
Defines functions BenchmarkData FakeDataGenerator

Documented in BenchmarkData FakeDataGenerator

# AutoQuant is a package for quickly creating high quality visualizations under a common and easy api.
# Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title FakeDataGenerator
#' @description Create fake data for examples
#' @author Adrian Antico
#' @family Data Wrangling
#' @param Correlation Set the correlation value for simulated data
#' @param N Number of records
#' @param ID Number of IDcols to include
#' @param ZIP Zero Inflation Model target variable creation. Select from 0 to 5 to create that number of distinctly distributed data, stratifed from small to large
#' @param FactorCount Number of factor type columns to create
#' @param AddDate Set to TRUE to include a date column
#' @param AddComment Set to TRUE to add a comment column
#' @param TimeSeries For testing AutoBanditSarima
#' @param TimeSeriesTimeAgg Choose from "1min", "5min", "10min", "15min", "30min", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter", "year",
#' @param ChainLadderData Set to TRUE to return Chain Ladder Data for using AutoMLChainLadderTrainer
#' @param Classification Set to TRUE to build classification data
#' @param MultiClass Set to TRUE to build MultiClass data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create dummy data to test regression, classification, and multiclass models.
#' #   I don't care too much about actual relationships but I can test out on the
#' #   regression problem since those variables will be correlated. The binary and
#' #   multiclass won't however since they were created separately.
#' # Regression
#' data <- AutoQuant::FakeDataGenerator(
#'   Correlation = 0.77,
#'   N = 1000000L,
#'   ID = 4L,
#'   FactorCount = 5L,
#'   AddDate = TRUE,
#'   AddComment = TRUE,
#'   AddWeightsColumn = TRUE,
#'   ZIP = 0L,
#'   TimeSeries = FALSE,
#'   TimeSeriesTimeAgg = "day",
#'   ChainLadderData = FALSE,
#'   Classification = FALSE,
#'   MultiClass = FALSE)
#' # Classification
#' data2 <- AutoQuant::FakeDataGenerator(
#'   Correlation = 0.77,
#'   N = 1000000L,
#'   ID = 4L,
#'   FactorCount = 5L,
#'   AddDate = TRUE,
#'   AddComment = TRUE,
#'   AddWeightsColumn = TRUE,
#'   ZIP = 0L,
#'   TimeSeries = FALSE,
#'   TimeSeriesTimeAgg = "day",
#'   ChainLadderData = FALSE,
#'   Classification = TRUE,
#'   MultiClass = FALSE)
#' # MultiClass
#' data3 <- AutoQuant::FakeDataGenerator(
#'   Correlation = 0.77,
#'   N = 1000000L,
#'   ID = 4L,
#'   FactorCount = 5L,
#'   AddDate = TRUE,
#'   AddComment = TRUE,
#'   AddWeightsColumn = TRUE,
#'   ZIP = 0L,
#'   TimeSeries = FALSE,
#'   TimeSeriesTimeAgg = "day",
#'   ChainLadderData = FALSE,
#'   Classification = FALSE,
#'   MultiClass = TRUE)
#' data.table::setnames(data, 'Adrian', 'RegressionTarget')
#' data.table::setnames(data2, 'Adrian', 'BinaryTarget')
#' data.table::setnames(data3, 'Adrian', 'MultiClassTarget')
#' data <- cbind(data, data2$BinaryTarget, data3$MultiClassTarget)
#' data.table::setnames(data, c('V2','V3'), c('BinaryTarget','MultiClassTarget'))
#' data.table::setcolorder(data, c(1, c(ncol(data)-1,ncol(data),2:(ncol(data)-2))))
#' # Load to warehouse
#' AutoQuant::PostGRE_RemoveCreateAppend(
#'   data = data,
#'   Append = TRUE,
#'   TableName = "App_QA_BigData",
#'   CloseConnection = TRUE,
#'   CreateSchema = NULL,
#'   Host = "localhost",
#'   DBName = "AutoQuant",
#'   User = "postgres",
#'   Port = 5432,
#'   Password = "",
#'   Temporary = FALSE,
#'   Connection = NULL)
#' }
#' @export
FakeDataGenerator <- function(Correlation = 0.70,
                              N = 1000L,
                              ID = 5L,
                              FactorCount = 2L,
                              AddDate = TRUE,
                              AddComment = FALSE,
                              AddWeightsColumn = FALSE,
                              ZIP = 5L,
                              TimeSeries = FALSE,
                              TimeSeriesTimeAgg = "day",
                              ChainLadderData = FALSE,
                              Classification = FALSE,
                              MultiClass = FALSE) {

  # Error checking
  if(sum(TimeSeries, Classification, MultiClass) > 1) stop("Only one of the following can be set to TRUE: TimeSeries, Classifcation, and MultiClass")

