
Defines functions mfInterpret_cplx_curves

Documented in mfInterpret_cplx_curves

#' Complex planar curve interpreter
#' @param formula a formula in the form `shape ~ value^dim ~ arg | id`.
#' @param data data containing the shape in a format convertible to `shape_dat`. 
#' Shape should be contained as `tbl_cube` (`shape_cube`) if data is regular.
#' @param weights 
#' @param mf a mfGeometry object
#' @return a list containing 
#' - mod0_data: a data.frame with the dim, id, and arg values needed
#' to set up a basis for the response object 
#' - weights: a vector/matrix (regular case) or a list of vectors/matrices of 
#' (integration) weights
#' - response: an array (regular case) or vector (irregular case) containing the 
#' response values
mfInterpret_cplx_curves <- function(
  weights = NULL,
  arg.range = NULL
) {
  ### check formulas
  stopifnot(class(formula) == "formula")
  # remove everything irrelevant form data
  data <- data[which(names(data) %in% all.vars(formula))]
  # convert to shape_dat
  data <- as_shape_dat(data, formula)
  ### prepare data
  # -> separate values (response) from dim, arg and id (data)
  #  -> in the regular case, response: array
  #  -> in the irregular case, response: long
  # format correctly and get response(-values)
  if(inherits(data, "shape_cube")) {
    # variables in formula
    av <- all.vars(formula)
    names(av) <- c("shape", "value", "dim", "arg", "id")
    shp <- av["shape"]
    yname <- av["value"]
    # arrange and store response array
    ydims <- names(data[[shp]]$dims)
    stopifnot(all(ydims %in% av[c("arg", "dim", "id")]))
    ydimorder <- ordered(av[c("arg", "dim", "id")], levels = ydims)
    ydimorder <- as.numeric(ydimorder)
    response <- data[[shp]]$mets[[yname]]
    response <- aperm(response, ydimorder)
    mod0_data <- data[[shp]]$dims[ydimorder]
    # response in FDboost format
    mod0_data[[av["value"]]] <- t(matrix(response, ncol = dim(response)[3]))
  } else {
    # convert to shape_dat_frame_long and store response
    mod0_data <- as_shape_frame_long(data)
    # variables in formula
    av <- all.vars(formula(mod0_data))
    names(av) <- c("value", "dim", "arg", "id")
    shp <- shape_names(mod0_data)[["shape"]]
    yname <- av["value"]
    response <- mod0_data[[yname]]
  ret <- list(
    variable_names = av,
    mod0_data = mod0_data,
    response = response
  ### initialize base-learners
  if(is.array(response)) {
      stop("Sorry, I can only interpret planar 2-dimensional shapes.")
  } else 
    mod0_data <- as_shape_frame_complex(mod0_data)
  ### extract id
  nameid <- av["id"]
  .id <- mod0_data[[nameid]]
  ### check id/response
  if(!is.array(response)) {
    ## basic checks
      stop("If not supplied as an array, the response has to be a vector.")
    if(length(.id) != length(response)/2)
      stop("id must be of same length as response.")
  ### prepare arg
  nameyarg <- av["arg"]
  .arg <- mod0_data[[nameyarg]]
  if(!is.array(response)) {
    stopifnot(length(.arg) == length(response)/2)
    id_ <- factor(.id, levels = unique(.id))
  ### make numerical integration weights for arg
  if(is.character(weights)) {
    ### function setting up integration weights
    make_integration_weights <- function(weights, arg = NULL, range = NULL) {
      switch (weights,
              equal = NULL,
              trapezoidal = trapez_weights(arg, range = range),
              simpson = simpson_weights(arg, range = range)
    if(is.array(response)) {
      A <- make_integration_weights(weights, .arg, arg.range)
    } else { 
        ## combine relevant info in one matrix
        arg_ <- split(.arg, id_)
        A <- lapply(arg_, make_integration_weights, 
                                   weights = weights, range = arg.range)
    # store integration weights
    ret$weights <- A
  } else {
    if(!is.null(weights)) stopifnot(length(weights) == length(.arg))
} # mfInterpret_cplx_curves

