
is.tt <- function(x) {
    inherits(x, "tt")

is.qca <- function(x) {
    inherits(x, "qca")

is.pof <- function(x) {
    inherits(x, "pof")

is.DeMorgan <- function(x) {
    inherits(x, "DeMorgan")

print.tt <- function(x, ...) {

    other.args <- list(...)
    PRI <- x$PRI
    if ("PRI" %in% names(other.args)) {
        if (is.logical(other.args$PRI)) {
            PRI <- other.args$PRI[1] # [1] just to make sure only the first value is taken, should someone by mistake provide a vector

    if (nrow(x$tt) > 1024) {
        cat(paste("Warning: The truth table is too large (", nrow(x$tt), " rows). ",
                  "Printing it on the screen is impractical.\n         ",
                  "N.B.: You can still use its internal components (see ?str).", "\n\n", sep=""))
    else {
        rownames(x$tt) <- paste(format(as.numeric(rownames(x$tt))), "")
        nofexo.facs <- length(x$noflevels)
        names.mydata <- colnames(x$recoded.data)[seq(nofexo.facs + 1)]
        cat("\n", sep="")

        if (!all(names(x$tt)[seq(nofexo.facs)] %in% names(x$recoded.data)[seq(nofexo.facs)])) {
            for (i in seq(nofexo.facs)) {
                cat("    ", paste(names(x$tt)[i], ": ", sep=""), names.mydata[i], "\n", sep="")

        inclusion <- x$tt[, "incl"]
        missincl <- x$tt[, "incl"] == "-"
        x$tt[!missincl, "incl"] <- formatC(as.numeric(inclusion[!missincl]), digits=3, format="f")

        if (PRI) {
            pri <- x$tt[, "PRI"]
            misspri <- x$tt[, "PRI"] == "-"
            x$tt[!misspri, "PRI"] <- formatC(as.numeric(pri[!misspri]), digits=3, format="f")
        else {
            x$tt$PRI <- NULL # get rid of the PRI column

        if (any(names(x$tt) == "pval1")) {
            pvalues1 <- x$tt[, "pval1"]
            pvalues0 <- x$tt[, "pval0"]
            miss.pvalues1 <- x$tt[, "pval1"] == "-"
            miss.pvalues0 <- x$tt[, "pval0"] == "-"
            x$tt[!miss.pvalues1, "pval1"] <- formatC(as.numeric(pvalues1[!miss.pvalues1]), digits=3, format="f")
            x$tt[!miss.pvalues0, "pval0"] <- formatC(as.numeric(pvalues0[!miss.pvalues0]), digits=3, format="f")

        if (any(missincl)) {
            x$tt[missincl, "incl"] <- "  -"

        if (PRI) {
            if (any(misspri)) {
                x$tt[misspri, "PRI"] <- "  -"

        cat("  OUT: output function value\n")
        cat("    n: number of cases in minterm\n")
        cat(" incl: sufficiency inclusion score\n")
        if (any(names(x$tt) == "pval1")) {
            cat(paste("pval1: p-value inclusion < ", x$incl.cut1, "\n", sep=""))
            cat(paste("pval0: p-value inclusion > ", x$incl.cut0, "\n", sep=""))


        if (all(x$tt$OUT == 0)) {
            cat("All output function values are negative.")


print.pic <- function(x, ...) {
    mtrx2 <- x[[1]]
    rownames(mtrx2) <- paste(rownames(mtrx2), "")
    colnames(mtrx2) <- format(colnames(mtrx2), width=2)
    mtrx2[x[[1]]]  <- "x"
    mtrx2[!x[[1]]] <- "-"

print.qca <- function(x, ...) {

    other.args <- list(...)
    details <- x$opts$details
    if (grepl("[{]", x$tt$outcome)) {
        outcome <- unlist(strsplit(x$tt$outcome, split = ""))
        outcome.value <- as.numeric(outcome[which(outcome == "{") + 1])
        outcome <- paste(outcome[seq(1, which(outcome == "{") - 1)], collapse="")

        if (x$opts$neg.out) {
            noflevels <- seq(max(x$tt$initial.data[, outcome]) + 1) - 1
            noflevels <- paste(noflevels[-which(noflevels == outcome.value)], collapse = ",")
            outcome <- paste0(outcome, "{", noflevels, "}")
        else {
            outcome <- x$tt$outcome

        if (any(x$opts$minimize != 1)) {
            outcome <- ""
    else {
        outcome <- ifelse(any(x$opts$minimize == 1), ifelse(x$opts$neg.out, tolower(x$tt$outcome), toupper(x$tt$outcome)), "")

    if ("show.cases" %in% names(other.args)) {
        if (is.logical(other.args$show.cases)) {
            x$opts$show.cases <- other.args$show.cases

    mqca <- FALSE
    if ("mqca" %in% names(other.args)) {
        if (is.logical(other.args$mqca)) {
            mqca <- other.args$mqca

    if (!x$opts$show.cases) {
        if ("cases" %in% names(x$IC$incl.cov)) {
            x$IC$incl.cov$cases <- NULL

