% dplyr::select(-'coef_grid$np_fe0')
    names(fe_df) = names(nonperm_fe)
    coef_grid = coef_grid %>% dplyr::bind_cols(fe_df)

  control_grid = coef_grid %>%
    dplyr::select(one_of(names(base), names(perm.), names(perm_fe), names(nonperm_fe)), -np_fe, model) %>%
    tidyr::gather(key, value, -model) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(value = factor(value, levels=c(0, 1)),
                  y = -as.numeric(factor(key, levels = unique(key))))

  return (list(coef_grid, control_grid))


#' Draw coefficient stability plots.
#' \code{draw_panels} is the fifth and final step of a \code{starbility} plot, following
#' \code{create_plot_dfs}. It is generally called directly by \code{stability_plot},
#' but the user can also call it manually.
#' @param coef_grid A dataframe generated by \code{create_grid} (first element of returned list),
#' or a data frame of the same structure.
#' @param control_grid A dataframe generated by \code{create_grid} (second element of returned list),
#' or a data frame of the same structure.
#' @param point_size A numeric scalar indicating the size of the points indicating coefficient estimates.
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @param error_geom A string indicating the type of geom that should be used to indicate confidence
#' intervals on coefficient estimates. Currently supported are \code{ribbon}, \code{errorbar}, and \code{none}.
#' Defaults to \code{errorbar} if fewer than 100 models are plotted; defaults to \code{ribbon} if
#' 100 or more models are plotted.
#' @param error_alpha A numeric scalar indicating the alpha of the error geom. Defaults to 0.2.
#' @param coef_ylim A numeric vector of length two indicating the minimum and maximum values of the
#' y-axis in the coefficient plot. If not specified, uses \code{ggplot2} default.
#' @param coef_ylabel A string specifying the y-axis label on the coefficient panel. Defaults to
#' 'Coefficient estimate'.
#' @param control_geom A string indicating the geom that should be used to indicate the presence of
#' controls. Currently supported are \code{circle} and \code{rect}. Defaults to \code{rect}.
#' @param control_spacing A string indicating how large the geoms indicating the presence of controls
#' should be. For \code{control_geom=='circle'}, this is the diameter of the circle. For
#' \code{control_geom=='rect'}, this is the width of the rectangle. Defaults to 0.75 if fewer than
#' 40 models are displayed; defaults to 1 otherwise.
#' @param control_text_size A numeric scalar indicating how large the control name text
#' should be. Defaults to 9.
#' @param rel_height A numeric scalar indicating the size of the bottom panel (displaying presence of
#' controls) relative to the top panel (displaying presence of coefficients). Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param trim_top A numeric scalar indicating how close the bottom panel (displaying presence of
#' controls) should be to the top panel (displaying presence of coefficients). Useful when dealing with
#' large CIs.
#' @param combine A logical scalar. Return the panels combined as a single object, or return a list
#' containing the two panels separately?
#' @return If `combine=T` (default) a `cowplot` grid with both panels. If `combine=F`, a list
#' containing two `ggplot2`` objects: one corresponding to the coefficient panel and one
#' corresponding to the control panel.
#' @export
draw_panels = function(coef_grid., control_grid., ...) {
  nmodels = max(coef_grid.$model)
  l = list(...)
  if (is.null(l$control_geom)) control_geom = 'rect'
  if (is.null(l$coef_ylabel)) coef_ylabel = 'Coefficient estimate'
  if (is.null(l$control_spacing)) {
    control_spacing = ifelse(nmodels>=40, 1, 0.75)
  if (is.null(l$rel_height)) rel_height = 0.5
  if (is.null(l$point_size)) {
    point_size = case_when(
      nmodels<=10 ~ 3,
      10<nmodels & nmodels<=60 ~ 2,
      60<nmodels ~ 1
  if (is.null(l$error_alpha)) error_alpha = 0.2
  if (is.null(l$error_geom)) {
    error_geom = 'errorbar'
  if (is.null(l$trim_top)) trim_top = -1
  if (is.null(l$control_text_size)) control_text_size = 9
  if (length(l)>0) {
    for(i in 1:length(l)) {
      assign(x = names(l)[i], value = l[[i]])
  min_space = control_spacing/2
  nmodels = max(coef_grid.$model)

