
Defines functions .make_cmatrix .construct_image .format_group fet_brain_location_expression_plot fet_cortex_expression2D_plot fet_subregions_plot

Documented in fet_brain_location_expression_plot fet_cortex_expression2D_plot fet_subregions_plot

#    Copyright (C) 2017 Allen Institute
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#' fet_subregions_plot
#' Plot gene expression values for each structure in each donor for the fetal
#' human brain atlas. This function requires the fetdata package
#' (https://github.com/AllenInstitute/fetdata), and is a thin wrapper
#' around a modified version of WGCNA's verboseBarplot.
#' @export
#' @param gene Gene in the `fetdata::datFET` data set; character string
#' @param log_transform Boolean for plotting of linear or log data
#' @param im_height PDF image height
#' @param im_width PDF image width
#' @param save_pdf Save to disk or output to console
#' @return Creates a new plot of the gene in the current working directory; label as `GENE_fetalHuman_structureBarPlotAll.pdf`
#' @examples
#' # call on a given gene
#' fet_subregions_plot("SHH")
fet_subregions_plot <- function(gene, log_transform = FALSE, im_height = 10,
                                im_width = 50, save_pdf = TRUE){

    # ensure the user has fetdata installed; inform them to download it if not
    if (!requireNamespace("fetdata", quietly = TRUE)){
        stop("fetdata needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)

    # check if fetdata is loaded; if not load it and note loading
    if ("package:fetdata" %in% search()){
        loaded <- TRUE
    } else {
        loaded <- FALSE
        library("fetdata")  # technically breaking the rules

    # make sure the gene they're asking for is in the FET
    if (!any(is.element(gene, genesFET))) {
            gene, "does not appear to be in the Fetal Human Brain Atlas"

    # save old par setting to reset after
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    # set a logical max y-lim for the gene we're looking at
    vlim <- sapply(donor_framesFET, function(x){
        brain <- get(x)
        bool_select <- (gene == brain$gene)
        as.numeric(quantile(brain$value[bool_select], 0.995))

    # set ylim and create pdf for plotting

    if (!log_transform) {
        ylim <- c(0, 2 ^ max(vlim))
    } else {
        ylim <- c(0, max(vlim))

    # ensures the pdf is closed even after encountering an error

        mar <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)
        if (save_pdf) {
            pdf(paste(gene, "fetalHuman_structureBarPlotAll.pdf", sep = "_"),
                height = im_height, width = im_width)
            mar <- c(5, 10, 4, 2)
        par(mfrow = c(4, 1), mar = mar)

        # iterate through the brains and plot the result for each of them
        i <- 1
        for (d in donor_framesFET) {

            brain <- get(d)

            if (!log_transform) {
                brain$value <- 2 ^ brain$value

            donorID <- as.character(brain$donorID[1])
            bool_select <- (gene == brain$gene)
                            levels = subregionsFET),
                            main = paste(gene, "- Brain:", i, "_",
                            donor_to_age[donorID]), las = 2, xlab = "",
                            ylab = "", ylim = ylim, color = colsFET)
            i <- i + 1
        }}, finally = {
            if (save_pdf) {

    # unload fetdata to keep it from affecting global environment
    if (!loaded){
        detach("package:fetdata", unload = TRUE)

    # restore par settings

#' fet_cortex_expression_2D_plot
#' Plot a 2D heatmap for cortex layers and structures in each donor in the
#' fetal human brain atlas. This function requires the fetdata package,
#' available at (https://github.com/AllenInstitute/fetdata).
#' @export
#' @param gene Gene in the `fetdata::datFET` data set; character string
#' @param colbox Heatmap box color; default red
#' @param im_height PDF image height
#' @param log_transform Boolean for plotting of linear or log data
#' @param im_width PDF image width
#' @param im_height PDF image height
#' @param save_pdf Save to disk or output to console
#' @return Creates a new plot of the gene in the current working directory; label as `GENE_fetalHuman_2DPlotInNeocortex.pdf.pdf`
#' @examples
#' # call on a given gene
#' fet_expression2D_plot("SHH")
fet_cortex_expression2D_plot <- function(gene, colbox="red", log_transform = FALSE,
                                        im_height = 10, im_width = 20,
                                        save_pdf = TRUE) {

