
Defines functions class_threshold prediction_output prediction.knn prediction.xgb.Booster prediction.maboost prediction.boosting prediction.naiveBayes prediction.nnet.formula prediction.multinom prediction.glmnet prediction.cv.glmnet prediction.sda prediction.lda prediction.randomForest prediction.svm prediction.train prediction.pamrtrained prediction.default prediction

Documented in prediction prediction.default prediction.knn prediction.pamrtrained

#' Class prediction on OOB set
#' Functions to predict class labels on the Out-Of-Bag (test) set for different
#' classifiers.
#' The `knn` and `pamr` prediction methods use the `train.id` and `class`
#' arguments for additional modelling steps before prediction. For `knn`, the
#' modelling and prediction are performed in one step, so the function takes in
#' both training and test set identifiers. For `pamr`, the classifier needs to
#' be cross-validated on the training set in order to find a shrinkage threshold
#' with the minimum CV error to use in prediction on the test set. The other
#' prediction methods make use of the default method.
#' @inheritParams splendid
#' @param mod model object from [classification()]
#' @param test.id integer vector of indices for test set. If `NULL` (default),
#'   all samples are used.
#' @param train.id integer vector of indices for training set. If `NULL`
#'   (default), all samples are used.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to or from methods
#' @return A factor of predicted classes with labels in the same order as true
#'   class. If `mod` is a `"pamr"` classifier, the return value is a list of
#'   length 2: the predicted class, and the threshold value.
#' @author Derek Chiu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hgsc)
#' class <- attr(hgsc, "class.true")
#' set.seed(1)
#' training.id <- sample(seq_along(class), replace = TRUE)
#' test.id <- which(!seq_along(class) %in% training.id)
#' mod <- classification(hgsc[training.id, ], class[training.id], "slda")
#' pred <- prediction(mod, hgsc, class, test.id)
#' table(true = class[test.id], pred)
prediction <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL, train.id = NULL,
                       threshold = 0, standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!inherits(mod, ALG.CLASS)) {
    match.arg(class(mod), ALG.CLASS)
  } else {

#' @rdname prediction
#' @export
prediction.default <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                               train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                               standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  dat <- split_data(data, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  stats::predict(mod, dat$test, ...)

#' @rdname prediction
#' @export
prediction.pamrtrained <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                   train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                   standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  newx <- split_data(data, test.id, train.id, standardize) %>%
    purrr::map(t) %>%
  p_args <- tibble::lst(fit = mod, newx = newx, threshold = mod$delta)
  pred <- rlang::exec(pamr::pamr.predict, !!!p_args, type = "class")
  prob <- rlang::exec(pamr::pamr.predict, !!!p_args, type = "posterior")
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold) %>%
    structure(delta = mod$delta)

#' @export
prediction.train <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                             train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                             standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  opt_vars <- utils::head(names(mod[["trainingData"]]), -1)
  if (mod[["method"]] == "AdaBoost.M1") names(data) <- make.names(names(data))
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, test.id, train.id, standardize,
                        data = data[opt_vars])
  pred <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "raw")
  prob <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "prob")
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.svm <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                           train.id = NULL, threshold = 0, standardize = FALSE,
                           ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, test.id, train.id, standardize,
                        data = data[colnames(mod$SV)])
  pred <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, probability = TRUE, ...) %>%
  prob <- attr(pred, "probabilities")
  if (!("class_0" %in% mod$levels))
    prob <- prob[, colnames(prob)[order(match(colnames(prob), mod$levels))]]
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold) %>%
    structure(probabilities = NULL)

#' @export
prediction.randomForest <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                    train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                    standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, data, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  pred <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "response") %>%
  prob <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "prob")
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.lda <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                           train.id = NULL, threshold = 0, standardize = FALSE,
                           ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, test.id, train.id, standardize,
                        data = data[colnames(mod$means)])
  p <- rlang::exec(prediction.default,!!!p_args, ...)
  pred <- p$class
  prob <- p$posterior %>% sum_to_one()
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.sda <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                           train.id = NULL, threshold = 0, standardize = FALSE,
                           ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  p <- rlang::exec(prediction.default,
                   data = as.matrix(data),
                   verbose = FALSE,
  pred <- p$class
  prob <- p$posterior %>% sum_to_one()
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.cv.glmnet <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                 train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                 standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  pred <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, data = as.matrix(data),
                      type = "class", ...) %>% factor()
  prob <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, data = as.matrix(data),
                      type = "response", ...)[, , 1]
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.glmnet <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                              train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                              standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, data, class, test.id, train.id, threshold,
  rlang::exec(prediction.cv.glmnet, !!!p_args, ...)

