  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/gwas-",
  fig.width = 6,
  fig.asp = 0.618,
  out.width = "70%",
  fig.align = "center"

Get genotype file

# get the example bedfile from the package switchgrassGWAS
bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.bed", package = "switchgrassGWAS")

Set up SNP and phenotype data frames.

# Load packages bigsnpr and switchgrassGWAS

# Read from bed/bim/fam to create the new files that bigsnpr uses.
# Let's put them in an temporary directory for this demo.
tmpfile <- tempfile()
snp_readBed(bedfile, backingfile = tmpfile)

# Attach the "bigSNP" object to the R session.
snp_example <- snp_attach(paste0(tmpfile, ".rds"))
# What does the bigSNP object look like?
str(snp_example, max.level = 2, strict.width = "cut")

# Load the pvdiv phenotypes into the R session.
# Make an example dataframe of one phenotype where the first column is PLANT_ID.
# This "phenotype", 'GWAS_CT', is the number of times a plant successfully 
# clonally replicated to plant in the common gardens in 2018.
one_phenotype <- pvdiv_phenotypes %>%
  dplyr::select(PLANT_ID, GWAS_CT)

Run genome-wide association (GWAS)

# Save the output to a temporary directory for this demo.
tempdir <- tempdir()

pvdiv_standard_gwas(snp = snp_example, df = one_phenotype, 
                    type = "linear", outputdir = tempdir, 
                    savegwas = FALSE, saveplots = TRUE,
                    saveannos = FALSE, ncores = 1)

This command will save a Manhattan and QQ-plot for the ~1800 SNPs from the example file to a temporary directory, which will have a randomly generated name like: r tempdir.

The example Manhattan plot should look like this:

Manhattan{ width=100% }

And the example QQ plot should look like this.

QQ-plot{ width=50% }

pvdiv_standard_gwas is a wrapper function for the standard GWAS done in the Juenger lab. You must specify three things to use this function: 1) a snp file in bigSNP format, 2) a phenotype file where the first column is PLANT_ID (as in switchgrassGWAS::pvdiv_metadata), and 3) whether the GWAS should be a linear or logistic regression.

Additional features:

* Specify `savegwas = TRUE` if you want the GWAS outputs to be saved to the output directory as .rds files.
* Specify `saveplots = TRUE` if you want Manhattan and QQ-plots to be generated and saved to the output directory. (NB: This is the default.)
* Specify `saveannos = TRUE` and specify a txdb object loaded into your environment with AnnotationDbi::loadDb, if you want annotation tables for top SNPs to be generated and saved to the output directory.
* Specify an integer value for `minphe` if you want to specify a minimum number of phenotyped individuals to conduct a GWAS on.


If you get the error "Error in snp_autoSVD(G = G, infos.chr = CHRN$CHRN, infos.pos = POS, ncores = ncores, : object 'LD.wiki34' not found"

Likely you have not called library(bigsnpr) in your current R session. You may need to run install.packages("bigsnpr") and then library(bigsnpr), then try running the pvdiv_standard_gwas() command again.

If you cannot find the temporary directory you created (tempdir): Try setting the output directory (outputdir) to your current working directory using outputdir = "." within pvdiv_standard_gwas(), or tempdir <- "." & keeping the pvdiv_standard_gwas() function as-is, then try running the pvdiv_standard_gwas() command again.

Alice-MacQueen/switchgrassGWAS documentation built on Jan. 23, 2022, 7:55 p.m.