  coef_plot = ggplot2::ggplot(coef_grid., aes(x = model, y = coef)) +
    geom_point(size=point_size, alpha=0.7, aes(col=p)) +
    guides(col=F) +
    ylab(coef_ylabel) +
    scale_color_manual(breaks = c('p<0.01','p<0.05','p<0.10','p>0.10'),
      values=c('#F8766D', '#7CAE00', '#00BFC4', '#000000')) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_text(size=12),
          axis.title = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_blank())

  if (error_geom == 'ribbon') {
    coef_plot = coef_plot + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=error_low, ymax=error_high), alpha=error_alpha)
  } else if (error_geom == 'errorbar') {
    coef_plot = coef_plot + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=error_low, ymax=error_high), alpha=error_alpha)

  if (!is.null(l$coef_ylim)) {
    coef_plot = coef_plot + coord_cartesian(ylim=coef_ylim, xlim=c(1-min_space, nmodels+min_space))
  } else {
    coef_plot = coef_plot + coord_cartesian(xlim=c(1-min_space, nmodels+min_space))

  control_plot = ggplot(control_grid.) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c('#FFFFFF', '#000000')) +
    guides(fill=F) +
    theme_bw()  +
    theme(plot.margin=grid::unit(c(-trim_top,0,0,0), "lines"),
          axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_text(size=control_text_size),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(),
          axis.title = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_blank()) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = unique(control_grid.$y), labels = unique(control_grid.$key),
                       limits=c(min(control_grid.$y)-1, max(control_grid.$y)+1)) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=c(1-min_space, nmodels+min_space))

  if (control_geom == 'rect') {
    control_plot = control_plot +
      geom_rect(aes(xmin = model-min_space,
                    xmax = model+min_space,
                    ymin = y-control_spacing/2,
                    ymax = y+control_spacing/2,
                    fill=value), alpha=0.5)
  } else if (control_geom == 'circle') {
    control_plot = control_plot +
      ggforce::geom_circle(aes(x0 = model, y0 = y, fill = value, r=control_spacing/2), alpha=0.8)

  return (list(coef_plot, control_plot))


#' Combine coefficient panel and control panel to create a stability plot.
#' \code{combine_plots} is used to combined a coefficient panel and a control panel. When \code{combine=T}
#' in \code{stability_plot}, it is called automatically from \code{stability_plot}. However, it
#' can also be called by the user to bind two plots together. This is useful if the user wishes to edit one plot
#' using standard \code{ggplot2} syntax.
#' @param coef A ggplot2 object. A coefficient plot, generally generated using \code{stability_plot}.
#' @param control A ggplot2 object. A control plot, generally generated using \code{stability_plot}.
#' @param rel_height A numeric scalar. Height of the control plot relative to the coefficient plot.
#' @return A \code{cowplot} grid.
#' @export
combine_plots = function(coef, control, rel_height, ...) {
  l = list(...)
  if (length(l)>0) {
    for(i in 1:length(l)) {
      assign(x = names(l)[i], value = l[[i]])
  return(cowplot::plot_grid(coef, control, nrow=2,
                            align = 'v', axis='b', rel_heights = c(1, rel_height)))

