
Defines functions groupMetricsML

Documented in groupMetricsML

#' Calculate maximum likelihood based measures of dispersion of bivariate data
#' This function loops over each group within each community and calculates the 
#' convex hull total area, Standard Ellipse Area (SEA) and its corresponding 
#' small sample size corrected version SEAc based on the maximum likelihood 
#' estimates of the means and covariance matrices of each group.
#' @param siber a siber object as created by createSiberObject.
#' @return A 3 x m matrix of the 6 Layman metrics of dX_range, dY_range, TA, 
#' CD, MNND and SDNND in rows, where each column is a different group nested
#' within a community.
#' @examples
#' data(demo.siber.data)
#' my.siber.data <- createSiberObject(demo.siber.data)
#' groupMetricsML(my.siber.data)
#' @export

groupMetricsML <- function(siber){
  # prepare a matrix for storing the results.
  # Each column is a group. Each row a different metric
  # community / group naming by looping over communites and pasting on the 
  # correct group names within that community.
  tmp.names <- NULL
  for (i in 1:siber$n.communities){
    tmp.names <- c(tmp.names, 
                         siber$group.names[[i]], sep = ".")

  # prepare matrix for storing results.
  out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = sum(siber$n.groups[2,]),
                dimnames = list(c("TA", "SEA", "SEAc"), tmp.names)
  cnt <- 1
  for (i in 1:siber$n.communities){
    for (j in 1:siber$n.groups[2,i]){
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # Calculate the SEA and SEAc on the jth group in the ith community
      tmp.SEA <- sigmaSEA(siber$ML.cov[[i]][,,j])
      out["SEA", cnt] <- tmp.SEA$SEA
      # extract the sample size for this group
      n <- siber$sample.sizes[i,paste(siber$group.names[[i]][j])]
      out["SEAc", cnt] <- tmp.SEA$SEA * (n - 1) / ( n - 2) 
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # calculate the hull area around the jth group in the 
      # ith community
      # find the indices for the jth group
      idx <- siber$raw.data[[i]]$group == siber$group.names[[i]][j]
      ch <- siberConvexhull( siber$raw.data[[i]][idx, 1], 
                              siber$raw.data[[i]][idx, 2])
      out["TA",cnt] <- ch$TA
      # update the counter to keep track of which column we are in.
      cnt <- cnt + 1
AndrewLJackson/SIBER documentation built on June 7, 2024, 3:21 a.m.