# #' Full Procrustres mean of planar shapes 
# #' 
# #'
# #' @param formula a formula in the form `shape ~ value^dim ~ blearner(arg) | id`,
# #' where `blearner` is typically `bbs` if `arg` is continuous and `bols` if discrete.
# #' @param data data containing the shape in a format convertible to `shape_dat`. 
# #' Shape should be contained as `tbl_cube` (`shape_cube`) if data is regular.
# #' @param cyclic logical, should cyclic B-splines be used?
# #' @param smoothed.cov logical, should covariance matrix be smoothed?
# #' @param cov.k integer, number of basis elements for each margin in covariance smoothing.
# #' @param arg.grid.len integer, grid length for evaluation of smoothed covariance.
# #' @param weights numeric weight vector.
# #' @param mf \code{mfGeometry} object.
# #' @param mfboost.return logocal, should results be returned in the format needed
# #' for mfboost?
# #'
# #' @return in the default setting, the estimated full procrustres mean in 
# #' shape_frame_long format 
# #' (data.frame with coordinates as real values stored in a single column).
# #' @import mboost
# # #' @export
# #'
# planarshape_full_proc <- function(
#   formula,
#   data,
#   cyclic = FALSE,
#   smoothed.cov = FALSE,
#   cov.k = 10,
#   arg.grid.len = 50,
#   weights = NULL,
#   arg.range = NULL,
#   mf = NULL,
#   mfboost.return = FALSE
# ) {
#   basics <- mfInterpret_cplx_curves(formula = formula, 
#                                     data = data, 
#                                     weights = weights,
#                                     arg.range = arg.range)
#   mod0_data <- basics$mod0_data
#   response <- basics$response
#   av <- basics$variable_names
#   if(is.array(response))
#     mod0_data[[av["value"]]] <- response
#   ### initialize base-learners
#   if(is.array(response)) {
#     arg_form <- if(formula[[3]][[1]] == "|") 
#       formula[[3]][[2]] else 
#         formula[[3]]
#     val_form <- formula[[2]][[3]][[2]]
#   } else {
#     arg_form <- if(formula[[3]][[1]] == "|") 
#       formula[[3]][[2]] else 
#         formula[[3]]
#     val_form <- formula(mod0_data)[[2]][[2]]
#   }
#   mod0_formula <- as.formula(
#     paste0(deparse(val_form), "~", 
#            deparse(arg_form)),
#     env = environment(formula))
#   g2 <- Gaussian()
#   g2@check_y <- function(y) y # just to avoid any errors
#   g2@offset <- function(y, weights) 0
#   mod0 <- mboost(mod0_formula, mod0_data, 
#                  family = g2, control = boost_control(mstop = 0))
#   if(length(mod0$baselearner) != 1) 
#     stop("Exactly one base-learner has to be specified for the pole.")
#   bl <- mod0$baselearner[[1]]
#   ### extract id
#   nameid <- av["id"]
#   .id <- mod0_data[[nameid]]
#   ### extract dim
#   ydimvar <- av["dim"]
#   nameydim <- ydimvar
#   .dim <- mod0_data[[ydimvar]]
#   if(length(unique(.dim))!=2) 
#     stop("Only planar 2-dimensional shapes provided, yet.")
#   ### check id/response
#   if(!is.array(response)) {
#     ## basic checks
#     if(!is.null(dim(response))) 
#       stop("If not supplied as an array, the response has to be a vector.")
#     if(length(.id) != length(response))
#       stop("id must be of same length as response.")