    # ensure the user has fetdata installed; inform them to download it if not
    if (!requireNamespace("fetdata", quietly = TRUE)){
        stop("fetdata needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)

    # check if fetdata is loaded; if not load it and note loading
    if ("package:fetdata" %in% search()){
        loaded <- TRUE
    } else {
        loaded <- FALSE
        library("fetdata")  # technically breaking the rules

    # make sure the gene they're asking for is in the FET
    if (!any(is.element(gene, genesFET))){
            gene, "does not appear to be in the Fetal Human Brain Atlas"

    # record old par
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    # major lobes of the brain; used in subsetting
    lobes <- c("f", "o", "p", "t")
    ontology <- .fetch_ontology("16")  # graph_id 16 is devhuman
    onto_c <- c("acronym", "graph_order")
    # for each brain create the plot; tryCatch for safe resource allocation

        if (save_pdf) {
            pdf(paste(gene, "fetalHuman_2DPlotInNeocortex.pdf", sep = "_"),
                height = im_height, width = im_width)
        par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

        for (d in donor_framesFET) {
            brain <- get(d)
            brain_c <- brain$gene == gene  # subset before merge has speed gain
            brain <- merge(brain[brain_c, ], ontology[onto_c],
                          by.x = "brain_structure", by.y = "acronym")
            brain <- brain[order(brain$graph_order), ]
            donorID <- as.character(brain$donorID[1])

            # title using age and brainID
            title <- paste(gene, " - BrainID", donorID, " - ",

            # select the appropriate fields to plot and create plot regions
            bool_select <- (substr(brain$brain_structure, 1, 1) %in% lobes)
            brain <- brain[bool_select, ]
            lls <- .format_group(brain$brain_structure) # lls for lobe_layer_str

            # remove some layers for comparibility
            lls_keep <- !(lls[, 2] %in% c("CP", "SZ"))
            brain <- brain[lls_keep, ]
            lls <- lls[lls_keep, ]

            # remove region for comparibility
            lls_keep <- !(lls[, 3] == "Z")
            brain <- brain[lls_keep, ]
            lls <- lls[lls_keep, ]

            if (!log_transform) {
                brain$value <- 2 ^ brain$value

            .plotExpressionMap2D(brain$value, factor(lls[, 1],
                                levels = c("f", "p", "t", "o")), lls[, 2],
                                main = title, minIs0 = TRUE, pch = 22,
                                sampleLabel = lls[, 3], bgPar = "lightgrey",
                                sizeRange = c(3, 5), sizeText = 1.5,
                                sizeLabel = 0.8, colBox = colbox)
    }, finally = {
        if (save_pdf) {
        } else {
            print("Recommended saving dimensions: 1700 x 1000")

    if (!loaded){
        detach("package:fetdata", unload = TRUE)

    # restore par settings

#' fet_brain_location_expression_plot
#' Creates a matrix of brain images. Each column corresponds to a brain in the fetal human
#' brain atlas, while each row is a specific brain layer.  Each point shows gene expression
#' for a particular cortical region in it's approximate anatomical centroid in the background
#' brain image.  Requires data from https://github.com/AllenInstitute/fetdata.
#' @export
#' @param gene Gene in the `fetdata::datFET` data set; character string
#' @return Creates a new plot of the gene in the current working directory; label as `GENE_fetalHuman_BrainLocationExpressionPlotsForEachLayer.pdf`
#' @examples
#' # call on a given gene
#' fet_expression2D_plot("SHH")
fet_brain_location_expression_plot <- function(gene) {

    # ensure the user has fetdata installed; inform them to download it if not
    if (!requireNamespace("fetdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("fetdata needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)

    # check that the pixmap requirement is satistified
    if (!requireNamespace("pixmap", quietly = TRUE)) {
        msg <- "pixmap is required for this function to work; Please install it with `install.packages(\"pixmap\")`"
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

    # check if fetdata is loaded; if not load it and note loading
    if ("package:fetdata" %in% search()){
        loaded <- TRUE
    } else {
        loaded <- FALSE
        library("fetdata")  # technically breaking the rules

    # make sure the gene they're asking for is in the FET
    if (!any(is.element(gene, genesFET))){
            gene, "does not appear to be in the Fetal Human Brain Atlas"