  # TimeSeries
  if(TimeSeries) {

    # Error msg
    if(is.null(TimeSeriesTimeAgg)) stop("TimeSeriesAgg cannot be NULL when using TimeSeries = TRUE")

    # Pull in data
    data <- data.table::as.data.table(as.numeric(fpp::cafe))

    # Change names to common names for other calls in this function
    data.table::setnames(data, "V1", "Weekly_Sales")

    # Pick a starting date
    data.table::set(data, j = "Date", value = "1982-01-01")
    data.table::setcolorder(data, c(2L, 1L))
    data[, Date := as.Date(Date)]

    # "1min"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("1min","1mins","minutes","min","mins","01min","01mins")) {
      data[, xx := 1:.N][, Date := Date + lubridate::minutes(1 * 1:.N)][, xx := NULL]

    # "5min"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("5min","5mins","5minutes","min5","mins5","05min")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::minutes(5 * 1:.N)]

    # "10min"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("10min","10mins","10minutes","min10","mins10")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::minutes(10 * 1:.N)]

    # "15min"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("15min","15mins","15minutes","min15","mins15")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::minutes(15 * 1:.N)]

    # "30min"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("30min","30mins","30minutes","min30","mins30")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::minutes(30 * 1:.N)]

    # "hour"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("hour","hours","hr","hrs","our","ours")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::hours(1:.N)]

    # "day"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("day","days","daily","dy","das")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::days(1:.N)]

    # "week"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("week","weeks","wk","wks")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::weeks(1:.N)]

    # "month"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("month","months","mth","mths")) {
      data[, Date := Date %m+% months(1:.N)]

    # "quarter"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("quarter","quarters"," qtr","qtrs","qarter")) {
      data[, Date := Date %m+% months(3 * 1:.N)]

    # "year"
    if(tolower(TimeSeriesTimeAgg) %chin% c("year","years","yr","yrs","yts")) {
      data[, Date := Date + lubridate::years(1:.N)]

    # Return data

  # Create ChainLadderData
  if(ChainLadderData) {

    # Overwrite N
    N <- 1000

    # Define constants
    MaxCohortDays <- 15L

    # Start date
    CalendarDateData <- data.table::data.table(CalendarDateColumn = rep(as.Date("2018-01-01"), N), key = "CalendarDateColumn")

    # Increment date column so it is sequential
    CalendarDateData[, temp := seq_len(N)]
    CalendarDateData[, CalendarDateColumn := CalendarDateColumn + lubridate::days(temp) - 1L]
    CohortDate_temp <- data.table::copy(CalendarDateData)
    data.table::setnames(x = CohortDate_temp, old = c("CalendarDateColumn"), new = c("CohortDate_temp"))

    # Cross join the two data sets
    ChainLadderData <- data.table::setkeyv(data.table::CJ(
      CalendarDateColumn = CalendarDateData$CalendarDateColumn,
      CohortDateColumn = CohortDate_temp$CohortDate_temp,
      sorted = TRUE,
      unique = TRUE),
    cols = c("CalendarDateColumn", "CohortDateColumn"))

    # Remove starter data sets and N
    rm(CalendarDateData, CohortDate_temp, N)

    # Remove impossible dates
    ChainLadderData <- ChainLadderData[CohortDateColumn >= CalendarDateColumn]

    # Add CohortPeriods
    ChainLadderData[, CohortDays := as.numeric(difftime(CohortDateColumn, CalendarDateColumn, tz = "MST", units = "day"))]

    # Limit the number of CohortTime
    ChainLadderData <- ChainLadderData[CohortDays < MaxCohortDays]

    # Add measure columns placeholder values
    ChainLadderData[, ":=" (Leads = 0, Appointments = 0, Rates = 0)]

    # Sort decending both date columns
    data.table::setorderv(x = ChainLadderData, cols = c("CalendarDateColumn","CohortDateColumn"), order = c(-1L, 1L))

    # Add columns for BaselineMeasure and ConversionMeasure
    UniqueCalendarDates <- unique(ChainLadderData$CalendarDateColumn)
    NN <- length(UniqueCalendarDates)
    LoopSeq <- c(1:15)
    LoopSeq <- cumsum(LoopSeq)
    LoopSeq <- c(1, LoopSeq)
    LoopSeq <- c(LoopSeq, seq(135, 15*993, 15))
    for(cal in seq(NN)) {

      # Generate first element of decay data
      DecayCurveData <- dgeom(x = 0, prob = runif(n = 1L, min = 0.45, max = 0.55), log = FALSE)

      # Fill in remain elements in vector
      if(cal > 1L) {
        zz <- seq_len(min(15L, cal))
        for(i in zz[1:min(cal-1L,15)]) {
          DecayCurveData <- c(DecayCurveData, c(dgeom(x = i, prob = runif(n = 1L, min = 0.45, max = 0.55), log = FALSE)))