#   }
#   ### prepare arg
#   nameyarg <- av["arg"]
#   .arg <- mod0_data[[nameyarg]]
#   if(!is.array(response)) stopifnot(length(.arg) == length(response))
#   if(is.null(arg.range)) arg.range <- environment(bl$dpp)$args$knots[[1]]$boundary.knots
#   # make arg.grid for numerical integrations
#   arg.grid <- if(is.array(response)) .arg else {
#     if(is.numeric(.arg)) 
#       head(seq(arg.range[1], arg.range[2], len = arg.grid.len), arg.grid.len - cyclic)  else
#         stop("Irregular (long data format) version for non-numeric arg-values 
#            not implemented, yet.") #unique(.arg)
#   }
#   ### make numerical integration weights for arg.grid
#   ## TODO: improve implementation of weights using mfInterpret and
#   # allowing for custom weights !!!
#   if(is.null(weights)) weights <- "equal"
#   ### function setting up integration weights
#   make_integration_weights <- function(weights, arg = NULL, range = NULL) {
#     switch (weights,
#             equal = NULL,
#             trapezoidal = trapez_weights(arg, range = range),
#             simpson = simpson_weights(arg, range = range)
#     )
#   } 
#   A <- make_integration_weights(weights, arg.grid, arg.range)
#   B <- as.matrix(extract(bl, "design"))
#   # Design matrix evaluated on grid
#   B.grid <- if(is.array(response)) 
#     B else {
#       newdat <- data.frame(.arg = arg.grid)
#       names(newdat) <- nameyarg
#       # evaluate B on integration grid
#       B.grid <- as.matrix(with(newdat, 
#                                mboost::extract(eval(str2expression(bl$get_call())), "design")))
#     }
#   if(is.null(smoothed.cov)) {
#     smoothed.cov <- !is.array(response) & is.numeric(.arg)
#   }
#   ### get estimate of ByyB, the complex covariance matrix of the basis coefs
#   ## function returning ByyB
#   compute_ByyB <- function(value, B, int.weights = NULL, yy) {
#     if(missing(yy)) yy <- tcrossprod(value, Conj(value))
#     ByyB <- if(is.null(int.weights))
#       crossprod(B, yy) %*% B else {
#         if(is.null(dim(int.weights)))
#           crossprod(int.weights*B, yy) %*% (int.weights*B) else
#             crossprod(int.weights %*% B, yy) %*% int.weights %*% B
#       }
#     ByyB
#   }
#   ### ... without covariance smoothing (regular / irregular case) or with cov smooth
#   if(!smoothed.cov) {
#     # could be extended to regularized FPCA
#     # a la Silverman (1996): smoothed functional principal component analysis 
#     # by choice of norm
#     # but didn't work so well and is, thus, not implemented here
#     # => if penalization necessary always use smoothed.cov
#     if(is.array(response)) {
#       as_complex <- function(x) {
#         matrix(complex(real = x[, 1, ], imaginary = x[, 2, ]), nrow = dim(x)[1])
#       }
#       ByyB <- compute_ByyB(as_complex(response), B, A)
#     } else {
#       as_complex <- function(x) {
#         complex(real = x[, 1], imaginary = x[, 2])
#       }
#       ## combine relevant info in one matrix
#       B_ <- as.data.frame(cbind(response, .arg, B))
#       B_ <- split(B_, .id)
#       B_ <- lapply(B_, as.matrix)
#       ByyB <- sapply(B_, function(B_id) {
#         A <- make_integration_weights(weights, 
#                                       arg = B_id[1:(nrow(B_id)/2), 2], arg.range)
#         compute_ByyB(
#           value = as_complex(matrix(B_id[,1], ncol = 2)),
#           B = B_id[1:(nrow(B_id)/2), -(1:2)], A)
#       })
#       ByyB <- matrix( rowSums(ByyB), ncol = ncol(B) )
#     }
#   } else {
#     # -> smoothed.cov == TRUE
#     # ==> no distinction between regular and irregular design needed
#     # use a PACE-type procedure generalizing the 
#     # Cederbaum, Scheipl, Greven (2016): Fast symmetric additive covariance smoothing
#     # to complex covariance matrices
#     require(mgcv)
#     if(!is.numeric(.arg)) 
#       stop("If 'smoothed.cov = TRUE', the arg variable in the formula has to be numeric.")