    PRI <- FALSE
    if ("PRI" %in% names(other.args)) {
        if (is.logical(other.args$PRI)) {
            PRI <- other.args$PRI[1] # [1] just to make sure only the first value is taken, should someone by mistake provide a vector

    if ("PRI" %in% names(x$opts)) {
        if (is.logical(x$opts$PRI)) {
            PRI <- x$opts$PRI[1]

    if ("details" %in% names(other.args)) {
        if (is.logical(other.args$details)) {
            details <- other.args$details
            x$opts$details <- details

    else {
        nofexo.facs <- length(x$tt$noflevels)
        if (!all(names(x$tt$tt)[seq(nofexo.facs)] %in% names(x$tt$recoded.data)[seq(nofexo.facs)]) & x$opts$use.letters) {
            names.mydata <- colnames(x$tt$recoded.data)[seq(nofexo.facs + 1)]
            for (i in seq(nofexo.facs)) {
                cat(paste(names(x$tt$tt)[i], ": ", sep=""), names.mydata[i], "\n", sep="")

    if (details) {
        cat("n OUT = 1/0/C:", paste(x$numbers[1:3], collapse="/"), "\n")
        cat("  Total      :", x$numbers[4], "\n")

    if (!mqca) {

    if ("i.sol" %in% names(x)) {

        sufnec <- valid.solution <- vector(length = length(x$i.sol))

        for (i in seq(length(x$i.sol))) {
            if ("overall" %in% names(x$i.sol[[i]]$IC)) {
                sufnec[i] <- all(x$i.sol[[i]]$IC$overall$sol.incl.cov[c(1, 3)] >= x$tt$incl.cut1)
            else {
                sufnec[i] <- all(x$i.sol[[i]]$IC$sol.incl.cov[c(1, 3)] >= x$tt$incl.cut1)

            valid.solution[i] <- x$relation == "suf"

            if (x$relation == "sufnec" & sufnec[i]) {
                valid.solution[i] <- TRUE

        if (any(valid.solution)) {

            x$i.sol <- x$i.sol[valid.solution]
            sufnec <- sufnec[valid.solution]

            sufnec.char <- rep("", length(sufnec))

            for (i in seq(length(x$i.sol))) {

                cat(paste(ifelse(i > 1, "\n", ""), "p.sol: ", sep=""))
                cat(prettyString(x$i.sol[[i]]$p.sol, getOption("width") - 7, 7, "+"))

                if (x$opts$show.cases & x$opts$details) {
                    PIchart <- x$i.sol[[i]]$PIchart[[1]]
                    PIchart <- PIchart[rownames(PIchart) %in% unique(unlist(x$i.sol[[i]]$solution[[1]])), , drop=FALSE]
                    mult.cov <- ifelse(any(colSums(PIchart) > 1), length(unlist(lapply(x$inputcases[colSums(PIchart) > 1], strsplit, split=","))), 0)
                    cat("\nNumber of multiple-covered cases:", mult.cov, "\n")

                if (!mqca) {

                for (sol in seq(length(x$i.sol[[i]]$solution))) {
                    prettyNums <- formatC(seq(length(x$i.sol[[i]]$solution)), digits = nchar(length(x$i.sol[[i]]$solution)) - 1, flag = 0)
                    preamble <- paste("M", prettyNums[sol], ": ", sep="")
                    preamble <- paste(preamble, paste(rep(" ", 7 - nchar(preamble)), collapse=""), sep="")

                    xsol <- x$i.sol[[i]]$solution[[sol]]
                    sufnec.char[i] <- paste(ifelse(sufnec[i], "<", ""), "=>", sep="")

