
### =========================================================================
### SimpleList objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------


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### Accessor methods.

setMethod("length", "SimpleList", function(x) length(as.list(x)))

setMethod("names", "SimpleList", function(x) names(as.list(x)))

setReplaceMethod("names", "SimpleList",
                 function(x, value) {
                     names(x@listData) <- value

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### Constructor.

### Low-level. NOT exported.
### Stuff to put in elementMetadata slot can be passed either with
###   new_SimpleList_from_list(..., elementMetadata=somestuff)
### or with
###   new_SimpleList_from_list(..., mcols=somestuff)
### The latter is the new recommended form.
new_SimpleList_from_list <- function(Class, x, ..., mcols)
    if (!extends(Class, "SimpleList"))
        stop("class ", Class, " must extend SimpleList")
    if (!is.list(x))
        stop("'x' must be a list")
    if (is.array(x)) { # drop any unwanted dimensions
        tmp_names <- names(x)
        dim(x) <- NULL # clears the names
        names(x) <- tmp_names
    class(x) <- "list"
    ans_elementType <- elementType(new(Class))
    if (!all(sapply(x, function(xi) extends(class(xi), ans_elementType))))
        stop("all elements in 'x' must be ", ans_elementType, " objects")
    if (missing(mcols))
        return(new2(Class, listData=x, ..., check=FALSE))
    new2(Class, listData=x, ..., elementMetadata=mcols, check=FALSE)

SimpleList <- function(...)
    args <- list(...)
    ## The extends(class(x), "list") test is NOT equivalent to is.list(x) or
    ## to is(x, "list") or to inherits(x, "list"). Try for example with
    ## x <- data.frame() or x <- matrix(list()). We use the former below
    ## because it seems to closely mimic what the methods package uses for
    ## checking the "listData" slot of the SimpleList object that we try to
    ## create later with new(). For example if we were using is.list() instead
    ## of extends(), the test would pass on matrix(list()) but new() then would
    ## fail with the following message:
    ## Error in validObject(.Object) : 
    ##   invalid class “SimpleList” object: invalid object for slot "listData"
    ##   in class "SimpleList": got class "matrix", should be or extend class
    ##   "list"
    if (length(args) == 1L && extends(class(args[[1L]]), "list"))
        args <- args[[1L]]
    new2("SimpleList", listData=args, check=FALSE)

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### Validity.

.valid.SimpleList.listData <- function(x)
    elementTypeX <- elementType(x)
    if (!all(sapply(as.list(x),
                    function(xi) extends(class(xi), elementTypeX))))
        return(paste("the 'listData' slot must be a list containing",
                     elementTypeX, "objects"))
.valid.SimpleList <- function(x)
setValidity2("SimpleList", .valid.SimpleList)

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### classNameForDisplay()

setMethod("classNameForDisplay", "SimpleList",
    function(x) sub("^Simple", "", class(x))

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### Subsetting.

setMethod("parallelSlotNames", "SimpleList",
          function(x) c("listData", callNextMethod()))

setMethod("getListElement", "SimpleList",
    function(x, i, exact=TRUE)
        getListElement(x@listData, i, exact=exact)

setMethod("setListElement", "SimpleList",
    function(x, i, value)
        x@listData[[i]] <- value

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### Combining.

## NOTE: while the 'c' function does not have an 'x', the generic does
## c() is a primitive, so 'x' can be missing; dispatch is by position,
## although sometimes this does not work so well, so it's best to keep
## names off the parameters whenever feasible.

#setMethod("c", "SimpleList",
#          function(x, ..., recursive = FALSE) {
#              slot(x, "listData") <-
#                do.call(c, lapply(unname(list(x, ...)), as.list))
#              if (!is.null(mcols(x)))
#                mcols(x) <- rbind.mcols(x, ...)
#              x
#          })

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### Looping.

### TODO: easily generalized to List
setMethod("lapply", "SimpleList",
          function(X, FUN, ...)
              lapply(as.list(X), FUN = FUN, ...))

setMethod("endoapply", "SimpleList",
          function(X, FUN, ...) {
              FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
              listData <- lapply(X, FUN = FUN, ...)
              elementTypeX <- elementType(X)
              if (!all(sapply(listData,
                              function(Xi) extends(class(Xi), elementTypeX))))
                  stop("all results must be of class '", elementTypeX, "'")
              slot(X, "listData", check=FALSE) <- listData

setMethod("mendoapply", "SimpleList",
          function(FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL) {
              X <- list(...)[[1L]]
              elementTypeX <- elementType(X)
              FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
              listData <-
                mapply(FUN = FUN, ..., MoreArgs = MoreArgs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
              if (!all(sapply(listData,
                              function(Xi) extends(class(Xi), elementTypeX))))
                  stop("all results must be of class '", elementTypeX, "'")
              slot(X, "listData", check=FALSE) <- listData

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### Coercion.

.as.list.SimpleList <- function(x, use.names=TRUE)
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names))
        stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    ans <- x@listData
    if (!use.names)
        names(ans) <- NULL
setMethod("as.list", "SimpleList", .as.list.SimpleList)

setAs("ANY", "SimpleList", function(from) {

setAs("list", "List", function(from) {

coerceToSimpleList <- function(from, element.type, ...) {
  if (missing(element.type)) {
    if (is(from, "List"))
      element.type <- from@elementType
    else if (is.list(from))
      element.type <- listElementType(from)
    else element.type <- class(from)
  SimpleListClass <- listClassName("Simple", element.type)
  if (!is(from, SimpleListClass)) {
    listData <- as.list(from)
    if (!is.null(element.type))
      listData <- lapply(listData, coercerToClass(element.type), ...)
    new_SimpleList_from_list(SimpleListClass, listData)
  } else {

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### unique()

### TODO: easily generalized to List
.unique.SimpleList <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, ...) {
    as(lapply(x, unique, incomparables=incomparables, ...), class(x))
setMethod("unique", "SimpleList", .unique.SimpleList)
AdamLeckenby/S4Vectors_Fix documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:42 p.m.