
#' Function aggreg
#'Splits a numeric vector or matrix into subsets, computes summary statistics for each, and returns the result in a convenient form.
#' @param x Numeric vector or matrix.
#' @param y Vector or matrix specifying the subsets to compute summary statistics for.
#' @param fun Function specifying the summary statistic to compute. If NULL (default), mean is calculated.
#' @param verbose Logical value specifying the verbocity of output. Defaults to F.
#' @param y.is.dummy Logical value specifying whether y is already dummy-coded and thus does not have to be converted. Defaults to F.
#' @param attr Logical value specifying whether subset-sizes should be added as an attribute of the returned result.
#' @details Splits a numeric vector or matrix into subsets, computes summary statistics for each, and returns the result in a convenient form.
#' @keywords modeling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' aggreg(x=1:10,y=c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5)))

aggreg <- function (x, y = NULL, fun = NULL, verbose = F, y.is.dummy = F, 
    attr = F) 
    if (is.null(fun)) 
        fun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = T)
    x = cbind(x)
    if (is.null(y)) 
        y = rep(1, dim(x)[1])
    y = cbind(y)
    x = cbind(x[, colSums(is.na(x)) < dim(x)[1]])
    y = cbind(y[, colSums(is.na(y)) < dim(y)[1]])
    z = (rowSums(is.na(x)) < dim(x)[2]) & (rowSums(is.na(y)) < 
    if (sum(z) < 2) 
        stop("less than two valid cases")
    x = cbind(x[z, ])
    y = cbind(y[z, ])
    if (dim(x)[2] == 1 & is.character(x)) {
        if (suppressWarnings(sum(is.na(as.numeric(x))) != sum(is.na(x)))) {
            if (verbose == T) 
                print("x is treated as a factor and translated to a dummy-matrix")
            x = sapply(unique(x), function(y) x == y)
    dummy = function(x, g = NULL, na.rm = TRUE) {
        n <- length(x)
        t <- table(x)
        l <- length(t)
        if (is.null(g)) {
            u <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = l)
            if (na.rm) {
                u[is.na(x), ] <- NA
            xlev <- as.factor(x)
            for (i in 1:n) {
                u[i, xlev[i]] <- 1
            colnames(u) <- names(t)
        else {
            u <- rep(0, n)
            xl <- as.factor(x)
            if (na.rm) {
                u[is.na(x)] <- NA
            for (i in 1:n) {
                u[i] <- xl[i] %in% g
    if (y.is.dummy == F) 
        if (dim(y)[2] == 1) 
            y = dummy(y)
        else {
            if (is.null(colnames(y))) 
                colnames(y) = 1:dim(y)[2]
            n = colnames(y)
            y = lapply(1:dim(y)[2], function(z) dummy(y[, z]))
            y = lapply(1:length(n), function(i) {
                colnames(y[[i]]) = paste(n[[i]], colnames(y[[i]]), 
                  sep = "_")
            y = do.call(cbind, y)
    typecast = function(x) {
        if (is.character(x)) {
            if (suppressWarnings(sum(is.na(as.numeric(x))) == 
                sum(is.na(x)))) {
            else {
        else {
    x = apply(x, 2, typecast)
    y = apply(y, 2, typecast)
    z = NULL
    n = NULL
    if (dim(y)[2] == 1) {
        if (verbose == T) {
        y = y[, 1]
        z = sapply(unique(y), function(subset) apply(rbind(x[y == 
            subset, ]), ifelse(dim(x)[2] == 1, 1, 2), fun))
        if (attr == T) 
            n = sapply(unique(y), function(subset) apply(rbind(x[y == 
                subset, ]), ifelse(dim(x)[2] == 1, 1, 2), function(x) sum(!is.na(x))))
    else {
        if (verbose == T) {
        z = sapply(colnames(y), function(subset) apply(rbind(x[y[, 
            subset] == 1, ]), ifelse(dim(x)[2] == 1, 1, 2), fun))
        if (attr == T) 
            n = sapply(colnames(y), function(subset) apply(rbind(x[y[, 
                subset] == 1, ]), ifelse(dim(x)[2] == 1, 1, 2), 
                function(x) sum(!is.na(x))))
    if (attr == T) {
        attr(z, "n") = n
AndreasFischer1985/quantqual documentation built on June 20, 2022, 4:55 p.m.