#' Create coefficient stability plot.
#' \code{stability_plot} is used to quickly produce a plot showing the stability of the OLS estimate
#' of the explanatory variable \code{rhs} on the outcome variable \code{lhs} under combinations
#' of a given set of controls. Fixed effects, clustering, weights, and instrumental
#' variables are supported. \code{stability_plot} is a wrapper for the five steps of the
#' \code{starbility} pipeline; see the advanced usage vignette for details.
#' Each row of the bottom panel of the plot corresponds to a single variable set.
#' A variable set can contain one or more individual variables.
#' To include multiple variables in a single set, specify them in a single string, separated by '+'.
#' @param data A dataframe containing the variables in the model will be estimated.
#' @param lhs A string indicating the name of the outcome variable in \code{data}.
#' @param rhs A string indicating the name of the explanatory variable for which coefficient estimates
#' will be plotted.
#' @param perm A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param base Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of variables
#' that should always be included in the model in all specifications and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot.
#' @param perm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to the sets of fixed effects
#' that should be iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names
#' of these sets of variables that should be displayed in the plot. Functionally, these operate
#' identically to \code{perm}; the difference is that \code{starbility} uses \code{lfe} to sweep
#' them out of the normal equations, resulting in a performance boost over including them in
#' \code{perm}.
#' @param nonperm_fe Optional. A named dictionary in which values correspond to fixed effects that should be
#' iterated upon to produce the stability plot and names correspond to the names of these
#' sets of fixed effects that should be displayed in the plot. These fixed effects are included
#' sequentially in the plot, one at a time -- i.e. combinations of \code{nonperm_fe} are not included.
#' @param fe_always Optional. A logical scalar. If one or more sets of fixed effects are
#' specified in \code{nonperm_fe}, should the plot include only estimates from models with
#' non-permuted fixed effects (rather than also including a set of estimates from models without
#' any non-permuted fixed effects)? Defaults to \code{F}.
#' @param sort A string specifying how models should be sorted by coefficient value. The default is
#' \code{none}, which preserves the order in which controls are permuted. Other options are
#' \code{asc} (sorted by ascending coefficient values), \code{desc} (sorted by descending
#' coefficient values), \code{asc-by-fe} (sorted by ascending coefficient values within non-permuted
#' fixed effects groups, but preserving the order of these groups), and \code{desc-by-fe}
#' (sorted by descending coefficient values within non-permuted fixed effects groups, but preserving the
#' order of these groups).
#' @param model Optional. A function that takes at least three arguments: `spec` (a string
#' containing the model specification), `data` (the data frame containing the variables in
#' the model), and `rhs` (the name of the coefficient of interest). Arbitrary additional
#' arguments are permitted. The function should then output a vector containing, in order, the
#' coefficient estimate, the p-value, the bottom value of the error region, and the top value of
#' the error region. If left unspecified, uses default implementation of `felm` (from `lfe`).
#' @param iv Optional. A string indicating the variables which should be used to instrument \code{rhs}.
#' If left unspecified, OLS coefficients are plotted.
#' @param cluster A string indicating the name of the variable by which standard errors should be
#' clustered. Defaults to no clustering.
#' @param weights A string indicating the name of the variable containing weights. Defaults to equal
#' weighting.
#' @param run_to A numeric scalar indicating at which step the \code{stability_plot} should stop.
#' This is useful if you want to make manual edits at one step. If left unspecified, runs entire
#' plot. Currently, values of note include `run_to=2` (useful if you want to define your own
#' formulas for use in models other than `felm`), `run_to=5` (useful if you want to take
#' full control over the ``ggplot2`` plotting), and `run_to=6` (useful if you want to use most of the plot
#' defaults, but add elements using ``ggplot2`.)
#' @param point_size A numeric scalar indicating the size of the points indicating coefficient estimates.
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @param error_geom A string indicating the type of geom that should be used to indicate confidence
#' intervals on coefficient estimates. Currently supported are \code{ribbon}, \code{errorbar}, and \code{none}.
#' Defaults to \code{errorbar} if fewer than 100 models are plotted; defaults to \code{ribbon} if
#' 100 or more models are plotted.
#' @param error_alpha A numeric scalar indicating the alpha of the error geom. Defaults to 0.2.
#' @param coef_ylim A numeric vector of length two indicating the minimum and maximum values of the
#' y-axis in the coefficient plot. If not specified, uses \code{ggplot2} default.
#' @param coef_ylabel A string specifying the y-axis label on the coefficient panel. Defaults to
#' 'Coefficient estimate'.
#' @param control_geom A string indicating the geom that should be used to indicate the presence of
#' controls. Currently supported are \code{circle} and \code{rect}. Defaults to \code{rect}.
#' @param control_spacing A string indicating how large the geoms indicating the presence of controls
#' should be. For \code{control_geom=='circle'}, this is the diameter of the circle. For
#' \code{control_geom=='rect'}, this is the width of the rectangle. Defaults to 0.75 if fewer than
#' 40 models are displayed; defaults to 1 otherwise.
#' @param control_text_size A numeric scalar indicating how large the control name text
#' should be. Defaults to 9.
#' @param rel_height A numeric scalar indicating the size of the bottom panel (displaying presence of
#' controls) relative to the top panel (displaying presence of coefficients). Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param trim_top A numeric scalar indicating how close the bottom panel (displaying presence of
#' controls) should be to the top panel (displaying presence of coefficients). Useful when dealing with
#' large CIs.
#' @param rel_height A numeric scalar. Height of the control plot relative to the coefficient plot.
#' @return If `run_to` is left blank (default), returns a \code{cowplot} grid containing both
#' panels. Else, returns the output of the function
#' @export
stability_plot = function(data, lhs, rhs, perm, ...) {
  l = list(...)
  combine = ifelse(is.null(l$combine), T, l$combine)
  rel_height = ifelse(is.null(l$rel_height), 0.5, l$rel_height)
  run_to = ifelse(is.null(l$run_to), '', l$run_to)
  run_from = ifelse(is.null(l$run_from), 0, l$run_from)
  if (!is.null(l[['grid']])) grid = l[['grid']]
  if (!is.null(l[['coef_grid']])) coef_grid = l[['coef_grid']]
  if (!is.null(l[['control_grid']])) control_grid = l[['control_grid']]
  if (!is.null(l[['coef_panel']])) coef_panel = l[['coef_panel']]
  if (!is.null(l[['control_panel']])) control_panel = l[['control_panel']]

