
Defines functions axTicks.Date Zodiac LastDayOfMonth DiffDays360 as.Date.ym print.ym as.ym Year.ym YearDay YearMonth Timezone Second Minute Hour Now Today CountWorkDays Day Week Month.default Month.ym Month IsLeapYear Year.default Year IsWeekend IsDate SecToHms HmsToSec HmsToMinute

Documented in as.Date.ym as.ym axTicks.Date CountWorkDays Day DiffDays360 HmsToMinute HmsToSec Hour IsDate IsLeapYear IsWeekend LastDayOfMonth Minute Month Month.ym Now Second SecToHms Timezone Today Week Year YearDay YearMonth Year.ym Zodiac

## Date functions  ====

# fastPOSIXct <- function(x, tz=NULL, required.components = 3L)
#   .POSIXct(if (is.character(x)) .Call("parse_ts", x, required.components) else .Call("parse_ts", as.character(x), required.components), tz)

HmsToMinute <- function(x){
  Hour(x)*60 + Minute(x) + Second(x)/60

HmsToSec <- function(x) {
  hms <- as.character(x)
  z <- sapply(data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(hms, ":"))),
              function(x) { as.numeric(as.character(x)) })
  z[,1] * 3600 + z[,2] * 60 + z[,3]

SecToHms <- function(x, digits=NULL) {
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  h <- floor(x/3600)
  m <- floor((x-h*3600)/60)
  s <- floor(x-(m*60 + h*3600))
  b <- x-(s + m*60 + h*3600)
  if(is.null(digits)) digits <- ifelse(all(b < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)),0, 2)
  if(digits==0) f <- "" else f <- gettextf(paste(".%0", digits, "d", sep=""), round(b*10^digits, 0))
  gettextf("%02d:%02d:%02d%s", h, m, s, f)

IsDate <- function(x, what=c('either','both','timeVaries')) {
  what <- match.arg(what)
  cl <- class(x) # was oldClass 22jun03
  if(!length(cl)) return(FALSE)
  dc <- c('POSIXt','POSIXct','dates','times','chron','Date')
  dtc <- c('POSIXt','POSIXct','chron')
         either = any(cl %in% dc),
         both = any(cl %in% dtc),
         timeVaries = {
           # original: if('chron' %in% cl || !.R.) { ### chron or S+ timeDate
           if('chron' %in% cl) { # chron ok, but who cares about S+?
             y <- as.numeric(x)
             length(unique(round(y - floor(y), 13L))) > 1
           } else {
             length(unique(format(x, '%H%M%S'))) > 1

IsWeekend <- function(x) {
  x <- as.POSIXlt(x)
  x$wday > 5L | x$wday < 1L

Year <-  function(x){

Year.default <- function(x){ as.POSIXlt(x)$year + 1900L }

IsLeapYear <- function(x){
    x <- Year(as.Date(x))
  ifelse(x %% 100L == 0L, x %% 400L == 0L, x %% 4L == 0L)

Month <- function(x, fmt = c("m", "mm", "mmm"), 
                  lang = DescToolsOptions("lang"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) {

Month.ym <- function(x, fmt = c("m", "mm", "mmm"), 
                     lang = DescToolsOptions("lang"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) {
  # unclass(x - Year(x) * 100)   
  x <- as.Date(x)

Month.default <- function(x, fmt = c("m", "mm", "mmm"), 
                          lang = DescToolsOptions("lang"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) {
  res <- as.POSIXlt(x)$mon + 1L
  switch(match.arg(arg = fmt, choices = c("m", "mm", "mmm")),
         m = { res },
         mm = {
           # res <- as.integer(format(x, "%m"))
           switch(match.arg(arg = lang, choices = c("local", "engl")),
                  local = {
                    # months in current locale:  format(ISOdate(2000, 1:12, 1), "%b")
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1L:12L, labels=format(ISOdate(2000L, 1L:12L, 1L), "%b"))
                  engl = {
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1L:12L, labels=month.abb)
           if(!stringsAsFactors) res <- as.character(res)
         mmm = {
           # res <- as.integer(format(x, "%m"))
           switch(match.arg(arg = lang, choices = c("local", "engl")),
                  local = {
                    # months in current locale:  format(ISOdate(2000, 1:12, 1), "%b")
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1L:12L, labels=format(ISOdate(2000L, 1L:12L, 1L), "%B"))
                  engl = {
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1L:12L, labels=month.name)
           if(!stringsAsFactors) res <- as.character(res)