      # Fill ChainLadderData
      data.table::set(ChainLadderData, i = (LoopSeq[cal]+1L):LoopSeq[cal + 1L], j = "Rates", value = DecayCurveData[seq_len(min(15L, cal))])

    # Fill in Leads and Conversions----
    x <- unique(ChainLadderData[, .SD, .SDcols = c("CalendarDateColumn","Leads")])
    x[, Leads := runif(n = x[, .N], min = 100, max = 500)]
    ChainLadderData <- merge(ChainLadderData[, .SD, .SDcols = c("CalendarDateColumn","CohortDateColumn","CohortDays","Appointments","Rates")], x, by = "CalendarDateColumn", all = FALSE)
    ChainLadderData[, Appointments := Leads * Rates]
    ChainLadderData[, Sales := Appointments * Rates * (runif(.N))]
    ChainLadderData[, Rates := NULL]
    data.table::setcolorder(ChainLadderData, c(1,2,3,5,4))

  # Modify----
  if(MultiClass && FactorCount == 0L) {
    FactorCount <- 1L
    temp <- 1L

  # Create data----
  Correl <- Correlation
  data <- data.table::data.table(Adrian = runif(N))
  data[, x1 := qnorm(Adrian)]
  data[, x2 := runif(N)]
  data[, Independent_Variable1 := (pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))]
  data[, Independent_Variable2 := log(pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))]
  data[, Independent_Variable3 := exp(pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))]
  data[, Independent_Variable4 := exp(exp(pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2))))]
  data[, Independent_Variable5 := sqrt(pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))]
  data[, Independent_Variable6 := (pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))^0.10]
  data[, Independent_Variable7 := (pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))^0.25]
  data[, Independent_Variable8 := (pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))^0.75]
  data[, Independent_Variable9 := (pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))^2]
  data[, Independent_Variable10 := (pnorm(Correl * x1 + sqrt(1-Correl^2) * qnorm(x2)))^4]
  if(ID > 0L) for(i in seq_len(ID)) data[, paste0("IDcol_", i) := runif(N)]
  data[, ":=" (x2 = NULL)]

  # FactorCount----
  for(i in seq_len(FactorCount)) {
    RandomValues <- sort(c(runif(n = 4L, min = 0.01, max = 0.99)))
    RandomLetters <- sort(c(sample(x = LETTERS, size = 5L, replace = FALSE)))
    data[, paste0("Factor_", i) := as.factor(
      data.table::fifelse(Independent_Variable1 < RandomValues[1L], RandomLetters[1L],
                          data.table::fifelse(Independent_Variable1 < RandomValues[2L], RandomLetters[2L],
                                              data.table::fifelse(Independent_Variable1 < RandomValues[3L],  RandomLetters[3L],
                                                                  data.table::fifelse(Independent_Variable1 < RandomValues[4L],  RandomLetters[4L], RandomLetters[5L])))))]

  # Add date----
  if(AddDate) {
    if(FactorCount == 0) {
      data <- data[, DateTime := as.Date(Sys.time())]
      data[, temp := seq_len(.N)][, DateTime := DateTime - temp][, temp := NULL]
      data <- data[order(DateTime)]
    } else {
      data <- data[, DateTime := as.Date(Sys.time())]
      CatFeatures <- sort(c(as.numeric(which(sapply(data, is.factor))), as.numeric(which(sapply(data, is.character)))))
      data[, temp := seq_len(.N), by = c(names(data)[c(CatFeatures)])][, DateTime := DateTime - temp][, temp := NULL]
      data.table::setorderv(x = data, cols = c("DateTime", c(names(data)[c(CatFeatures)])), order = rep(1, length(c(names(data)[c(CatFeatures)]))+1))

  # Zero Inflation Setup
  if(!Classification && !MultiClass) {
    if(ZIP == 1L) {
      data[, Adrian := data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.5, 0, Independent_Variable8)][, Independent_Variable8 := NULL]
    } else if(ZIP == 2L) {
      data[, Adrian := data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.33, 0, data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.66, log(Adrian * 10), log(Adrian*20)))]
    } else if(ZIP == 3L) {
      data[, Adrian := data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.25, 0, data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.50, log(Adrian * 10), data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.75, log(Adrian * 50), log(Adrian * 150))))]
    } else if(ZIP == 4L) {
      data[, Adrian := data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.20, 0, data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.40, log(Adrian * 10), data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.60, log(Adrian * 50), data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 0.80, log(Adrian * 150), log(Adrian * 250)))))]
    } else if(ZIP == 5L) {
      data[, Adrian := data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 1/6, 0, data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 2/6, log(Adrian * 10), data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 3/6, log(Adrian * 50), data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 4/6, log(Adrian * 250), data.table::fifelse(Adrian < 5/6, log(Adrian * 500), log(Adrian * 1000))))))]