  # Convert RHS in case is factor
  if (!is.numeric(data[[rhs]])) {
    data[[rhs]] = as.numeric(data[[rhs]])

  # Add equal weights if none exist
  if (is.null(l$weights)) {
    data$weight = 1
  } else {
    data$weight = data[[l$weights]]

  if (run_from<2) {
    # Step 1: create control grid
    grid = create_grid(perm, lhs, rhs, ...)
    if (run_to==2) return (grid)

  if (run_from<3) {
    # Step 2: add formulas to grid
    grid = create_felm_formulas(grid.=grid, perm.=perm, lhs.=lhs, rhs.=rhs, ...)
    if (run_to==3) return (grid)

  if (run_from<4) {
    # Step 3: estimate models
    grid = create_model_estimates(grid.=grid, data. = data, lhs. = lhs, rhs. = rhs, perm. = perm, ...)
    if (run_to==4) return (grid)

  if (run_from<5) {
    # Step 4: create plot dataframes
    dfs = create_plot_dfs(grid.=grid, perm.=perm, ...)
    if (run_to==5) return (dfs)
    coef_grid = dfs[[1]]
    control_grid = dfs[[2]]

  if (run_from<6) {
    # Step 5: draw the panels
    panels = draw_panels(coef_grid.=coef_grid, control_grid.=control_grid, ...)
    if (run_to==6) return (panels)
    coef_panel = panels[[1]]
    control_panel = panels[[2]]

  if (run_from<7) {
    # Step 6: combine the panels
    return(combine_plots(coef_panel, control_panel, rel_height))

AakaashRao/starbility documentation built on May 21, 2020, 9:49 a.m.