Week <- function(x, method = c("iso", "us")){
  # cast x to date, such as being able to handle POSIX-Dates automatically
  x <- as.Date(x)
  method <- match.arg(method, c("iso", "us"))
         "iso" = {
           #??? fast implementation in lubridate:
           #       xday <- ISOdate(year(x), month(x), day(x), tz = tz(x))
           #       dn <- 1 + (wday(x) + 5)%%7
           #       nth <- xday + ddays(4 - dn)
           #       jan1 <- ISOdate(year(nth), 1, 1, tz = tz(x))
           #       1 + (nth - jan1)%/%ddays(7)
           # The weeknumber is the number of weeks between the
           # first thursday of the year and the thursday in the target week
           # der Donnerstag in der Zielwoche
           #       x.y <- Year(x)
           #       x.weekday <- Weekday(x)
           #       x.thursday <- (x - x.weekday + 4)
           #       # der erste Donnerstag des Jahres
           #       jan1.weekday <- Weekday(as.Date(paste(x.y, "01-01", sep="-")))
           #       first.thursday <- as.Date(paste(x.y, "01", (5 + 7*(jan1.weekday > 4) - jan1.weekday), sep="-"))
           #       wn <- (as.integer(x.thursday - first.thursday) %/% 7) + 1 - ((x.weekday < 4) & (Year(x.thursday) != Year(first.thursday)))*52
           #       wn <- ifelse(wn == 0, Week(as.Date(paste(x.y-1, "12-31", sep="-"))), wn)
           z <- x + (3 - (as.POSIXlt(x)$wday + 6) %% 7)
           jan1 <- as.Date(paste(Year(z), "-01-01", sep=""))
           wn <- 1 + as.integer(z - jan1) %/% 7
           wn <- as.numeric(strftime(as.POSIXlt(x), format="%W"))

# Day <- function(x){ as.integer(format(as.Date(x), "%d") ) }
Day <- function(x){ as.POSIXlt(x)$mday }

# Accessor for Day, as defined by library(lubridate)
"Day<-" <- function(x, value) { x <- x + (value - Day(x)) }

Weekday <- function (x, fmt = c("d", "dd", "ddd"), lang = DescToolsOptions("lang"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) {
  # x <- as.Date(x)
  res <- as.POSIXlt(x)$wday
  res <- replace(res, res==0, 7)
  switch(match.arg(arg = fmt, choices = c("d", "dd", "ddd")),
         d = { res },
         dd = {
           # weekdays in current locale, Sunday : Saturday, format(ISOdate(2000, 1, 2:8), "%A")
           switch(match.arg(arg = lang, choices = c("local", "engl")),
                  local = {
                    # months in current locale:  format(ISOdate(2000, 1:12, 1), "%b")
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1:7, labels=format(ISOdate(2000, 1, 3:9), "%a"))
                  engl = {
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1:7, labels=day.abb)
           if(!stringsAsFactors) res <- as.character(res)
         ddd = {
           # weekdays in current locale, Sunday : Saturday, format(ISOdate(2000, 1, 2:8), "%A")
           switch(match.arg(arg = lang, choices = c("local", "engl")),
                  local = {
                    # months in current locale:  format(ISOdate(2000, 1:12, 1), "%b")
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1:7, labels=format(ISOdate(2000, 1, 3:9), "%A"))
                  engl = {
                    res <- ordered(res, levels=1:7, labels=day.name)
           if(!stringsAsFactors) res <- as.character(res)