                    if (length(x$i.sol[[i]]$essential) > 0) {
                        xsol <- xsol[!xsol %in% x$i.sol[[i]]$essential]
                        xsol <- paste(paste(sortVector(x$i.sol[[i]]$essential), collapse="#"), ifelse(length(xsol) > 0, paste("#(", paste(xsol, collapse="#"), ")", sep=""), ""), sep="")
                        cat(prettyString(unlist(strsplit(xsol, split="#")), getOption("width") - 7, 7, "+", sufnec.char[i], outcome), "\n")
                    else {
                        cat(prettyString(x$i.sol[[i]]$solution[[sol]], getOption("width") - 7, 7, "+", sufnec.char[i], outcome), "\n")

                if (x$opts$details) {
                    print.pof(x$i.sol[[i]]$IC, PRI = PRI, show.cases = x$opts$show.cases)
                else {

        else {
            cat(paste("No single intermediate solution is both sufficient and necessary.\n\n", sep=""))


    else { # no intermediate solutions, just regular ones

        if (x$opts$show.cases & !mqca & x$opts$details) {
            PIchart <- x$PIchart[[1]]

            PIchart <- PIchart[rownames(PIchart) %in% unique(unlist(x$solution[[1]])), , drop=FALSE]
            mult.cov <- ifelse(any(colSums(PIchart) > 1), length(unlist(lapply(x$inputcases[colSums(PIchart) > 1], strsplit, split=","))), 0)
            cat("Number of multiple-covered cases:", mult.cov, "\n\n")

        if (length(x$solution) == 1) {
            sufnec <- all(x$IC$sol.incl.cov[c(1, 3)] >= x$tt$incl.cut1)
            valid.solution <- x$relation == "suf"
            if (x$relation == "sufnec" & sufnec) {
                valid.solution <- TRUE

            if (valid.solution) {
                sufnec <- paste0(ifelse(sufnec, "<", ""), "=>")
                cat(paste("M1: ", prettyString(x$solution[[1]], getOption("width") - 4, 4, "+", sufnec, outcome), sep=""))
                if (x$opts$details) {
            else {
                cat(paste("There is no solution for outcome \"", ifelse(x$opts$neg.out, tolower(x$tt$outcome), toupper(x$tt$outcome)), "\".", sep=""))

        else {

            # there is an "overall" and an "individual" component to IC
            prettyNums <- formatC(seq(length(x$solution)), digits = nchar(length(x$solution)) - 1, flag = 0)

            sufnec <- valid.solution <- vector(length = length(x$solution))

            for (i in seq(length(x$solution))) {
                sufnec[i] <- all(x$IC$individual[[i]]$sol.incl.cov[c(1, 3)] >= x$tt$incl.cut1)
                valid.solution[i] <- x$relation == "suf"
                if (x$relation == "sufnec" & sufnec[i]) {
                    valid.solution[i] <- TRUE

            index <- which(valid.solution == TRUE)

            if (any(valid.solution)) {
                x$solution <- x$solution[valid.solution]
                sufnec <- sufnec[valid.solution]

                sufnec.char <- rep("", length(sufnec))

                for (i in seq_along(index)) {
                    cat(paste0("M", prettyNums[index[i]], ": "))
                    xsol <- x$solution[[i]]
                    sufnec.char[i] <- paste(ifelse(sufnec[i], "<", ""), "=>", sep="")
                    if (length(x$essential) > 0) {
                        xsol <- xsol[!xsol %in% x$essential]
                        xsol <- paste(paste(sortVector(x$essential), collapse="#"), ifelse(length(xsol) > 0, paste("#(", paste(xsol, collapse="#"), ")", sep=""), ""), sep="")
                        cat(prettyString(unlist(strsplit(xsol, split="#")), getOption("width") - nchar(prettyNums[i]) - 3, nchar(prettyNums[i]) + 3, "+", sufnec.char[i], outcome), "\n")
                    else {
                        cat(prettyString(x$solution[[i]], getOption("width") - nchar(prettyNums[i]) - 3, nchar(prettyNums[i]) + 3, "+", sufnec.char[i], outcome), "\n")

            else {
                cat(paste("There is no solution for outcome \"", ifelse(x$opts$neg.out, tolower(x$tt$outcome), toupper(x$tt$outcome)), "\".\n", sep=""))

            if (!mqca) {

        if (x$opts$details) {
            print.pof(x$IC, PRI = PRI, show.cases = x$opts$show.cases)

    if (!x$opts$details) {

print.pof <- function(x, ...) {

    essential.PIs <- NULL
    if ("essential" %in% names(x)) {
        essential.PIs <- x$essential
    essentials <- length(essential.PIs) > 0