#' @export
prediction.multinom <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, data, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  pred <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "class", ...)
  prob <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "probs", ...)
  if (!is.matrix(prob)) {
    prob <- matrix(c(1 - prob, prob), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, mod$lev))
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.nnet.formula <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                    train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                    standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, data, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  pred <- factor(rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "class", ...))
  prob <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "raw", ...)
  if (ncol(prob) == 1) {
    prob <- matrix(c(1 - prob, prob), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, mod$lev))
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.naiveBayes <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                  train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                  standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, data, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  pred <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "class", ...)
  prob <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "raw", ...) %>%
    magrittr::set_rownames(rownames(data[test.id, ]))
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.boosting <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  names(data) <- make.names(names(data))
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, data, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  p <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, ...)
  pred <- factor(p$class)
  prob <- p$prob %>% magrittr::set_rownames(rownames(data[test.id, ]))
  if (ncol(prob) == nlevels(class)) {
    colnames(prob) <- levels(class)
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.maboost <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                               train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                               standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  names(data) <- make.names(names(data))
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, data, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  both <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, type = "both", ...)
  pred <- both$class
  if (is.null(test.id)) {
    rn <- rownames(data)
  } else {
    rn <- rownames(data[test.id, ])
  prob <- both$probs %>% magrittr::set_rownames(rn)
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @export
prediction.xgb.Booster <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                                   train.id = NULL, threshold = 0,
                                   standardize = FALSE, ...) {
  p_args <- tibble::lst(mod, test.id, train.id, standardize)
  prob <- rlang::exec(prediction.default, !!!p_args, data = as.matrix(data),
                      reshape = TRUE, ...) %>%
    magrittr::set_rownames(rownames(data[test.id, ])) %>%
  class <- factor(class)
  if (ncol(prob) == nlevels(class)) {
    colnames(prob) <- levels(class)
  pred <- factor(levels(class)[max.col(data.frame(prob))])
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' @rdname prediction
#' @export
prediction.knn <- function(mod, data, class = NULL, test.id = NULL,
                           train.id = NULL, threshold = 0, standardize = FALSE,
                           ...) {
  train.id <- train.id %||% seq_len(nrow(data))
  test.id <- test.id %||% seq_len(nrow(data))
  dat <- split_data(data, test.id, train.id, standardize) %>% {
    rbind(.$train, .$test)
  if (inherits(mod, "ova")) {
    lev <- as.character(unlist(mod))
    if (length(lev) == 1) class <- ifelse(class == lev, lev, 0)
  class <- class %||% mod
  kdist <- knn.dist(dat)
  kparams <- list(train = seq_along(train.id),
                  test = length(train.id) + seq_along(test.id),
                  y = factor(class[train.id]), dist.matrix = kdist, k = 5)
  pred <- unname(factor(rlang::exec(knn.predict, !!!kparams)))
  prob <- t(rlang::exec(knn.probability, !!!kparams))
  prediction_output(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold)

#' Prediction output with attributes
#' @noRd
prediction_output <- function(pred, prob, class, test.id, threshold) {
  if (is.null(class)) {
    ctr <- NULL
  } else {
    if (is.null(test.id)) {
      ctr <- class
    } else {
      ctr <- class[test.id]
  cth <- class_threshold(prob, threshold = threshold)
  cp <- class_proportion(cth)

    prob = prob,
    class.true = ctr,
    class.thres = cth,
    class.prop = cp,
    class = c("prediction", "factor")

#' Predicted class labels above a max class probability threshold
#' @noRd
class_threshold <- function(prob, threshold = 0) {
  prob %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
      !!"max_prop" := purrr::pmap_dbl(., max),
      !!"max_class" := purrr::pmap(., list) %>%
        purrr::map_chr(~ names(which.max(.))) %>%
        ifelse(.data$max_prop >= threshold, ., "unclassified") %>%
        factor(levels = colnames(prob)) %>%
        forcats::fct_na_value_to_level(level = "unclassified")
    ) %>%

#' Proportion of classified predictions
#' @noRd
class_proportion <- function(pred) {
  good_ind <- pred != "unclassified"
  sum(good_ind) / length(good_ind)

#' Split data into training and test sets
#' Split data into training and test sets, optionally standardizing by training
#' set centers and standard deviations
#' @inheritParams prediction
#' @export
split_data <- function(data, test.id = NULL, train.id = NULL,
                       standardize = FALSE) {
  train <- data[train.id %||% seq_len(nrow(data)), ]
  test <- data[test.id %||% seq_len(nrow(data)), ]
  if (standardize) {
    train <- scale(train)
    test <- scale(test,
                  attr(train, "scaled:center"),
                  attr(train, "scaled:scale"))
    if (inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
      train <- as.data.frame(train)
      test <- as.data.frame(test)
  tibble::lst(train, test)

#' Custom printing method for prediction output
#' @noRd
#' @export
print.prediction <- function(x, ...) {
  cli::cat_line(cli::col_blue("# Prediction Summary\n"))
  if (is.null(attr(x, "class.true"))) {
    cli::cat_line("No Confusion Matrix: reference class not provided")
  } else {
    cli::cat_line("Confusion Matrix")
    if (attr(x, "class.prop") < 1) {
      print(conf_mat(attr(x, "class.true"), attr(x, "class.thres")))
    } else {
      print(conf_mat(attr(x, "class.true"), x))
  cli::cat_line("\nTotal Cases: ", length(x))
  cli::cat_line("Proportion of Classified Predictions: ",
                round(attr(x, "class.prop"), 3))
AlineTalhouk/splendid documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:37 p.m.