CountWorkDays <- function(from, to, 
                          holiday=NULL, nonworkdays=c("Sat","Sun")) {
  .workDays <- function(from, to, 
                        holiday=NULL, nonworkdays=c("Sat","Sun")) {
    d <- as.integer(to - from)
    w <- (d %/% 7)
    res <- w * (7-length(nonworkdays)) + 
      sum(Weekday(seq(from + w*7,  to, 1), fmt="dd", lang="engl") %nin% nonworkdays)
      # count holidays in period
      h <- holiday[holiday %[]% c(from, to)]
      res <- res - sum(Weekday(h, fmt="dd", lang="engl") %nin% nonworkdays)
  ll <- Recycle(from=from, to=to)  
  res <- integer(attr(ll, "maxdim"))
  for(i in 1:attr(ll, "maxdim"))
    res[i] <- .workDays(ll$from[i], ll$to[i], holiday=holiday, nonworkdays=nonworkdays) 

Quarter <- function (x) {
  # Berechnet das Quartal eines Datums
  # y <- as.numeric( format( x, "%Y") )
  # paste(y, "Q", (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon)%/%3 + 1, sep = "")
  # old definition is counterintuitive...
  return((as.POSIXlt(x)$mon) %/% 3L + 1L)

Today <- function() Sys.Date()

Now <- function() Sys.time()

Hour <- function(x) {
  # strptime(x, "%H")

Minute <- function(x) {
  #  strptime(x, "%M")

Second <- function(x) {
  #  strptime(x, "%S")

Timezone <- function(x) {

YearMonth <- function(x){
  # returns the yearmonth representation of a date x
  x <- as.POSIXlt(x)
  return(as.ym((x$year + 1900L)*100L + x$mon + 1L))

YearWeek <- function (x, method = c("iso", "us")) {
  x <- as.POSIXlt(x)
  return((x$year + 1900L) * 100L + DescTools::Week(x, method=method))

YearDay <- function(x) {
  # return(as.integer(format(as.Date(x), "%j")))
  # As ?POSIXlt reveals, a $yday suffix to a POSIXlt date (or even a vector of such) 
  # will convert to day of year. 
  # Beware that POSIX counts Jan 1 as day 0, so you might want to add 1 to the result.
  return(as.POSIXlt(x)$yday + 1L)

Year.ym  <- function(x){  unclass(round((x/100)))   }

# define a new class ym ("yearmonth")
as.ym <- function(x){
  # expects a YYYYMM format
  res <- structure(as.integer(x), class = c("ym", "num"))
  res[!((y <- round(x/100)) %[]% c(1000, 3000) & 
          (x - y * 100) %[]% c(1, 12))]   <- NA_integer_

print.ym <- function(x, ...) {
  # do not print the class attributes
  print(unclass(x), ...)

as.Date.ym <- function(x, d=1, ...){
  as.Date(gsub("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", "\\1-\\2-\\3", 
               x*100 + d))

DiffDays360 <- function(start_d, end_d, method=c("eu","us")){
  # source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/360-day_calendar
  start_d <- as.Date(start_d)
  end_d <- as.Date(end_d)
  d1 <- Day(start_d)
  m1 <- Month(start_d)
  y1 <- Year(start_d)
  d2 <- Day(end_d)
  m2 <- Month(end_d)
  y2 <- Year(end_d)
  method = match.arg(method)
         "eu" = {
           if(Day(start_d)==31L) start_d <- start_d-1L
           if(Day(end_d)==31L) end_d <- end_d-1L
         , "us" ={
           if( (Day(start_d+1L)==1L & Month(start_d+1L)==3L) &
               (Day(end_d+1L)==1L & Month(end_d+1L)==3L)) d2 <- 30L
           if( d1==31L ||
               (Day(start_d+1L)==1L & Month(start_d+1L)==3L)) {
             d1 <- 30L
             if(d2==31L) d2 <- 30L
  return( (y2-y1)*360L + (m2-m1)*30L + d2-d1)