    overall <- FALSE
    if ("overall" %in% names(x)) {
        overall <- TRUE
    cases.column <- sol.exists <- FALSE
    max.nchar.cases <- 0
    line.length <- getOption("width")
    valid.cov.u <- TRUE

    other.args <- list(...)
    PRI <- FALSE
    if ("PRI" %in% names(other.args)) {
        if (is.logical(other.args$PRI)) {
            PRI <- other.args$PRI[1] # [1] just to make sure only the first value is taken, should someone by mistake provide a vector

    if ("PRI" %in% names(x)) {
        if (is.logical(x$PRI)) {
            PRI <- other.args$PRI[1]

    if ("show.cases" %in% names(other.args)) {
        if (is.logical(other.args$show.cases)) {
            x$opts$show.cases <- other.args$show.cases

    if (overall) {

        incl.cov <- x$overall$incl.cov

        if (!PRI) {
             # get rid of the PRI column, not print it on the screen
            incl.cov <- incl.cov[, -grep("PRI", colnames(incl.cov))]

        nrow.incl.cov <- nrow(incl.cov)
        nchar.nrow <- nchar(nrow.incl.cov)
        ind.len <- length(x$individual)

        if (essentials) {
            essential.PIs.rows <- rownames(incl.cov) %in% essential.PIs

        if (x$opts$show.cases) {
            max.nchar.cases <- max(nchar(incl.cov$cases))
            cases.column <- TRUE
            incl.cov.cases <- incl.cov$cases
            incl.cov$cases <- NULL
            if (essentials) {
                incl.cov.e.cases <- incl.cov.cases[essential.PIs.rows]
                incl.cov.cases <- incl.cov.cases[!essential.PIs.rows]
        else {
            incl.cov$cases <- NULL

        prettyNums <- format(seq(nrow.incl.cov))
        for (i in seq(ncol(incl.cov))) {
            NAs <- is.na(incl.cov[, i])
            incl.cov[!NAs, i] <- formatC(incl.cov[!NAs, i], digits=3, format="f")
            incl.cov[NAs, i] <- "  -  "

        colnames(incl.cov) <- format(colnames(incl.cov))
        if (essentials) {
            which.essential <- seq(length(which(essential.PIs.rows)))
            prettyNums.e <- prettyNums[which.essential]
            prettyNums <- prettyNums[-which.essential]
            incl.cov.e <- incl.cov[essential.PIs.rows, , drop=FALSE]
            incl.cov <- incl.cov[!essential.PIs.rows, , drop=FALSE]
            for (i in seq(ind.len)) {
                unique.coverages <- formatC(x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov$cov.u[rownames(x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov) %in% essential.PIs], digits=3, format="f")
                incl.cov.e <- cbind(incl.cov.e, S=unique.coverages, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov <- x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov[!rownames(x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov) %in% essential.PIs, ]

        for (i in seq(ind.len)) {
            incl.cov <- cbind(incl.cov, "     ", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            colnames(incl.cov)[ncol(incl.cov)] <- format(ifelse(ind.len < line.length, paste("(M", i, ")", sep=""), paste("M", i, sep="")), width=5)
            if (length(x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov$cov.u) > 0) {
                incl.cov[rownames(x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov), ncol(incl.cov)] <- formatC(x$individual[[i]]$incl.cov$cov.u, digits=3, format="f")

        sol.incl.cov <- matrix(unlist(lapply(x$individual, "[", "sol.incl.cov")),
                               nrow=length(x$individual), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

        rownames(sol.incl.cov) <- paste("M", seq(length(x$individual)), sep="")

        if (!PRI) {
            sol.incl.cov <- sol.incl.cov[, -2, drop=FALSE]
        sol.exists <- TRUE

    else {
        incl.cov <- x$incl.cov

        if (!PRI) {
             # get rid of the PRI column, not print it on the screen
            incl.cov <- incl.cov[, -grep("PRI", colnames(incl.cov)), drop=FALSE]