  # Classification
  if(Classification) data[, Adrian := data.table::fifelse(jitter(x = Adrian, factor = 100) > 0.63, 1, 0)]

  # Remove----
  data[, ":=" (x1 = NULL)]

  # MultiClass
  if(MultiClass) {
    data[, Adrian := NULL]
    data.table::setnames(data, "Factor_1", "Adrian")

  # Comment data
  if(AddComment) {
    a <- c('Hello', 'Hi', 'Howdy')
    b <- c('really like', 'absolutely adore', 'sucks ass')
    c <- c('noload', 'download', 'upload')
    N1 <- 1/length(a)
    N2 <- 1/length(b)
    N3 <- 1/length(c)
    N11 <- 1/N1
    N22 <- 1/N2
    N33 <- 1/N3
    RandomText <- function(N1,N11,N2,N22,N3,N33,a,b,c) {
      paste(sample(x = a, size = 1, replace = TRUE, prob = rep(N1, N11)),
            sample(x = b, size = 1, replace = TRUE, prob = rep(N2, N22)),
            sample(x = c, size = 1, replace = TRUE, prob = rep(N3, N33)))
    data[, Comment := "a"]
    for(i in seq_len(data[, .N])) {
      data.table::set(data, i = i, j = "Comment", value = RandomText(N1,N11,N2,N22,N3,N33,a,b,c))

  # Add weights column
  if(AddWeightsColumn) {
    data[, Weights := runif(.N)]

  # Return data

#' @title BenchmarkData
#' @description Modified version of h2o datatable benchmark data
#' @param N = 10000000,
#' @param RandomLevels = 1000000
#' @param NAs = -1L
#' @param Sort = TRUE
#' @param FixedEffects c(5,10,15), number of levels for each variable
#' @param IntVars TRUE
#' @param CharVars FALSE
#' @param RandomEffects c(3)
#' @export
BenchmarkData <- function(NRows = 10000000,
                          Levels = 1000000,
                          NAs = -1L,
                          FixedEffects = c(5,10,15),
                          CharVars = TRUE,
                          IntVars = TRUE,
                          Sort = TRUE) {
  N <- as.integer(NRows)
  K <- as.integer(Levels)
  nas <- as.integer(NAs)
  sort <- as.integer(Sort)

  stopifnot(nas <= 100L, nas >= 0L, sort %in% c(0L,1L))


  DT = list()

  # Character Variables
  if(CharVars) {
    DT[["RandomEffectChar_100"]] <- sample(sprintf("id%03d",  seq_len(K)), N, TRUE)                     # large groups (char)
    DT[["RandomEffectChar_10"]]  <- sample(sprintf("id%03d",  seq_len(ceiling(0.10 * K))), N, TRUE)     # small groups (char)
    DT[["RandomEffectChar_1"]]   <- sample(sprintf("id%010d", seq_len(ceiling(0.01 * K))), N, TRUE)     # large groups (char)

  if(IntVars) {
    DT[["RandomEffectInt_100"]] <- sample(K, N, TRUE)                                                   # Lowest grain Factor (individual)         (int)
    DT[["RandomEffectInt_10"]] <- sample(ceiling(0.10 * K), N, TRUE)                                    # 2nd lowest grain Factor (1 hierarchy up) (int)
    DT[["RandomEffectInt_1"]] <- sample(ceiling(0.01 * K), N, TRUE)                                     # 3rd lowest grain Factor (2 hierarchy up) (int)

  for(fe in seq_along(FixedEffects)) {
    DT[[paste0("FixedEffect", fe)]] <- sample(FixedEffects[fe], N, TRUE)    # fixed effect: lower level counts

  DT[["TargetVar"]] =  round(runif(N, max = 100), 6)     # numeric e.g. 23.574912


  # Missing Values
  if(nas > 0L) {
    cat("Inputting NAs\n")
    for(col in names(DT)[seq_len(3L)]) {
      ucol = unique(DT[[col]])
      nna = as.integer(length(ucol) * (nas/100))
      if(nna) set(DT, DT[.(sample(ucol, nna)), on = col, which = TRUE], col, NA)
    nna = as.integer(nrow(DT) * (nas/100))
    if(nna) {
      for(col in names(DT)[4L:6L]) set(DT, sample(nrow(DT), nna), col, NA)

  # Sort Data
  if(sort == 1L) {
    cat("Sorting data\n")
    setkeyv(DT, names(DT)[seq_len(5L)])
AdrianAntico/ModelingTools documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 7:33 a.m.