LastDayOfMonth <- function(x){
  z <- AddMonths(x, 1L)
  Day(z) <- 1L
  return(z - 1L)

YearDays <- function (x) {
  # return the number of days in the specific year of x
  x <- as.POSIXlt(x)
  x$mon[] <- x$mday[] <- x$sec[] <- x$min <- x$hour <- 0
  x$year <- x$year + 1
  return(as.POSIXlt(as.POSIXct(x))$yday + 1)

MonthDays <- function (x) {
  # return the number of days in the specific month of x
  x <- as.POSIXlt(x)
  x$mday[] <- x$sec[] <- x$min <- x$hour <- 0
  x$mon <- x$mon + 1

AddMonths <- function (x, n, ...) {

AddMonths.default <- function (x, n, ...) {
  .addMonths <- function (x, n) {
    # ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14169620/add-a-month-to-a-date
    # Author: Antonio
    # no ceiling
    res <- sapply(x, seq, by = paste(n, "months"), length = 2L)[2L,]
    # sapply kills the Date class, so recreate down the road
    # ceiling
    DescTools::Day(x) <- 1L
    res_c <- sapply(x, seq, by = paste(n + 1L, "months"), length = 2L)[2L,] - 1L
    # use ceiling in case of overlapping
    res <- pmin(res, res_c)
  x <- as.Date(x, ...)
  res <- mapply(.addMonths, x, n)
  # mapply (as sapply above) kills the Date class, so recreate here
  # and return res in the same class as x
  class(res) <- "Date"

AddMonths.ym <- function (x, n, ...) {
  .addMonths <- function (x, n) {
    if (x %[]% c(100001L, 999912L)) {
      # Author: Roland Rapold
      # YYYYMM
      y <- x %/% 100L
      m <- x - y * 100L
      res <- (y - 10L + ((m + n + 120L - 1L) %/% 12L)) * 100L +
        ((m + n + 120L - 1L) %% 12L) + 1L
    } else if (x %[]% c(10000101L, 99991231L)) {
      # YYYYMMDD
      res <- DescTools::AddMonths(x = as.Date(as.character(x), "%Y%m%d"), n = n)
      res <- DescTools::Year(res)*10000L + DescTools::Month(res)*100L + Day(res)
  res <- mapply(.addMonths, x, n)

Zodiac <- function(x, lang = c("engl","deu"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) {
  switch(match.arg(lang, choices=c("engl","deu"))
         , engl = {z <- c("Capricorn","Aquarius","Pisces","Aries","Taurus","Gemini","Cancer","Leo","Virgo","Libra","Scorpio","Sagittarius","Capricorn") }
         , deu =  {z <- c("Steinbock","Wassermann","Fische","Widder","Stier","Zwillinge","Krebs","Loewe","Jungfrau","Waage","Skorpion","Schuetze","Steinbock") }
  # i <- cut(DescTools::Month(x)*100 + DescTools::Day(x),
  #          breaks=c(0,120,218,320,420,520,621,722,822,923,1023,1122,1221,1231))
  i <- cut(DescTools::Month(x) * 100 + DescTools::Day(x), 
           breaks = c(0,120,218,320,420,520,621,722,823,922,1023,1122,1222,1231), 
           right=FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
    res <- i
    levels(res) <- z
  } else {
    res <- z[i]