        #if (x$relation  %in% c("sufficiency", "suf")) {
        #    if (sum(as.numeric(incl.cov[, "cov.u"])) == 0) {
        #        valid.cov.u <- FALSE
        #        incl.cov <- incl.cov[, -which(colnames(incl.cov) == "cov.u")]
        #    }

        nrow.incl.cov <- nrow(incl.cov)
        nchar.nrow <- nchar(nrow.incl.cov)
        prettyNums <- format(seq(nrow.incl.cov))
        incl.cov[incl.cov == "  NA"] <- "     "
        colnames(incl.cov) <- format(colnames(incl.cov))

        if (x$opts$show.cases) {
            max.nchar.cases <- max(5, max(nchar(incl.cov$cases))) # 5 is the number of chars from column name "cases"
            cases.column <- TRUE
            incl.cov.cases <- incl.cov$cases
            incl.cov$cases <- NULL
        else {
            incl.cov$cases <- NULL

        for (i in seq(ncol(incl.cov))) {
            NAs <- is.na(incl.cov[, i])
            incl.cov[!NAs, i] <- formatC(incl.cov[!NAs, i], digits=3, format="f")
            incl.cov[NAs, i] <- "  -  "

        if ("sol.incl.cov" %in% names(x)) {
            sol.incl.cov <- t(as.matrix(x$sol.incl.cov))
            rownames(sol.incl.cov) <- "M1"
            sol.exists <- TRUE
            if (!PRI) {
                sol.incl.cov <- sol.incl.cov[ , -grep("PRI", colnames(sol.incl.cov)), drop=FALSE]

    if (is.null(rownames(incl.cov))) {
        rownames(incl.cov) <- rep("  ", nrow(incl.cov))

    nchar.rownames <- max(nchar(rownames(incl.cov)))
    if (nchar.rownames == 1) {
        nchar.rownames <- 2

    if (essentials) {
        nchar.rownames <- max(nchar.rownames, max(nchar(rownames(incl.cov.e))))
        rownames(incl.cov.e) <- format(rownames(incl.cov.e), width=max(2, nchar.rownames))

    if (x$relation %in% c("necessity", "nec")) {
        # incl.cov <- incl.cov[, seq(1, 2 + any(grepl("PRI", colnames(incl.cov)))), drop = FALSE]
        incl.cov <- incl.cov[, -which(colnames(incl.cov) == "cov.u"), drop = FALSE]

    rownames(incl.cov) <- format(rownames(incl.cov), width=max(2, nchar.rownames))
    if (sol.exists) {
        rownames(sol.incl.cov) <- format(rownames(sol.incl.cov), width=nchar.rownames)
        sol.incl.cov <- formatC(sol.incl.cov, digits=3, format="f")

    incl.cov[incl.cov == "  NA"] <- "  -  "

    max.chars <- 1
    if (x$relation %in% c("sufficiency", "suf")) {
        if (ncol(incl.cov) > (3 + any(grepl("PRI", colnames(incl.cov))))) {
            first.printed.row <- paste(c(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 25 - 7 * !PRI), rep("-", 7 * (ncol(incl.cov) - (2 + valid.cov.u) + !PRI) - 2)), collapse="")
            max.chars <- nchar(first.printed.row)

    if (max.chars < line.length) {

        if (cases.column) {
             # calculate the number of characters including the cases column
            max.chars <- max.nchar.cases

        sep.row <- paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + 7 * ncol(incl.cov) + ifelse(cases.column, max.nchar.cases, 0) + nchar.nrow), collapse="")

         # then compare again the max.chars with a "normal" length of a line
        if (nchar(sep.row) < line.length) {

            if (ncol(incl.cov) > (3 + any(grepl("PRI", colnames(incl.cov)))) & length(intersect(colnames(incl.cov), "pval1")) == 0) {
                cat(first.printed.row, "\n")
            else {

            colnames.row <- cat(paste(c(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), format(colnames(incl.cov))), collapse="  "))
            cat(paste(colnames.row, ifelse(cases.column, "  cases", ""), sep=""), "\n")

            sep.row <- paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + 7 * ncol(incl.cov) + ifelse(cases.column, max.nchar.cases + 2, 0) + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse="")
            cat(sep.row, "\n")
            if (essentials) {
                for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.e))) {
                    i.row <- paste(prettyNums.e[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.e)[i], incl.cov.e[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  ")
                    if (cases.column) {
                        i.row <- paste(i.row, incl.cov.e.cases[i], sep="  ")
                    cat(i.row, "\n")
                cat(sep.row, "\n")

            for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov))) {
                i.row <- paste(prettyNums[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov)[i], incl.cov[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  ")
                if (cases.column) {
                    i.row <- paste(i.row, incl.cov.cases[i], sep="  ")
                cat(i.row, "\n")
            cat(sep.row, "\n")

