
Defines functions update_probability_matrix generate_posterior_probability_df generate_probability_matrix posterior

Documented in generate_posterior_probability_df generate_probability_matrix posterior update_probability_matrix

#' Generate Posterior Probability of seeing a given kinase-peptide pair
#' @param peptide character. ID of the peptide
#' @param kinase character. Gene Symbol of the Kinase
#' @param probability_dataset tbl_df. The aadjacency matrix dataframe with all kinase-peptide pairs
#' @return a list with the peptide, the kinase and the posterior probability
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
posterior <- function(peptide, kinase, probability_dataset) {
  marginal_kinase_probability <- colSums(probability_dataset)
  marginal_peptide_probability <- rowSums(probability_dataset)

  post <-
    (probability_dataset[peptide, kinase] * marginal_kinase_probability[kinase]) / marginal_peptide_probability[peptide]

  out <- list(peptide = peptide,
              kinase = kinase,
              posterior = post)


#' Generate a Probability Matrix of observing a given peptide/kinase pair
#' @param annotated_df tbl_df. A tibble with a list of all peptide/kinase pairs
#' @param identifier The identifier to use in outputs. Can be either "Gene_Symbol" or "Kinase"
#' @return A tibble with the unadjusted probabilities
#' @import dplyr tidyr purrr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
generate_probability_matrix <- function(annotated_df, identifier) {
  probability_matrix <- annotated_df %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$ID, .data[[identifier]]) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(value = 1) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = .data[[identifier]]) %>%
    tibble::column_to_rownames("ID") %>%

  probability_matrix[is.na(probability_matrix)] <- 0

  probability <-
    probability_matrix / (reduce(dim(probability_matrix), `*`))


#' Generate Posterior probabilities given priors
#' @param annotated_df tbl_df. A tibble with a list of all peptide/kinase pairs
#' @param identifier The identifier to use in outputs. Can be either "Gene_Symbol" or "Kinase"
#' @return A tibble with posterior probabilities for each peptide/kinase pair
#' @import dplyr purrr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
generate_posterior_probability_df <-
  function(annotated_df, identifier = "Gene_Symbol") {
    probability_df <-
      generate_probability_matrix(annotated_df, identifier)

    posterior_probs <- annotated_df %>%
      dplyr::select(.data$ID, .data[[identifier]]) %>%
      dplyr::rename(peptide = .data$ID,
                    kinase = .data[[identifier]]) %>%
      purrr::pmap_dfr( ~ posterior(..1, ..2, probability_df))


#' Calculated Updated Probabilities of each peptide/kinase pair
#' @param chiptype character. Either "STK" or "PTK"
#' @param assignment_df tbl_df. A tibble with the potential kianse assignments
#' @param identifier The identifier to use in outputs. Can be either "Gene_Symbol" or "Kinase"
#' @param guided A vector of Kinases or Gene_Symbols that must be included in the network. The vector must be aligned with what was specified in _identifier_
#' @return an updated dataframe with the probabilities
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @examples
update_probability_matrix <-
  function(chiptype, assignment_df, identifier = "Gene_Symbol", guided = NULL) {
    if (!chiptype %in% c("PTK", "STK")) {
      stop("Incorrect Chip Type specified")

    if (chiptype == "PTK") {
      if (identifier == "Gene_Symbol") {
        annotation_posterior <- ptk_probability_matrix_gene
      } else if (identifier == "Kinase") {
        annotation_posterior <- ptk_probability_matrix_kinase
      } else {
        stop("Invalid identifier")
    } else if (chiptype == "STK") {
      if (identifier == "Gene_Symbol") {
        annotation_posterior <- stk_probability_matrix_gene
      } else if (identifier == "Kinase") {
        annotation_posterior <- stk_probability_matrix_kinase
      } else {
        stop("Invalid identifier")
    } else {
      stop("Invalid chiptype")

    assignment_posterior <-
      generate_posterior_probability_df(assignment_df, identifier)

    updated_df <- dplyr::inner_join(
      by = c("peptide", "kinase"),
      suffix = c(".assigned", ".reference")
    ) %>%
        posterior.assigned = if_else(.data$kinase %in% guided, .data$posterior.assigned * 1000, .data$posterior.assigned),
        foldchange = .data$posterior.assigned / .data$posterior.reference,
        log.assigned = log10(.data$posterior.assigned),
        log.reference = log10(.data$posterior.reference),
        logged.foldchange = .data$log.reference - .data$log.assigned

AliSajid/KINNET documentation built on Jan. 17, 2022, 8:54 a.m.