#     # we model the part of E[Conj(y(t1))y(t2)] where t1 < t2 
#     # assuming that the time points are ordered
#     cresponse <- as_shape_frame_complex(mod0_data)
#     cov_dat <- lapply(split(cresponse, cresponse[[av["id"]]]), function(x) {
#       combs <- combn(1:nrow(x), 2)
#       data.frame(
#         yy = x[[av["value"]]][combs[1,]] * Conj(x[[av["value"]]][combs[2,]]), 
#         arg1 = x[[av["arg"]]][combs[1,]],
#         arg2 = x[[av["arg"]]][combs[2,]]
#       )
#     })
#     cov_dat <- do.call(rbind, cov_dat)
#     cov_fit_re <- bam( Re(yy) ~ s(arg1, arg2, bs = "sps", k = cov.k, 
#                                   xt = list(cyclic = cyclic)), 
#                        data = cov_dat, knots = list(arg1 = arg.range) )
#     cov_fit_im <- bam( Im(yy) ~ -1 + s(arg1, arg2, bs = "sps", k = cov.k,  
#                                        xt = list(skew = TRUE, cyclic = cyclic)), 
#                        data = cov_dat, knots = list(arg1 = arg.range ) )
#     # predict smoothed covariance
#     cov_dat <- expand.grid(arg1 = arg.grid, arg2 = arg.grid)
#     yy <- matrix( complex(
#       real = predict(cov_fit_re, newdata = cov_dat),
#       imaginary = predict(cov_fit_im, newdata = cov_dat) ), 
#       ncol = length(arg.grid))
#     ByyB <- compute_ByyB(yy = yy, B = B.grid, int.weights = A)
#   }
#   ### compute matrix R = BB
#   if(is.null(A)) 
#     R <- crossprod(B.grid) else {
#       if(is.null(dim(A))) 
#         R <- crossprod(B.grid, A * B.grid) else {
#           R <- crossprod(B.grid, A %*% B.grid)
#         }
#     }
#   R <- as.matrix(R)
#   ### Compute leading eigenvector
#   ei <- eigen(as.matrix(solve(R)) %*% ByyB)
#   pole_coefs = ei$vectors[,1]
#   #### Prepare output
#   if(is.array(response)) {
#     pole_ <- B %*% pole_coefs
#   } else {
#     dim1 <- .dim == unique(.dim)[1]
#     pole_ <- B[dim1, ] %*% pole_coefs
#   }
#   if(mfboost.return) {
#     ### return pole_ (together with pole_ coefficients and tangent space)
#     tangent_basis <- complex2realmat(Null(R %*% cbind(pole_coefs, 1)))
#     tangent <- function( bl ) btrafo(bl, tangent_basis )
#     # pole_X <- complex2realmat(pole_)
#     # tangent <- function( bl ) bl %-% buser(pole_X)
#     pole_ <- if(is.array(response)) 
#       lapply(seq_len(dim(response)[3]), function(i) pole_) else {
#         if(!exists("cresponse")) 
#           cresponse <- as_shape_frame_complex(data)
#         # keep id arrangement  
#         ids <- cresponse[[nameid]]
#         ids <- ordered(ids, levels = unique(ids))
#         split(pole_, ids)
#       }
#     attr(pole_, "tangent") <- tangent
#   } else {
#     ### return pole_ (together with pole_ coefficients and tangent space)
#     pole_ <- if(is.array(response)) cbind(Re(pole_), Im(pole_)) else {
#       if(!exists("cresponse")) cresponse <- as_shape_frame_complex(mod0_data)
#       cresponse[[av["value"]]] <- pole_
#       as_shape_frame_long(cresponse)
#     }
#   }
#   pole_
# } # planarshape_full_proc
Almond-S/manifoldboost documentation built on June 23, 2022, 11:06 a.m.