            if (sol.exists) {
                for (i in seq(nrow(sol.incl.cov))) {
                    cat(paste(paste(rep(" ", nchar.nrow), collapse=""), paste(c(rownames(sol.incl.cov)[i], sol.incl.cov[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  "), "\n")
        else {
             # the number of characters including the cases exceeds a normal length line
             # therefore the cases will be printed separately
            if (ncol(incl.cov) > (3 + any(grepl("PRI", colnames(incl.cov))))) {
                cat(first.printed.row, "\n")
            else {

            cat(paste(c(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), colnames(incl.cov)), collapse="  "), "\n")
            sep.row <- paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + 7 * ncol(incl.cov) + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse="")
            cat(sep.row, "\n")

            if (essentials) {
                for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.e))) {
                    cat(paste(prettyNums.e[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.e)[i], incl.cov.e[i, ]), collapse="  "), "\n"), sep="  ")
                cat(sep.row, "\n")

            for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov))) {
                cat(paste(prettyNums[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov)[i], incl.cov[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  "), "\n")
            cat(sep.row, "\n")

            if (sol.exists) {
                for (i in seq(nrow(sol.incl.cov))) {
                    cat(paste(paste(rep(" ", nchar.nrow), collapse = ""), paste(c(rownames(sol.incl.cov)[i], sol.incl.cov[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  "), "\n")

            if (cases.column) {
                cat("\n", paste(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), "cases"), "\n")
                cat(paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + 7 + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), "\n")

                if (essentials) {
                    for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.e))) {
                        cat(paste(prettyNums.e[i], paste(rownames(incl.cov.e)[i], " "), sep="  "))
                        cases <- unlist(strsplit(incl.cov.e.cases[i], split="; "))
                        cat(prettyString(cases, getOption("width") - nchar.rownames - nchar.nrow - 4, nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 4, ";", cases = TRUE))
                    cat(paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 9), collapse=""), "\n")

                for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov))) {
                    cat(paste(prettyNums[i], paste(rownames(incl.cov)[i], " "), sep="  "))
                    cases <- unlist(strsplit(incl.cov.cases[i], split="; "))
                    cat(prettyString(cases, getOption("width") - nchar.rownames - nchar.nrow - 4, nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 4, ";", cases = TRUE))

                cat(paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 9), collapse=""), "\n\n")
    else {

         # the number of characters from all columns exceed a normal length line
         # therefore the entire matrix will be printed on chunks of columns
        ncols <- floor((line.length - nchar.rownames)/7)
        chunks <- ceiling(ncol(incl.cov)/ncols)
        colsplits <- seq(1, ncol(incl.cov), by=ncols)

        #if (essentials) {
        #    incl.cov.e <- incl.cov.e[, seq(1, ncols)]

        for (chunk in seq(chunks)) {

            sel.cols <- seq(colsplits[chunk], ifelse(chunk == chunks, ncol(incl.cov), colsplits[chunk + 1] - 1))
            incl.cov.temp <- incl.cov[, sel.cols, drop = FALSE]

            if (essentials) {
                incl.cov.e.temp <- incl.cov.e[, sel.cols, drop = FALSE]

            if (chunk < chunks) {

                if (ncols > 3) { # quick'n'dirty hack to solve Mattia's printing error
                    cat(paste(c("\n", rep(ifelse(chunk == 1, " ", "-"), nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 18), rep("-", 7 * (ncols - 2) - 2)), collapse=""), "\n")

                cat(paste(c(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), colnames(incl.cov.temp)), collapse="  "), "\n")
                sep.row <- paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + 7 * ncol(incl.cov.temp) + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse="")
                cat(sep.row, "\n")

                if (essentials) {
                    for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.e.temp))) {
                        cat(paste(prettyNums.e[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.e.temp)[i], incl.cov.e.temp[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  "), "\n")
                    cat(sep.row, "\n")

                for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.temp))) {
                    cat(paste(prettyNums[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.temp)[i], incl.cov.temp[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  "), "\n")

                cat(sep.row, "\n")

                if (chunk == 1 & sol.exists) {
                    for (i in seq(nrow(sol.incl.cov))) {
                        cat(paste(paste(rep(" ", nchar.nrow), collapse = ""), paste(c(rownames(sol.incl.cov)[i], sol.incl.cov[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  "), "\n")
            else {
                max.chars <- nchar.rownames + 7 * ncol(incl.cov.temp) + nchar.nrow + 2
                sep.row <- paste(c(rep("-", max.chars)), collapse="")
                if (cases.column) {
                    max.chars <- max.chars + max.nchar.cases