    # record old par
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    lobes <- c("f", "o", "p", "t")
    save_pdf <- TRUE  # incase this can be changed later

        mar <- c(2, 2, 2, 2)
        if (save_pdf) {
                gene, "fetalHuman_BrainLocationExpressionPlotsForEachLayer.pdf",
                sep = "_"), width = 20, height = 30, version = "1.4")
            mar <- rep(2, 4)
        par(cex = 1.5, mar = mar, las = 1)
        op <- par(mar = rep(0, 4)) # we want it to fill the file
        suppressWarnings( x <- .construct_image() )
        lays <- c("MZ", "CPo", "CPi", "SP", "IZ", "SZo", "SZi", "VZ")
        par(mfrow = c(8, 4), new = TRUE)

        i <- 0  # i gives column for the brain
        for (d in donor_framesFET) {
            i <- i + 1  # increment i to get 1 indexed column position
            brain <- get(d)
            donorID <- as.character(brain$donorID[1])

            # select the appropriate fields to plot and create plot regions
            bool_select <- (
                gene == brain$gene & substr(brain$brain_structure, 1, 1) %in% lobes
            brain <- brain[bool_select, ]
            lls <- .format_group(brain$brain_structure) # lls for lobe_layer_str

            # remove some layers for comparibility
            lls_keep <- !(lls[, 2] %in% c("CP", "SZ"))
            brain <- brain[lls_keep, ]
            lls <- lls[lls_keep, ]

            # remove region for comparibility
            lls_keep <- !(lls[, 3] == "Z")
            brain <- brain[lls_keep, ]
            lls <- lls[lls_keep, ]

            j <- 0  # j will give the correct row for the brain
            for (lay in  lays) {
                j <- j + 1 # increment j to get 1 indexed row position

                # keep the layers that match lay
                lls_keep <- lls[, 2] == lay
                brain_lay <- brain[lls_keep, ]  # keep the full dataframe
                lls_lay <- lls[lls_keep, ]  # see above

                # get position of layer
                par(cex = 0.5, mar = rep(2, 4), las = 1, mfg = c(j, i), new = TRUE)
                m <- paste(gene, "-", lay, " - BrainID", donorID, " - ",

                # select colors and positions for each of the subregions
                col <- yzcFET[lls_lay[, 3], 4]
                y <- yzcFET[lls_lay[, 3], 2]
                z <- yzcFET[lls_lay[, 3], 3]

                .plotExpressionCoordinates2Db(2 ^ brain_lay$value, z, y,
                                            lls_lay[, 3], textCol = col,
                                            main = m, bgPar = "white",
                                            xlim = c(-38, 30),
                                            ylim = c(-25, 20), minIs0 = FALSE)
    }, finally = {
        if (save_pdf) {

    if (!loaded){
        detach("package:fetdata", unload = TRUE)

    # restore par settings

#------------------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS-----------------------------------------#
.format_group <- function(structures) {

    # returns the lobes
    layers_str_lobes <- sapply(structures, function(x) {
        lobe <- substr(x, 1, 1)
        layer <- substr(x, 2, 3)
        c_last <- substr(x, nchar(x), nchar(x))

        if (c_last %in% c("i", "o")) {
            layer <- paste(layer, c_last, sep = "")
            substruc <- substr(x, 4, nchar(x) - 1)
        } else {
            substruc <- substr(x, 4, nchar(x))

        if (substruc %in% c("dm", "mi")) {
            substruc <- paste(substruc, lobe, sep = "-")

        if (layer %in% c("SGi", "SPi", "MZi")) {
            layer <- substr(layer, 1, 2)
        c(lobe, layer, substruc)

# the following two functions reconstruct the image for the brain plots
.construct_image <- function() {
    red.matrix <- .make_cmatrix(im_comp$red)
    green.matrix <- .make_cmatrix(im_comp$green)
    blue.matrix <- .make_cmatrix(im_comp$blue)
   pixmap::pixmapRGB(c(red.matrix, green.matrix, blue.matrix), nrow = 900,
                     ncol = 593)

.make_cmatrix <- function(clist) {
    # undoes the svd decomp
    clist$u %*% diag(clist$d) %*% t(clist$v)
AllenInstitute/atlasplot documentation built on Aug. 11, 2021, 1:52 a.m.