axTicks.POSIXct <- function (side, x, at, format, labels = TRUE, ...) {
  # This is completely original R-code with one exception:
  # Not an axis is drawn but z are returned.
  mat <- missing(at) || is.null(at)
  if (!mat)
    x <- as.POSIXct(at)
  else x <- as.POSIXct(x)
  range <- par("usr")[if (side %% 2L)
    else 3L:4L]
  d <- range[2L] - range[1L]
  z <- c(range, x[is.finite(x)])
  attr(z, "tzone") <- attr(x, "tzone")
  if (d < 1.1 * 60) {
    sc <- 1
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%S"
  else if (d < 1.1 * 60 * 60) {
    sc <- 60
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%M:%S"
  else if (d < 1.1 * 60 * 60 * 24) {
    sc <- 60 * 60
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%H:%M"
  else if (d < 2 * 60 * 60 * 24) {
    sc <- 60 * 60
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%a %H:%M"
  else if (d < 7 * 60 * 60 * 24) {
    sc <- 60 * 60 * 24
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%a"
  else {
    sc <- 60 * 60 * 24
  if (d < 60 * 60 * 24 * 50) {
    zz <- pretty(z/sc)
    z <- zz * sc
    z <- .POSIXct(z, attr(x, "tzone"))
    if (sc == 60 * 60 * 24)
      z <- as.POSIXct(round(z, "days"))
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%b %d"
  else if (d < 1.1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) {
    z <- .POSIXct(z, attr(x, "tzone"))
    zz <- as.POSIXlt(z)
    zz$mday <- zz$wday <- zz$yday <- 1
    zz$isdst <- -1
    zz$hour <- zz$min <- zz$sec <- 0
    zz$mon <- pretty(zz$mon)
    m <- length(zz$mon)
    M <- 2 * m
    m <- rep.int(zz$year[1L], m)
    zz$year <- c(m, m + 1)
    zz <- lapply(zz, function(x) rep(x, length.out = M))
    zz <- .POSIXlt(zz, attr(x, "tzone"))
    z <- as.POSIXct(zz)
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%b"
  else {
    z <- .POSIXct(z, attr(x, "tzone"))
    zz <- as.POSIXlt(z)
    zz$mday <- zz$wday <- zz$yday <- 1
    zz$isdst <- -1
    zz$mon <- zz$hour <- zz$min <- zz$sec <- 0
    zz$year <- pretty(zz$year)
    M <- length(zz$year)
    zz <- lapply(zz, function(x) rep(x, length.out = M))
    z <- as.POSIXct(.POSIXlt(zz))
    if (missing(format))
      format <- "%Y"
  if (!mat)
    z <- x[is.finite(x)]
  keep <- z >= range[1L] & z <= range[2L]
  z <- z[keep]
  if (!is.logical(labels))
    labels <- labels[keep]
  else if (identical(labels, TRUE))
    labels <- format(z, format = format)
  else if (identical(labels, FALSE))
    labels <- rep("", length(z))
  # axis(side, at = z, labels = labels, ...)
  # return(list(at=z, labels=labels))

axTicks.Date <- function(side = 1, x, ...) {
  ##  This functions is almost a copy of axis.Date
  x <- as.Date(x)
  range <- par("usr")[if (side%%2)
    else 3:4L]
  range[1L] <- ceiling(range[1L])
  range[2L] <- floor(range[2L])
  d <- range[2L] - range[1L]
  z <- c(range, x[is.finite(x)])
  class(z) <- "Date"
  if (d < 7)
    format <- "%a"
  if (d < 100) {
    z <- structure(pretty(z), class = "Date")
    format <- "%b %d"
  else if (d < 1.1 * 365) {
    zz <- as.POSIXlt(z)
    zz$mday <- 1
    zz$mon <- pretty(zz$mon)
    m <- length(zz$mon)
    m <- rep.int(zz$year[1L], m)
    zz$year <- c(m, m + 1)
    z <- as.Date(zz)
    format <- "%b"
  else {
    zz <- as.POSIXlt(z)
    zz$mday <- 1
    zz$mon <- 0
    zz$year <- pretty(zz$year)
    z <- as.Date(zz)
    format <- "%Y"
  keep <- z >= range[1L] & z <= range[2L]
  z <- z[keep]
  z <- sort(unique(z))
  class(z) <- "Date"

AndriSignorell/DescTools documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 7:02 a.m.