                if (max.chars < line.length) {
                    cat(sep.row, "\n")

                    sep.row <- paste(sep.row, ifelse(cases.column, paste(rep("-", max.nchar.cases + 2), collapse=""), ""), sep="")

                    colnames.row <- paste(c(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), colnames(incl.cov.temp)), collapse="  ")
                    cat(paste(colnames.row, ifelse(cases.column, "  cases", ""), sep=""), "\n")

                    cat(sep.row, "\n")

                    if (essentials) {
                        for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.e.temp))) {
                            i.row <- paste(prettyNums.e[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.e.temp)[i], incl.cov.e.temp[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  ")
                            if (cases.column) {
                                i.row <- paste(i.row, incl.cov.e.cases[i], sep="  ")
                            cat(i.row, "\n")
                        cat(sep.row, "\n")

                    for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.temp))) {
                        i.row <- paste(prettyNums[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.temp)[i], incl.cov.temp[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  ")
                            if (cases.column) {
                                i.row <- paste(i.row, incl.cov.cases[i], sep="  ")
                        cat(i.row, "\n")

                    cat(sep.row, "\n")
                else {
                    cat(sep.row, "\n")

                    cat(paste(c(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), colnames(incl.cov.temp)), collapse="  "), "\n")

                    cat(sep.row, "\n")

                    if (essentials) {
                        for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.e.temp))) {
                            i.row <- paste(prettyNums.e[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.e.temp)[i], incl.cov.e.temp[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  ")
                            #if (cases.column) {
                            #    i.row <- paste(i.row, incl.cov.e.cases[i], sep="  ")
                            cat(i.row, "\n")
                        cat(sep.row, "\n")

                    for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.temp))) {
                        cat(paste(prettyNums[i], paste(c(rownames(incl.cov.temp)[i], incl.cov.temp[i, ]), collapse="  "), sep="  "), "\n")

                    cat(sep.row, "\n")

                    if (cases.column) {
                        cat("\n", paste(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 2), collapse=""), "cases"), "\n")
                        sep.row <- paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + nchar.nrow + 9), collapse="")
                        cat(sep.row, "\n")

                        if (essentials) {
                            for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.e.temp))) {
                                cat(paste(prettyNums[i], paste(rownames(incl.cov.e.temp)[i], " "), sep="  "))
                                cases <- unlist(strsplit(incl.cov.e.cases[i], split="; "))
                                cat(prettyString(cases, getOption("width") - nchar.rownames - 2, nchar.rownames + 2, ";", cases = TRUE))
                            cat(sep.row, "\n")

                        for (i in seq(nrow(incl.cov.temp))) {
                            cat(paste(prettyNums[i], paste(rownames(incl.cov.temp)[i], " "), sep="  "))
                            cases <- unlist(strsplit(incl.cov.cases[i], split="; "))
                            cat(prettyString(cases, getOption("width") - nchar.rownames - 2, nchar.rownames + 2, ";", cases = TRUE))
                        cat(sep.row, "\n")

print.fctr <- function(x, ...) {
    xprint <- function(fx, i.sol.name="", num="") {
         # fx is a list of length 1
         # its name is the name of the solution, collapsed with " + "
        cat(paste(i.sol.name, num, ": ", names(fx), sep=""), "\n\n")
        fx <- fx[[1]]

        if (is.null(fx)) {
            cat("No factorization possible.\n")
        else {
            for (i in seq(length(fx))) {
                prettyNumsFact <- formatC(seq(length(fx)), digits = nchar(length(fx)) - 1, flag = 0)
                cat(paste("F", prettyNumsFact[i], ": ", sep=""))
                flength <- nchar(prettyNumsFact[i]) + 3
                strvctr <- unlist(strsplit(fx[i], split=" + "))
                cat(prettyString(strvctr, getOption("width") - flength, flength, "+"), "\n")

    if (names(x)[1] == "i.sol") {
        for (isol in seq(length(x$i.sol))) {

            prettyNumsSol <- formatC(seq(length(x$i.sol[[isol]])), digits = nchar(length(x$i.sol[[isol]])) - 1, flag = 0)

            for (xf in seq(length(x$i.sol[[isol]]))) {
                xprint(x$i.sol[[isol]][xf], i.sol.name=names(x$i.sol)[isol], num=prettyNumsSol[xf])
    else {
        prettyNumsSol <- paste("M", formatC(seq(length(x)), digits = nchar(length(x)) - 1, flag = 0), sep="")
        for (i in seq(length(x))) {
            xprint(x[i], num=prettyNumsSol[i])


print.aE <- function(x, ...) {
    aE <- x$aE
    rownames(aE) <- format(seq.nrow <- seq(nrow(aE)))
    if (x$raw) {
        aE[aE >= 0] <- paste("", aE[aE >= 0])
    else {
        aE[aE < 0] <- " "

    for (i in seq.nrow) {
        cat(paste(c(rownames(aE)[i], aE[i, ]), collapse=ifelse(x$raw,"   ", "    ")), "\n")

print.mqca <- function(x, ...) {
    for (i in seq(length(x))) {
        print.qca(x[[i]], details = FALSE, mqca = TRUE)

print.DeMorgan <- function(x, ...) {

    other.args <- list(...)
    if ("or.split" %in% names(other.args)) {
        or.split <- other.args$or.split
    else {
        or.split <- "+"

    if (names(x)[1] == "S1") {
        prettyNums <- formatC(seq(length(x)), digits = nchar(length(x)) - 1, flag = 0)
        for (i in seq(length(x))) {
            preamble <- paste("S", prettyNums[i], ": ", sep="")
            cat(prettyString(paste(x[[i]][[1]], collapse = paste(" ", or.split, " ", sep="")), getOption("width") - nchar(preamble), nchar(preamble), or.split), "\n")
            cat(paste("N", prettyNums[i], ": ", sep=""))
            cat(prettyString(paste(x[[i]][[2]], collapse = paste(" ", or.split, " ", sep="")), getOption("width") - nchar(preamble), nchar(preamble), or.split), "\n\n")
    else {
        for (i in seq(length(x))) {
            prettyNums <- formatC(seq(length(x[[i]])), digits = nchar(length(x[[i]])) - 1, flag = 0)
            for (j in seq(length(x[[i]]))) {
                preamble <- paste(names(x)[i], "S", prettyNums[j], ": ", sep="")
                cat(prettyString(paste(x[[i]][[j]][[1]], collapse = paste(" ", or.split, " ", sep="")), getOption("width") - nchar(preamble), nchar(preamble), or.split), "\n")
                cat(paste(names(x)[i], "N", prettyNums[j], ": ", sep=""))
                cat(prettyString(paste(x[[i]][[j]][[2]], collapse = paste(" ", or.split, " ", sep="")), getOption("width") - nchar(preamble), nchar(preamble), or.split), "\n\n")


#`print.pims` <-
#function(x, ...) {
    #line.length <- floor(getOption("width")*0.95)
    #rownames(x) <- format(rownames(x))
    #x <- apply(x, 2, formatC, digits=3, format="f")
    #nchar.rownames <- nchar(rownames(x)[1])

    #for (i in seq(ncol(x))) {
    #    colnames(x)[i] <- format(colnames(x)[i], width=max(5, nchar(colnames(x)[i])))

    #sep.row <- paste(rep("-", nchar.rownames + ifelse(ncol(x) > 1, sum(nchar(colnames(x)[-ncol(x)])) + 2*(ncol(x) - 1), 0) + max(nchar(colnames(x)[ncol(x)]), 5) + 2), collapse="")
    #nchar.sep.row <- nchar(sep.row)
    #if (nchar.sep.row < line.length) {
    #    columns <- paste(colnames(x), collapse="  ")
    #    cat(paste(paste(rep(" ", nchar.rownames), collapse=""), columns, sep="  "), "\n")
    #    cat(sep.row, "\n")
    #    for (i in seq(nrow(x))) {
    #        catrow <- paste(rownames(x)[i], x[i, 1], sep="  ")
    #        if (ncol(x) > 1) {
    #            for (colno in seq(2, ncol(x))) {
    #                ncharcol <- nchar(colnames(x)[colno - 1])
    #                catrow <- paste(catrow, x[i, colno], sep=paste(rep(" ", max(2, ifelse(ncharcol > 5, ncharcol - 3, 0))), collapse=""))
    #            }
    #        }
    #        cat(catrow, "\n")
    #    }
    #    cat(sep.row, "\n")
    #else {
AlrikThiem/QCApro documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:55 a.m.